
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


I take a bite of some spicy flatbread and feel my mouth water at the taste, this is some of the best food I have ever had. Everything is spicy except a few dishes and I am in love, I am certain this is my new favorite food. Braavos food doesn't even hold a candle when it comes to spice.

"I wasn't expecting to see the Lannister family sword on the hip of a Targaryen prince. Where exactly did you get it from?" Doran asks after I finished a mouthful of honeyed spiced ham, I drink some wine to clear my throat and feel everyone look at me. Man, he couldn't have picked the worst time to ask that, I was in the middle of chewing.

"A friend got it from a friend of there's and she gifted it to me. Something about it being ironic to be used against the original owners." Doran's eyes go wide.

"She gave you a sword worth an army because it is ironic for you to use it." I nod and he gives a smile but I can see the skepticism, he leaves me alone to eat and goes back to talking to Viserys. Arianne who is going to be Viserys wife has been looking between the two of us and he also noticed and clenched his jaw. I can't catch a break here in Dorne.

"You sure grew fast Eragon, last I saw you in Braavos you were barely up to my chest. Now you are almost a whole head taller than me." I look toward Elia who is across from me.

"Yea I hit a growth spurt." And potentially something to do with magic but I can't say that.

"How are you liking Dorne so far?" She asks and it seems the Martells put out good food just to torture me with conversation.

"It's beautiful." I look toward Rhaenys who is leaning on a hand and talking to Visenya. "Hot and dry from what I have seen, but it is very beautiful and I can't wait to see more of what it holds."

"That's nice, I am sure someone wouldn't mind showing you around the palace after ' trying out ' your sword." I feel my temple throb when she brings that back up, I should have worded it better and only embarrassed myself.

"Yea, I will make sure she has plenty of fun trying it out." I stab a slice of ham as I glare at my new rival, she turns and sees me looking and gives a small wave.

"Eragon." Mother's voice comes from my left and I turn to her with an earnest smile. "Behave, you have only been here a short while." I bite into the ham and groan.


"Wow it's light, not as heavy as I thought, and it's pretty long as well." Rhaenys holds Brightroar and swings it around and gives a few thrusts. She holds it in the dying light of the setting sun and squints her eyes. "I still think Dawn is a cooler sword though." She walks back toward me and aims it at the sheath and slowly pushes it in while closing the gap between us.

"What are you doing." She looks up from right Infront of me and gives a shy smile once more. She places the hand that was on the handle of the sword onto my chest and pushes it a few times.

"I felt it earlier when I stopped you, but you are toned, aren't you? You must train a lot to get muscles like these." I step back from her groping and give her an odd look, is she doing it on purpose or is it just how she is? "Oh relax I am not going to bite or anything, I am just curious about you." She rolls her eyes and sets her hands on her hips

"Sure, I didn't see you so curious about Viserys or anyone else." She purses her lips and looks over at a rack of spears.

"Viserys doesn't look like a wall of meat, you look like you train a lot and that got my attention. I train a lot as well and I wanted to see if you were interested since you are new here. I honestly don't have any bad intentions, I am not a whore who is looking to jump on a good-looking guy." She grabs the sides of her thin dress and pulls it against her stomach and it shows off her lithe figure. "See, I also am pretty built from training, Just not as much as you." She mumbles the last part and looks at my arms with envy.

I am glad I didn't make an assumption and say something rude, she is just looking for someone like her. Though Rhaenyra and Danny also train just as much as me you can't tell when they are in their dresses. They are not as lithe as Rhaenys and they have some softer curves, not that Rhaenys looks bad. Rhaenys looks good, the only person here I would say is close to her is Visenya and Visenya has her perks to her. But I haven't been here long and it was kept to just a family-type thing.

I ignored Arianne's looks because she will marry Viserys and nothing good will come from admiring her. She is off limits and that keeps things simple and I don't have to worry about Viserys catching me admiring her.

"That would be great actually, I look forward to it because I was worried about where I would be able to train. I am used to training at home back in Braavos or going out to challenge anyone with a sword on their hip on the streets." She smiles and turns to walk to the rack of spears.

"Can you fight anyone as long as they have a sword on their hip in Braavos?" She asks as she walks over to the rack.

"Yea, killing is looked down upon because it's messy and gives a bad image but people fight all the time." She grabs a spear and then seems to think better of it as she looks down at what she is wearing.

"Eragon can you follow me? I need to change and I can show you where I usually train and that's also where you should train. This area has a lot of people walking by and that can get annoying, my spot is much better." I nod and follow after her as we keep talking.


"This is nice, spacious, and more isolated." I say this but in reality, we got found out and my mom brought the whole entourage and now we have a crowd.

"It is, but you need to grab a wooden sword so you don't cut me to ribbons." I look down at Brightroar and draw it and smoothly swing it around in a few arcs. I slide around her in different smooth movements and she watches curiously.

"What are you doing, dancing?" I chuckle and push the tip of the blade into the ground and lean against it.

"Water dancing, smooth movements, and free flowing while also having the force of a river. You got Rhoynar in you so you should be able to recognize this." She rolls her eyes and I see Shiera do a little hand movement and I tilt my head. She mouths the word fire multiple times and I nod in understanding, she wants me to do the flaming sword magic.

I step away Rhaenys and she doesn't respond and chooses to watch, I hold the sword out Infront of me and point it out toward the last rays of the sun. Focusing on the blade I feel the familiar sensation and the blade ignites in golden flames.

"What in the seven hells is that!?" I hear Elia shout and a few men charge out into the yard with their hands on their hilts.

Everyone stares in shock and awe at the flaming blade and I slash it through the air a few times creating a stream of flames in the air that slowly dissipates. This magic was the first I learned and the easiest for me to use.

"Can you teach me?" Rhaenys walks up beside me and stares at the flames with excitement.

"You use a spear, right? The last time I used it on a spear the spearhead fell off the shaft, It was a cheap spear though. Let's try it with one of a higher quality and if it works I can try and teach you." If it keeps my Niece alive I am all for it, most men would run seeing a flaming spear being thrust at them. "Let's try it tomorrow or some other time when there are fewer people though." I look at all the people in her family and mine and I don't think it a good idea to teach magic Infront of them.

"Ok, private lessons sound fun." I shake my head at her antics and extinguish the flames and sheath the sword before unbuckling it from my belt.

"Still think Dawn is cooler than my sword?" I ask with a provocative tone while handing my sword to Danny and taking a peek at Dawn itself on Arthurs's hip. The sword in question seems to glow with a pale light that I have to admit is cool.

"Definitely not, my uncle has got the cooler sword since his can catch on fire and dance around with it in a 'smooth' and 'fluid' way while also being strong like a river." I snort at her sarcasm and fight off a blush of embarrassment as people laugh. I walk over to the rack of training weapons and grab a spear and a sword. I hear Shiera comment about liking Rhaenys attitude and Rhaenyra agrees commenting on me getting a fat head about my sword.

She is just jealous and I will eventually get her and Danny one of their own, we have a war coming up. Some houses have Valyrian steel swords that can be repurposed as Targaryen family swords should their wielder die.

"Here." I toss the spear and she catches it with one hand and spins it around her back and into her other hand in one very 'fluid' movement. Her wild grin and challenging eyes pump me up to smash her into the dirt a few times. "Let's see what you got princess."


"I didn't mean to!" I hold my jaw and open and close my mouth as I feel my ear ring, that hurt like a bitch. Rhaenys dropped her spear and is hesitantly patting my shoulder as she looks at the mark across the side of my head.

"I am fine, let's keep going." I smile and her face looks even worse when I do and I realize why quickly enough when I taste blood in my mouth. She wacked the hell out of me, given with both of us spinning around it was bound to happen.

"I don't think that it's a good idea to continue." She looks at the approaching people and smiles nervously as Daenerys glares her into the ground.

"Here, let me." Shiera has some green mud-looking stuff on her pointer finger and starts to smear it on the side of my face. "Hold still!" She grabs my chin with her clean hand and rubs the stuff in good, I use my tongue to feel around my mouth and find I just bit my cheek, and no teeth were cracked. "You're fine, just let it sit on there for a few minutes."

I hear Rhaenyra laugh and look over at her and she has to turn away, even Danny and Rhaenys are biting their lips to stop from laughing. I must look a complete fool right now, I grab Brightroar from my twin and slide it halfway out. On the smokey surface of the blade, I see a massive green smudge on the side of my face and scowl at the reflection as I sheath the blade.

"Is this necessary? I am fine, I even want to keep going." I feel a hand on my shoulder and I get turned around and see my mom and she looks at the mark with squinted eyes.

"It's necessary if Shiera says it is, have you seen my skin recently? Listen to your genius of a niece and let her care for your skin and all will be fine." An interested look appears on Lyanna and Elias's faces at hearing that and they take a second look at the green mud.

"Shiera made your skin look so young? These damn deserts have dried my skin out and it is miserable, can you help me, sweetheart?" Lyanna looks at Shiera and pleads with her earnestly, Shieras preens under the attention and nods eagerly. I didn't expect that from the girl I was told acted wild as a wolf.

"I can help everyone get youthful appearances and maintain a healthy look, we can make a girl's day out of it." They all start to celebrate and practically carry Shiera off while asking her question and seeing if she needs help making her mud.

"That looked like it hurt but you shook it off." I jump back and reach for Brightroar's handle until I see my nephew looking at me with dead emotions.

"Oh, it did but I can't look like a sissy and I have to get up. Cynthia always says that if you act tough enough you will eventually convince yourself you are." Aegon nods and takes a last look at the retreating figures.

"So you like my sister?" I almost fall out as I bend down to grab the training sword to put it back up.

"What?" I look at him like he is crazy and he shakes his head.

"You telling me you can't tell when someone is looking at your sister or your nieces with some interest? I would think you would have gained that skill having grown up with three girls your age." I mean I can and I usually just smack a dude down but did I show interest?

"I meant it more in the way of I don't believe I showed I liked her or had an interest." He replies so quickly I almost don't hear him over my voice.

"Sure." I groan and am about to walk away when I remember I don't have a room yet.

"So, can you show me a room I can sleep in?" He nods and starts to lead the way while I think about how I showed interest in Rhaenys.

Wait, did she think I showed interest, or worse did Daenerys think I showed interest? I better sleep with one eye open just in case, cant be too careful.