(I don't know how to show he is speaking in a different language so for now I will just double the "" Different "" He grew up speaking Valyrian and switched to the common tongue when he made it to Dorne. So when he is speaking to the dragons in Valyrian there will be "" Valyrian "" it's the best I can come up with without just talking normally and hoping people understand he is speaking a different langue. I hate when Authors write in a different langue and I have to google what the heck they are saying.)


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"Don't ever leave me again." I feel Danny's hot breath as she talks directly into my ear and I wrap my arms around her and pull her even tighter than she already is. This is what I have been missing, a piece of me that had been broken off is back and I won't let it break again.

"Never, no matter where I go you are going with me." She nods and I look up at the chest that is smoking and feel like this is going poorly.

There are too many eyes out here but at some point, the servants and guards will see them anyway so it's not the end of the world. But the less they see the better as I am not going to be staying long, with or without the support of Dorne I will be leaving soon to a safer place for the dragons. Though I am certain it will be without, I can at least hope for there to be some help as all my money is gone.

Well hopefully anyway, I won't know until we get there.

"Hey Danny, I need to get the smoking chest inside before they decide to scratch their way out." She picks her head up enough to look into my eyes and then looks behind her before she grumbles and lets me out of her hold.

"The smoke is coming from what I think it is right?" I nod at her question and see mother standing beside the chest and staring at it with a conflicted look. I stand up and put my hands on both sides of it and lift it. It feels like it's ready to fall apart but it should make it inside.

"Prince Doran, I suddenly feel unwell and would like to take the gathering inside if you don't mind." He slowly nods but his eyes don't leave the chest, I wonder if he knew I even took eggs with me or if mom kept that away from him. To someone who doesn't know I ran off to hatch dragons, I am sure the smoking and squealing box might look like some magic bullshit that you don't want to poke with a spear let alone want in your home.

"That will be fine Prince Eragon, I will send someone to come and check on you to see if there is anything we can do to help you feel better. Your old room is still as you left it other than your sister going in there occasionally" So he is going to send someone to check what the hell is going on with the chest.

"Thank you, Prince Doran." I walk quickly as I notice the latch is hanging on by a sliver of wood and am flanked by curious family members. Oh boy, here we go.


I walk into my room and wait with the chest in hand until everyone is inside and the door closes behind them. Mom and Danny came but also Rhaenyra, Shiera, and Shaena I am surprised to see Viserys didn't follow. Melisandre is the one who came in last and closed the door and I give her a nod before walking to the table.

As soon as I set the chest down on the table the latch falls, and with a push, the lid slides off and onto the floor.

"Eragon.." Mom speaks up but I guess she isn't sure what to say, I know I would be speechless and they haven't even laid eyes on them yet. She figured out what I went to do and the signs coming from the chest are a dead giveaway if she didn't put it together then she has by now.

"Shh, just watch." I put my arm into the box and squeals and chirps of happiness fill the room as claws dig into my flesh and climb me like a ladder.

The first up my arm is Arrax and he makes his way straight to my head, as soon as he is out of the chest and making his way past my elbow I hear gasps from behind. I pull my arm out and turn it around so they can get a better look.

"This is Arrax, he likes it when you scratch his back but will snip at you if you touch his neck or head." Arrax is a solid color of slightly different whites in his tiny spikes and horns, the only completely different color is his eyes which are a bright purple.

"T-That is a dragon?!" Rhaenyra steps next to the table with a look of wonder, though a pink head coming out of the chest causes her to jump back.

"Yes, it's a dragon." I respond as more and more heads appear over the edge of the chest and look around the room curiously.

"All seven hatched?" Danny asks as she is already scratching Arraxs back much to the dragon's enjoyment.

"Yes, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get some sleep with seven babies who all have different times they like to nap." Babies are hesitantly coming down from the chest and sniffing the air.

I wonder what they are being so cautious of?

"What's the other's name?" Daenerys excitement as she puts her hand over the table for them to sniff her makes me feel a bit sour. I seem to have been forgotten already, I can only blame the cuteness of the dragons for this.

"Are you ok?" Mom is beside me and looking at Arrax clinging to my shoulder.

"I am fine momma, I am just glad to see you guys again." She smiles and wraps me in a hug while making extra sure to not get too close to Arrax.

"Eragon did you hear me? What are their names?" Danny asks again and now everyone is crowded around the table getting their hands sniffed.

"I only named Arrax so far, I felt it would be better for the one who is going to ride it one day to name them. Arrax pretty much claimed me before I could pick one out so I named him and left the others to you guys. Given if one doesn't pick you then you can't force the matter because it won't listen just because you want it to listen." I look at the dragons taking interest in different hands Infront of them and the light blue one with white tries to hook onto Danny's hand.

"Like that?" She asks with a chuckle as it follows her hand around as she waves it side to side.

"Yea, like that." I confirm and Danny picks the blue one up and places it on her chest where it latches onto her dress and chirps.

The sight of this seems to fire up the golden dragon as it uses its wings to slap at the yellow one next to it and claim the hand Infront of it as its own. Shiera scoops the little barbarian up and the yellow one shakes its head from being hit.

"Aww, are you ok?" Rhaenyra rubs the head of the yellow one who was hissing at its golden sibling. With a tilt of its head, it looks at the fingers rubbing it and seems to be more than satisfied as it moves to the edge of the table and starts climbing Rhaenyras dress.

"That was a whole lot faster than I was expecting." I look at the remaining three and they seem to be undecided as they aren't making any moves.

"I am going to call you Tessarion." Shiera holds Tessarion to her chest and it closes its head while laying it on her breasts. The lucky little bastard is living it up.

A knock on the door comes sooner than I would have liked and I look back at Melisandre and give her a nod.

""You three better not pick someone I can't cart up and bring with us when we leave or you will be shit out of luck."" A smoke ring comes out of the black one and it just lays its head down and covers it with its wings. The other two seem unbothered and just stretch their necks around my side to see what the noise was.

"Leave?" Mother asks with a frosty tone that doesn't fit someone with fire in their blood. I smile at her as I see in the corner of my eye people coming into the room.

"Later, I promise." I kiss her forehead and she continues to bore her eyes into me but I look over at the people going slack-jawed by the door.

"Are those dragons?!" Viserys screams and Arrax answers for us as he shoots out a handful of white flames that seem to tire him out as he lays his head back down. "What?! How?!" He takes a step back as he looks around at each person and seeing more and more dragons he shakes his head in denial.

"Eragon!" Rhaenys seems unbothered by the dragons and stomps forward while winding up her fist and punching me in the nose.

A cacophony of hisses and angry chirps fill the room as Rhaenys eyes widen from the threatening display of flapping wings and lashing tails.

"" Calm down it's fine."" I deserved that much for leaving without saying anything, I just expected it from someone else and not her. A disgruntled Arrax who was going to sleep still growls in a high-pitched tone that tickles my ears, more of a purr than a growl at this size.

"Where did you find dragons?!" I wipe my nose as one of my nostrils starts to bleed, a light green dragon with hardly any spikes or horns comes to the edge of the table and hisses at Rhaenys.

"I hatched them myself where else would I get them?" I answer as now is the best time with most everyone here except the Martells, well Arianne is here but there is no hiding the dragons.

Rhaenys slowly approaches the light dragon as it lashes its longer tail side to side and keeps its mouth open showing tiny teeth. Viserys stops freaking out when he notices this as well and the room goes quiet as Rhaenys slowly closes the distance between the two.

"Hello little one, are you angry I punched Eragon? He stressed us all out when he left and he deserved to be punched even if he came back with a hundred dragons." The dragon blows some smoke but doesn't back down.

"Valyrian Rhaenys, you have to speak Valyrian, and even then their babies." I inform her and she rolls her eyes.

"Of course dragon master Eragon." She slowly holds a hand out. ""Can I touch you?"" the dragon closes its mouth and tilts its head side to side seeming to finally identify her as someone, not a threat, even so, the baby takes a look my way and I almost laugh. It looks like it's asking me permission to give permission.

""If you want."" That seems to be enough for the dragon as it pushes its tiny head into her hand, if they bond then I will just have to take Rhaenys with me.

I don't plan on taking Mom or Shaena at least not right at the start and I will send a letter to them or something once I get settled or decide it's safer where I am going than here. By taking Rhaenys I can ensure that the Martells can't use my family as a threat to make me do what they want. Plus from how bothered she seemed by me leaving I don't think she would mind coming with me, she would probably enjoy leaving Dorne for a time.

She is also a good fighter, I don't know if she has killed or been in a fight to the death but she has ample training and the drive to fight. Those two things will carry her through if she can just muster up the courage to face death. With her around, I will feel even safer where we are going.

The only problem is if Viserys bonds with one of them as I can't bring him with me since he needs to be here for the war.

Looking at the dragons who are cuddling up to my relatives I feel a warmth growing inside me, this is how Targaryens are meant to be.