
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Viserys Targaryen


Seven dragons and not a single one will even let me touch it, not even a single scale! Eragon has gone too far, I show him my love and teach him my knowledge and he uses it to smack me.

"He did it on purpose." I state in my kingly voice as I sit in Doran's solar with my wife.

"Did what your Grace?" I am glad this woman has learned to address her king properly, I need to educate my siblings and nieces and nephews in the same way.

Do they not see that appearances are everything and yet not a single one shows respect to me Infront of others?

Eragon with his Valyrian steel sword and dragons are a dagger in the back from him, he needs to be taught who is the head of the family. I am the dragon and yet he uses vile magic to control the dragons to not listen to me. I carry the blood of the dragon and will command them!

We have seven female Targaryens as well but mother doesn't count, six unmarried female Targaryen's and no marriage alliances other than the one I secured. Eragon getting us Driftmark admittedly is good for us but not if we don't have other allies along with the Velaryons.

Eragon is a man grown and needs to stop sleeping with the maiden woman who we need to use to get the throne. The dragons will take too long to grow and will be used to keep people in line after the war is won. We can have the dragon pits rebuilt and show them off and people will fear our house once more and bend their knees.

We need armies to fight the usurper and take the throne, then we will head to Essos and kill the traitor Blackfyres for good.

"-hen I was surprised when I saw them climbing up the walls, there so much more beautiful than the stories and books tell us. Aren't you glad to see living dragons?" I missed half of what she said but I will just smile and nod.

"Yes, I am VERY happy to see them." I will be happier when they are under me and I can burn my enemies.

"How has Ser Jorah Mormont been serving you so far?" The man who came of his own initiative to serve the true king, his slaving acts will be overlooked once he swears into the Kingsguard. He will make an excellent defender and his years of experience running his house will come in handy.

"He will make an excellent Kingsguard." I state as it is a fact, he came and bowed to me the real dragon as he has actual eyes, unlike the rest of Westeros.

"Your Grace maybe we could wait until we know his true motives." Prince Doran finally speaks while not taking his eyes off the letter he is writing.

"His motive is to serve me." Is he a fool?

"His motives are unclear, he only decided to come once you had an army and that leads me to believe he might be a hired knife of Robert. He wants to be pardoned for selling slaves and Robert will give him that for your head." He is a fool.

"I Pardoned him and will give him a white cloak and a real purpose in serving the king." He looks at his daughter and she grabs my hand.

"Maybe we could wait until we have seen more from him, we haven't even seen him use the sword he carries around. He won a tourney and that's what lead to him marrying the Hightower that spent all his money." I was not surprised when he told me a woman ruined his life and then left, that's what they do.

"I will wait and see." I will give them this, as they are just concerned for their king and I know I am right so when he proves himself he will take the seventh and last spot in the Kingsguard.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


After an intense match with Ser Arthur Dayne, I sit on a stone bench and drink some water while I cool off. Sweat pours down my face as I look around the yard.

"Who is that?" I ask as I look at a half-bald old man that has been sending looks my way for a while now.

"Ser Jorah Mormont formerly of Bear island." An unfamiliar tone of disgust in Arthur's tone takes me by surprise.

"What did he do?" I ask as I lean in and make eyes with the man in question, he looks me in the eyes and I know there is something I don't like about him.

"He put poachers in chains and sold them into slavery, he ran his house into the ground and then got desperate." Oswell Whent answers and I nod as the bear man breaks eye contact and looks toward the door coming out into the yard. His eyes flash a certain way of a man seeing water for the first time in days.

I look toward the door and see Shiera coming outside and looking around, when she sees me she walks over quickly. I look back at the man he is watching her backside and I know at this moment I will likely kill him. Many men look at the girls around the palace and it's to be expected, Targaryen women are exceedingly beautiful and Shieras skin treatment makes them stand out even more.

Smooth and bright skin that almost glows and has a healthy feeling when you look at it. With flowing silver hair that catches the light and captivating purple eyes along with their stunning figures, you would have to enjoy the company of men to not lust after them.

But his eyes hold something more, a possessive desire in his eyes that only my eyes are allowed to give them.

I smile as Shiera gets close and I stand up, she tilts her head and I pull her into a hug while making eye contact with the stunned man. I put my hands on her lower back and narrow my eyes at him, he will get my message or my Valyrian steel.

"Eragon!" She hisses in my ear but pulls herself even tighter against me, a very nice feeling indeed.

"Sorry, an old man was giving you a look and I was drawing a line for him." She pushes off and holds onto my shoulders.

"Which old man?" She asks with an unhappy tone.

"The one behind you against the wall." She looks behind her and soon her face morphs into a look of disgust and the old man is stunned stiff. It doesn't last long as his face turns red in anger and he marches out of the yard. "Dear god you killed him." She looks back and her disgust turns into a haughty and proud look.

"Of course, I don't want someone else to be looking at me." She punches my chest playfully and looks at the Kingsguard who are watching the show with great interest. "I came to watch you train, it's been a while since I have watched you swing your sharp stick around." She fixes my collar and then runs a finger up my neck and to my chin before dropping her hands.

"Ok." I croak out as a shiver runs up the base of my spine to my skull, shaking it off I turn around with enthusiasm. "Alright old man, I won't be holding back so you look good anymore let's get out there." He snorts and grabs his training sword once more before leading the way out into the yard.


"maybe it wasn't a good idea to goad him." I ease myself into a tub of steaming water and relax my muscles, my very sore muscles.

"I thought I did good, all things considered anyway." He isn't the sword of the morning for nothing, I put up a good fight though.

"You did do good, but was it worth it for you both to beat each other up?" She takes a small bowl and scoops water up before dumping it on my head.

"It's fine, you don't get better by one-sidedly beating weaker opponents. He has very few people who can even keep up with him in the whole known world and most of them are here in Sunspear. It's too good of an opportunity to learn from the best to hold back on the account of being scared of pain." She dumps more water on my head and sets the bowl down, taking her hands she runs it through my hair. I feel my head go light and my eyes close as she runs her fingernails across my scalp.

"I see, that does make sense I suppose." We sit in silence as she scrubs my head and pulls my hair and observes its length. "How short do you want it?" I shrugged not really caring.

She offered to cut it after seeing it get in my face multiple times while training.

"Whatever length you think looks good." She pulls all the hair behind my head and uses it to pull my head down onto the edge of the tub and her lap. I keep my eyes closed and enjoy the feeling of her hands and the hot water.

"I like it about finger length or a little longer." She pulls some of it to the side and starts to measure it with her fingers before snipping the first of it.

After a few snips, I open my eyes and see her focused look on my hair and smile.

"What are you smiling at?" She smiles back as she keeps snipping hair away.

"You are so focused." I respond and she rolls her eyes, her eyes look at the water momentarily before looking back at my hair.

"Not completely." I snort and stretch my arms onto the side of the tub giving her a good view of my chest. I kept the underclothes on for obvious reasons but she is still taking interested looks.

Soon she finishes one side and starts on the other, I close my eyes once more and let her work. It would be a tragedy if she messed up and made me bald. I might not care about the length but I don't want to be smooth-headed.

I soon feel her working on the back and slowly working her way up to the front and she uses her knees at the base of my skull to keep my head propped up.

"Hey, Shiera." She hums in response. "What do you think about leaving?" Her cut stops halfway before she processes what I said and finishes the cut.

"I think you shouldn't ask me something like that when I am cutting your hair, I almost messed up." We go back to silence and she soon finishes and I sit back up as she starts dumping water back on my head. "I would go with you if you asked me to." She answers before dumping water on my head.

She runs her hands through my hair and checks the length and slowly pulls my head back down into her lap.

"When are you leaving?" She flicks my bangs back and forth and looks into my eyes.

"Sooner than later sadly, I don't want to leave mom and Shaena but there isn't a real 'reason' to bring them other than me wanting them to be with me. I honestly wouldn't want you to go as it will be dangerous but you bonded one of the dragons so I see it as necessary." She frowns and takes both her hands and grabs both sides of my face and narrows her eyes.

"I am not useless Eragon, I know how to speak a sea of languages compared to you and I know medicine and other forms of healing. I also have been practicing water magic and I know for a fact that I know more about dragons than you do as well." I sigh and lift a hand to stroke her cheek.

"I never once called you useless, you don't have to be a fighter if you don't want to. Swinging 'sharp sticks' isn't the reason I am scared to bring you. There will be no 'safe place' and you will have to travel with me the whole time and if we are attacked you will be right there." I drop my hand into the water and she doesn't respond and chooses to stare at me with her mesmerizing eyes.

She lets go of one side of my face and slides the hand down to my throat and then my chest, she drags the back of her nails against my chest while her eyes slowly ease up in intensity.

"You don't want to leave me." She states as if it's a fact, and it is.

"I don't." She smiles and my head sinks into her lap as she puts her other hand on my chest with the first.

"You wouldn't leave me here even if I didn't bond with Tessarion." I surprise myself when I nod instantly.

"I wouldn't leave you here because you would be sold off to some lord's son to tie them to our family, it's only a matter of time." She nods and slowly leans in with a smile and then presses her puffy and soft lips against mine. A moment later she pulls back, she tucks her silver-gold hair behind her ear, and bites her bottom lip.

"You wouldn't want me to be sold off to some lord's son to tie them to our family." She already knows the answer and leans back in and kisses my lips upside down again.

She pulls back and looks down at me with her eyes practically shining.

"I am going with you." I nod in agreement, I still need to convince Rhaenys and Visenya. I already know Danny's answer even if I didn't ask or even if she want to stay I would throw her over my shoulder and take her. "Good, let's get out of this steam since it's making me a bit lightheaded.

She drops my head and I sit up as she tries to walk around the tub I wrap my right arm around her waist and put my left hand under her legs and lift while pulling.

"EragON!" Her ass sinks into the water and into my lap as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into me.

"The steam is making you lightheaded? You're a dragon, steam won't make you lightheaded." I whisper into her ear and kiss her neck as she puts her hands on the sides of the tub.

"Eragon let me get out! My clothes are soaked now and people are going to ask what happened." I lean back and pull her back against my chest and relax my hold enough that she could get up if she wanted to.

And she didn't.

"just relax we will get out in a moment, you are already soaked anyway." She groans and kicks off her shoes that didn't get into the water as her legs were outstretched. She tucks her feet in and puts them between my knees.

"Fine, but you better remember this later." Her voice promises vengeance but I could care less and she can try what she wants.