
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


""Go away."" A curious sniffing scaled nose blows air into my ear.

"She is just curious don't be mean to her." Rhaenyra rolls onto my chest from beside me so she can reach the dragon beside my head. She realizes she trapped herself when I wrap an arm around her waist and she gives up trying to wiggle free.

I see the dragon now and notice it's Syrax and put a hand over her head and cover her whole head. She wiggles and tries to escape but I just pet the back of her head with my thumb.

"Let her go." Rhaenyra smacks my arm and frees the dragon from my clutches. ""It's ok."" She sets the dragon on her hip and it balances itself before aiming a displeased look my way.

""Your ok little one."" She lowers her head when my hand moves toward her but I just use my fingertips to rub her head to the lower back and she relaxes into my touch.

"She is so pretty isn't she?" Rhaenyra smiles brightly as she lays her head down on my shoulder.

"She sure is." I respond while looking at Rhaenyra herself, she must have noticed from the corner of her eye as her face flushes slightly.

I am about to speak up about what we just did but the door creaks which shows its opening and my eyes widen. We are both laying naked clinging to one another and there is a blood-stained cover thrown onto the ground.

Not a good picture for just about anyone to walk in and see, only a few people even can just walk in here as at least the guards outside would knock.

Wait the guards probably heard us.

By the time my thoughts finish the door is already open and Danny is walking in after turning to shut it behind her. I sigh since at least it wasn't someone like mom or Visenya, that would be awkward.

"You weren't hung-." She freezes seeing the state of the bed and us laying on it.

"Hello, Danny." I wave with my free hand as both Rhaenyra and Syrax bury their face and avoid being seen.

"Eragon... you could have given a heads up if you were going to follow through." She crosses her arms and walks over to the closet and pulls out some clothes.

We wiped down enough to be 'clean' and got rid of everything with blood on it but didn't get dressed and just fell back on the bed. We still haven't talked about the fact I finished inside her so there is a chance of her getting pregnant.

Well it won't matter, either way, she is or she isn't I will just go with the flow of things.

"How was I supposed to know Rhaenyra would walk in looking so cute I just couldn't hold myself back." She tries to pinch my side but only finds muscle she moves her hand to my exposed cock and grabs it. "Wait?!"

"Stop talking Eragon." She kindly advises as she tenses her hand and I nod vigorously.

"Get dressed." Danny tosses some sleepwear onto the bed and scoops Syrax up and takes the dragon back to its slumbering siblings.

Rhaenyra sits up and slips the dress on and once getting it down to her waist she pushes off the bed with her shoulders and feet to slide it down to her knees. Being fully covered she drops back down and snuggles up to me again with a smile.

I lean in and rub my nose against hers.

"So you two aren't eating I take it?" Danny comes back from putting the dragon to bed and kicks the bloodstained covers to the corner of the room with a few swift foot movements. Reminds me of when we would clean our room back in Braavos.

"I ate." I state proudly and Danny only gives me a curious look as Rhaenyra threatens to grab my cock again so I shut my lips.

"What did you eat?" Danny looks genuinely confused as Rhaenyra stares into my soul from my shoulder so I just shrug to play it off.

"I will show you sometime later." She raises both her brows but eventually relents and starts getting herself ready for bed.

"Rhaenyra." Danny speaks up while taking off her dress.

"Daenerys." Rhaenyra crosses her leg over my waist and covers part of my privates so I don't even have to put my underclothes on, how considerate.

"Did you ask for moon tea or do you not plan to drink any?" That's my girl! I didn't know how to bring it up, I want babies but not when we are leaving to go to Summer Isles soon and the traveling would be hell on a pregnant woman.

"I should be fine, not one of the more fertile days according to what I know." She answers and then lets out a sigh.

I might not get cold easily but we still need new covers, knowing that I reluctantly escape the soft arms of Rhaenyra and slide to the edge of the bed. My feet touch the cold ground and I stretch my toes and pop my neck. Standing up to my full height I raise my knee as high as it will go before dropping it and doing the same to the other.

Danny had just turned around and watched me with a humorous look.

"She wore you out?" I nod.

"Knocked me quite literally off my feet and onto my face." A pillow hits my back and falls to the floor so I reach down and pick it up and toss it back onto the bed.

"Damn, didn't you walk off four experienced women" That's what I am saying, but it's not like I was tired more so just a high-quality finish that left me breathless.

"I don't know, she just has a magic cunt I guess." I duck under another pillow and grab the underclothes Danny had tossed me and I start putting them on while giving Rhaenyra a wink.

"Eragon at least stop until it's fair, Danny hasn't gone yet so she just gets a free pass and I can't defend myself." I sigh and reluctantly nod, it's a bit sad to not talk about her magical cunt after all.

"Alright, I will stop." I put my hands up as I head over to the closet.

"Where are you going?" Danny asks as I grab a shirt.

"Just to the door, can't walk out and ask for new covers while in just my underclothes. I could and would but I don't think the guards that stand watch would appreciate it. They do good work and I don't want them feeling inferior at the sight of my superior form." A duo of scoffs is heard from behind me as I slip on a shirt and some pants. "I will be right back."

Walking to the door I open it and close it behind me before walking out and looking for a servant.

Making it down a few hallways before I run into one I stop her.

"Hey do you know where I can get some clean sheets, I cut myself and need to change the sheets now." The older Dornish woman scans my hands and arms and not seeing anything looks me over with a curious look.

I don't do anything but smile and she slowly nods in understanding.

"I will have some brought to your room." I nod.

"Thank you, I will let the guards know and they will knock when whoever comes." She walks off after a quick bow and I head back to my room. Rounding a corner I run into Arianne and I jump to the side so I don't knock her down.

"Wow! Hey Eragon." Her eyes briefly widen when I move quickly out of the way but she soon recognizes me and smiles.

"Hello, your grace." I try not to smile addressing her as such, she rolls her eyes. Obviously, Viserys antics are wearing on her already, call me 'your grace' was likely his first words as a baby with how much he says it nowadays.

"Please stop Eragon, he yelled at a poor servant girl for calling me just 'princess'." I snort and shake my head, he will never learn.

"I apologize, your grace, I will keep it in mind in the future." She smacks my arm and starts to walk off with a sway in her step.

"Good night Eragon." She waves over her shoulder as she heads off and I admire what my mind is now calling the 'Martell ass'.

Time to head back though, I got two asses in my room that need company.


"Welcome Shiera, glad you could join us!" I sarcastically remark as Shiera walks in.

"You volunteer to teach them the summer tongue and then you don't even show up to the first lesson, How very responsible of you Eragon." Damn, I forgot after getting hot with Rhaenyra that I was supposed to help Visenya and Rhaenys out.

"I will help them after breakfast tomorrow, thank you for starting them off. You show them the books that we had Nata write for us when we learned?" It's summer tongue to Valyrian but they can easily figure that out even if they mainly use the common tongue.

All Targaryens learn Valyrian both speaking and reading.

"Yes I did, are the sheets changed?" She asks casually as she notices the bed and Danny and Rhaenyra playing Cyvasse on it.

Shieras eyes brighten as she sees the Cyvasse game and tries to see who is winning before turning to go change by the closet.

"They are." I idly comment leaning on the Canopy support and watching Daenerys debate which piece to move on the board.

"Tomorrow morning an important guest is coming to Sunspear and we are actually meeting them so make sure to get up the first time someone comes to wake us." Shiera informs us and I look away from the Cyvasse and watch her finish slipping on her night dress.

"Who?" She shrugs.

"I don't know but mom said it's important and not a threat to us in the slightest so most likely a staunch ally." It wouldn't be my engaged, not that fast she would of had to fly here to get here so quickly when the raven only left recently. God, I still don't know how that is going to work, we need to send a raven anyway and tell them to hold off since I am leaving soon.


298 AC

Beyond the wall



"I don't think it's working." I groan as I drop onto my butt and lean against a big root.

"You are improving at a tremendous pace, watching and learning and then trying to integrate it into yourself will take time. But not as much time as training from nothing and you don't have anyone to practice with that you wouldn't cut straight through with that sword." I look down at Dark sister and have 'respect' for the blade as I look at its smokey surface.

I have seen many of its wielders doing battle with the blade and even one especially crazy one jumped off a dragon and put it through someone's head.

My personal favorite was Queen Visenya Targaryen, someone I am somehow am related to from somewhere down a long but admittedly straight family tree. She was a fierce warrior, but she wasn't the 'best' one to ever wield the blade.

Aemon Targaryen a prince turned Kingsguard and later the commander of the Kingsguard. A harvester of life with this very weapon in my hand, if I can get close to him then I don't think anyone on this side of the wall will be much of a problem to me.

Not including the pale white glowing blue eye freaks wanting to start a new 'long night' or however the bird man put it.

"You won't be able to stay here much longer so let's watch some more before you need to rest, your brother is bringing back some food for you." I nod and put the blade to the side and touch the root once more and let my mind wander to faraway times and places.