
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"If you keep making loving eyes with that thing I am going to get jealous." I act like I was only stretching as I buckle Brightroar onto my belt. The new dragon head fitted on it instead of the lion gives it a different feel and makes it feel fully mine, like before a piece of it wasn't.

"What do you mean?" I turn around and look at Danny who is putting her hair up to get it off her neck and back, today we are going to ride to the water gardens and stay there for a few nights before riding back. We were told there is locations where we will be swimming and so we also packed some packs with spare clothes.

"Come help me please." She rolls her eyes and changes the topic which makes me smile and help her put her hair up. Most men wouldn't know how to do this or consider it girly but I find it intimate and satisfying to style her with my touch. "I hope that one girl isn't coming today, she is starting to get too full of herself. You shouldn't encourage her actions, she will think it's fine unless you speak up." The 'girl' is Tyene Sand who started to accompany us and is one of Oberyn Martells many bastard daughters.

He took all his daughters in and raised them. Most people ignore their bastards but Oberyn took his in so they could learn to defend themselves and never be at the mercy of others, at least that's what they told me when I talked with them. Tyene Sand bothers Danny because the cute little blond girl is very invasive when it comes to personal space.

"There, you look good." I kiss the top of her head and choose to not comment on the other girl since no matter what I say I will lose the following argument. She smiles lightly when I compliment her and turns around in her seat to stand up.

"Ok, let's go see if everyone else is ready." Danny has 'boyish' clothes on today, pants similar to mine with her belt that has a dagger fastened to it. A plain shirt and no jewelry or other trinkets distracting from her natural beauty. She also packed some girly clothes for the days we are just relaxing in the gardens.

"Alright." She loops her arms with mine and we head off to find our traveling companions.


The ride apparently will be short as it's just three leagues to the west from where we are currently. Quite a large group of armed guards is also accompanying us, cant be careful enough.

Viserys isn't coming with us and instead staying in Sunspear to meet someone, who I don't know but they have been traveling for a while to come to meet him.

Rhaenyra is extremally pleased today as her mother sent a raven to her and if she could she would have held onto the bird and flown back with it. Doran and Aemma are scheming up a plan for Aemma to come and visit according to Rhaenyra. I a happy for her, she is slowly opening up to the new family members with Rhaenys being the closest.

Shiera has her nose stuck in their library studying all the tales of water magic and the old tales from the River Rhoyne. She told me about how the grey scale came from a curse that was supposed to be the revenge of a leader that battled old Valyria and lost or something. Water mages worked in groups to shoot the Rhoyne into the air and knock dragons out of the sky and drown castles. They could even use it to cover their castles to protect them from dragon fire, I would have loved to see it myself.

Mother has been sending letters out to certain people she used to be friends with and others that she is familiar with. She looked in her element as she wrote and it reminded me of a painter I saw in Braavos.

Shaena has and is constantly moving around with Elia and Lyanna and I also see Cynthia traveling around with them like a shadow. She also seems much happier now than I have ever seen her before, overall everyone seems to be pleased with the move to Dorne, well almost everyone.

Danny my sweet sister is happy to be somewhere else but is also acting out of character now and then. I can tell what's going on with her as her twin if I couldn't I would be a failure. She doesn't like people encroaching on her 'territory' and is making that clear. I can't say much because recently I have been the same as more and more people are being introduced to us and hanging around.

The problem with me is two men who joined Viserys as Kingsguard, two of the best swords in Dorne. Gerold Dayne who is from a cadet branch of Arthur Dayne's family, he is alright with his sword but his eyes linger where they shouldn't most of the time. Daemon Sand, the other new addition to Viserys Kingsguard and one of the horniest men I have ever seen, and I lived with Viserys himself.

Daemon even has already been escorting Viserys out to visit Sunspear's Brothels when Viserys is due to marry soon. It is a dishonor to the other good men in the Kingsguard, Ser Barristan as the new head of the Kingsguard even said as much but got told off by Viserys.

Daemon also takes any chance he gets to try and get closer and talk to the Targaryen girls, he even familiarly converses with Arianne. My brother was a fool for accepting the man and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up becoming a cuck before he even finds out.

Arianne may be becoming my good sister in the future but it isn't my job to look out for her, it is my job to look out for my family though. I make sure to not seem like a jealous lover as I keep him away from my sister and nieces and I think he gets a kick out of trying to get around me. The man is playing a dangerous game and has even taken the vows and wears the white cloak, one step too far over the line in the sand I drew and I will cut him down.

So that's why I don't say anything to my sister about her attitude toward the new females around me because I understand the way she feels. She doesn't care about Visenya or Rhaenys and is warming up to Morgana, but anyone else, and she will make moves to show her displeasure. And the Morgana situation is special as she is directly related to Visenya and is becoming a dear friend to Shiera.

I shake my head and get out of my thoughts, looking at Danny riding beside me I smile. She refused to ride in a carriage and used Visenya and Rhaenys as shields to drive mother off so she could mount a horse.

"What?" She raises a brow seeing me look at her and I shake my head.

"Nothing, just thinking about the sour look mother gave the back of your head when you jumped up on the horse." She smiles mischievously and looks toward the carriage.

"She will get over it and I will have to pay our nieces back for using them to escape." One of the nieces in question looks out the window and when her purple eyes see us both looking over our shoulders grinning at her she frowns.

"Visenya will make sure you pay up on this debt, hahaha." I hear Danny groan as she looks forward avoiding the accusatory look.

I look north and wonder how far it is to Kingslanding and wonder if Melisandre has made it there yet. It will be hard for her to complete her objective and I respect the confidence she showed in pulling it off.

I also wonder if the stag king has heard about us and maybe if word has reached about Brightroar. I smile remembering how I made sure to talk about it loudly Infront of the palace in the hopes someone would be a spy for the king. He surely has some in Sunspear trying to acquire news about Rhaegars kids that went missing since Elia is from here.

Only a little bit more time before I have to make a move, a move that will endanger my person immensely. But doubting myself is a quick trip to failure so I steel my will and focus on the following plans and how to adapt if things go awry.

What if someone sees something and word gets out before I can return to safety? What if the safety I perceive here in Dorne changes once the new elements I plan to introduce are entered?

Dragons will have many people's emotions running hot, the power of wielding them is going to be tempting to all. And the Martells have Targaryen blood in them, not recently but maybe enough to give them thoughts. Not to mention the actual Targaryens they have on their 'side' Rhaenys, Aegon, and Visenya. Our plans that we have made over the last year are going to be strained once actual living other people respond to the situation and I need to be ready.

These thoughts distract me from the event that will have to happen to achieve Dragons coming back.


"This is beyond beautiful, it's a work of art." Shiera comments as we walk through the water gardens.

"It is isn't it?" Arianne walks close to us and looks happy at the compliment. "I have many memories of playing in the pools growing up. Father was going to move here full time but decided against it when things started to change." So when we moved to Sunspear most likely, much safer in a place like Sunspear than in this Waterworks. It reminds me of the private houses of the rich in Braavos who would have the sweet water river flow right into their massive mansions for their private use.

"The history of this place is very interesting." Shiera looks at Daenerys and even bumps her hip with her seductive hip.

"What?" Danny smiles and looks at her questioningly.

"It was built by the husband of the original Daenerys Targaryen when she married him. She took to fostering kids here and peacefully enjoying her time with the kids." Danny's eyes widen and she looks around with even more interest.

"Really?" Shiera nods and Arianne looks like someone stole something from her as she purses her lips and looks down a bit. She was probably looking to say this herself, too bad our Shiera beat her to it. "There aren't any kids here now." Danny observes the empty pools and we overlook some from a vantage point.

"The gardens were cleared out for our use, this way we don't have to worry about a kid sneaking a dagger in to stab someone or something." Arianne quickly answers before someone else can and we all nod.

I hear the sound of feet against the smooth pink marble pattering quickly in our direction and I spin around to asses the threat. I am confused when I see it's Rhaenys and she runs right past us and jumps straight into a pool sending water in our direction.

I get a face full of water and shake it off before looking down at Rhaenys who has a wide smile on her face.

"Got you back for ruining my fun." She looks at Danny who is wiping her face down with the back of my shirt and I hear Danny huff in annoyance.

"Come on you know I haven't gotten to ride a horse much." Danny responds as if it was only natural to sacrifice others for her opportunity and before Rhaenys can respond a different body soars past and splashes all of us again including giving Rhaenys a mouthful of water.

Danny had made it behind me in time and used me as a shield but Shiera and Rhaenyra got hit alongside me and I just realized Arianne had moved out of range. She likely saw this coming after the first one and retreated from the range.

"Hahaha, I got my sweet revenge as well- Wait she didn't get wet." Visenya purses her lips as she uses her hands to stay afloat and looks at Danny's smug face peeking from around me.

Visenya isn't one to lose easily and splashes at us with her hands and I am once again a shield. Shiera and Rhaenyra move away hastily seeing Danny as the target.

"You know what!" I get fed up and reach behind me and snatch Danny up by her waist and she squeals as I jump in with her in my arms.

I bring us to the surface and hold onto the edge as I realize we are still equipped in our gear and I just got our weapons wet. Brightroar will be fine and I just have to let it sit out of its sheath to let it dry out but Danny's Dagger will need to be wiped down.

I pull her to the edge before unbuckling her belt as she defends us from splashes by splashing back at the two offenders. I slip off the dagger and tighten her belt so her pants don't come off and toss the dagger up onto dry land.

" I got it." I hear who I think is Nymeria Sand as she grabs the dagger and looks to be taking care of it.

I then start working on removing Brightroar and I get my belt undone and have to let Danny go to remove it without dropping it. I put one foot onto the underwater lip and use the other leg to support underneath Daenerys as she is busy using to hands to combat her foes. She sits on my leg and I slip off Brightroar and pass it to Rhaenyra who saw me hesitate to just hand it to anyone.

"I will take it." She says and grabs it before walking away from the splash radius.

With that out of the way, I can enter combat even if it's uncomfortable to be in wet boots.

"Let's get them." I whisper in Danny's ear and she eagerly nods with a smile.