
298 AC

Dorne - Water gardens

Eragon Targaryen


A fire is lit in the middle of a bunch of benches and chairs as some of us sit around drinking some Dornish red and talking about varying topics.

My mind keeps going back to what I will do once I receive the signal that Melisandre is ready with what she had to do. Luckily Dorne has some red temples and Melisandre was able to get in contact with them beforehand to get help long before we arrived here.

With multiple feelings of warmth running through me I try to just enjoy the moment. Danny's lap on the back of my head and the alcohol in my stomach and lastly the warmth from the flames I feel comfortable. A hand running through my hair almost lulls me into sleep but I keep awake by focusing on the ongoing conversations.

"So if you could go anywhere you would go to Yi Ti?" Visenya asks Shiera after she responded to her inquiry of where she would go if she could go anywhere.

"Yea, they have a history that dates back to when they were a part of the Great Empire of the dawn. I want to see what their records and stories say about those times and maybe about the long night." A cold breeze brushes my skin giving me some goosebumps. "Where would you go if you could go anywhere?"

"Winterfell and maybe the wall, I would like to see how tall the wall is." I nod internally at that decision, the wall is on my list of sights to see before I die.

I feel Daenerys stop playing with my hair and instead push a finger in between my brow and push down toward my nose. Opening my resting eyes I see her looking down with her eyes reflecting the flames and a small smile on her flushed face. The starry sky behind her adds to the view and I take a finger and push her head back as well.

"What?" I ask as she pushes against my finger as shakes her head a little.

"Nothing, just making sure you didn't fall asleep." I use my left hand to reach behind my head and grip her thigh and give it a light squeeze.

"I have to be careful or these right here will knock me right out." She removes her fine and slaps my chest playfully and I drop my hand that was pushing her forehead. I keep squeezing her thigh and she looks at my hand and narrows her eyes.

"Stop..." She bites her bottom lip and I move my hand.

"Eragon!" I quickly look toward the shout and see multiple people looking at me and I wonder if they were watching. I see Shiera is the one who got my attention and the others are looking like they were about to laugh.

"What happened?" I asked and Shiera only shakes her head.

"I was trying to get your attention for a while and you ignored me, we wanted to include you two in our little game." I nod and that rubs my ear against Danny's smooth thighs and she jerks her legs at the feeling. "Where would you go if you could go anywhere right now?" I remember them just talking about this and I also thought of an answer already so it's easy to respond.

"Either the wall or the five forts, both were monumental undertakings that were built to keep some horrible evil force at bay. We don't know much about the five forts but the fact that they are taller than the wall means they were worried about something or someone enough to invest some real time into the project." That and its apparently made of fused stone that is known to only be made by dragon fire and these were made before Valyrians tamed dragons.

"Those are good, what about you Danny?" Shiera asks in a happy tone, her mood has recovered from me ignoring her rather quickly.

"Old Valyria or maybe Dragonstone." I purse my lips at the difficulty of the first one since it's a death trap according to most men. The second however is easy once we reclaim the kingdoms and Viserys sits on the throne.

"I will take you to both one day." I say resolutely and she giggles in response, a wave of groans comes from the people around. "Don't make fun of where she wants to go." I furrow my brows at their dismissal of Danny's destinations.

"Eragon are you stupid?" Tyene Sand asks and I see Danny's brow scrunch up now as well.

"He is not stupid." Daenerys replies on my behalf and they only groan again which causes our frustrations to rise so I sit up and look at the people trying to antagonize me.

"What are you guy's problems?" I ask feeling myself sobering up.

"You two are being all lovey and it's pissing everyone else off." Tyene responds as she looks like she is enjoying the situation.

"Huh?" I look around trying to see if that's the truth and see no one denying so I sit back in my chair. Feeling completely sober now I plan on just leaving as the mood was killed and now it's just awkward.

"Let's just move on to something else." Rhaenys speaks up and tries to salvage the situation but I stand up anyway. As I stand I stretch and when I do Danny also stands up, seems she doesn't want to stay either.

"I am going to just finish this off inside." I grab the half-full bottle of Dornish red and feel Danny grab my free hand. "See you in the morning." I wave the bottle in my hand and turn to leave while pulling Danny along.

Shiera sighs and also gets up and picks up her bottle as she follows after us. I head toward the building we dropped our packs in and plan on just passing out.


298 AC

Dorne - Water gardens

Rhaenyra Targaryen


"Damn Tyene you killed it with that one." Rhaenys comments as she sits back in her seat and watches the three of the leave. I also want to get up but I am not ready to fall asleep just yet and will if I head inside.

"I didn't think they would leave, my bad." Tyene pulls her knees up into her chest and sets her chin on them.

"It's not a big deal, I was going to head inside soon either way." Rhaenys responds and finishes off her glass before setting it on the table beside her.

"You guys don't see what they are doing as weird?" The Kingsguard Daemon Sand asks from behind me and I frown hearing him.

"Huh?" Visenya beats me to a response as she looks to her side at the man who should be seen and not heard.

"Never mind." He seems to think better about it and chooses to shut up, he shouldn't have talked in the first place but now that he did I will remember that little comment.

"I am going inside as well." I stand up and follow after the other three not caring to stay up any longer.


"So you decided to join us after all." Shiera cheers as she sees me walk into the room that has all of our packs. Eragon is laying out on a pillowed couch and Danny is going through her bag.

"Yea, I wanted to stay up a bit longer but that dumbass ruined the little bit of good mood that was left." Shiera rolls her eyes and drinks straight from the bottle since she forgot her cup.

"What happened?" Danny asked curiously as she pulls out some snacks from her bag.

"He asked if we thought what they were doing was weird after you guys walked off." Shiera sets her bottle to the side and frowns.

"What is weird? Eragon and Danny or us all leaving after Tyene made it a big deal?" I shrug and flop down on the couch beside Eragon and pull a pillow behind my head.

"Don't know and I don't care, he should learn to just keep his mouth shut though since he is to guard and that's it. Viserys only added him to the Kingsguard because Doran recommended him and the guy has only done stupid stuff since." I mean who takes the king who is supposed to be getting married soon to a brothel owned by the bride's father?

"I see." Shiera nods and moves over to the same couch and drops on Eragons other side and snuggles into his side. "Good night." She yawns and closes her eyes.

Danny stands up and turns around with a lemon cake half sticking out of her mouth and she narrows her eyes. Before she can say anything I close my eyes and pretend to fall asleep.

A minute passes and I don't hear anything so I peek an eye open and see Daenerys snaking her way up from the bottom of the couch and she drops her head on Eragons chest and wraps her arms around his neck.

I almost laugh seeing her acting spoiled but shake my head and just close my eyes to sleep.


298 AC

Dorne - Water gardens

Eragon Targaryen


I feel it's harder to breathe than it should be and quickly open my eyes to see if I am being choked. My field of view is obscured by silver-gold hair and I blow it out of my face as my arms feel asleep and I can't sit up.

When I can see I recognize the tops of three heads and try to move my numb limbs and can only move them a bit. The movement on my right causes who I know can recognize as Shiera to squeeze tighter on the limb. The sensation on the numb arm is less than it should be but I still can recognize the chest of Shiera easily.

I can tell it's Danny on my chest from the weight and the fact that my chest is slightly wet where her mouth should be.

So that leaves Rhaenyra on my left and I can move the arm from the elbow down from how she is laying on it. Lifting it I brush the hair from her face and try to slip her off the rest of my arm. The attempt is futile as she only moves closer and I start to get desperate as the walls feel like they are closing in.


I send what little strength I can into smacking her bottom and her eyes shot open. Was she awake the whole time?!

"Get up so I can go pee." I say casually as she looks at me in annoyance, she huffs and rolls off my arm and I lift it to the sky.

After reviving the arm I easily move Danny off my chest and have her lay on Shieras instead. The sight of Danny's drooling mouth in-between Shieras breasts will stay with me for a few days at least.


Walking back into the room after also filling a jug with water and getting some clean cups I see Danny has moved on to the last available heat source which is Rhaenyra. Shiera is standing up and wiping the drool from her breasts with my shirt causing me to frown. And to think I got her a cup so she wouldn't be thirsty.

"That's my shirt!" I hiss and she smiles as she tosses it at my face.

"And it's also your sister's slobber, she got it under my breasts too so I need a bath or something to get it all off." I set down the cups and fill them up before grabbing myself one, looking away when Shiera reaches out for one and I make her get it herself.

"Petty." She snorts and grabs it herself.

"True." I see the other two start to move around and I make a grand showing of personally bringing them each a cup. "Here you go, little sweethearts." I get weird looks in return since they are just opening their eyes and seeing me hold cups above them. They take them anyway and after smelling them they start to sip them.

"Whatever Nova, don't be like that the whole day I want to show you something later." I nod and refill my cup while wondering what she has in mind.