
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"Morning mother." I kiss her on the back of the head and sit next to her, I haven't spent much time with her and I need to fix that.

"It's nice to see you Eragon, you feeling alright?" She asks while running a hand through my shorter hair and pulling on the ends of it.

"I am fine, how are you?' She lets my hair drop back into place and interlocks her fingers before setting her cheek against it and watches me.

"I am doing great, I had your letter to your great great uncle sent off but there is no telling if anything will come of it or even reach him." I nod in understanding, I can only hope and see what the old man sends back if he can. I asked him a few things and also told him about myself a bit, I am sure he has suffered while living on the wall and slowly hearing about his whole family being wiped out.

He didn't join the nights watch to get away from his family and instead left because he loved his family so much and didn't want anyone to try and use him as a political piece to start fights. Some wanted him to sit on the throne at one point and renounce his oaths as a Maester since the realm needed 'stabilizing'.

The stories should be pretty accurate as they are written by Targaryens themselves during those times. I can hope that it isn't false because if he does resent the house then the letter I sent might rub him the wrong way.

"I am glad, I hope he gets it and can send a response." She watches me as I begin to make my plate and a servant comes up behind me and pours me a glass of water.

"I also sent a response to Lord Monford Velaryon as he wants to introduce his daughter to you since you are to marry her if everything goes to plan. The Velaryons have ships that will help us win the war and they also are still 'on the side' of our enemies and can feed us information. With his daughter, we can be assured he will play to our side and aid us when the time comes." I turn to her in the middle of spreading jam on my bread, looking back beside me toward Danny and the others I see that also heard her.

Oh boy, this might cause some real problems to sprout up.

"Are we sure about that though?" I ask while trying not to seem too odd about it.

"Sure about what, that he will help us? Of course, they will if we have an alliance with them then they will help us. They want back the job of Master of ships and they won't get it with Robert or his blood on the throne. only with the return of the Targaryens will he get it back and he knows that." I cringe but play it off as I quickly take a bite of my bread and it doesn't taste the same after that news.

"Mom, do we even know what she is like? She could be a stuck-up bitch or a fat pig, why would Eragon marry someone like that?" Danny seems to not be able to restrain herself and speaks up with obvious displeasure. Mom sighs and runs her hands up from her chin to her forehead and massages it slowly.

It's a good thing we are pretty late to breakfast and there aren't many people here.

"Danny your brother will marry eventually." Daenerys nods with a certain mischievous light in her eye. "This engagement was made shortly after your birth and Lord Monford Velaryon has held up his end by not marrying his daughter to anyone else. Even if she is a 'bitch' or a 'pig' we owe him at least enough to have the two meet." Danny deflates a little.

"I see." She takes a big angry bite of her food and chews in silence as everyone slowly goes back to eating.

"What were you expecting him to never marry? He will marry eventually and the Velaryons are a good match." Danny shakes her head and takes a drink before speaking.

"He will get married." She smiles brightly and mom narrows her eyes and looks between the two of us but I am leaning further back in my seat to get out of the way.

This is not how I imagined telling mother about my intentions.

"You seem pretty sure about that Daenerys, something you want to tell me?" A very weird mood settles between the two, a mother to us both is easily able to catch onto what Danny is insinuating. Her brows furrow and she waits for Danny to speak.

"I will marry my brother, I believe Shiera and Rhaenyra also want to join in." Everyone at the table is now wide-eyed and eyes dancing across the four of us.

Shiera and Rhaenyra groan as Danny drops the news with little care or remorse.

Visenya who was asking questions just earlier looks less surprised.

Rhaenys coughs as she was drinking while Danny was talking and it caught her off guard.

Mother sighs and sets her head on the back of her chair.

I look across Danny to see Rhaenyra trying to disappear into the floor and Shiera just eating casually. Shaena is looking at her daughter with a small smile but is getting completely ignored.

"Well isn't that something, I look forward to a massive wedding if that's the case." Elia speaks up and earns a glare from a displeased daughter. Aegon to her side is looking at me with an almost respectful gaze.

"Elia..." My mother starts but isn't sure what to say and just sighs.

"Eragon, you wouldn't mind coming by my room later, would you? Your sister and I were planning on talking to you later about the nature of such a relationship. Shaena had told me she thought something like this would occur so we were preparing to talk to you about it and I have at least a little experience myself so I am sure I can help in some ways." She smiles and folds her hands together.

Seeing everyone looking at me I realize if I don't say anything they will just think I am not planning to marry the three of them. But by accepting I am admitting that I plan to marry the three of them. She apparently did talk with my brother and they decided to have him marry Lyanna, they did a horrible job and started a war but Lyanna lives here so emotions weren't the problem between them.

She might have some good advice so I clear my throat and nod. Seeing me agree her smile spreads and she nods back.

"I will have someone seek you out when we are ready and we will be talking for a while so no need for you to worry Daenerys." Danny is glaring at the woman but doesn't say anything, she looks over at me with creased brows and I shrug. I put a hand on her thigh and squeeze it a bit and she turns back to her food.

"Eragon.. you can't just marry them." Mom tries to put her foot down but even she seems a bit reluctant to say it.

"Why not?" I ask quickly so no one thinks I have any doubts.

"Because it's not... well it's not what others do." She struggles for a valid reason and I can see she doesn't even have any real intention of dissuading me.

"Mom, we marry our family members quite a bit in our house. What others do isn't something we concern ourselves with. We are quite literally reviving the dragon riders and don't need to be passing out Dragon blood to random houses, even if they give us their support for the throne. Short-term gains of men don't outweigh long term when it comes to a different house getting dragons potentially." Her lips thin and she doesn't respond, I can't see why she would be against it unless there already are plans to marry them off.

"I see your point, your brother isn't going to like it." I have to restrain myself from laughing at what Viserys will think. If he has a problem with it then he can talk to me about it and I will let him know that it isn't his problem, to begin with.

I will be marrying them and they will not be used to get him a bigger army. Both of our desires are greedy but mine doesn't involve hurting them emotionally so I am going to stick with it to the end. Plus my desires on the matter include their own so they will support me in my decision and we will just tell him to fuck off.

A cough from my nephew draws my attention and he jerks his head to the side a few times confusing me greatly. He soon rolls his eyes and then looks at his sisters sitting beside each other and I raise a brow at him. He sighs and runs his hand through his silver hair before speaking up.

"Your idea sounds like it has some grounds, you don't want anyone else to get dragons in the future so letting females of house Targaryen leave house Targaryen right now is a bad idea." I quickly nod but feeling a smack on my arm I realize too late what he is insinuating as a wide smile crosses his face. "So by that logic, you might as well marry those two idiots as well."

"Aegon!" Rhaenys stands up abruptly and her chair slides back across the floor.

"Oh shit." Aegon rolls over the side of his seat and makes a break for it out the door, on his heels is his flustered sister.

"How cute, it's just like when they were younger." Elia watches her kids run out the door with a fond smile before looking back at Visenya which draws a lot of attention to the girl.

"I-I uhh, I will just... Aegon!" She stands up but much slower and walks out of the room after her half-siblings.

What the hell is my nephew up to with always trying to hook me up with one of his sisters? It seems to me he just wants to get rid of them... I have an idea why and it makes sense when I think about it.

My own 'reason' for marrying the girls is keeping dragons in the family but I would do it without dragons.

Prince Doran might see some benefit to marrying at the very least Rhaenys to Aegon and keeping them here in Dorne. His own Targaryen line and it now has dragons through Rhaenys so the chances of that being the case aren't small. But at the end of the day, they would be Targaryens and they could just leave and go to the capital in the future, he wouldn't be able to lock them here. So is there something I am not aware of?

He already tried to push Rhaenys off on me and it seemed odd but now he seems desperate.

"Those kids, Aegon seems to be trying to help his uncle out though." Elia trying to lighten the mood up only reminds me that I have been looking thoughtfully at the doorway with my three future wives staring at the back of my head.

"Wait! I was just wondering what he was up to!" I quickly explain when I turn around to three frowning faces.

"Sure, I believe you, especially with how much you enjoy sweating with Rhaenys out in the yard." I see a small smile on Shieras face before she tosses a spark onto the kindling and lights me on fire.

"You do seem to have some interest in Rhaenys don't you... you also were talking so smoothly with Visenya this morning." Danny being fired up by Shieras words presses on and I have little choice but to try and cool her off slowly.

I am going to get you back for this Aegon.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Aegon Targaryen


I stop once we are far enough away and hold my hands up so my brute of a sister doesn't break my ribs taking me to the ground. It also helps me catch my breath when I hold my hands above my head like this.

She stops a few steps away seeing me gasp for air and crosses her arms and purses her lips.

"Don't run if you're going to just kill yourself from lack of air." She pats my back and I drop my arms to my knees and slowly get back to normal breathing.

"I am fine." I wave her off as I slump to the ground.

"Why did you do that?" She slides next to me and narrows her eyes.

"whether you want to admit it or not, you will marry someone eventually and if our Uncle has anything to say about it then it will likely be his son. And if not him then you will likely marry someone of Viserys choosing. You have a dragon now sister, who you marry matters quite a lot and I don't see you having any real choice in the matter until Meraxes is big enough to fly you away." If he wasn't already married to Arianne I could even see Viserys taking her or Visenya as a wife instead. And if Eragon does marry the three Targaryen girls Viserys himself might push to take the other two Targaryen girls that are left as his wives.

"So you are worried about me?" She nudges my shoulder and I nod slowly, I am worried about them both. I am also concerned for my future as even though I wasn't picked both my sisters were so I obviously have the chance to get one and so will my kids. That could make me a threat and by extension my future children.

"I was just trying to shove you off on Eragon, if not we even may have to end up marrying to keep the dragon blood pure. They won't want both of us starting up bloodlines for other houses and the best way to do that is it tie us together and then marry our kids into Eragon and Viserys kids." She grunts and watches Visenya slowly make her way over to us.

"Same with Visenya I guess I see what you are saying but as you said we could just fly away and not worry about anything once they are big enough to ride." She smiles challengingly and clenches her fists.

"Is that what you want though?" I ask genuinely because if it is then I will support her in any way I can.

"No." She hangs her head and I laugh a bit.

"What's funny?" Visenya sits on Rhaenys other side and brings her knees to her chest.

"You know why he said that?" Rhaenys asked and Visenya shrugs.

"A little, I would think Aegon was looking out for us since we now have dragons the people we can marry that won't start a huge conflict dropped dramatically. The list was already short and not very promising but it got burned and the ashes stomped on when the dragons picked us." Rhaenys leans her head back and sighs.

"I see, so you thought us joining Eragon would be for the best?" Rhaenys looks back at me with a raised brow and I shake my head at her still not following.

"Who do you think is on the 'list' that is left?" She purses her lips but Visenya already seems to get it and speaks up.

"If not Eragon then It would be you and Viserys other than maybe Quentyn." Rhaenys nose scrunches up.

"I see now, so our potential marriage candidates to secure allies went out the window when we got picked by the dragons." I nod.

"Exactly, I wasn't serious back there but it might be in the future." She nods and we sit in silence for a moment before I nudge her side. "It's also not like you would mind it, you show quite a bit of interest in our uncle." She snorts and jabs me back.

"He has everything I would want in a husband but I am not sure about sharing necessarily. I thought I would be a bit more against the whole related thing than I am but it's not that off-putting. I haven't even thought about marrying him so much as wanting to take him to bed, I pretty much have wanted to try it since we first fought." I cringe a bit hearing her talk about how she just wants to get fucked by our uncle.

"Alright let's change the topic, I was just putting it out there when I saw the opportunity. Who knows if an opportunity would appear like that after they already married." I don't know what is going to happen with the three of us but I am sure mom will do her best to make sure we will be happy were ever we end up.

(I will be using ""Valyrian"" still for bigger sentences but for just Dracarys I will just say Dracarys.)