No work again today so more chapters, FOR SURE, work tomorrow though.... maybe.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


A 'little longer' turned into soft touches and kissing until the water got cold, a knock on the door, and then its sudden opening is what finally broke us apart.

"Eragon, I need to stop catching you like this." Shaena lets out a sigh and her eyes widen when she sees where our hands are. "Oh my, I was looking for my daughter so I could talk to her but it seems like it's not necessary anymore." She titters and covers her mouth as we both stand up and quickly get out of the tub.

"What did you want mom?" Shiera groans as she slips her shoes back on while sitting on the edge of the tub. "Wait did you just say you have to stop catching him? As in you caught him doing this before?" I flinch but realize she doesn't seem angry and more seems surprised.

Shaena's eyes widen when she notices she slipped up, she looks my way hesitantly and I shrug. Seeing me not really care she sighs and pats her chest, her eyes don't leave me but instead trail my chest and the rest of my body.

"Yes, I caught him with his tongue down Rhaenyras throat and gripping her ass as if it would run away from him if he let it go." Shaena nods as she looks at my body and speaks to her daughter, I can't help but blush even though I am no stranger to being seen. There is something in her look that shows her approval that makes my face heat up and I want to close her lecherous eyes.

Damn, I shouldn't be embarrassed when I just was moments from tearing her daughter's dress off.

I Straighten up instead of shying away and even take a few steps toward her as the towels are in a chair behind her. She raises a brow and meets my eye with a smile spreading across her face.

"Getting brave little brother?" Shiera squawk's when she hears her mom and whips her head around to see me standing a single step away from her mom.

"Eragon! Don't you fucking dare!" I slowly trail the tip of my tongue along my lips as I reach around Shaena and grab a towel. Spinning on my heels I walk toward Shiera and start to help her dry her hair.

"Don't what?" I ask with a serious tone and hear a grunt from the towel as I turn to see my older sister shaking her head.

"Playing a dangerous game Eragon, you need to walk carefully or you're going to sink yourself." She passes her eyes one last time over my body and then smiles. "If you need anything from me, like advice so you don't slip and fall over yourself. I am always glad to hear you out and help my little brother." I purse my lips and nod as she turns and leaves the room.

"Eragon if you fuck my mom so help me..." I am caught off guard by her directness and can't hold back as I start laughing.

"Shiera." I pull the towel off her head and find her already looking into my eyes. "If I was going to fuck either of you just then it would have been you." She clenches her jaw and narrows her eyes.

"I see." She replies curtly. "It seems I need to have a long talk with my mom indeed, she shouldn't be giving 'advice' to you."

I shake my head and drape the towel over her before walking to get myself a dry one and starting to dry myself, even if I already am almost dry from the air.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Shaena Targaryen


I make it to Elia's room and knock and enter once I hear her confirm she is decent. I may enjoy catching my little brother in the act but not a fiery Dornish woman who will try and pull me into her and Lyanna's fun.

"Hello Shaena, how are you?" I sit next to her on the balcony and take her glass and down some of it before speaking. "thirsty I see."

"You wouldn't believe the kind of day I have had." She raises a brow and leans back while propping up her feet.

"Oh, do tell me I have been bored all day. I want to go see the little dragons but I don't want to rub Eragon wrong. He seems cagey when it comes to his little babies." She pours herself some more wine as I clear my throat.

"Well it is actually about Eragon, I was supposed to keep it a secret but he already showed he doesn't mind so I will tell you two. Just don't tell anyone else because he is currently manning up and I would hate for him to lose his courage." Lyanna gains some interest hearing there is real gossip and sits forward.

"Oh? What has happened?" Elia asks with some excitement.

"Well, first I caught him in bed kissing Rhaenyra and mauling her ass. Then just now I went to speak to my daughter after figuring out what I wanted to say to her and I found them in the tub going at each other." I wonder what would have happened if I didn't show up either time.

"Oh boy, that is certainly a development as I was wondering if the boy was interested at all in sex or if he just didn't like any women around him. I am sure Rhaenys would like to hear of this development as if she could eat someone with her eyes Eragon wouldn't have any meat left." She waves her hand around talking about her daughter but also has a small smile.

"Well that's actually my current worry, he might bite off more than he can chew. If he tries for too much he might end up dropping them all and be left the fool." I do want to bring the subject up with him as it is not unheard of for multiple wives in our family but it's looked at negatively. I mean even Rhaegar married Lyanna after being married to Elia so these two understand.

"What do you not think he can keep up with them?" Lyanna holds up a finger insinuating something.

"Oh, I believe the equipment won't be the problem and it will be meeting expectations and not getting too full of himself. He doesn't seem to have grown an ego even after resurrecting dragons but we all know what pussy does to a man." Elia laughs.

"You have seen the 'equipment' to speak so confidently about it?" I nod and hold my hands up to show the sight I just saw straining against his underclothes in the washroom. My daughter should be thanking me for interrupting them as she is going to need to prepare for something like that.

If she goes straight for it without at least knowing to 'warm' herself up by setting the mood and some other fun then she might not enjoy it as much as she should. Eragon likely doesn't even know the danger it represents to a poor maiden, I will speak to him whether he wants to hear me or not.

"Your joking." Lyanna denies it easily and sits back in her seat.

I don't respond and just set my hands down and let the mood settle in.

"You are not joking." Elia comments with a bit of heat.

"I am not joking in the slightest, which is why I am confident if he does it right he can pull off making them happy. Setting aside the problems that kind of relationship will cause and only focusing on what makes them happy I think he should. I have watched them grow and how they have bonded and slowly it became more without any of them even realizing it. It would bring me a great amount of satisfaction and joy to see them make it work." Elia shakes her head.

"The boy is inexperienced right?" I nod, he never has run off to brothels or the like other than when we were in Braavos and he had that one friend who lived in one. He was almost always with someone else and so I know nothing happened.

"He is, he doesn't like the idea of paying for it as he sees it beneath himself." That and mother rammed it into him when he was younger so he wouldn't turn out like Viserys.

"Then the odds are stacked against him in trying to please three women and not showing too much here or not enough there." Elia was the one who pushed Rhaegar and supported him when he wanted a third kid. She worked out all the details and plans on how they would make it work and they decided he would take a second wife.

I never liked Rhaegar like that or he might have even made a move on me but he knew my feelings and looked elsewhere. Oh, how things would be different if that wasn't the case and I was more mature at that time.

"That's what I meant by my worry, he is going straight from the training yard into the field of fire and I worry he might get burned." I shake off the negative thoughts and push on with the conversation.

"Then just help him out, explain what he is walking into. Hell, I could talk to him and tell him how Rhaegar and I went back and forth on different things." Elia motions between her and Lyanna as she speaks and I slowly nod.

That could work.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Shiera Targaryen


"Why did you drag me in here Shiera?" I close the door behind me and Rhaenyra and grab her hand and lead her to my bed.

After sitting her down I sit next to her and take a deep breath.

"You kissed Eragon." Her eyes widen and she looks away.

"Who told you? Your mom promised not to say anything." I don't want her to misunderstand so let's get this over with.

"I did too, I kissed him in the bath and he touched my body." Rhaenyra whips her head back and her jaw drops. Her eyes also glance at my breasts and she puts a hand over hers, I don't get why she always compares them she isn't even that much smaller.

"So he told you?" I shake my head.

"My mom did when she caught us in the bath." She rolls her eyes and flops back onto the bed.

"She caught us too, she might be doing it on purpose." I frown hearing that as I also think she is up to something, it seems she is after something.

"That's a different matter to talk about, I wanted to talk to you about how you feel about that." She sits up on her elbows.

"Feel about what?" I look at her curiously and I can tell she is not pretending.

"Feel about me kissing Eragon." Her eyes widen in sudden understanding.

"I-I don't know, I don't feel anything." Her brows scrunch up in confusion and she leans back with her elbows pushing into the mattress.

"I thought the same after I was already out of the bath and alone, I didn't even realize what I heard. I would expect to be angry about him kissing you but I wasn't. Maybe it's because of how he is with Danny and so I wasn't averse to the idea." I still can see it as a bit weird but I don't see it as something to get mad about.

The number of times I have seen Danny and Eragon clinging to each other is countless and it never changed how I felt about him, or her for that matter. I don't get angry at her or dislike her for how she acts, she has and always will just be Danny regardless of how she is with Eragon.

"Why bring this up then?" I am stumped, curiosity maybe?

"I don't know, but I don't think it's a bad thing." I flop back on the bed and look over at her.

"It's not bad?" I nod.

"It's not bad." She scrunches her brows so I try to clear any confusion. "How would you feel if Eragon kissed me and not you." Her eyes widen and she seems to be picking up on what I mean now.

"I would be upset, but I am not upset by him kissing us both."

"So it's not bad, right?" She slowly nods and looks up at the ceiling.

"I guess it's a good thing then, but that makes quite a few things problematic." I agree.

"It does, which is why we need to talk and also talk to Daenerys and then talk to Eragon."