
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaella Targaryen


I hear a knock at the door that takes my attention away from the letter I was reading, I have been sending out messages to old friends and am not liking the response I am getting.

"Come in!" The door opens and the servant bows and looks a little out of breath.

"Lady Rhaella, your son is here." I turn to face the door and try to peer out it and don't see Viserys.

"Then why isn't he coming in?" She puts both hands on her chest as she keeps trying to catch her breath so I stand up and pour her some water, I don't want her to fall over dead.

"The other son, Prince Eragon." I drop the cup and look toward her while still pouring the water onto the table.

"Where?!" Tired of waiting for her to catch her breath I leave the room as fast as I can and manage to see people heading toward the palace entrance.

I am going to tear into him!


The first thing I see is a red woman, the very same one who gave him that sword and tricked him into leaving us! I head toward her but soon see she is trying to calm down a... chest?

"Don't ever leave me again." I hear Danny and see her wrapped around the form of my son, who looks like he has been camping outside.

"Never, no matter where I go you are going with me." The only place you are going is into your room to be locked up for the next year!

My attention is taken away from my son as I notice the chest is smoking and I can hear something inside fighting against it savagely.

Wait, this couldn't be what I think it is, or is it?

A small flame shoots out a hole on the side as I hear screams coming from the chest and I feel weak in the knees. Dragons, he managed to hatch the eggs.



"Eragon..." I am not sure what to say but once I lay eyes on them I know for a fact everything will change. The beasts of flame that dominated the continent and killed countless people with their flames.

My ears ring and I try my best to stay on my feet as he slides the lid of the chest and onto the ground. He puts his hand in and soon I see something white, a beautiful white that reminds me of a pearl necklace I used to have.

"This is Arrax, he likes it when you scratch his back but will snip at you if you touch his neck or head." Arrax climbs all around my son and even climbs through his disgustingly dirty hair and lets out a loud screeching noise.

Thoughts run through my mind and I can't even begin to make any plans for what we need to do. This changes everything and even if we don't have armies all we need is time and we will take back the kingdoms, even if it's not in my life. We just need to let them grow and then people will bend their knees.

But Viserys won't see it that way, he is anxious and is very irate and demands to sit his thrown soon. I make sure he keeps it under control Infront of others but he complains to me almost daily that Prince Doran hasn't marched his men directly to Kingslanding and put him on the throne.

I look over and see Eragon not looking so good, the dragon on his shoulder pulls my attention as I reach out to hold his arm.

"Are you ok?" The dragon's purple eyes peer into my own and I feel the desire to touch it but I stop myself.

I am fine momma, I am just glad to see you guys again." I feel the love in his voice as he smiles his normal smile for the first time since I have seen him back. My sweet boy, I missed you too.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Daenerys Targaryen


My heart feels healed and I feel warmth in my body once again as Eragon wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to his side. Arrax who was sleeping next to me was moved and is now awake and climbing over me to get somewhere comfy to sleep once again.

Our kids.

I like that, I like that he calls them his kids because the moment I laid my eyes on them I felt connected to them. Like family, I never knew I had and now they are here and I can see them and touch them.

Unfortunately, I can also hear them, Syrax who picked Rhaenyra is trying to learn how to sing and is not quite cut out for it. Rhaenyra is over the moon with joy watching the small dragon scream and whistle at her as she dangles meat between her fingers.

"Careful she will get hungry enough and try to burn your fingers." Eragon looks at his hand almost as if looking for damage. Seeing his spread fingers I lace mine through his and hold tight, his warm hand brings a smile to my face.

"Ok, thanks for the warning I guess." Rhaenyra drops the meat after looking back, she looks at me holding his hand and then turns back to the baby dragon a little less excited.

"What's her problem?" My stupid twin whispers in my ear.

"She wants to hold your hand too." I tell him directly into his ear but loudly enough that Rhaenyra can hear us and she lowers her head. I shake my head internally, didn't she just see what it would be like if he was gone and she is still going to be shy?

Shiera, on the other hand, might be trying a little too hard, I narrow my eyes in her direction as she lounges on the couch beside us with Tessarion laying on her stomach. She said 'I can't get up or it will wake up Tessarion.' yea right you are just trying to give Eragon a view down your dress.

And to my surprise, he actually tilts his head to the side and takes a look! He usually would restrain himself in a situation like this but he is looking!

What happened to him on this journey he went on that changed him?

I will find out soon enough.


I guess I won't be finding out tonight as everyone decided to sleep in here with the dragons.

"Cuddle me my feet are cold!" I shout so he will hurry up and get in the bed and keep me warm, he has been gone a long time and owes me plenty of cuddles.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Shiera Targaryen



A solid gold dragon is what the flames had been showing me but I didn't figure it out, the moment my eyes spotted it climbing from that chest I knew we were connected. I gazed into its eyes and saw the same I saw when I looked into the flames.

God, I feel stupid for not figuring it out now.

But then it set in I am holding on my bosom a real breathing dragon whose scales are like polished gold. Sparkling and envy-inducing, I won't lie and say I love gold because I don't like gold at all, I prefer silver but this little one is changing my mind.

""Hello little one, how was your travels to get here."" I whisper into the side of its head where I hope is its ear and It shakes its head before looking at me with its piercing eyes. Power, power in the form of fire stuffed into flesh and bound to me in a bond that won't break until one of us dies. That's what its eyes tell me, but there is also a will of its own in there that makes things interesting.

Dragons aren't slaves, maybe they were meant to be if the theories in that Maesters book turn out to be true. The original book was destroyed but some copies were made and he had some interesting ideas about dragons.

But this little baby dragon is definitely not a slave, more of a child of mine if I had to put words to it. It feels like something I can only describe as being my child, I have not yet but this is how I imagined it to feel. I want to document every step of the process of raising a baby dragon.

In the future, I will be able to look back on it not just for memories but also to try to better understand the bond and how it works. Maybe manually create it?


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenyra Targaryen


Syrax after the name of my namesake's dragon, it just so happened to follow the trend of the others naming them after gods we don't even worship.

I try to focus on feeding the ravenous baby but I can't stop myself from looking at Eragon, he seems different. Not much but something is changed about him.

His eyes have changed but not in the way they look to others like their color but the way they look at others.

I feel like something other than hatching dragons eggs happened on the trip that was just as big of an event to him as the revival of dragons was. It was hard for me to even notice until he was looking at me and then it was abundantly clear.

He seems almost more lecherous if I had to put it into words, but not as much as some men I have seen. He normally doesn't let his eyes linger too long but he was doing so earlier. Maybe I just never noticed and he has always been like this?

I look at the red priestess which I believe has something to do with his change, did he have sex with her or something?

I don't know how to feel about that but I do know it makes me feel negatively.

How do I even ask him if that's the case? Do I even ask? What difference does it make to me?

A chirping noise wakes me from my thoughts and I absent-mindedly start stroking Syrax scales.

I will just ask Daenerys what she thinks since she likely noticed it as well.


298 AC

Crownlands - Driftmark

Laena Velaryon


"Is this how you want it braided?" I look back at my sister in all but name Alynna Longwaters.

"Perfect." She begins to finish my hair as I look back into the mirror and think about what my father told me.

I am engaged.

I asked him why he was so against the idea of looking for a husband for me since most girls my age are married off. He already married me off when I couldn't even talk and it's to a prince, well an exiled prince.

A actual Targaryen prince and I didn't know my entire life.

I guess I understand since kids run their mouths and it might have leaked, but who would have believed me anyway. He only decided to tell me when we heard about his older brother marrying Arianne Martell. Now there is an actual chance of them taking back the crown and he wants them to make good on their promise.

Slowly over the years, he has built up our fleet from the destruction that happened during the storm on the day my potential husband was born. My guess is he wants to get them to make good on the promise by offering the fleet but for that, to work they will have to take Dragonstone. Dragon stone is too easy of a location to attack Driftmark from and the entire wraith of the current king would come down if he knew we were trying to marry one of the Targaryens.

"Are you ok?" Alynna asks with some worry and I pat her hand and smile.

"Yes, I am fine." I debate telling her since I trust her with my life, plus she shared with me her secret so it's only fair. It was hard to believe her family is actually related to me and so closely but it only made me happier. My father took her in when she was younger as a favor to Rennifer Longwaters and she has been my 'servant' ever since.

I look at her silver-gold hair with its streak of brilliant gold cutting across it as if someone painted it on with a brush. Hair that was passed down from a bastard who eventually had his descendants rename the family to Longwaters to honor the original Jon Waters. Jon Waters was the son of Alyn Velaryon and Elaena Targaryen, so Alynna Longwaters is related to both me and my potential husband.

Well, I guess I am also related to him since Targaryens and Velaryons have married each other since before the conquest.

Still, she told me about her secret that was told her when she was given her ancestor's most cherished possession. Now I want to tell her my secret.

"I might be marrying a Targaryen prince." Her hands are still as she slowly looks into the mirror to see my eyes.

"When?" She slowly blinks.

"I don't know but my father sent ravens to see what the situation is on my old engagement to him, they will want our ships but father will likely give them if it would tie the Velaryons back to the crown. He wants the master of ships given back to our family since it was basically hereditary at one point with how close we were with the Targaryens." She looks back at my hair with a small smile.

"That's good, you deserve a prince." I shake my head at her as she lets go of my hair once more and pokes me in the side causing me to giggle.

"Stop! please stop Alynna!" She stops and stands up with her hands on her hips.

"Tell me all you know about him, I am dying to find out." I smile and take a sip from my cup.

"Ok, sit down and I will tell you what my dad said he heard."