
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Visenya Targaryen


"Can I move now?" My grandmother's arms tighten around me with her surprisingly strong strength. I sigh taking that as my answer and she sets her chin on my shoulder to look at everyone else in the room.

"No baby, I have missed too much of your life and I need to make sure you engrave my love in your very bones." I can't help but smile as her affection is very obvious as she pulled me into her lap and restrained me with her loving arms. I was worried my weight would hurt her legs but she seems to be pretty tough.

"Can I at least wash this gunk off now?" Everyone jumped in and got some of my cousin Shiera's skin treatment stuff. The first layer set quickly and had to be broken off as it peeled off dead skin and the second one is still on and does what she considers 'magic' that might actually be magic after seeing Eragons sword light on fire.

"You can, let me get you some water." She gently pushes me off her lap and onto a pillow as she stands and walks off to find a water basin.

"You look stupid." Rhaenys voice enters my ears and I whip around to retort and see her face also smeared in gunk.

"Hahahaha, you look like someone rubbed shit on your face." My comment earns narrowed eyes from her before they slowly widen and she looks toward Shiera.

"Shiera, what's in this stuff? Mom practically forced it onto me and now I am regretting it very much." Shiera gives a strained smile and looks toward everyone else who is talking while covered in the stuff. A bad feeling bubbles in my gut and I also have regret building quickly.

"You don't want to know. The results don't lie though, just look around at those who have finished the treatment." A water basin is set down in between me and Rhaenys and we both start to scrub our faces with vigor.

"Slow down you two, what has gotten into you?" Rhaella tries to slow us down and I keep my mouth shut as I finish scrubbing it away from my eyes.

"Hahaha." Shieras laugh pulls my attention back to her and she is holding her chest as she watches us with amusement. "It's nothing gross, plants and some ashes." Rhaenys finishes wiping her face and looks up with slightly dripping hair. A cloth being wielded by Rhaella soon starts to wipe away the water and she holds Rhaenys head by the base of her skull.

"I remember having to wipe your face when you ate messily, you loved to get it everywhere but your mouth." She looks ready to cry as she reminisces, Rhaenys freezes and looks awkwardly for help but I ignore her pleas.

"You should have seen Visenya then, she would even get it in her hair. I would have to tie her hair back and put a cloth over it so she wouldn't get it messy." My mom sends in her unasked-for input as she finishes cleaning off her own face.

"I don't know why you made it seem like Rhaenys still doesn't eat like a slob." Elia comments softly without even turning around to look this way. Rhaenys wisely chooses to ignore her, responding to them will only get them to say more.

"I would have loved to see it." Rhaella comments as she starts drying my face off as well, I sit still and let her have her fun. I am sure she did feel bad missing out on us growing up, the least I can do is let her indulge in small things.

"Look at how obedient they are being for her, why didn't we get her to come here sooner." mom nudges Elia and she looks back over her shoulder and nods.

"Yea, we missed out, Shaena has all the luck and got her instead of us." Shaena laughs after taking a sip of her wine.

"You are right about that, mom helped out until she thrust her babies on me and I was shit out of luck. I had just finished the age of Shiera needing to be latched to my hip all day and then Daenerys and Eragon take a hip each while mom passed out in her bed." Rhaella gives her daughter a challenging look and Shaena blushes nervously. "She would only occasionally do that mind you, she had the twins most of the time." Rhaella smiles and nods as she uses a comb to brush Rhaenys hair.

"What was Eragon like when he was a baby?" Rhaenys absent-mindedly asks and when the room goes silent she realizes that something is wrong and looks around seeing everyone looking at her. "Huh?"

"She only has eyes for Eragon after a single meeting, didn't even bother to include his twin in her question." Elia sighs helplessly as her daughter catches on and starts to turn red.

"I didn't mean it like that! I was only curious and I also want to hear how Daenerys was as well." She tries to recover but she's already in the fire cooking, I knew keeping my mouth shut was the right plan tonight.

"Don't mind me, just keep making lovey eyes at my brother and we all will just ignore it." Danny mercilessly stabs out with her accusation.

"Yea baby girl I thought I taught you better than that, curiosity can pull you right into a trap and you wouldn't even know what happened."

"Mom!" Before Rhaenys can blow her lid the door to the room is opened and Arianne walks in with a tired look and flops down onto the bed. "Oh thank god." Rhaenys whispers beside me and I see Rhaella give a smile at her embarrassment.

"What took you so long?" I decide to help my sister out and change the subject to the new entry and she moans out and spins around to face the ceiling.

"Talking and talking and even more talking, I might just jump from the tallest tower I can find if I have to sit through something like that again." She throws her hands up. "It's whatever, the sooner all this is done the sooner I don't have to get bothered by it anymore." She sits up and raises her brows seeing everyone lounging around. "Did I interrupt something?" Rhaenys is quick to deny it and shakes her head which pulls the hair from Rhaellas hands and she swats the girl before grabbing it again.

"No, you are right on time." A smile spreads across Elias's face and I can only pity my poor sister.


"Can someone guide me to where Eragon and my room is?" Danny asks after a yawn and stretches her arms, her face is slightly flushed from drinking Dornish red.

"Your room is beside his." I answer her and she frowns and her brows join together.

"My room is his room." She says in a tone that wants no refute, I don't see any reaction from Shiera or Rhaenyra about this and it seems that this is a normal arrangement.

"So you always sleep with Eragon?" She slowly nods.

"Unless he stinks, then I sleep in my own bed which is across from his." Rhaella gives a tired smile.

"Maybe you can sleep in a different room, we didn't have space before but we do here. So you can have your own room and space." Daenerys just shakes her head and stands up.

"We have slept together since we were still inside your stomach! We will sleep together until our last rest no matter what you say!" She will probably regret her choice of words in the morning when she sobers up but I get the feeling even then she won't change her mind. Rhaella only sighs and puts a hand on her forehead seeing her daughter proudly boast about sleeping with her twin.

"I can show her, let's go Danny I am also feeling a bit tired." I stand up and wrap an arm around her own to help her get there without falling. She doesn't seem to have a high tolerance, I wonder if it's from not drinking or if she is just weak to wine.

"What just happened?" I hear a voice ask as I walk out the door and close it behind us.


I knock on Eragons room and Danny leans against the side of the doorway with her eyes closed. I am about to suggest that he went to bed and she will probably have to sleep in her room and then the door opens.

Eragon with half-closed eyes and wearing only underclothes stands in the doorway to the dark room and looks down into my eyes. He looks like he just woke up and blinks a few times before spotting his sister leaning on the doorway to his left.

"Come here." He says in a tired and needy voice and wraps an arm around her side and pulls her into his chest before picking her up and walking back into the pitch-black room. I soon hear the sound of both of them falling onto the bed.

"What in the seven hells was that?" I close the door shut and stare at it for a few moments.

I shake my head and turn on my heels and head off to my bed, the less I think about it the better.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


I wake up with a mouthful of hair and a handful of boob, and a numb arm she is drooling on. The worst of it is the stiffy stabbing into her soft butt cheek and I move around to adjust it. How did she even get in here, the door was locked?

I look over at the door and see it's not locked and wonder how she found the key.

"Uhhhhhh." She rolls around and faces me, I can smell wine coming from her and wonder how much she drank. She never liked to drink back in Braavos, none of us did.

"You awake?" She shakes her head and then nuzzles into my chest. "Get up I am looking forward to breakfast, dinner was fantastic and I want to see what they got in the morning." She doesn't move and her breathing starts to come out in even intervals.

I hold my hand up in the air and have an internal debate about if I should follow through. A decision was swiftly made when I remember the spicy ham from last night and my hand falls.

"Agghh!" She rolls away from me and puts her hands behind her to cover her rear. "Why!?" She turns and glares at me, I shrug and roll off the other side of the bed.

"You needed to wake up, good food is calling and your clothes are in a different room and we need to find them. Unless you're going in the clothes that smell like that." She groans and hugs my pillow and I can only shake my head.

I walk over to my chest that has my clothes and pull out some for the day, some thinner clothes since I plan on being pretty active today. Slipping out of my clothes and into the new ones I then put on my belt and buckle Brightroar to it.

I still feel excited holding the handle of a Valyrian steel sword, I should ask Doran if he can have a smith fit a new head on the end. The fun of carrying the Lannister blade is over and now I want to claim it fully as mine, the name Brightroar will stay though.

Who has the brighter roar, a lion or a dragon? I am going to show them who, in due time.

I look back at the bed and find Danny to be sitting on the side I rolled off observing me.

"Ready to go find your clothes?" She nods and slowly stands up while holding her head.

"Yea, let's find some water. My head is killing me this morning." I walk up beside her and kiss her sweaty brow.

"Alright let's go find some." she hums and we walk toward the door.