
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Daenerys Targaryen


"So let me get this straight, you knew he would do this eventually but you just assumed he was taking you with him." Mother's eyes contain fury as she looks down at me, I give a nod and she looks like she was struck.

"Danny! Do you not see how stupid it is?! Do you not see how dangerous it is to leave where we are?!" She stops screaming when she see looks back at me.

"I do." Which is why you reminding me only makes me feel worse, did it work? If the place caught on fire there are only two results possible at this point.

Eragon hatched the eggs and is coming back.

Eragon died.

I feel a chill and shut my eyes, I have faith in him and I know he will return to me. He is on the way and will be here soon, the fire is only the signal of the beginning of his return to me.

"Baby, I am sorry I didn't mean to yell. I hate Summerhall and I always hated when Rhaegar went there it would make me remember the fires and I worried for him. But now Eragon went there to recreate the very thing that brought about the tragedy." She wraps me in a hug and I feel tears coming down my face, why did we even believe that stupid fire nonsense?

She breaks the hug and I stand up and walk to the bed, I slide under the covers and bring my knees to my chest and hug them. I hear mother sigh and get in bed behind me and she wraps her arms around me.

"If he tried to come back to Dorne through the Prince's pass or the Boneway he would have been stopped. They blocked them off so if he wasn't past them yet then he probably had to find a way back, if he didn't just take a ship, to begin with." He will be fine, I know he will be.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Shiera Targaryen


I try for the hundredth time to look into the flame, my eyes feeling dry as sand at this point but the same thing is all I see.


Nothing other than just gold, not gold coins or golden swords or dresses. But just gold, covering everything I see, and I am getting fed up with it. I want to see if Eragon is fine but ever since the red star passed over I can only see gold.

"I give up, this is going to drive me crazy!" I smother the flames with the lid to the brazier and walk back into my room.

"You are giving up?" Morgana asks from where she sits on my bed.

"Yes." She smiles at me when I fold my arms together. "M-Maybe, I don't know." I walk back outside and take the lid off and set it to the side and look again into the flames. Gold.

"You might go crazy if you keep doing it like that, why not try a new fire? Like that candle on your desk or something." She tries to help but she doesn't understand the complicated steps of magic.

"Morg, that's not how it works." I shake my head and set the lid to the side and head back inside to sit down and calm my mind.

"Why not, you haven't even tried." I stop my butt from hitting the seat and stand back up and walk to the desk and sit in the chair.

"Fine, I will try to look into the candle flame and see what I s-" An eyeball, a slit pupil is looking at me from the flame, and it's also golden. What am I even looking at, is this a snake?

"AH HA! I knew it, you just had to change fire!" Morg shouts and I watch the eye blink with multiple eyelids.

"Shut up I am focusing." She gasps and I tune her out while looking into the eye that seems to bore into my mind. Who are you?


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"Well, it was nice knowing you!" Not really though. I wave at the captain as we put distance between us and them, they think we are crazy witches or mages with all the noise the dragons made. They threatened to throw us overboard until I gave the rest of my money and they reluctantly let us stay. If they didn't I would have had to kill them and pray we could figure out how to sail a ship.

The dragons had all kinds of fun climbing the walls while on the ship and would scurry to the door any chance it would so much as crack open. So I had to pretend to be extremally sick and have Melisandre go in and out for me to handle anything that came up.

I then had to put out at least a hundred small fires, baby dragons don't care if the whole ship goes down and we all die. They just want freedom and they refuse to be stuck in a tiny room and if they drown in the process of trying to achieve it then that's fine.

"My Prince it is time you reunite with your family, no?" Melisandre tries to calm me down and I take a deep breath and grab one side of the chest and Thumer gets the other. The other red priests left to find ships to go to Essos, they are going back to the main temple of the lord of light in Volantis.

To tell Benerro what they have seen and try to get me some support, more support that is. Brightroar was a priceless gift and the assistance of the priests in the last months since I set off from Sunspear has been beyond anything I could ask for. They see me as their promised prince who will scare the darkness away, I might not see it that way but it's hard to argue with bright red bleeding stars and living dragons coming from stone eggs.

I was worried at first to let them go but then I realized soon enough word will get out about the dragons and I might as well show some goodwill, so to speak. By getting the worshipers of R'hllor to fully back me we might be able to even kill the faith in Westeros. I have nothing against the old gods but the seven have taken heavily from my family and it's time they pay. With Fire and Blood.

"Let's go, I need to get some help with these little shits before I start tearing my hair out." A loud and indignant cry comes from the chest and I ignore it. Burn the only pillow in the room so they could lay on the warm ash, that's how my kids repay me for giving them life.


Approaching the palace I wonder how this is going to go, it will be easy to convince the guards of my identity with my appearance and Brightroar. That will get me inside but once I am there they will want to know what the screaming and smoking chest is.

"If they try to take my kids from me I will start cutting people down without so much as a warning." Melisandre side-eyes me as I lead us toward the main gate. I feel no nervousness at seeing my family and only eagerly await their warmth, but my worry about what the Martells will try is eating at me.

It isn't like I could just have left them outside somewhere, they stick to me like waves to a beach. One moment they will scurry off to sniff or burn something and then they scurry back even faster and climb up me with their sharp claws piercing my flesh.

A wave of panic hits me as I remember that my dragons eat a lot and there is no way I can go in and out to take them to feed, so I will have to get food provided. They might even try to poison them if they don't try to slay them with spears. Maybe not Doran but someone else who still has hatred in their heart from the stories of old where dragons burned Dorne.

Some guards are very open with their distaste for us Targaryens, the looks of displeasure and now I am bringing my defenseless young into the viper pit. I left my family here and ran off, what was I thinking and how come I have been so comfortable here? Am I being paranoid or am I being lax?

"My Prince?" Melisandre calls and breaks me from my thoughts as we are closing in on the gate and the guards are looking at us warily.

"What if they try to poison the dragons?" Melisandre looks at the chest and then back at the palace.

"They are your children but also R'hllor's, he used you to bring them from the stones and that makes them his. R'hllor has blessed many of his priests and priestesses with the ability to drink poison like its water, it's how I survived in Asshai. I drank the glowing green murky water and ate the eight eyes fish with multiple limbs, I lived because he burned the poison away with his flames. You and the dragons need not fear any venom you will survive any petty attempts like that. Your eyes need to be on the blades coming from the dark." I nod since a guard is walking toward us and I can't speak out my thanks, I hope she is right but I will test it later.

"What's your business." I drop the hood with my free hand and then use it to show Brightroar from under the cloak. The guard's eyes slowly widen in recognition and he waves his hand behind him and the gate is slowly opened. "Welcome back Prince Eragon." He walks back to stand at his post but he looks back at the shaking chest that has been getting more and more restless.

"Stop for a second Thumer." I set the chest down and he sets his side down as well. "I will take it from here, thank you for everything." He nods and gives Melisandre a look before turning around to head off.

"Are you ready?" Melisandre asks and I nod, we will be seeing them soon. A guard already ran ahead to likely let Prince Doran know and he will let others know. Let's just hope this reunion is what I hope for and not what I dread.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear



My Prince is concerned that the snakes in Dorne will try to bite him and his, I will help him avoid falling into any traps and we will need to make haste to the next part of the plan. The dragons will have much more room where we plan to go but even if we hurry it will likely still be months if nothing changes.

My prince sets the chest down in a yard with a fountain and pulls it close to the edge, he sits on the edge of the fountain and scoops some water, and washes his face. It actually would have been a good idea to get washed before coming here but it's too late to regret.

A squeak from the chest draws his attention and he sees a few noses poking out and sticking the tip of their tongues through.

"You're thirsty? I will let you out in a moment and you can drink a whole lake if you want." He tickles the tips of the noses and gets sneezed on by one.

A man in a wheelchair who should be Doran comes out into the yard, behind him is a man I have seen before. Viserys Targaryen, Eragons older brother and the current head of house Targaryen.

"Welcome back Prince Eragon." Doran opens his arms wide and looks genuinely happy to see Eragon. His brother examines Eragon but stands beside Doran and soon a woman comes out and also stands beside him.

Maybe Viserys wife and Doran's daughter, Arianne Martell.

Eragons jaw clenches and unclenches as he looks at the three, he then stands up and smiles.

"Good to see you guys, hello brother how have you been? I heard you had the wedding I am sorry that I missed it." The chest shakes and Eragon sets a foot on top of it to stop the rattling.

"It's good to see you to Eragon, you finally decided to come back I see." All three of them look at the chest as noise comes from it and noses try to poke out but Eragon uses his leg to push them back in.

"Yea I came back and I am glad to be back and finally reunite with my family." Doran looks like he is about to ask about the chest but a silver blur comes shooting out the same doorway they came out and flies to Eragon.

"Shit." Eragon puts his foot back down and braces but is still knocked back and falls over the chest.

Daenerys who has grown a little bit since the time I last saw her, has arms and legs wrapped around Eragon and is crying into his shoulder. I make haste and take up his job of keeping the dragons in the chest but they are outright battering against the box. This has never happened before and they seem in a frenzy.

More people arrive outside and looked ready to rush over but the flaming chest deters them. I have seen her a few times before but she looks a bit younger, Rhaella Targaryen walks over while glaring at me and I wonder what I did to piss her off.

Well, this isn't going as we expected it to.