
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"How does it look?" Danny had her spirit return to her body after she took down half a chug of water like a person who hadn't had a drink in weeks.

She is wearing a black 'dress' that stops just after her knees and is thin as parchment, it has little snubs of fabric layered over each other like scales on the shoulders. It's low cut and exposes an eye full of upper breasts. Her hair falls loosely behind her back as she spins around showing off the dress it reflects the light and looks like molten silver.

"I like it, looks like an outfit for a Targaryen in the desert." she rolls her eyes and points to the window that overlooks the city and in the distance sandy hills. "It is perfect for our current abode, though it might bring a few eyes that are unwanted." She gives a provocative smile.

"A 'few' eyes huh, I wonder how many will be looking at Shiera if I get a few she must get a lot." She moves her hands in a way to insinuate large breasts and I didn't think about that. Shiera in these Dornish clothes will draw more eyes than normal.

"Whatever, if I compliment you we will be here all day and I am starving." I hold my arm out and she wraps both her arms around it and I set off to follow my nose.


"Fuck yea." I bring us into a room that has a table with food set out, most of our family is there except Viserys. I walk up behind my mother who is facing away from us and I lean over her shoulder and take a bite out of a piece of bread that was covered in some kind of jam.

A sweet and savory flavor that is very unique fills my mouth and I pull back before she can seek retribution for my theft. I lick my lips and savor the fruity taste and my eyes search out the source of the sweetness for myself.

"Morning to you as well Eragon." A dry welcome comes from my unamused mother but I ignore it and pull a seat out for Danny and push it in with a bit of flair before sitting next to her.

"Good morning, is this what you are having?" I grab a small bowl that is half full and looks like has already been ravaged by the early risers. I don't wait for a reply as I stick some bread into it and take a bite, target found.

"It is, its figs with some kind of spice of some sort." I spread it liberally on my piece of bread before setting it on the plate and grabbing some Sausages. I roll my eyes seeing Danny with her head held high and waiting for me to spoil her some more. Seems she is in the mood to be a princess today, it's fine she can be my princess today, and tomorrow I will be her prince.

Making a duplicate plate of my own I set it Infront of her and even go as far as to fill her cup. Water this morning, I don't need a whiney princess if her head starts to hurt again.

"Thank you." She stabs one of her sausages and takes a bite of it as I fill my cup. The servant who is supposed to be doing this looks almost pained as if I stole something precious from her. I give her a wink and the anxious fiddling of her hands stops and she gives a short bow, but the smile on her face lets me know her worry is gone.

As I eat I think about all I have seen so far and take it in, one moment I am leaving the home I have always known and on a boat, and the next I am surrounded by tall walls and guards. It's an odd sight to take in, the armed people everywhere makes me a bit nervous if I am honest and I know they are nervous too as they look at Brightroar. Viserys isn't carrying a sword the fool, what if Robert sends an assassin?

Ser Barristan is also missing which is a huge punch in the gut, the man has been there all my life and is almost like a father to me. The only comfort in the room is seeing Cynthia sitting next to Shaena and keeping her eyes busy looking around the room.

"Mom, do you think I could find someone to outfit Brightroar with a new head?" She stops mid-bite and looks over at me wiggling the sword at my hip and she slowly nods.

"Yes, I would have liked to do it before we came here but you got it on such short notice." She frowns and is likely thinking about Melisandre who she isn't too sure she likes. She doesn't outright hate her but from what I have heard mom has every reason to want to distance herself from fire lovers.

My father, Aerys II Targaryen a man who started as an ambitious king who wanted to change the whole of Westeros for the better. Madness took root and ate away at his mind and fire was his release. I can't bring it up with mom or Viserys but Shaena had no problem talking about him, she loved and hated him. A very contradicting thing but so was father's mood, he would do horrendous acts and also try to be kind to her and it confused her.

I wonder if Elia or Doran would tell me more about him, Elia would know him better than Doran but Doran seems a smart man and could give an interesting perspective.

"Hey, Eragon." I hear a voice that wakes me from my thoughts and I finish chewing the sausages and look toward its source. Rhaenys in a similar outfit to Daenerys sat on my left and gives a wide smile.

"Hey to you too." I quickly drink some water as I seemed to have bit into a hot pepper seed or something and my throat feels on fire. Her hair is loose and split with half going over each shoulder and falling toward her chest.

"Your face doesn't look hurt anymore, do you want to train again? I won't hit you this time I didn't mean to do that I am just not used to fighting someone that takes so much power to get a reaction out of. You pretty much stopped all my attacks like a wall or just outright dodged them so I started going harder than I should have in training." I wave her concern off, if I can't take a hit I don't need to be swinging in the first place.

"You're fine, I said I wanted to keep going and I meant it. I want to get some practice in with the spear as well if I could, maybe I can polish up my skills when I see a new style. My friend Nata taught me the way she fought with one and she's from the Summer Isles and they most likely fight pretty differently from the famed Dornish spears." She smiles at the compliment to her 'people' and starts to make a plate of food for herself, she reaches for my new favorite jam. I try my best to hide my pain as she takes a big scoop of it for herself and gives me an odd look I motion to the jam and she giggles.

"They make lots of it Eragon, I can get some more served for you." She waves at the servant and the woman nods eagerly at finally getting to do something and runs off. Noticing this I realize just how comfortable I just got Infront of a stranger who I am unrelated and make a note to be less vocal about private things.

I think about all I just said and almost smack my head when I realize I talked about Nata. I only said friend and nothing more so even if she is a spy maybe she won't put too much importance on it. The summer isles plan needs to be pulled off without any hitches if my goals are to be achieved in the future.

"That's Rhaenys, can Rhaenyra join us?" Rhaenyra looks up from her plate and raises a brow at being brought into the conversation.

"Sure." Rhaenys responds quickly and I smile at Rhaenyra, she can sulk if she's not included in things and she also won't insert herself into a situation if she is not invited. She would of likely skipped training even if she wanted to until someone brought her or said something about it.

She likes to self-isolate even if she loves company and talking to people, I always keep an eye on it since I found her crying alone one day when we all left her on her own. Danny will go where I go if she feels like it, kind of like a cat, and will come when she wants attention and sleep when she doesn't. Rhaenyra doesn't want people to dislike her for being pushy and so she is reserved, hopefully, with how less constricted we are here she will open up more. Regardless if she does or doesn't I will keep pulling her along and involving her as long as it doesn't make her uncomfortable.


"Let's see you two go at it first while I stretch my old bones." I put a hand on my back and act like I am pained as I lean on my spear.

Rhaenyra wields her training sword steadily and Rhaenys lowers her body slightly as she gets in range to attack. In a sudden burst of speed, Rhaenyra closes the distance and holds the sword to the side to stop a half-prepared attack from Rhaenys.

Rhaenyra moves the tip of her sword to Rhaenys neck and holds her head back.

"Dead." Rhaenys is shocked and wide-eyed before a wide smile spreads on her face.

"Let's go again!" I hoped they would hit it off, from my initial take on Rhaenys character I thought she would like Rhaenyra once they started to train together.

A second bout starts and Rhaenys finishes it quickly with a thrust and knocks Rhaenyra down. When she sees Rhaenyra get up quickly and back into stance Rhaenys quickly gets back and they start a third.


"I don't think you're going to get a turn anymore." Danny leans her head on my shoulder as we watch them continue in their own world.

"You might be right, I kind of regret letting this happen. This is what I get for being a good uncle and having the cousins befriend each other." She snorts in good humor and I wonder If I should just go for a run or something.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Shiera Targaryen


A servant bows and walks off after guiding me to the library and I see a man with grizzled features after entering. With a long face and dark hair with gray eyes, he looks up from the book he is reading and gives a short nod before looking back. He is equipped with a dagger and is wearing a dire wolf pin, a Stark.

I walk past him and head back into the shelves of books and spot two women with one being recognizable.

"Hello, Visenya." She smiles when she sees me and quickly introduces her companion.

"Hello Shiera, this is Morgana Sand or Dayne or Snow and maybe Stark. She is my cousin and the daughter of Ashara Dayne the woman who was sitting next to us at breakfast." Morgana shakes her head.

"Just call me Morgana, my last name changes every other day nowadays." She bitterly sighs and I feel a slight companionship. Technically I am a bastard as my mother never married but everyone calls me Targaryen anyway. But I am proud of it and this woman just looks like she dislikes the whole idea of a last name.

"Ok Morgana, do one of you know if there is anything about Rhoynar water magic in here, even just a story with it in it would be fine. I love story's about magic and I don't know my way around this library yet." A small smile forms on Morgana's face.

"I think me and you are going to get along just fine, follow me." She marks her page and closes the book before leading me to a shelf and handing me some books. "You can read this language right?" Seeing me nod she smiles wider and keeps stacking books until I almost can't carry them.