
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaella Targaryen


A messenger came to Sunspear with a handwritten letter from an old friend, I break the seal and feel the difference between an authentic one and a tampered one. I can't say much as we are living in his home but this looking-over-my-shoulder act from Doran is starting to annoy me.

I unroll the message, look at it, and immediately confirm my friend's handwriting.

Hello Rhaella, I hope you have been well and that your kids have been healthy. I won't take up much of your time and I will get to the point of this letter. I want to meet my grandchild who Shaena gave birth to.

You can ultimately decide if you will allow such a thing and can pick a location. I just want to see her at least once before we are thrust into a war that won't end until one side is destroyed. That is all I wanted to say, I wish you well and hope that you approve for my sake.

I set the message to the side and put my hands on my forehead.

This won't be possible, at least not without it being heavily in our favor should something happen. It would have to be in Dorne at the very least and I don't see Tywin letting his wife leave for the deserts. The chances of her ever going back are almost nonexistent.

But she will know that and she asked anyway, what is her goal?

If it is just to meet Shiera then it is a huge risk... one that I admittedly wouldn't mind taking to meet a child of my child. But is this a setup by the lion to get someone close enough to attack someone?

Maybe even try to kill Shiera or spirit her away so we no longer have a 'claim' to Casterly rock. Even though no one would support her trying to take the rock unless we have already won the war and gotten rid of all the Lannisters.

Shiera likely wouldn't care to have Casterly rock or separate from the rest of her family to become the Lady of the rock. But that doesn't mean she can't put a kid in the rock when she finally decides to have one. Even with that potentially being a plan, it wouldn't even come into effect until the lions are put to the sword.

So what is the play they are making by trying to see her? To try to get her to join them by choice?

Shiera would never leave us for the lions, she knows who her father is but shows no interest in meeting him like Rhaenyra wanting to see her mom in the Vale.

I will think about it and ask her what she wants to do and then see what the options are with Doran.

I look at the other letter I received a while back from Aemma, she wanted me to keep it a secret in case something happened. But she has control over the Vale only second to her father as he is still technically the Lord, Aemma did have to remarry but has yet to have any kids. Lysa had a son but the child is sickly and barely able to move around so the Lords of the Vale support Aemma.

When Aemma married Robar of house Royce, well more like he married her and that got her the support of House Royce. With their help and the help of those that aren't optimistic about the sickly heir of Jon Arryn the heir to the Eyrie and house Arryn will remain Aemma.

Jon himself left Aemma his heir when the boy was born so weak and unresponsive that they thought him dead. He hasn't changed his heir either and if things stay the same and the boy doesn't recover then Aemma will be the next Lady Arryn of the Eyrie. This will be great for house Targaryen but Jon is still around and kicking so no need to expect the Vale to join us anytime soon.

The good news is that Aemma said she will sail from Gulltown to Sunspear to see her daughter and it was even at the suggestion of her father so it looks like he 'made' her do it. He likely wants her to try and help prevent war but Aemma is just looking forward to seeing Rhaenyra. She will be here sometime soon but no letter came to let us know she was setting off so we don't know.

I hope For Rhaenyra that she just couldn't send word or choose not to before leaving so she wouldn't be attacked or something along the way. I really am looking forward to the reunion, Rhaenyra practically glows with happiness when a letter from her mom comes.

A different letter sitting to the side of Aemmas makes my face scrunch a bit, I haven't sent a response yet but it's from Monford Velaryon. Wanting to politely remind us about the marriage arrangement with his daughter, but he also isn't ready to jump on it right now. He is still pledged to Stannis the current Lord of Dragonstone.

But he has shown interest in sending his daughter to meet Eragon, this is very different circumstances now. We have dragons in Sunspear and with Aemma coming she will likely see them at some point. That won't matter as word will get out, what matters is if the Velaryon girl manages to bond with the last baby that hasn't picked anyone. That could cause problems and would force our hand into keeping the girl with us and marrying Eragon will become a necessity to keep the Dragons in house Targaryen for now.

There were plenty of Velaryon dragon riders but we don't need them to have them as soon as we get them back. That will come at a later time and we can continue the tradition of marrying them to keep the Valyrian blood strong while empowering an ally.

I still can't believe there are seven living dragons inside my son's room, I have seen them many times now but it's still unbelievable. Summerhall was a cursed place that almost killed every Targaryen and now it gave us back the dragons after the first attempt failed.

I sigh as I pull out a parchment to send a response to Monford Velaryon, it's not good to keep him waiting too long. We will certainly need their help and if he thinks we are holding off or canceling he might marry his daughter to someone on Robert's side. It's not likely at this point but I will still send a response that we will welcome his daughter and take care of her as long as she stays with us.

Prince Doran was supportive of this idea when I originally brought it up, with her being here it shows we are making efforts to keep our end of the agreement. It will just come down to when things come to conflict and them joining our side at the right time.

I also need to send the letter Eragon gave to me that he wanted to be sent to his Great-Great uncle that still lives at the wall, Maester Aemon Targaryen. I looked at the letter with his permission and found it quite cute, something Rhaegar would have sent him. Rhaegar loved to send letters to Aemon and I know he loved receiving them so this might be a pretty big surprise for the old man. That is if he is still alive, this year he would be one hundred years old.

Though I found it weird that he asked him if he still had his egg.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


I slowly wake up and feel warm, a bit trapped but very warm.

Opening my eyes I see that I didn't dream last night, they agreed to marry me. I am both surprised and also not surprised, I knew I was going to push for this but I never expected them to accept as they did. I thought it would take time and a lot of effort and I would wear them down to the idea, but they brought it up to me and I declared I wanted all three.

They agreed.

"Hahaha!" I can't contain my joy and the warmth inside of me grows more and more as I pull Shiera and Rhaenyra into each of my sides.

"Eragon shut up." Shiera groans but I can't stop the excitement and the joy, I mean who in their right mind wouldn't be thrilled?

"Rrrrrrrrrr." A grumbling above my head gets my attention and I slowly look up and see more than four baby dragons crawling across the canopy.

"Oh shit." They are walking on extremally thin silk and cloth and one single spark will have this bed in flames. ""Get down you little shits!"" Their little heads turn sideways to peek down at me but they make no moves to get down.

"Eragooooooonnnnn!" Shiera slaps my chest and works her hand up to my face and puts it over my mouth. "Hush." She snuggles into my neck and tries to go back to sleep.

"Shiera we have a real problem." A hot breath hits my neck and makes me shiver but I keep my eyes trained on the dragons looking for any troublemaker.

"What?" She lifts her head up and opens her blue eye, she follows my eyes when I look back at the canopy and her green eye joins the blue one. "Oh no."

"They were doing so good that I got to relaxed." She slowly sits up and try's to shift off the bed.

"What are you two doing!" Danny grunts in displeasure as she looks up from the other side of Rhaenyra. She moved off my chest last night after I kept getting erect and poking her stomach.

I simply point up and she sees them and her eyelashes flutter before closing and her head falls back on the pillow.

"Your kids." She comments and wraps her arms around Rhaenyra and goes back to sleep. Rhaenyra opens one eye and looks around before closing it swiftly, seems she knows trouble is afoot and is dodging responsibility.

""Come here, babies."" Shiera tries to coax them down as she walks toward the massive side of the room that was set aside for them. Torn cushions and even some melted wall and floor where they dug out little cat-sized holes to sleep in decorate the dragon's side.

I slide out the bed after kissing both the lazy girls on the head and move to help Shiera.

""Come down Arrax."" My good boy starts flapping his wings and clears the edge of the canopy before holding his wings into his chest and diving right into me. "OHHhh!" I grab him as he rams into my chest and feel him start to rumble.

I almost feel his excitement as he starts to climb up me with his extremally sharp claws. I help him to my neck so he doesn't have to bloody my whole side to get there and he perches and looks back at the rest of the morning climbers.

A knock at the door from behind me distracts me as Meleys jumps off the canopy and I only hear a screech before its flapping arms smack into my head.

"Damn!" I scoop the baby into one arm as she tumbled to the floor and once she calms down I see Shiera already got the rest down somehow. She proudly smiles as she still looks fantastic even after wrangling the dragons and I have scratch marks on my chest.

Another knock and I turn to the door, I head toward it and set the two dragons down on the table along the way.

"Hello?" I ask before I open it.

"I brought meat!" I hear Visenya and smile as I unlock the door and pull it open.

"Just in time, they started to get a bit active." I see her holding a tray of slices of meat and can't help but look at it cautiously. She rolls her eyes at me and soon her eyes trail my scratched chest and she balances the tray on one hand while tracing the scratches with the free hand.

"I cut the meat myself unless they poisoned the meat in the kitchen that was going to be for breakfast then it's fine. Does this hurt?" I take her word for it as I don't have many other choices unless I leave the palace to find my own meat. Her hand goes across my muscles and she looks a bit worried.

"Nah, it hurt when he was trying to climb me but once I helped him he was fine." She nods and takes the tray back in two hands but I reach out and take it for her. "Come on let's feed them." She nods excitedly and heads past me to look for the dragons.

"Hey, Visenya!" I set the tray down and catch the tail end of Shiera slipping some underclothes on to cover her privates and Visenya also seemed to notice. Visenya froze in place and looks around the room awkwardly.

"Hey, Shiera." She spots Vhagar with his little pink head sticking out of a dugout hole and she laughs before walking over to him. ""Good morning baby boy."" Out of everyone, her Valyria sounds the most awkward but she is getting better at it.

It's a good thing she took time to learn it or it would take time for her to start training Vhagar.

Arrax and Meleys chirp and let me know they don't want to wait so I start rationing the meat between all the dragons. They eat almost six times a day until their bellies swell but it quickly slims down as they nap around like fat cats.

Danny and Rhaenyra slowly get up and start interacting with the rest of us as the trouble times have passed. I catch Visenya looking around now and then and wonder what she is up to.

"Something wrong Visenya?" Shiera asks and it seems she also caught onto her weird looks.

Being caught she hugs Vhagar to her chest and looks down at the pink dragon.

"I was wondering if you guys always sleep together like that..."