
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"My Prince." Melisandre gives a short bow and I let her into my room.

"How have you been Melisandre, I am sorry I was catching up with family and seemed to 'avoid' you." She waves off my concerns.

"It's fine my Prince I am aware you missed them and just wanted some time to catch up. I came today to see if there was anything you needed of me?" I pour her a glass of wine and set it on the table beside a chair.

"Sit, let's talk for a little while. Rhaenyra and Shiera dragged away Daenerys and no one else has come to peek at the dragons. I would like to run some of my recent ideas by someone and hear their thoughts." She slides into the chair and takes a sip from the cup as I admire her hair.

I have a thing for Targaryen hair obviously, but her almost blood-red hair does draw my attention as well.

"What is it you had in mine my Prince, I will support you in any path you choose to take." I feel the weight of her words as I know she will do just that and follow after me. It's also why I am not worried about her doing anything to me to hurt me. The borderline fanatical look she gives me at times might make me feel uncomfortable but at other times its... 'nice'.

"Well I don't plan to stay here long, the dragons won't fit into this room forever, and when they start flying and not falling with their wings open it will be a problem. One spy from Robert or the Blackfyres and a bow and arrow and I will lose one or more dragons before they even get to the size to ride." Arrax climbs up from behind my shoulder and nuzzles his head against me.

"Summer isles?" She asks as she already knew I talked about it before, not only the original visions that showed me there from Nata's account but my own as well. There are entire islands that are uninhabited and could easily hide dragons on as they are much bigger than Sunspear or something like that.

The downside is if someone actively hunts them there it will be problematic, Goldenheart bows the second most powerful bow in the world. Capable of shooting a hardwood arrow straight through steel plate, the dragons will grow to have scales strong enough to deflect them but not now.

"Yes, Summer isles but I have many concerns and I am planning on bringing more people than I originally thought." Dornish spear wielders are world-renowned for their skill, and it just so happens the way to claim lands in Summer isles requires you to fight with spears.

Nata went back to Summer isles before we left Braavos because of attacks on the coast near Ebonhead and if I believe the visions that lead me to hatch dragons then I will fight in Summer isles. I will also ride a dragon and burn ships but that can't be soon as Arrax is too tiny to carry even my foot.

The thing is the fighting I saw was the 'ritual combat' for challenges made between princes and princesses of the summer isles. Meaning I challenge a prince or someone I know and support which is likely Nata. The challenges aren't always for land and could be for anything of value, but it's most likely land if I am involved.

Finding a safe place for the dragons away from the brewing problems of Westeros is quite literally the most important thing to me currently, only barely ahead of feeling some ass again.

The same could be said about getting the people I care about out of Westeros, Viserys will use Shiera, Rhaenyra, and Daenerys for politics as soon as he can. No one of real value has been presented yet so he has been holding back and I know it's greedy and stupid but I don't care. I have zero intention of letting them be used in a political marriage even if I don't get with them.

"Who did you have in mind?" I sip my drink before leaning back in my seat and putting my feet on the table. Arrax lays across my chest and I scratch his leg, he rumbles and I smile before looking up at my red priest.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenyra Targaryen


"I already know he told me." Daenerys informs us as soon as we walk into Shieras room and Shiera looks immediately stumped.

"And you came with us anyway?" Shiera asks and Danny motions around the room with her arm. "I see."

"Well we wanted to talk to you about what you are feeling and then when we all have heard each other out then we confront Eragon." Danny nods and sits on the bed.

"Alright, confront him on what though?" She asks what should be obvious.

"His real intentions!" I hiss as she should have known what I meant.

"His intentions by kissing both of you?" She asks to clarify and I nod. "His intentions were likely to fuck you." Shiera snorts and I glare at her, does Danny seriously not understand? That shouldn't be possible so is she doing this to try and stand her ground in some weird way?

"She isn't talking about sex Daenerys she is talking about the after sex and don't say take a bath or something like that. We need him to confirm what he intends to do about marriage." Danny nods and puts her hands behind her and leans back a little bit.

"I know what his intentions are and he kissed at least three girls today." He kissed her as well?! "So what is it you are expecting or think he is going to do?" Danny singles me out with her look and I am stumped.

"Uh, I would guess marry me if we weren't interrupted we likely would have gone a step further." Danny nods and looks at Shiera who clears her throat and sits up.

"He said we will leave Dorne and in doing so we are going to be separating ourselves from Viserys. Viserys won't be able to marry us off and we will have the freedom to marry who we want. And I want to marry Eragon, it's as simple as that for me." Damn, she made it seem so simple to say.

"I see." Danny nods her head in understanding and puts her hands together on her lap while sitting up. "I will be with Eragon until we die so it will be best for us to marry, but marriage is secondary to staying together. I would rather be with him as his twin and 'lover' than marry him and be separated at any point. But I do expect us to get married as it only makes sense with how close we are and how much we care for one another." They both made it seem so simple and sincere to say what they want.

I also just want to stay with Eragon and always continue to have fun and love each other. I won't be left behind in Dorne and left for Viserys to do as he wants with me.

"I want to change what I said." They both look toward me and I take a deep breath to try to get rid of my anxiety. It won't matter if I say what I want to them as they both said what they wanted and neither got mad or lashed out, so I will be fine. "I love Eragon and I won't marry him because I almost or would have had sex with him. I want to marry Eragon because I enjoy being around him and talking to him and everything else about him." There is more I want to say but that should be enough for now as my heart is beating so fast I feel it might break loose.

Shiera and Danny seem surprised by me speaking up and soon Shiera gets up and walks over and wraps her arms around me.

"I am glad you spoke up for real." Shiera pulls me in tight and soon Danny's arms join in and I suddenly feel stupid for being concerned in the first place. "Danny you said you knew his intentions were you being serious?" Shiera asks.

"Well, it's obviously to just marry all three of us." I open my mouth to say something but soon find out I have no response to that. Shiera is much the same as she backs up and scrunches her brows.

"Well, I guess that makes it simple then." Shiera soon gives up and shrugs. "Let's go see what he's getting up to!" I am left struck dumb as they both casually walk away, no further questions?!

Well, I guess I can't come up with any either so it's not that weird. I see them both make it to the door and I jump up.

"Wait for me!"


298 AC

Pentos - Illyrio's manse

Cirilla Blackfyre


"So they are leaving?" I ask Daemon as he paces around the room while biting his thumb.

"No! They want to leave there is a difference." No shit there is a difference but either way, it's bad news for us. "The men of the Golden Company also want to take a contract since money isn't as good while sitting around outside Pentos. So The Dothraki wants to go raiding and the Golden company wants more money. This is going wrong and it can all be blamed on inaction, we need to strike now before one does leave." He waves his arms around and soon stops before letting out a sigh.

"What is stopping you from attacking now?" Helaena asks curiously and Daemon looks ready to turn into a tomato as his face changes colors.

"What is stopping us little sister is that we can't attack one of our enemies without the other going for our back!" He starts to explain slowly and softly before screaming the last of it and I walk over to Helaena's side and pull her into my chest.

"That is unnecessary Daemon! Don't yell at her for just asking a question!" He clenches his hands and looks ready to throw a punch before he stops and takes deep breaths.

"Ok, ok ok I might have lost my temper but I am fine now. I am sorry Helaena, I am just very upset at the moment and I need solutions and not more questions." Helaena nods slowly into my chest and turns to look at him.

"If you can't attack Westeros yet then why not attack somewhere in Essos?" He sighs and drops into a chair and puts his head in his hands.

"It's not that simple, we have supporters here in Essos, and attacking them will just lose us their support and instead make us more enemies. There are very few places where we don't have at least one friend because of Father's wide network and that makes Essos off-limits and they were even upset with the 'marriage' of Helaena to a Khal." Helaena sits back up and fixes her dress and looks happy that Daemon is explaining stuff to her instead of ignoring her as usual.

"Why not just attack one of the weaker ones and split the gains with your stronger supporters and in doing so they will like you more." Daemon drops his hands and looks at her with confusion before his eyes slowly widen.

"That actually might work... It would be hard to convince the Golden company but the Khal will be all for it. We can both satisfy the Dothraki and fill the pockets of the Golden company, and if we give a fair share to others they won't say much. If anything they may point out the weak links and we can amass more resources before an opportunity presents itself to attack Westeros. With us being 'busy' in Essos the Targaryens may get impatient and attack Robert on their own." He stands up and paces the room a few times before looking at Helaena and smiling. "Thanks, little sister." And with that, he leaves the room in a hurry.

Helaena is very satisfied with herself for having helped Daemon and looks at me with a proud smile I try to wipe off with my thumb.

"Hahaha, Stop Ciri!" I ruffle her hair and look at her seriously.

"When did you get so good at thinking about stuff on the spot like that, it might work or at least something similar." She closes her hands together and shifts nervously in her seat, a telltale sign of her lying. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't come up with that idea." She looks at me with guilt and I shake my head.

"Who came up with it then?" I ask as she looks toward the door.

"You." She grabs my hand and looks back at me apologetically. "I am sorry, I just wanted to cheer Daemon up." What is she talking about?

"Helaena what are you talking about I didn't come up with that though." She slowly nods and smiles but I can tell it's fake.

"Ok." She stands up and heads toward her room and I look at her back in confusion.

What just happened?