
298 AC

Kingslanding - small council chambers

Varys Blackfyre


Robert drops into his chair and causes the table to shake when his gut hits it. He balls his fists and sets them on the table before looking around at all of us. A few guests in the small council today, Tywin Lannister is sitting in the meeting even though he doesn't have a position. Jon Arryn is giving the man a fierce look, Tywin's daughter has been pestering Robert about replacing Jon with her father.

Petyr Baelish the new master of coin is eyeing everyone with well-concealed malice. I have to make some paltry reports of Blackfyre's movements as of late because he attempts to gain favor by reporting anything he finds first. His attempts caught me unprepared and I was even questioned how my little birds couldn't find out what the master of coins spies could.

"Let's get this started, first let's hear from Varys on the news we heard about the Targaryens." A few of my birds have sung to me about news from Dorne. Sunspear has always been hard to get my people into, but it wasn't hard to spot the red dragons as they paraded straight through the city.

"The Targaryens have fully committed with the Martells and are staying in Prince Doran's palace, word is he married his daughter to Viserys. Viserys and his brother Eragon were presumably spotted but no one can say for sure, no one has ever seen Eragon and Viserys was also a child when he left Westeros. But they at least want people to believe they are them as they rode through Sunspear in the open without concealing themselves at all." A meaty fist crashes into the table and Robert's face is already red, though from rage or the wine I can't say.

"Damn it JON! Why did you convince me to not send people after them?! Look at what that has gotten me in return, a war is coming for my mercy!" Though I need to thank Jon for setting up the Targaryens, they will distract Robert's attention long enough for my Nephew to take his head and the throne.

"War was coming anyway with the Blackfyres preparing, this helps us. They hate each other almost more than they hate you, let them fight each other." Robert's fists unclench and he snorts before sitting back in his chair with a loud creak from the wood straining to support him.

"Is that all you have on them so far spider?" The king asks as he gets his cup filled with more wine.

"A few whispers of little note, one is interesting but I don't know if it's true yet." I glance at the old lion on the side who notices me look as he was already staring at me, this will be interesting. "The man believed to be Eragon Targaryen last son of Rhaella and Aerys is wielding a sword that has a golden lion on the end and he is calling Brightroar." The room goes silent and the lion narrows his eyes and his jaw clenches as he thinks about what I just said.

"Hahahaha, the dragon spawn has some bite to him and is even spitting at the mighty lion." Robert finds humor in it as I knew he would, but the look Tywin is giving could kill. Eragon Targaryen you have put yourself on the plate of a dangerous man, I can't help but applaud his bravery or his stupidity.

It's good for me either way, if it is a Valyrian blade that could cause some concern though. It would be dangerous if he meets Daemon in the field and uses it against him, Cirilla has the sword Blackfyre and refuses to give it to her brother. That girl is causing problem after problem and needs to be reined in before she goes too far. I will let Illyrio know of this potential blade in the hand of the Targaryens and he will try to convince his daughter to give up the family's namesake to her brother.

"Find out the truth of it, I wouldn't mind getting a Valyrian steel sword for my family. My son uses a hammer like me but there is a chance the other one could use the blade." Tywin bores his eyes into the king as he talks about taking the sword named after the Lannister family blade. "Alright now give me an update on the black dragons, last you told me one of them was being sold off to a horse fucker to get an army." I put my hands in my sleeves and ready myself to report as naturally as possible the concocted story I have rehearsed.

"Helaena Blackfyre is going to be married to a Khal Janir, he is still traveling to meet his bride but that is what my birds have sung about them. Daemon is said to be becoming a fearsome leader and earning the respect of the Golden company that is under him. No news of the third Blackfyre, she is a wistful thing by all accounts though." In reality, it is Cirilla who is earning respect and she even is eyeing the position of Captain General of the Golden Company.

"How many of those savages does this Khal Janir have under him." Robert cracks a nut before throwing it down his gullet as he asks the question.

"Thirty thousand." A silence fills the room once more before the queen laughs.

"Thirty thousand horse-riding freaks or three thousand? What's the difference, they ride around naked and screaming and will fall to the blades of our loyal swords." Grand Maester Pycelle pips up and supports the Lannister queen to no one's surprise but the king's face is scrunched up as if he ate something sour.

"That puts them at around fifty thousand and they already are preparing ships as far as we are aware. We need to deal with them sooner than I thought, I want to take my hammer and sail over myself to crush some skulls." He grips the edges of the table and the boy behind him who is serving him his wine also has a cruel smile on his face. Joffrey Baratheon, the black lion some call him and others call him the cruel stag, though only in silence as they fear his golden mother. A man who will sit on the throne if nothing changes, his tendency to beat whores and kill men in duels is cause for concern.

The body of his father in his prime and the mind of a lion, though his cruelty isn't reined in like the golden ones. He is the heir to the throne and takes liberties where he can and seldom is punished for his mistakes so he keeps making them. His father made him attend small council meetings as a cupbearer so he can start to ready him for his future role.

This is a man who will ruin the kingdoms worse than another if I had to guess, he cares little for anyone but himself. His sister Myrcella or brother Tommen would be better, both of them are kind and caring for the common folk.

Either way, it won't matter once my nephew wins his war and saves the realm from further damage.


298 AC

Kingslanding - Flea bottom



One should be around here somewhere, with black hair and blue eyes like his father. I soon spot the child running around with some other kids and I feel the heat from my ruby.

"That's him, do it quietly, we don't want to be discovered too soon. We still haven't found the main one as of yet." A boy just turned man who works with flames to forge steel, the main sacrifice for my Prince.

"It will be done." A fearsome man, but also fearsomely loyal to the lord of light. He will help me fill my ruby with power for the night that will soon approach, I need to help perform the ritual.


I look down at the ashes blowing away and turn to look into the mirror, my ruby shines and I know it will soon be time to move on to the Boy in the forge. Once we have him we will head to Summerhall and I will send word to my Prince to meet me there. Then it will be within the hands of R'hllor to bless us with a miracle and prove my hopes right.

Dragonstone is the place of salt and smoke, my Prince was born there and the visions his sister had of dragons waking from stone just strengthened my belief. They told me about her visions after spending three years learning from me, keeping the dragon eggs a secret was smart of them. Their value can turn friends into enemies as they will covet them.

After a long time of watching the flames over many months, I pieced together the Lord's will as best I could, and from what I saw, he wants us to return to the failure of the seven and show the world his power. Summerhall is where King Aegon V prayed to the wrong gods to wake the dragon from the stone. One dragon egg for each of his fake gods and his fake gods took the lives of almost his whole family and gave nothing in return.

R'hllor is merciful and will use the magic remnants there to finish the process, but it has weakened over time and needs a hand in starting it back up. My ruby is filling up and with its help along with Eragon completing the vision, it will wake the dragons.


298 AC

Beyond the wall



"I am going." I put my shield on and toss my pack over the other arm.

"Do you even know where you are going or why? This seems crazy, even for you bird brain." Geor stands in my way and has his arms crossed over his massive chest. He still doesn't understand what it is I am telling him no matter how many times I say it.

"I am going north to a big weirwood tree and I will find out whatever it is the man in my dreams has been telling me. We both know the dead are coming and anything we can learn will help." He grunts but doesn't move. "I am going Geor, move or be moved." I prepare to smash him in the knees with my shield but he drops his arms to his sides.

"Fuck that, I will just go with you then. I am not going to let you go alone, mom would come back from the dead and not as an ice freak but just to cut me down. Let me grab my bad, don't make me have to track you down." He pushes past me and walks toward his tent, I feel a touch of sadness remembering mother.

Would she deter me from going? Even if she did I would still go, the man who is talking to me in my dreams has proved very useful in teaching me my abilities. He said he has one last thing to give me but it had to be in person and then he showed me where he was, it was confusing but I got the general direction.

It will take a few months but I am confident in getting there alone, let alone with Geor coming we will make it there easily.

"Alright, let's go." I look back in surprise, it's only been a few moments.

"How did you pack so fast?" He slaps me on the shoulder and laughs.

"I know you better than you think, I saw this coming as soon as you started staring off into the distance the past few days. Once you get something in your mind it won't leave until you see it through, now let's get walking before I regret this. I was just working up the nerve to steal me a wife and you decide to run off." I smirk at him, he has been saying that for months now. The problem is the woman in question will give him more of a fight than even his large size can handle.

"Whatever, let's go." I turn toward the destination and take the first step, this is going to be a long walk.