
298 AC

Beyond the wall



Dreams of places I have never seen or people I have never met, that's what I am being shown.

According to the Three eye raven, I can't fully learn the power, not yet at least. He has helped me see things around the whole world according to him, but to me, it all just looks much the same.

Huge buildings made of stone with countless houses surrounding them, with walls not nearly as tall as the Wall cutting us from the south but still tall enough to stop invaders. With men in metal armor defending them.

This is the 'south', huh?

"I will show you something else now." The three-eyed raven speaks and I see swirls and go dizzy before I am standing in a stone building that is missing a top as I have seen on others have.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I see the thing called The three-eyed raven standing next to me. No roots digging into his body, instead he stands upright and tall and looks like a normal man.

"That." I look where he is pointing and see a man with shining hair that almost looks similar to mine standing on a pile of sticks. He is holding a weapon that soon ignites in odd color flames similar to how those 'children of the forest' light their hands on fire.

"You wanted me to watch him kill someone?" I ask confused as he first showed me different places and people who sat on thrones and wore crowns. Now he shows me a man just stabbing a tied-up person and burning the corpse.

"Just wait a moment." I see swirls and the room is brightened and I see the pile of wood is all burned and the man who was in the fire is talking to a woman with red hair and eyes. Her hair seems to burn and her eyes burn along with it.

The man has little animals crawling and climbing all over him.

"That's what you wanted me to see?" I nod seeing his soot-covered naked body, one of the better things this old raven has shown me.

"Not to stare at him but at the things on him, dragons." He says with more emotion in his voice than I have heard the whole time I have been in this root-filled cave.

"Like the ones in the stories that burned people alive and made everyone kneel?" I look a bit closer at the creatures and they don't look like they can even burn a rabbit let alone a person.

"These dragons aren't from years past, this is the day that the red star flew over. You saw it didn't you?" I nod and watch the man leave the stone building with the firewoman chasing after him after picking up the man's weapon. Why did he leave his weapon?

"What does it have to do with the reason I came here?" I blink and find myself back in my own eyes.

"It has everything to do with why you are here, a gift left behind by someone from your family." I am stopped from asking questions when one of the children of the forest walks out of a dark passageway carrying a long object. It looks like something wrapped in furs and as the child of the forest sets it on the ground she slowly unravels the furs exposing a weapon.

"A weapon is why I came up here?" I bend down and grab it by the handle and lift it, the weapon is a sword but doesn't weigh like it's made of metal. I saw some people in the Free folk who had some swords and they always looked heavy and made loud noises when they hit them against each other.

"It has a name, Dark sister." I like that name, I pull the blade out and drop the covering and see the metal is covered in ripples.

"This is the gift?" I swing it around a few times and the Children of the forest scream and run.

"Yes, it's part of the gift but you have little time left and there is much to inform you of before you have to leave. Now that you have seen part of the reason you are here please sit and see what I have to show you and then I will give you the other half and let you go." I nod and sit back down but before he can try to show me of anything I have a question.

"You said someone from my family left it?" His eye seems to glow as I feel my vision start to swim.

"Yes, it's from the man called Brynden Rivers." Wait.

How does that work, this is the Three-eyed raven but it was once Brynden Rivers. So he is saying he is my family... or was.

I look at the root growing through his eye and feel a bit of pity for the man.


298 AC

Kingslanding - small council

Varys Blackfyre


Dragons, the Targaryens have dragons.

I almost didn't believe the news when I got it, but then I double-checked who it was from and it was Jorah Mormont.

Robert has been attending many small council meetings since the tensions have risen and the possibility of war has grown.

So he will be here when I make the report that they have apparently over four baby dragons. How they got them is anyone's guess, but it involves Eragon Targaryen. He was missing and almost long enough to presume him dead somewhere. Then he appears and security is tightened in the palace and Jorah has to lower his visibility and not ask too many questions or else he risks getting bitten by a viper in the sands.

Along with his arrival is the gossip from servants and guards saying they have seen them there self's. Jorah knowing this would be very valuable info decided to risk exposing himself a little and congratulated Viserys on having dragons, he was threatened and almost lost his tongue but barely managed to escape the situation without having to burn bridges.

"What has you so glum spider?" The voice of Petyr Baelish grates on my ears and I hold my hands together and smile.

"Nothing, just awaiting our king's arrival." He heads to his seat and sits, I have more concerning things than Petyr Baelish right now.


"Alright, so now that all the copper counting is out of the way let's get to the only reason I even bother to show up." He looks around the table. "Who has anything useful for me on the damn dragons?" Damn dragons indeed this time I am afraid.

"I got a letter from our friend in Sunspear, what he told me has me more than a bit concerned." I honestly wouldn't mind trying to take them as we Blackfyres have the blood of the dragon and could ride them as well. But if the option is Targaryens with dragons or no dragons I will choose no dragons.

"What did our friend say." He grunts as he shifts in his seat.

"He said that the missing Prince Eragon has returned and not alone." I take a deep breath and prepare for the yelling. "He returned with at least four dragons, babies of course or we all would likely be turned into ash but still dragons." The room goes so silent you can almost hear the rats crawling in the walls.

"Surely this can't be true?" The golden lioness laughs and looks around for everyone else to laugh with her.

"Dragons are all dead!" Grand Maester Pycelle slowly pronouncing each word glares at me and states with so much conviction I might would believe it if I didn't know how desperate Jorah is to get his lands back. Lying about dragons would be a quick way to no one believing or trusting him and as he is our spy he can't choose to serve the Targaryens for real, with a single letter his head would roll.

"Is this true?" Jon Arryn asks with an even tone.

"It would seem, I have sent word in return to get real confirmation but I wouldn't expect anything soon. The security was already tight and now it's almost like they are under siege, it will be hard." He nods and looks more confused than anything else, his granddaughter might very well become a dragon rider against us if the news is correct.

"I want them DEAD! ALL OF THEM!" Robert slams his hand down and looks straight at me and I bow. This will be hard, it's hard to get someone to get information in and out, and now I need to have them killed somehow?

First of all, I will send word to Illyrio, maybe one or two of the dragons can be stolen if not all of him using his vast amount of connections and gold. Then my nephew would only need to wait for them to grow and then he could take the throne with little to no bloodshed. No one would stand against the Dragons after a few problem places are burned.

"It will be done, your Grace." He nods.

"No other news?" I shake my head and he looks around and no one else speaks up so he slides his chair back and stands up. "Alright." And with that, he walks right out of the small council.

"Dragons huh?" I hear his son and the future king should all my plans fail and the man looks excited at the prospect.

"Let's move on from these talks to something more productive." The very unhappy queen growls and we all nod as she moves the conversation along.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


A knock on the door interrupts my conversation with Melisandre and I look toward the door.

It opens on its own so I know it's someone allowed in, the guards outside done even let servants in. They tried to send Melisandre away until I left her in myself after hearing a noise outside the door and looking into it.

I soon see Daenerys being trailed by Shiera and Rhaenyra and I suddenly remember they asked to speak to me later during dinner.

"That will be all for now, I will spend some time with my family." She nods and stands up and turns around and walks toward the door. A quick greeting to the girls and she slips out of the room, it was nice to talk about my plans and hear someone else's input.

"Why was she here, did you kiss her too?" Danny asks after closing the distance between us and I shake my head at her.

"No, but I do want to kiss you again." She smiles slightly but quickly fixes it back to a frown.

"Well you will have to wait, we have questions for you." I take a deep breath and reach for my wine glass, this might take a while.

"I am all ears." They sit around the table and we all ignore how baby dragons are slowly moving across the room to investigate. "Go ahead and ask whatever you want." I hope this isn't going to be some kind of ultimatum.

"Since they seem to not have their voices then I will ask for them. Who is you want to get married to?" Danny rolls her eyes at the other two and asks a gut punch of an opener.

There are probably only wrong answers to this so I might as well just say the answer I actually mean and hope for the best. It's my own fault for my actions today so I might as well be open.

"I don't want to marry one of you but all three of you." Danny turns to look at the other two with a very smug look.

"I told you, you two were just overthinking. I mean it's Eragon and what were you expecting from him?" I feel insulted but things seem to be going in a positive direction so I will hold back any complaints until I know the full situation.

"Eragon, you are absolutely sure that you want that?" Shiera asks and I make eye contact as I nod.

"Yes." She sighs and slumps into her chair.

"Go figure, I don't know why I thought you might want anything else." Still looking positive so I turn to the last person in the room and find her picking Syrax off the ground and putting her on the table.

"Uh, I also thought wrong and you have already corrected that so I am fine." What's fine though?! Is that a yes?!

"So what does that mean." I lay my hands flat on the table and feel my chest turning cold as I realize a single word makes all the difference here.

A yes and I am the happiest man in the world and a no and I might as well take Arrax and travel the world whoring and drinking until I die.

"What does what mean?" Danny turning the knife while it's in my gut smiles as she tilts her head in 'confusion'.

"Yes, that is what you also want, no that is not what you want." She has a 'sudden' moment of 'realization' and then it suddenly turns into a pouted lip and lowered eyelids.

"I am sorry Eragon I can't approve of such a relationship." I would have fallen out of my seat if I didn't know she was full of shit so I look at the other two.

"You already said you would spirit me away and not let me marry anyone else so I don't really have a choice." I open my mouth to deny the charges but realize that is basically what I said and I plan to stick with it so I shrug and look to the last person once more. "But I agree!" Shiera hisses when I don't even respond to her.

Rhaenyra puts both her hands in her lap and nods, so three yeses and my heart feels like it is beating once more.

"You also never actually asked me to go with you but I will, I don't want to be separated again." Rhaenyra practically whispers and I stand up and walk over to her and pull her out of her seat. "Eragon?!" I carry her in my arms over to the bed and drop onto it with her under me and pull her tightly into myself.

"I wasn't going to leave you even if you didn't want to go so don't look so anxious." As soon as I finish speaking I feel a hand slap across my butt and I spin my head around almost breaking my neck. "You are asking for it!" Danny standing behind me with a victorious look smiles wide at my threat.

"Try me." She challenges in return.