51 R18


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"That kind of looks fun..." I barely hear Shiera whisper to Rhaenyra who absent-mindedly nods while watching me hold Daenerys over my knee and spanking her.

She hit me a second time when I ignored her threats previously and choose to bury my face into Rhaenyras's chest instead. But I can't just let her have all the ass-smacking fun so I quickly caught her as she tried to flee.

"Eragonnnn, stop please!" I stop mid-swing and gently place my hand where I had slapped, she jerks when she feels my hand but as I slowly massage the area she relaxes her clenched cheeks.

"Sorry I couldn't stop myself once I started, I just like to see the way it moves after I lay my hand across it." She looks back over her shoulder at me and bites her lip as I slide my hand all over her bottom.

"Alright you two stop that for now, we still have some things to talk about, and Rhaenyra and I need to go grab a night dress." Danny rolls her eyes and slowly tries to stand up, I help her by supporting her backside 'helpfully'.

"Just wear one of mine for now." Danny waves over to her closet and reaches around herself and moves my hand a little lower, brave girl.

"It won't fit." Shiera narrows her eyes as she sees what we are doing and she crosses her arms under her breasts and pushes them up to emphasize her point.

"Cow." Danny snorts and shivers as a finger makes its way to forbidden territory.

"You know what Danny, I will wear your night dress." A vindictive smile crosses her face as she walks over to the closet and quickly pulls out three dresses and brings them over.

She tosses on to Rhaenyra and Danny before walking Infront of me on my left side and turning around. I pull my hand from Danny's underside as she moves to put on her nightdress.

"Can you help me undo this?" She and her mom usually wear dresses that tighten up around the top to help support their chest. Not thinking much of it as I have done this countless times for her as she gets 'lazy' and has me help her.

"Thank you." As soon as it is undone she slips her arms out of it dropping the dress onto the floor and giving me quite the eye full.

Her underclothes soon follow her dress as she slips them down to her knees and lets them fall on their own. She looks over her shoulder and I see her smile as she turns around to grab the night dress she set on the table beside me.

My full attention follows her as she puts her hands through the bottom and lifts it over her head with her arms raised high with her entire front exposed. It falls easily enough but once it is on and her arms are through the arm holes the problem is discovered.

"Thanks for sharing with me Danny, I appreciate your generosity." Her massive breast strains the night dress and it only barely manages to cover what it needs to cover.

Turning around I see Danny having a sour look on her face but changes to a smile as she looks back at me slowly.

"Don't worry Shiera, it's not a big deal as I have close to fifty of them anyway." A dig at how Shiera has fewer clothes because of her chest, I sigh at the way they are acting but it's all in good fun. This isn't the first time something like this happens and they exchange words but there is no real venom to them.

Rhaenyra seems to be ignoring both of their antics to not get drawn into it and is in the process of putting her nightdress on. Having been watching what was going on though she quickly notices me watching her and she stiffens.

She slowly continues what she was doing and I enjoy the sight of her round ass until it is covered and regretfully hidden from my view. The shape and hypnotic movements as she heads to put Syrax back with the other dragons doesn't escape my sight.

"Done watching yet?" Danny blows in my ear and I see she has regretfully already finished her dress swap and I missed out.

"Yea..." I hang my head and let out a breath and she reaches down and grabs my arm and pulls it up so she can interlock her fingers with mine.

"Come on, Shiera was right about us needing to talk." I stand and get pulled to the bed and stop before getting on it and take off my clothes except for my underclothes.

I climb in and get to the middle and lay out flat with my arms going across the pillows. Shiera dives into my side before Danny can move and wraps her arms under me and over me as she hugs my chest.

"My side." She snuggles into my neck which tickles and I push off her attack with my chin.

"Ok, I will just get the oth-." She stops as Rhaenyra runs from where she laid down Syrax and does her own dive and even hits her head on the headboard.

"OWW." She groans into the pillow as I pull her close and kiss the spot.

She wraps her arms around my lower stomach and sets her head on my shoulder with a wide smile from securing her spot.

I turn to tell Danny that She is lucky she gets to snuggle up to one of their soft asses and she seems to be planning something different.

She crawls across the bottom of the bed and then makes her way up the middle before mounting me and dropping her head in between both of them and making them pull their arms back. I shrug as that only leaves more ass for me as I slip my hands down.

"Alright alright stop wiggling so much, you said you wanted to talk so talk." Shiera squirms as I slip up the back of her nightdress and grab what I was searching for.

"Eragon... whatever, I wanted to get some things laid out first as we have just decided that we are going to go this route. Things will be different and that's fine but we also need to lay out some plans and decide on some rules." She gives up the 'defense' and just sinks into my side.

"Like what?" I ask as I feel Rhaenyras soft breaths into my ear as I run my hand all over her.

"The biggest thing and it will be a problem later but something I think we need to decide now is, dragons." I kiss Rhaenyras forehead as she tangles her fingers into my hair.

"What about the dragons?" Shiera seems to have some ideas so I will just hear her out before giving my own.

"There are seven and the likelihood of them laying eggs in the future is high, so long as we get to the right age safely. I want to talk about preventing the next dance of dragons long before it can become a possibility." I nod along as Rhaenyra pushes her backside out enough so I can get under her from behind easier.

"I also think we need to set things up in place to prevent a civil war from taking place between future generations. We are even more likely to have this happen as all three of you will have my kids-." Rhaenyra bites onto my shoulder as I slide my finger across her slit and hears me talking about having kids. "-and disputes between the different 'branches' will eventually come up." Shiera nods and looks happy I am picking up on her points.

"Yes, that is my concern as well, what is the point in anything we will do if our kids or their kids will just trip on themselves and let the vultures pick them apart." Danny who has been unusually silent and was calmly listing while laying her face on my chest slowly shifts herself backward, I wonder what she is doing until I feel a warm sensation on my length.

"What ideas do you have?" I ask before I bite my lip and lean my head back as the warmth grows hotter and she starts to drag it from tip to base.

"I was thinking on my own I could try to figure out the bond, by doing so I hope to find a way to make it so the magic in the dragons will only bond them with someone of our blood or specifically yours. As you will be the middle man here and if I succeed the future eggs will hopefully be changed to only hatch for your kids and their kids going on and on down the line." She takes a deep breath which just so happens to match Rhaenyra as she gasps for air and clenches her hands.

Sticky wetness coats my fingers and if I go too fast will start to make noise so I slow down, she looks up with hazy eyes and practically begs me to keep going. I smile before looking back at Shiera and continuing our conversation.

"What if that doesn't work? And even if it does what would it change as the 'branches' being you threes kids would still each have dragons? Plus the main 'branch' being Viserys kids will eventually find a way to get one to marry them and then the crowned Targaryens will have dragons. Either way, you look at it the dragons will be spread around eventually and conflicts will rise." I close my eyes as Danny slides a hand behind her and lowers the cloth keeping us from truly touching.

She gets it down to my mid-thigh and by some miracle, Shiera doesn't notice as Danny adjusts it to be under her and goes back to sliding across it. Rhaenyra is too busy spinning her fingers across her cunt while I slowly tease it to even try to notice anything else.

"I am getting to that, there will be steps we take to prevent and hopefully eliminate any fighting within the Targaryen family. First, all of our kids will be raised together like we were, it won't matter if they decide to marry each other or marry out so long as it's for love in my opinion. By doing this we can monitor them and solve any internal conflicts in the 'starting' generation and instill strong family values to protect each other from the enemies who are quite literally the entire rest of the world."

I nod in response while trying my best to not succumb to Danny's slick and hot sex as it wets my shaft and the fluid runs down to my nuts. She seems to be enjoying herself as she is sucking on my skin instead of making any noise.

"We will also- Can you guys fucking stop doing this while we are supposed to be talking?!" Shiera seems to have been on to us as she quickly lays a hand across Danny's plump ass that is exposed from all her work.

Danny bites down on my chest as she locks her legs on my side and jerks back and forth, her slit went from wet to soaked as she hums and holds on for dear life.

"You bitch." Shiera comments when it's obvious Danny just finished when she got surprised by a sharp spank from Shiera. Shiera looks over at Rhaenyra who isn't even trying to hide it as I testingly insert the tip of my finger into her sex. "Eragon.." Shiera gives a pitiful look at having been left out and I lean in and steal her pouty lips.

"Damn that felt good." Danny comments and sits up straight and slides back onto my thighs. "I want to try this." I don't bother to look what she is doing as I am preoccupied, I find out what she wants to try as I feel her hand grip my base and start running toward the top.

I jerk when she starts running her soft hand up and down but keep exploring Rhaenyra while starting on Shiera.

"Eragon... Faster!" I hear Rhaenyras demand and speed my hand up and start to feel the strain from working with three individuals. This is not for beginners but I wont give up when I have already gotten this far!

Shiera slips her breasts from the night dress with ease and sets them onto my chest as she turns her body to get on her knees. She pushes my head back onto the pillow and sets her upper body on mine and lays soft and frequent kisses across my face.

I slide my hand back to her cunt as it had lost access as she moved, finding the warm slit I repeat what I did to Rhaenyra and hope for good results.

As I play with two pussies and feel a third dripping on my legs I begin to wonder if this is how most of our 'talks' will end and sincerely hope it is.

A tingle runs up my spine as I feel Rhaenyra join Danny in rubbing my manhood, she mimics Danny but only focuses on the top which sends me crazy.

"Fuck, keep going." I grit my teeth when they do exactly as I say with even more vigor.

"Eragon..." Shiera moans and starts rocking her hips into my fingers and I speed up feeling my head start to go fuzzy.

By the time I feel Shieras slick lips start to flutter I close my eyes and tense my legs as I feel my lower body go hot.

"Ah!" Danny exclaims as I unload my seed onto her night dress and neck.

Both my arms give out as I feel tingles running through my body and Rhaenyra doesn't seem to get the message as she keeps stroking and smears my seed all over my shaft.

I feel the heat return in full force only a moment later and have to grip Rhaenyras arms to stop her from throwing me over the edge of sanity.

"Stop for now please." I pant as I lost my breath and she looks down and sees the mess and let's go.

"Oh, I wasn't paying attention." She slowly brings her wet hand to her nose and smells it curiously, before I can comment on the oddity she sticks her pink tongue out and licks it.

"Huh?" I am dumbfounded as she starts to lick her hand clean, looking to Danny to see if she is seeing this I find her using her fingers to get it off her dress and trying it as well. Shiera lays on her side and presses her breast into the side of my face.

Shiera watches them with me as we both wonder what the hell made them want to taste it, soon curiosity gets Shiera as well as I find her running her hand along my length making it twitch. She gives it a few squeezes and I smack her ass in retaliation.

"I am just collecting some real quick." She pulls her hand back up to her face and uses only the tip of her tongue to taste it before her eyes widen. She soon is licking it clean and sitting up straight with renewed strength. "Not what I was excepting."

They all three look at each other before the room goes completely silent other than the sounds of us breathing.




"You look like such a slut, you finished when I slapped your ass!" Shiera cracks up and pokes fun at Danny.

"You just kept talking as we were getting into the action and I was caught off guard, I was imagining just pushing it inside and then a hand comes full force across my ass." Danny laughs in return.

"I didn't even hear or see anything, I felt a finger run across my... my you now and I suddenly couldn't care any less and just wanted to feel even more." Rhaenyra also giggles with them and I finally catch my breath and look down at my soaked waist and erect cock.

"I either need to wipe off or someone getting rammed in a few moments." Danny lightly slaps the tip and I jerk back and fight her off. "What the fuck?!"

"Calm down big boy, I want to have my first time alone." She slips off my legs and Rhaenyra eagerly nods.

"I also want to do it the first time alone." She smiles and Danny bumps shoulders with her.

"Yea it just makes sense." Shiera comments and then plants a kiss on my tips before flipping her hair back and making her way off the bed. "Let's clean up and sleep I guess, if we stay up and talk we will just end up doing that again."

They each get off the bed and I lay there a moment longer and stare at the canopy above. The situation runs through my mind again and I smile.

I am stupidly lucky.