
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"You know, I expected that to go a bit worse than it did." I comment as we enter our room and Danny closes the door behind us.

"I didn't, she loves us too much to force us to do anything we don't want to do. She will be all about it once I give her a grandkid, the baby will steal her heart and seal the idea in her mind if it already isn't." Dang so what about the baby I will have with Shaena, will that seal something for her too?

"Speaking of baby, I fucked Shaena again." I speak pretty softly as I notice Aemma is still here with Rhaenyra but there is also Shaena and Shiera both sitting with them. "So she might be getting pregnant for real this time, she said she wanted a baby so..." Danny pushes my face away from her ear and walks toward the table where everyone is talking casually.

"Hello Danny, Hello Eragon." Rhaenyra with a slight flush on her face from drinking greets us with a wide smile that makes me want to scoop her up and love on her.

"Hello, Rhaenyra." I walk behind her chair and hug her from behind while placing a kiss on her hair.

"Shaena." Danny locks onto Shaena and I cringe wondering what she is about to do.

"Yes, Daenerys?" Shaena asks as she pulls her cup to her lips and takes a sip.

"Are you serious about having Eragons baby?" Shaena doesn't react past a momentary freeze in sipping her drink.

"I am, I want to have another before I get too old to have one and there is no telling when the chance will appear in the future so I went for it now." Shaena answers smoothly and Danny nods before walking to the side and grabbing a cup of her own.

"What?" Aemma who just watched this exchange is shocked and looking between Shaena and me. Dear god Danny what are you doing to me here, everyone will think I am a horny mutt if you keep this up.

"Eragon is going to father my mother a child." Shiera finally speaks and she does so as she glares into my eyes with a fire present in her own.

"Aren't you three going to marry him? Rhaenyra told me you three already decided you would get married and that she already bedded him and everything." Aemma shakes her head and looks even a bit mad at me.

"I don't care, my mom wants a baby and she picked Eragon and I just want her happy." Shiera breaks eye contact and shrugs at Aemma before looking at Rhaenyra.

"I also don't mind, we kind of tricked him into her bed before so it's not like it's anything new." Rhaenyra gives her opinion which stops her mom from glaring at me.

"So you don't care he is fucking your aunt, his sister?" Aemma shakes her head but her flush deepens as she bites her bottom lip and casts me a side-eye.

Aemma slumps into her seat with an unreadable look and goes quiet.

Danny places a full cup of wine into my hand and pulls me to a seat, repeating before she sits in my lap and I wrap my free arm around her waist.

Arrax makes his presence known as he climbs up my leg with his sharp claws hooking into me and Daenerys leg as well. She hisses in pain and reaches down to help the spoiled boy make his way up to us.

Letting out a content chirp he wraps his tail around my neck and lays his head down my chest.

"What a spoiled baby." Shiera giggles seeing Arrax and soon let out her own hiss of pain as She looks under the table. Reaching down with one arm she soon pulls up Tessarion and gives her a wry smile before setting her on the table.

"They are all spoiled, little babies." Daenerys runs her finger over Arraxs head even though he usually doesn't like it he allows her to do so, begrudgingly.

"I can't believe they are here in front of me, I wonder what Rhaegar or Daeron would think if they could see them. Rhaegar was obsessed with the old stories and the history of our house so I am sure he would have cried seeing them." Shaena looks over the golden-scaled dragon as it sniffs Shieras wine glass.

A Somber mood settles in after she brings up the dead family and when she notices what she did she tries to recover.

"I also think that they would have been happy, the dragons returning is a good thing for our house so long as they have time to grow. We will return to our prime with enough time and they both would have been thrilled with the news." Aemma nods slowly with a fond smile on her face while also looking at Tessarion as the dragon sticks its tongue into Shieras glass.

"Daeron would have killed to see one of them, now there are seven of them. I also think he would have been happy even if things played out how they have, his daughter grew up healthy and is going to be a dragon rider." Rhaenyra listens with her full attention at the mention of her father.

"You think he would be happy with me?" Rhaenyra asks softly and Aemmas eyes widen as she looks from the dragon to her daughter.

"Of course, he would, he would be thrilled with the wonderful woman that you have become. No doubt in my mind that he would, he didn't overcomplicate things and loved his family dearly." She smiles and runs a hand through Rhaenyras hair with a fond look.

I give Shaena a look for causing such a scene and she has the decency to blush before hiding her lips behind her cup.

"So how are things in The Vale, I obviously haven't been there so can you tell me what it's like." I speak up when things start to get even more awkward and Aemma nods but doesn't look away from Rhaenyra.


"That was nice." I watch as Danny finishes getting ready for bed.

"It was, Aemma seems really nice." Shiera comments as she snuggles up next to me.

"You ok?" I ask softly and she nods while humming and nestling into my side.

"Do you think I look like her?" Rhaenyra asks while walking to put Syrax to bed with the rest of the dragons.

"A little, you have her cheeks and nose but not much of anything else." She nods as she walks back and slides into bed.

"I thought we looked pretty different as well." Well, the blood of the dragon does that I guess, other features don't come through that often.

"We have some other things to talk about, so let's get into the fun." Danny sits on the edge of the bed and looks at us already snuggling with a sigh.

"What would that be?" Rhaenyra asks while sliding her hand up and down my chest.

"Eragon went ahead and agreed to help Shaena get pregnant, which I find fine the same as you two but he also fucked Shiera. So now that I am the last I want to set up my own time where you two won't interfere." Rhaenyra stiffens and her hand stops caressing my muscles.

"You fucked Shiera as well?" Rhaenyra asks and I nod while Shiera wiggles and licks her lips.

"Yea I did it right next to her mom who was curled up and trying to recover from the pounding I gave her." Shiera starts shivering against me the more I talk and I grip her butt under the covers.

"I see, so it's just Danny who is left... I guess it would be fair to set up some alone time. I want to spend more time with my mom anyway so just let me know when and I will go to her room instead of sitting in here. I just wanted to have Syrax by my side when we were talking because she makes me feel braver." I kiss Rhaenyras head and pull her closer.

"You can be brave whenever you want, I know it for a fact." She smiles and starts moving her hand again.

"It's not just me left either." Danny is trying to kill me today.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenys Targaryen


"We will get him when he comes to teach us the Summer Tongue once again. We both sit on one of his sides and squeeze him tight so he can't escape again. This time we will leave him breathless by sucking him off and then walking out." I have come up with the perfect plan, we will double-team him with our mouths and then leave him high and dry.

Then he will seek us out to finish the deed and in that way, we will have won.

"Are you sure... I don't even know how to 'suck a cock' so I might just screw this up." I shake my head and grab her hand.

"My mom told us how to do it earlier so we will be able to figure it out, begrudgingly I have to admit she beat me to fuck him so she is on to something. I still can hardly believe that she and the other three jumped him, it's kind of wild." If we can't even figure it out we might as well just fuck him instead, but if I say that she might get scared.

"Ok, I still wanted him to..." I smile wide as she blushes a bit and looks away.

"You want him to lick your slit? I can hold your legs as you did mine and let him get easy access, even if you are embarrassed to ask I will just do it." I will be getting her back for that, I mean who does that to her sister?

But I also kind of want to thank her...

"You don't have to, I will ask him to try it on me on my own." She puts on a serious face and nods, I can see it now and this little wolf girl is going to curl up as soon as his hot tongue hits her pussy.

"Ok, I won't interfere on your behalf but we will trap him tomorrow and failure is not an option." I will have him come begging to claim me and spill his seed into me, the perfect revenge.


298 AC

The Reach - Oldtown

Marwyn the mage


The lad was in Oldtown and I missed him, I still kick myself about that.

Seven dragons and he somehow activated the glass candles the world over with the ritual he did during the red star bleeding.

The old prophecy of red stars tells that Azor Ahai will be reborn during a red star and that he will wake dragons from stone. I would be willing to bet he had stone dragon eggs from the time of living dragons in Westeros.

My best guess at his Identity is a Targaryen and the only two male Targaryens that are known are Viserys who wouldn't leave Dorne.

There is also an Eragon Targaryen that might have left Dorne, I have learned it was Summerhall that I was seeing in the flame from the candle.

Nothing is heard publicly or privately in the Citadel and they took out the glass candle test to run tests on why it kept lighting on fire. They missed the dragons hatching or they saw something else on their own. But I watched mine for days until it turned off and now it only turns back on sporadically.

I have no idea why it is going on and off but I do know one thing and that is he brought old magic back to the world with what he did. I need to find him and discuss this with him and maybe have him try to use the candle.

People use to be able to talk across the world with the use of candles and see battlefields just as far away. Places they had never even been could be studied and spied on from across the world in the comfort of your room.

If he can figure it out I am sure it would be useful to him and I might be able to understand the makeup of how the candles were made. With more made, we could even replace ravens or many other things.

But the problem is finding him, my best guess is he is Eragon Targaryen and he returned to Dorne.

I will set off to see what I can turn up and maybe befriend the Targaryen prince, the red temple in Sunspear should be a good start from my best guess. The red woman he traveled with and the ties to Azor Ahai makes it likely he has contact with the temple.

I lean over and grab my Valyrian steel staff and haul myself up with it and begin to pack. This is going to be one of my shorter journeys distance wise but I feel it might be one of the most dangerous.

I should try to take the other glass candles with me if I can get my hands on them...