71 R18


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


While eating breakfast I noticed a few looks coming from Rhaenys and Visenya, it was expected that they would have some grievance with me. But the look Rhaenys has is like a fisherman watching his line patiently and puts me on edge.

I eat silently but I can't help but feel on edge after catching the look from Rhaenys its made me a touch uncomfortable. I don't think she has anything malicious prepared for me but I still need to be wary. I am supposed to teach them after breakfast and I need to keep my guard up or whatever they are planning might just snare me.

"Eragon, do you want to practice with me today? We haven't practiced together in a while, I have mainly been practicing with Rhaenyra and Cynthia but both seem to be busy today." Daenerys speaks up from the side and I nod without looking at her.

"Sounds good to me, we can go for it before I start lessons with Visenya and Rhaenys." She's right that I haven't practiced with her recently, I have been training with the spear quite a bit with Rhaenys.

"Good, let's head out when you are done eating." I look over and see she is done and I push my plate a bit forward.

"Let's just go now, I am not all that hungry." She stands up with me and we head for the door, Rhaenys and Visenya also stand up and stalk after us but I pull Danny's hand and make a hasty retreat. They are definitely planning something!


"Why don't you ever ask me to train with you?" Rhaenys asks Daenerys as she takes a drink of some water.

"No reason, I just haven't but I can if you are interested." Rhaenys nods.

"We should, I want to practice against someone who only water dances, we should also get Rhaenyra to join us sometime." Danny nods and wipes the sweat from her brow.

"You guys going to go and learn from Eragon now I take it?" Danny asks and Visenya nods.

"Yea, we will go over a few things we learned and try to learn some new things along the way." Visenya smiles after responding and I narrow my eyes at her.

Danny also seems to feel something odd and takes a look at both of them.

"You guys seem like you are up to something." Daenerys calls them out but neither break and instead stand their ground with 'harmless' looks. "Why don't I join you for these 'lessons' I could brush up on my summer 'tongue'."

Rhaenys lips thin as she hears this and her eyes narrow a tiny bit, but she corrects herself quickly and smiles wide.

"Sure, let's all just sit around practicing our summer tongue." Daenerys nods and grabs my hand.

"Where are we going to?" She asks as she looks up at me.

"Rhaenys room, she's got the books in her room. But first, let's wash up a bit since I am covered in sweat." And with a tug, Danny pulls me off and I see out of the corner of my eye the two scheming women look at each other.

Danny must have wrecked their plans, that's my girl coming to my rescue!


"Yes that's right, I think you got the greetings and partings down easily and can now focus on the more daily stuff." Visenya is a quick learner and has gotten the first few pages memorized and knows what she is saying, Rhaenys on the other hand...

"She is just a busy body, I got half of that right and that was just with the lessons and no studying." I shake my head at Rhaenys, does she think she will get by in the Summer Isles without speaking the language?

"How are you going to ask for something you need or buy something if you can't talk to anyone, forget people speaking when we are fighting if you get involved with that. You need to learn this so we don't have as hard of a time there." I try to stress the importance of this but she only bumps her shoulder into mine and nods slowly.

"Of course, I just don't have the patience to read it when I don't 'need' to. When you are here I can read it and ask you questions but once you walk off I lose interest." I sigh, it's not the end of the world as most of us can speak the Tongue and will help her but it's still nice if she gets it on her own.

"What will it take to motivate you?" Her eyebrows raise and she looks away from me and toward Daenerys who is sitting on the other side of the table with a book. Danny doesn't look up and instead keeps reading with her feet under the table rubbing one of my legs.

Rhaenys leans in and I try to lean back a little but bump into Visenya, they both sat beside me so they can 'ask' questions but I am starting to feel trapped.

"If you can do what you did to me in the last lesson over again I will be able to focus a bit better." She bats her eyelashes and her lips form a small smile as she tempts me with a quiet voice.

Not as quiet as she thinks as Danny's feet stop moving and I see her left eyebrow raise before her foot starts moving again. I try to pull my leg back but she hooks her feet and keeps it captive, I could pull it back but it would be obvious and these two beside me might catch on. Even if she is just rubbing my leg they might think she was doing more with her legs if I make any big moves right now.

"What would that be?" I ask quietly and she licks her lips as she sets a hand on my thigh.

"I don't know it's hard to remember properly." Her hand grips my cock through the pants and slides up and down. "Visenya do you remember properly?" As if prepared for this moment I feel another hand on my other thigh and it slowly slides over to meet with Rhaenys.

"He taught us a few tricks with the Tongue and left us surprised and didn't explain any further so we were left disappointed until today's lesson." One hand on my pants and the other working its way to undo my belt, I check Danny and find her holding back a laugh.

Glad your finding it so funny sister.

"I see, I guess I need to stay longer and make sure you are both satisfied with my lessons today." Danny shuts her eyes slowly as she pulls the book up to hide her face, she is enjoying the wordplay it seems.

"That would be nice." Visenya finishes off the buckle as she speaks to cover up the sound and undoes the button holding my pants together.

Opening up the pants Visenya first pushes Rhaenys hand away so she can take my cock out easier. With a surprisingly cold hand, she grips my hot member and tries to pull it out but can't seem to get it past the opening as it's stiff.

"Fuck." She mutters and looks up at me with a pitiful look.

I sigh and put a hand on the seat and lift myself by pushing with my hand and feet and slid my pants with my free hand.

Cock coming out and both girls locking their eyes on it I look back at Danny and find her to be 'very' interested in her book. But her feet are attempting to pull my pants the rest of the way down using her toes to grab them. I have to spread my knees or she would yank them down and the girls might realize that Danny is more aware than she is putting on.

Who knows if that will scare them off, and as they both grip my length the last thing I want is for them to get scared off.

They don't even make an effort with the Summer Tongue books Infront of them as both use one hand to poke squeeze and stroke my cock as they feel it out. Surprisingly it's Visenya that looks the most engrossed and can't take her eyes off it. Rhaenys is cupping my balls and looking at her book as she feels around to her heart's content.

Danny's two feet pulling at my pants finally yields her results as my pants slip down a bit and my eyes widen. She gets her heel into the waist of my pants and pulls them down with my underclothes until they are at my feet.

Only my boots keep them from being on the floor and I sigh as the chair begins to feel uncomfortable on my ass. If Visenya wasn't rubbing around my tip with her finger I would stand up and move to Rhaenys bed.

I need them to be more committed to the act before I move so I suck up the feeling and just lean back as they explore.

Rhaenys grips my base and Visenya grips the top as they both move their hands toward each other I feel like my back is hit with lighting and almost make a noise but bite my tongue. Visenya leans into me a bit pressing her tits against my arm and I almost say fuck it and just throw her over the table.

Daenerys has a foot on each of my legs and scratches my legs with her toes as I try to push her away she seems even more excited to bother me. It's at this moment I decide she is first if this keeps progressing as it is.

My throbbing cock in their hands has their full attention and they both even adjust in their seats to sit facing my erection. Rhaenys licks her lips before leaning in and my eyes widen and Daenerys lowers her book with raised eyebrows.

She licks the tip and Visenya lowers her hand to the base as Rhaenys pink tongue comes out and circles around. She slides her chair back and lowers herself almost to the point of her chest touching her lap as she licks one side of my cock.

With eyes, she signal to Visenya who had to pull her hand away, Visenya bites her lips and looks at my eyes before sliding her chair back and lowering herself as well. Her tits press onto her knees and almost come out of her dress as she leans in and presses her tongue against my cock.

With both of them beneath the table Danny sets her book down with wide eyes and looks at me before I no longer feel her feet on my legs. She sits there stiff and unmoving other than her eyes looking at the backs of the two girls slobbering on my cock.

Daenerys opens her mouth to speak but no sound comes out as she mouths something to me.

"Those sluts!" She repeatedly mouths it to me before I finally get it and I nod with a wide smile.

"They are my sluts!" I mouth back and she gets it the first time when she shakes her head with an eye-roll.

Danny looks behind her and sees the bed before looking back and seems to prepare herself for something.

"If you two want to suck him off just take him to the bed, that can't be comfortable." Daenerys speaks up with a 'cold' tone and crosses her arms. She sends me a wink and I almost laugh as the two girls' tongues stop where they are before slowly sitting up to look at Danny.

"Uhhh... We weren't..." Danny sighs when Visenya tries to come up with something.

"You don't need to lie to me, just get him on the bed and let's suck him off." Danny stands up and her chair slides back as she walks to the bed with a sway to her hips.

I look back and forth at the hesitant women who were just wetting my cock with their tongues.

"Well, I am about to use the bed even if you two don't join." I stand up and shake off my pants and kick off my boots, walking toward the bed I take off my shirt and toss it as well.

Danny slips off her dress as she climbs onto Rhaenys bed and shakes her hips behind her.

"Hey, that's my bed though!" An indignant Rhaenys tries to speak up but it's too late as Danny and I are already naked and on it.

"Didn't you say failure wasn't an option, let's get up there and succeed." Visenya laughs at Rhaenys as she stands up and walks to the bed, when she reaches the side she looks at Danny and bites her lips. With quick movements, she pulls the straps off her dress and over her shoulders and drops it to the floor. She slips off her underclothes and drops them as well and stands there naked for a moment while biting her lips.

My eyes widen seeing her breasts bounce free and take in the image of her naked form. She is bigger in hips and chest than her mom but other than that they look similar in most areas. Same pink nipples and slit that almost beg to be played with, as she climbs onto the bed her bigger breasts sway.

"Oh what the hell, let's just do it then." Rhaenys practically tears her dress off as she makes her way to the bed and I lean back into the pillows with Danny on the right side of my cock and Visenya in the middle of my legs. Rhaenys makes her way to my left side and they all look at each other before looking down at my erection.

I try not to look smug as they finally look up at my face and I am leaning back with my hands behind my head.