
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"So you hatched them?" Viserys asks again as he looks at Tessarion walk across the room to where Shiera is calling him to.

"Yes." I am tired and just want a hot bath and to get some clean clothes and relax, my nerves won't relax though. I knew this would happen but it doesn't change the fact that I wish it just wouldn't.

"I see, which one is mine?" He asks and I shrug as there are only two left and neither look interested in him in the slightest, I also would like it if they didn't bond with him since I would have to leave it here.

"I don't think it works like that Viserys, they are the ones that pick." His face scrunches up like he ate a lemon and looks around the room at the different dragons enjoying the attention.

"Eragon I am the dragon, I am going to be the king." And here we go, I don't have it in me to deal with his bullshit right now. Thankfully I don't have to as mother who was sitting next to me and scratching Arrax inserts herself into the conversation.

"Your brother never said that you weren't Viserys, he said it is up to the dragons to pick, and from what I can see from here there are only two who haven't." That doesn't make him happy as he stands up.

"Bring them all here so I can look at them." He speaks loud enough for everyone to hear him and I see Danny frown while holding the one she named Meleys tighter. "Hurry up!" His jaw clenches as he saw no one making a move and shouts at them.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes and lean back, I need to try to be in my very best state of mind to deal with this. There are very few options I have here that don't involve becoming a Kinslayer which I am not looking forward to becoming. Plus I don't hate my brother he just has a stick shoved up his ass and thinks too highly of himself.

When I open my eyes I see four dragons Infront of Viserys on the table and they are just trying to scurry off in a different direction. Gentle hands push them back into the middle and I look over for the missing two and see the black and the pink one both on the bed sleeping without a care.

Viserys looks around and when he sees me not attempt to put Arrax on the table his nose flares.

"Viserys leave it." Mom speaks up before he can even open his mouth, he sneers and looks for the other two. Soon he spots them on the bed, he walks over to the bed, and stands above them waking them up.

He reaches down to grab the black one and it lashes its tail around in warning. When his hand stops for a moment its tail stops lashing and watches his hand closely. I don't know what possessed him but he decides it's safe and reaches the rest of the way and tries to pick it up earning a fierce nip on the arm.

"AHHH!" He drops it and jumps back while grabbing his arm in pain. "Why did it bite me?!" He looks back at me like it's my fault and I almost laugh.

"Why are you looking at me, dragons can't be controlled their not some pet that will listen to everything you say." Arrax hung upside down on the ship even when I tried to get him down he would nip at me. "They have their own minds and desires and if you do something to displease them they will quickly let you know." Viserys lets go of the wound and it drips a little blood onto my bed and I feel a headache coming on.

"Smell it you beast, I have the blood of a dragon so you should listen to me!" Is he not hearing a word I say or is he just in denial?

"Viserys you are making a mess, let me help you with that." Mom gets up and tries to help him with the wound but he just jerks the arm from her when she grabs it.

"I don't care about a little wound, I need to figure out how to get this dragon to listen to me. It is solid black and will be my very own Balerion, can't you see it." He waves his arms around wildly like he is the only one with eyes to see with.

"Viserys calm down the dragons didn't come to me either you can't scream and expect something to happen." He bites his lips and looks ready to explode before he looks at me and something inside just snaps and his face goes red.

"He did something! He did something and that's why they won't listen to me! A dragon can't ignore me when I have the blood of the dragon in me." He holds his hand up smeared with his blood. "He is always doing something, he is always trying to outdo me and is always trying to make himself look better. He wouldn't give the sword to me even when I am the one who needs it since I am the one who will be king. Now he even used some magic on the dragons so they would ignore me, it must be something he learned from the red temple!" He is throwing his hands around and pointing here and there and acting like a fool.

The looks the people in the room are giving is one of concern and a touch of pity. He sees this and his jaw clenches before he storms past everyone and out of the room.

The door is slammed so hard it opens itself back up and Melisandre who was beside it closes it shut. I am not even sure what to say and I am honestly not even surprised with his reaction, but it does affirm my desire to high tail it from Dorne before I get a knife in my neck.

"That is why I plan to leave." I say softly to mother as she looks very conflicted as she stares at the door. "I don't plan to be stabbed in the back by a wildly jealous brother who sees slights to himself in everything I do. I Pull dragons from the grave and he makes it about himself and me doing it to hurt his prestige." I leave it at that since anymore with others in the room would look like I am a threat to Viserys, as I left it I am in danger from him and simply want to leave for my safety.

I honestly expected one to bond with him, the number of times I have heard him call himself a dragon I started to believe it. But looking at the blood spilled on my bed and how the dragons ignored him for the most part I can't help but see it differently now.

And that's exactly what he is worried about.


"Here I brought some new sheets." Visenya walks in and drops some clean sheets on a chair, probably doesn't even know if it's safe to send a servant in here if they have her bringing them.

"Thank you Visenya, can you strip the sheets and I will flip the mattress over?" She smiles and nods as she walks over to the bed she looks at the blood stains and up at the dragons sleeping near it. Her eyes have a look of burning curiosity and I know she is wanting to try to see if one will pick her. She is the only one who hung back and didn't get close to them when she came into the room.

Aegon tried but after seeing the tails whipping around he just held his hands up in surrender and backed up. He was very mature about it and just left a comment of ' maybe if one of them lays eggs it will hatch and pick me. ' I respected that quite a bit. He has always been level-headed since I met him and his resignation in not getting picked showed his real character.

I hope one does hatch for him one day but that might be when he is almost forty or fifty-name days old. I will take him for a ride on Arrax before then and let him see the world from above the clouds if he wants.

"Why don't you try?" I stand behind her and give her a little nudge and she stiffens when the heads turn toward her.

"Eragon!" She harshly whispers through grit teeth, I smirk and come up behind her again and slowly slide my hand down her arm and hold her hand from the backside.

Her dark purple eyes widen but she doesn't move as she stares at the dragons watching curiously.

"Slowly, and you will be fine. If they don't like it I won't let them bite you." She slowly nods and I take her hand and present the palm to the dragons who have now stood up and are stretching their necks. She jumps a little when the pink one walks forward a few steps and chirps at her. "Don't be scared, look at those cute little eyes. How could you be scared of something so cute." Her head unconsciously turns to the right to look at the bloodstain and she misses the dragon moving forward and sniffing her hand.

Her head snaps forward when the dragon breaths out on her palm, tiny spiked horns brush against her palm as it pushes its head into her hand. I let go and step back and watch as she slowly gets comfortable on her own. Soon the other hand comes up and starts rubbing its lighter tone scaled belly.

"You didn't help me like that." Danny says in a way that shows her displeasure, I turn around since we can't make the bed now and walk over to my twin.

"Well sorry, I was busy stressing and coming up with a plan to keep my kids safe." She rolls her eyes.

"Our kids." She says with finality and runs her finger down the back of Meleys who lets out a soft rumble.

"I see, so you're the mommy if I am the daddy huh?" She doesn't take any time to consider and just nods.

I pick up Arrax and move him from the cushion so I can sit and I wrap my arm around Danny's shoulder and pull her close.


"Are you seriously going to sleep in here? I haven't had a good night's rest in a while from these little pyromaniacs." I left the room to take a bath and came back and everyone had already changed into night clothes.

Shaena and mom went to their own rooms but there is a dogpile going on in my bed and I can feel my headache coming back.

"You should cut your hair."

"Stop complaining."

"We are staying up all night!"

"It looks like we are."

"Cuddle me my feet are cold!"

Responses come so fast I am not even sure who said what so I just wave my hands in defeat. I won't complain about sleeping with a bunch of women if they at least don't wake me up too early. Plus they just didn't want to leave the dragons behind and I won't let them be split up even if it's just for sleeping.

"Alright, I get you are excited and didn't want to leave the dragons alone but just so you are aware, they are likely to set this bed on fire with us in it." No one looks happy at that news and they take looks at the adorable scaled babies curled up in random spots on the bed.

I get to the edge of the bed and start climbing over people until I get to the middle, my Danny is in the middle and I am sleeping with her in my arms even if I have to die to get there.

Plus if Viserys comes back in the middle of the night to stab me he will have to wake everyone up to do it.

(I will delete this message once I finish it but I am working on an aux chapter for the dragon's pics.)