62 R18


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenys Targaryen


I walk back to my room in a bit of a daze, a hand resting on my left ass cheek and I even give it a few squeezes to make sure I didn't imagine the pain.

As I bent over to pick up my training spear Eragon spanked me hard enough to almost make my legs give out. I didn't even have time to process what had happened as he left in a hurry.

He really smacked my ass and thinks he can just walk off without letting me cop a feel right back he is out of his mind. I will grip that ass before the day ends, that much is for sure!

"Hey, baby." I hear my mom and look up and stop groping my backside.

"Hey, mom." Mom looks especially beautiful right now, the skincare from Shiera has been doing wonders for all of our looks.

"What's wrong with you?" Mom leans to the side and looks behind me as she likely saw me touching my butt.

"Nothing, I do have a question though." She nods and holds her hands together and waits for me to ask. "Do you think it's weird if I like to be spanked?" She processes what I asked before slowly closing her eyes and keeps them shut.

"Rhaenys what were you just doing?" Her eyes snap open and she furrows her brows.

"I was training with Eragon, and when we finished I bent over to pick up my spear. Suddenly I am smacked straight across the ass and he walked off casually, well more like speeded off." Her lips twitch up into a small smile.

"And you liked it when he slapped your ass?" I can tell she wants to laugh but is holding off.

"Never mind." I walk past her but she grabs my hand and spins me around.

"No never mind, let's go get you cleaned up while you tell me all about it." I groan while she hugs my arm. "I have a secret for you in return if you tell me." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Closing the door behind me I look around the room and am met with the sight of no one but dragons lounging around. My head hangs and I feel disappointed but can only sigh and head to dinner. I start to undress and by the time I am in my underclothes, I hear the door open.

I lean around the corner and see Rhaenyra walking in with a plate of meat for the dragons and my smile won't stop growing. I take a deep breath as Daenerys suggestion passes through my mind and I casually call out.

"Hey, Rhaenyra." She is startled hearing me but calms down before she turns around and looks at me walking toward her in my underclothes.

"Eragon?" She asks confused.

"Rhaenyra." My focus turns husky as I close the distance and her eyes widen.

"What are you doing?" She asks as she steps back toward the dragons who are sniffing the food in the air.

"Something I should have done to you a long time ago." I bite my lip as I imagine her laid out on the bed with her legs spread and me licking her cunt.

"Eragon wait a moment I need to feed the dragons." She sets the tray on the table and the dragons are already climbing up the legs of it or flapping their happy self's up on their own.

""You guys share, be good so I can take care of Rhaenyra."" Tilted heads are all I get in response so I take a cup and use the rim of it to push the meat into even portions. Still having clean hands I toss the cup to the side so no one uses it and it will get replaced.

""Take care of?"" I nod at her as I slip an arm behind her.

""I will take care of you, just relax and follow my lead."" She nods and puts her hands against my chest.

""I trust you."" I smile as I lean in and claim her soft lips, not wanting to smell the burning meat I pick her up and carry her to the bed. I look back at the dragons out of the corner of my eye to make sure they didn't set the table on fire and when I confirm it isn't I put them out of my mind.

Only one dragon I am worried about right now and I want to taste her other lips now.

I drop Rhaenyra onto the bed with her butt sitting on the edge and her back laying flat, her hair is a wild mess behind her already and her legs hanging off and touching the floor. I lean in and hold myself with a single arm placed next to her head and kiss her again. My free hand pulls down the shoulders of her dress and slides it down past her breasts.

"Eragon... are we going to... do it right now?" She breathes heavily as I kiss from her mouth down to her jaw and then her neck.

"My whole body is on fire, I crave you like I haven't had something to drink in days." She smells wonderful like she just washed, some new kind of floral smell comes from her soft skin. "Are you not ok with that?" I ask and sit up and look into her light purple eyes in the light of the setting sun.

"I am ok, I don't want to get hurt before we walk out for dinner though." Dinner for me is right here.

"I won't hurt you, I will take it slow, and if it hurts just say something." I am going to rely heavily on what I learned from last night and do to her what they did to me. I will have her a gasping mess with only pleasure in her mind.

"Ok." She nods and I stand up.

I grab her dress and slide it off and pull her underclothes off with it, her breathing becomes quicker as she covers her chest and I get excited seeing her 'defenseless'.

I take a knee, the ONLY time I will ever kneel is right here in the bedroom.

I take a knee in each hand and lift her legs as she watches while biting her bottom lip. I can see the unasked question in her eyes but she trusts me and will just watch.

Setting her thighs on each side of my head I lean in and kiss her slit causing her thighs to clamp on my head before she slowly eases up. I bring both arms around with one going to squeeze a boob and the other doing the trusty thumb technique.

I use my tongue to open her folds and slip it in and spread them out, she starts to make little noises as I explore her body. Finding her clit with my thumb I work it back and forth as my tongue tries to dive into her entrance. Tries is the key word as her tight hole seems to push me out as I try to lap up her juicy walls.

"Eragooonn." Rhaenyra grabs my hair with both hands but I don't let up as I twist her nipple slightly. "Uggh! Be nice to me please." I ease off her pink tit and massage the soft boob.

Her warm dripping cunt makes my head buzz as I speed up rubbing her clit, her body responds by clamping her thighs on my head but I don't ease up. Even though her thighs are squeezing me in place her hands try to pull my head closer.

With a sudden jerk, she loses strength in her legs and they go limp hanging over my shoulders as her cunt gets hotter and hotter.

"I feel... weird...uuuhhh." Rhaenyra mumbles as she finishes in my mouth, I try to keep her going as I lap everything up and the little jolts of her body tell me it's working.

I stand up when she stops jolting and her legs slide down my chest and are positioned straight up making her body look like an L. I slide my underclothes off and toss them to the side.

"Let's try something else." Hearing me talk she opens her closed eyes and they look hazy and lost.

"Huh?" She asks and I slip into the bed and position the back of my head on the headboard with some pillows behind it.

"Come here." She rolls over and crawls toward me on her hands and knees.

"What do you want to try?" I make a spinning motion with my finger and she tilts her head in confusion.

"Point your pussy at my face and suck my cock." Her eyes widen and clarity comes back to them clearing the haze away. She looks down at my erect length and licks her lips lowly.

No further questions are needed as she mounts my stomach and slides her wet pussy across it until it's at my mouth.

I don't wait and dive back in and she shudders, as I grip her ass cheeks and mold them with my hands.

A hand grips my shaft and I twitch feeling her breath hit the tip of my member. A curious lick stimulates my mind as I can't see her work but I get sudden feelings.

The curious little tongue licks around the tip and slides down to the base before it disappears and I feel a kiss on the top. The not knowing is driving me crazy as the soft sensations fill my body with random jolts.

"Uhh." She jerks forward trying to get away from my exploring tongue and I hold her perky ass in place. I don't let up as I feel her breathing on my cock heavily, she returns to some clarity and starts licking all over. I feel her mouth on the top as she tries to take some in her mouth but stops before spitting on it and rubbing it in.

God bless.

"Don't choke me." She is mainly talking to my cock as I have no control over how much she takes in other than maybe surprise thrusting into her mouth.

Her mouth goes back onto my tip and starts to slide down as her spit smears more and more down toward the base. She keeps the base gripped tightly with her hand to keep it under control and every time I twitch it feels like she squeezes more.

She rocks her hips slowly and I don't even think she knows she is doing it so it makes it seem like she is desperate for another finish.

I slip a finger down to her entrance and slide the tip in as my tongue focuses on licking her clit. She moans with my cock half in her mouth and the buzzing feeling makes me almost finish in her mouth.

I speed up my attempts as I know I won't last much longer, the sensations and thought of who it is giving them to me is stimulating me to no end. I feel a build-up as she tries to take more into her mouth before sliding to the top and only having her lips pressed against the tip. She opens her lips and painfully slowly takes me back into her mouth with her tongue doing whatever random movements it can.

Her legs suddenly tense as her slit gets even hotter and she goes limp on top of my body. She was only halfway down when her finish hit her and she slides down a bit more before freezing in place.

Her legs shudder and shake her ass as I felt a massive jolt and unload into the back of her throat. She doesn't seem responsive as we both finish and I attempt to drown her in my seed.

Her hands slap against my thighs as she pushes herself up and off of my cock, gasps for air, and coughs trying to clear her throat. My cock twitches seeing her so fucked up by sucking me off and her wet pussy dripping onto my chest. I kiss her ass cheek and grab her hips before lifting her off me and setting her beside me.

"I almost died!" She coughs a few more times so I get up and grab a clean cup before pouring some water into it.

"Here." She quickly takes it and downs it before breathing deeply.

She closes her eyes and leans into the headboard as she runs a finger over her pussy and it twitches.

"That felt... way different than when you used your finger the first time." I get onto the bed and walk on my knees to Infront of her and she looks up at me with her breasts and pussy exposed to my eyes.

"You did well for your first time... I think so at least since Elia said it takes practice to even get a man to finish with your mouth." She smiles proudly as I grab a leg and pull her away from the headboard and pillows.

"Huh?" She is flat on her back as I raise both her legs and push them back toward her chest which slightly raises her hips and lines herself up to get fucked. "Wait I am worried!" She grabs both my hands holding her legs back.

I scoot closer and align my tip with her entrance and touch them together.

The warm tip meets her wet slit and pushes its way into it as it finds the entrance. I pause with barely any tip in but enough for her to feel it. She looks between her spread legs at my length leading down into her slit.

"Go very slow." She meets my eyes and I smile seeing her give the go-ahead and I start to push my hips forward.

The warm strangling feeling makes my head feel like it's buzzing again and I have to stop for a moment.

"Hold your knees back." She obeys and grabs her knees as I put my hands on her hips for easier entrance and start sliding once more.

Her legs jolt as her grip loosens for a moment and I stop feeling a 'wall' once I hit the wall her eyes widen and she grits her teeth.

"Fuck." She grunts and lowers her legs until they are resting on my chest and she uses her hands to massage her lower stomach. "That already hurts." She looks up at me pitiful look on her face and I feel a bit bad.

"Want to stop for now?" I don't want to stop but if she can't bear it then I will.

"Just fucking do it." She closes her eyes and puts her hands over them as well.

I don't leave her in anticipation and push forward fast and hard to make sure it is over quickly. my mistake was not taking into account the sloppy wetness her cunt was degraded to and I slide the whole thing in at once.

The first thing I realize is the grip on my cock feels like someone trying to squish it. The second thing I realize is her body is as stiff as a board and her face slowly turns red, I then look down and see the problem.

I don't move my lower body at all as I lean forward and cover her body with mine and hug her tightly.

"Don't move, we will sit like this until it's fine." She doesn't even respond but her slight twitches stop as she relaxes in my arms.

She moves again after only a few moments and then wraps her arms around my neck.

"Try moving." I don't know what she is feeling so all I can go off is her words, I let go of her and try to sit up but she clings tightly. "Don't go, just move your hips or something."

I pull my hips back and as I do it feels like her pussy pulls me back in so I stop.

"You ok?" She nods with her head on my shoulder.

I pull back again and go until she says to stop but she never does and I get halfway. I stop and push back in and she breathes a hot breath into my ear.

Seeing nothing wrong I repeat the process as my lap is slowly filled with her juice and it smears against her ass every time I bottom out.

"I think I am fine, do what you want." She lets go and I notice her face is normal color again and she is breathing unevenly.

I grab both her thighs and pull them against myself as I adjust for better insertion. Once I am in a better position and have my arms wrapped around her legs I pull my hips back a little before pushing back in.

Her eyes get hazy as I repeat the process and I throw caution to the wind since she seems fine, she is a tough girl and it seems she shook the pain off quickly.

She grips the covers as I start rutting into her faster and her slit drenches my cock every time I slide back into her warm depths.

The constricting feeling is driving me out of my mind as I start slamming into her soft body as hard as I can to get as deep as it will go.

"Aaahh." She closes her mouth with one hand as I keep slamming into her with everything I have and feel my sack tingle and it spreads up my body and makes me feel light.

While the pleasure grows her eyes suddenly snap shut and she squeezes the bed and moans through her hand. Her cunt goes from squeezing and constricting to crushing as I feel my legs give out and I fall on top of her and unload into her.

Every pulse of my seed entering her causes her cunt to squeeze harder as it tries to get every little bit. My mind is blank as I lay face first into the mattress and unload into her depths.

Her hands go around my neck once more and her legs lock around my hips as she tries to pull me even deeper as she wets my lap even more.

Her soft breath in my ear is all I hear as we lay completely joined together and indulging in our lust.

"I love you." That is all I can say once I turn my head to face hers.

She turns to face me and our heads are so close our lips are pressed together and noses bent when they hit.

"I love you too." She leans back enough to reciprocate and then leans back into the smooch.