
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Shaena Targaryen


"Well I wasn't excepting to see you two, I thought you would remain locked up in a room gossiping together." I comment as I watch Aemma and Rhaenyra sit at the table with us.

It might as well be a women's night with all the people who are slowly making their way into my room. Elia and Ashara with Lyanna in tow came over to 'talk' about what Eragon and I decided. Then Shiera came in with Rhaenyra and Aemma, I am genuinely surprised to see the latter two.

"I managed to pull them out of their coop and get them to come with me, it took some convincing but I wrangled them." Shiera boasts as if she caught two massive fish and is showing them off.

"She said there would be plenty of good wine and interesting conversation." Rhaenyra smacks Shiera's boasts down and starts pouring her mom some wine.

"Interesting talks indeed, we came to hear all about Shaena's talks with Eragon since we haven't heard yet." Elia leans forward with her elbows on the table and her head resting in her hands.

"She is going to mother him some kids." Shiera being vindictive about her fun being spoiled quickly kills my build-up. I sigh and shake my head at my daughter as she ignores me and drinks her wine glass.

"Ohhh, tell me more." Ashara of all people seems keen to know more, she herself wanted to ask him to have a baby with her. She said she wants to have a son, she had a daughter and she wants the son to complete the 'set'.

"Well I asked him and then he just locked the door and tossed me on the bed, he is going to 'visit' me until her leaves once or more a day. If I get pregnant I get pregnant, if I don't then I will just have to wait until I get an opportunity in the future to try with him again."

I won't lie, I am bothered that he is leaving shortly after we start trying to have a kid. Two pretty big things can go wrong with this, one is I don't get pregnant and have to wait until he comes back or I can go there. The second is maybe even worse, I can get pregnant, and then he is gone when I eventually birth our baby, it's not a good habit to form on his part.

"So he is leaving again?" Ashara slumps similarly to my daughter and falls back into her seat, her face showing her disappointment. "The chances of actually getting pregnant in a single month aren't bad but also not good with our 'age'." That is also my concern.

"Poor you little baby, you might miss out." Elia shows a little of her sour side, she is unable to even try as the chances of death is too high so she is understandably bitter about it.

"Just go with him then, if you want his baby then just seduce him into taking you with him." Lyanna waves her hand flippantly as if she solved the whole problem.

"Wait." Ashara sits up and scrunches her brows together.

"Wait what, you plan to go with them? Did you like his cock that much or was it just love at first sight?" Elia looks over at her as she starts laughing at the idea.

"I don't love him, at least I don't love him now but I do want a baby by him and am not against the idea of falling in love with him if he treats me as I should be. I am much more trustworthy to help them with different things and keep an eye on stuff than someone Doran could send."

"So? We had minimal servant help in Braavos its pretty much the same here as it was there." Shiera chips in as she side-eyes Ashara.

"What I am saying is I can be the head of the people you do end up recruiting to help with those things in the future. In doing this I can reasonably accompany you guys and also be close enough to Eragon to get the son I want. I mean what are you planning to do with any servants you hire or bring from Sunspear, just let them do as they want, or let Doran send someone to control them?" When she says it like that it does almost make sense, Ashara is way more trustworthy than an unknown person from Sunspear.

And if she does get Eragons baby then she would be even more loyal than she already is, I mean she pinned over Eddard Stark for over 14 years. If Eragon wins her heart that was left broken by the Northman then he will have her unending loyalty.

"But you want to be a servant?" Rhaenyra asks with her nose scrunched up.

"No not a servant, the one who bosses the servant around like the 'Lady' of the house. I saw my mom do it while growing up so I am confident. I can also give some advice on different things with the experience I have gathered." Both Shiera and Rhaenyra look at each other before They look back at Ashara.

"I don't have a problem with it, you still need to hear what Eragon and Daenerys have to say about it though." My daughter just shrugs hearing what Rhaenyra says and Ashara smiles while nodding.

"Of course, I planned to talk to him when I got the chance but now I have a new plan to bring up with him. I am looking forward to it, I have been in Sunspear for quite some time now and I would like to get out for a while." Elia snorts hearing Ashara.

"You don't like my home?" Elia pretending to be offended crosses her arms.

"I hate it." Ashara responds quickly and they both go silent before laughing with each other.

"Damn, I wish I could slip off on an adventure to the Summer isles as well." Elia wistfully complains while leaning back into her chair.

"I almost regret making plans to travel north to speak with my brother, I would go with them to Summer Isles as well if I didn't need to speak with Ned." Lyanna heading North will be the deciding factor of if the North will be joining Dorne in helping Viserys or not. If she can't convince him then no one can and we will have to look elsewhere for allies.

If the North will side with us then it will be easier for Aemma to get the Vale to side with us as well. The Riverlands would likely join in as well if all things work out well.

The biggest problem is the wild cards of the Reach and Iron islands as neither have any alliances to the two 'sides' in Westeros. We have no idea if they have been in contact with the Blackfyres though and are secretly siding with them.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Arianne Martell


"So how's married life treating you?" Obara asks while lounging in my room.

"Fine, I guess I can say it's not as I thought it would be though." Viserys would rather spend his days talking with my father or anyone else who will listen and his nights with different women. He doesn't even seem interested in actually making an heir in the slightest.

"You don't seem angry so I take that at least as a good thing." Tyene who is all smiles holds my hand.

"I am not angry, but I am disappointed I guess." Nymeria scoffs as she peels a blood orange.

"He not any good in bed I take it?" I roll my eyes at her crudeness.

"It could be worse but it could also be better, I end up doing most of the work and he just kind of enjoys himself." A round of nods from them lets me know they understand entirely.

"So no little Targaryens yet?" I shake my head, I still haven't seen any signs of pregnancy even if it is early so I doubt I am pregnant.

"You got unlucky with which Targaryen you married as the other one seems to be the one wanting a wife. I even heard Rhaenys say he is going to marry all three of the younger Targaryen girls that he grew up with." Sarella flips the page in her book as she looks up at me.

I am aware, I talked with both Rhaenys and Visenya, and it seems that Eragon is the one interested in getting married. Whereas Viserys is strictly interested in Dorne's armies and marrying me was the only way, he even made comments about me not being a virgin. He is lucky I am taking my role seriously and not cuckolding him with his Kings guards.

"I think he was expecting some dream-like maiden to be waiting for him and to wait on his hand and foot and do anything he says. I on the other hand have my own opinions and wasn't a maiden, so he might be fucking the whores to spite me." Tyene in a rare moment frowns and looks the opposite of her cheerful personality.

"So he is purposefully avoiding you to 'punish' you?" I shrug at her question as it's hard to tell with Viserys.

"You should get even with him then, show him that he has duties to his queen, and if he can't muster up the will to do them then someone else will." Obara speaks of treason as easily as she breathes and I frown at her insinuation.

"Even if I wanted to the fallout from getting caught would be devastating, he already said he would have rather married Rhaenys as she has the real blood of the dragon. Saying my blood is thin if any at all with the normal acts of the Dornish. Rhaenys having a dragon from the seven Eragon brought here has put her right in Viserys sights." If looks could kill Father's eyes would have slaughtered the would-be king at that moment.

The room goes silent as they take that in and Tyene grips my hand a little tighter.

"Then fuck his brother." Nymeria breaks the silence and I look at her oddly. "If he is so worried about the thickness of dragon blood the one who brought dragons from the grave should be pretty thick. So give him an heir that has the best quality blood, the Father of dragons is the best by anyone's standards. Ignoring the actual dragons hatching, he is also better looking and has the better build. Overall his kids would be more dragon than anything the worm king could put into you." She ends her speech with a bite into her peeled orange.

"You know as fucked up as that is it is also kind of true." Sarella sets her book down with a look of interest.

"And as far as cheating goes at least he would still be related to the kid, instead of being the dad he would be the uncle. He wouldn't even be able to tell the difference and if the kid came out and grew to Eragons size he would attribute it to his 'real' dragon blood working." Obara looks especially cruel as she seems to be convinced of the act being a gift to him husband.

"What do you think Tyene?" I turn to the little blond on my side and she smiles once more but her viper-like eyes have an eerie look to them.

"I think you should do as you want, but I would like it more if you actually did get back at your 'husband' and didn't let him off easily for belittling you. You are his queen and he should treat you as such and the way you speak about it he isn't doing that." These girls are more vindictive about my marriage than I am, but the thought of it does kind of sound 'interesting'.

"I guess I need to have a talk with my good brother and see if I can 'convince' him to help out his miserable good sister." Nymeria jerks her head back.

"If you need help just let me know, I am sure if all of us went at him we could convince him."