
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Watching the girls put back on their clothes I rub my forehead and wonder what wild situation I will get myself into next.

I need to slow a bit down on the group stuff and work toward singling them out if I want to go further with them. Not everyone is like Shiera and gets off while losing their virginity next to someone.

"This won't cause a problem for us will it?" Visenya asks Daenerys as she puts her dress back on.

"No, I would have stopped you if I didn't want it to get to this I am a big girl and can make decisions on my own. I like both of you and don't mind you having feelings for Eragon so long as you don't try to hurt him. If you try to hurt him or do so even by accident I will have very big problems with you." Daenerys tries to fix her hair as she gives them the 'Danny; treatment and both look pretty awkward about it.

I walk up behind her after putting on my clothes and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck.

"Don't try to scare them, they probably don't even feel that way and just wanted to 'try' something out." Danny turns around in my arms and stands on her toes to kiss my lips.

"You are so stupid sometimes, if they didn't feel something they wouldn't of 'tried' anything with other people in the room. They got spurred on by each other and then even more by me once I got involved. Almost like they were worried they would lose your attention if they didn't join in on the bed with us." I skeptically looked toward the two who turned their back and walked toward the table when they saw me look.

"Wait seriously?" I ask without even thinking, I knew Rhaenys had an 'interest' but not anything beyond curiosity. A finger pushes my lips shut and Danny hugs her other arm around my body as she presses her body against me tighter.

"Now you are scaring them, just let them think about what just happened, and let's go check on the dragons." She grabs my hand and leads me toward the door where I grab Brightroar and start to loop it to my belt.

"Wait." I stop Danny and turn around to talk to Rhaenys and Visenya. "Shiera will pick up all your lessons, either it will be awkward for you, or we will get distracted again. Learning the Summer Tongue is important so it needs to be taken a bit more seriously than I have been taking it." Both give me surprised looks but eventually nodded.

"Ok, that sounds for the best." Visenya responds with a bit weaker voice than she usually talks with. I shake my head at their disappointment as they must be jumping to conclusions.

"We will still train together and you're always welcome to come to find me if you want to ask something or talk, my room also is always open for whatever reason or visiting the dragons. I just think we should take your lessons a bit more seriously until you get more comfortable with using the Summer Tongue. We can play around whenever you want except during lessons." I turn around and Daenerys and I leave before they can respond, probably best they think for a while.

As Danny said I don't need to 'scare' them by seeming too invested in them when we haven't talked about anything between us.

If that little shit Aegon knew what I was thinking about I can already imagine the look on his face. A smug smile while patting my shoulder in approval.

If I do end up with his sister or sister I will make sure to fuck them in the room next to him so he can 'enjoy' the fruits of his labor. Maybe then he will finally regret pestering me about getting with them.


"So you are interested in them?" We walked in silence and just enjoyed each other's company until we made it back to the room. Now it seems she is ready to talk and I am not sure how to answer.

"We talked about this multiple times and I said I am 'interested' but I don't feel like I 'love' them. I like them and would like to 'have' them to myself instead of seeing them get with someone else but I am not in a rush. I still have a lot to deal with that our talk with mom brought up and there is a lot of responsibility in taking multiple wives if I got with Rhaenys and Visenya they would have to be wives and not just sex. They are not only Targaryen and that means they have the responsibility of having more Targaryens but they also have dragons." She nods and we watch as the dragons slowly take interest in us and wake up.

"So you will marry Shaena because she is a Targaryen and will have a kid with you then?" I purse my lips but also nod as that is the best course of action.

All of my kids will likely be able to bond with a dragon so none will be allowed to run off and join some other force or family. It would be kicking myself in the foot if I had a kid with Shaena and then ignored it and didn't claim it, what would be the point in me doing it other than the sex?

"Yea, I will take her as a wife." Danny picks up Meleys and walks toward the bed.

"How many is that now? Six or seven?" I shake my head and follow after her.

"Didn't you say you would be helping me manage all of this?" She snorts and doesn't respond as she curls Meleys tail.

"I don't mind you doing what you are doing but I will if you start just going crazy with it." I nod as we already talked about this and I am aware.

"I know you said that." She sets Meleys down on the bed and the dragon looks up at her with a stretched neck.

"I think you should figure out what it is you want, tell me about your plans and I will chip in. We can figure it out together better than you doing it all on your own. At the very least I can give you a new opinion that might help you decide." What she says makes sense, I have always asked her input when I am troubled by something so why should this be different?

"What do you think it is I should do?" I ask her so I can get a feel for what she thinks.

"I think you should do what will make you happy and I will support you in doing so. I know you will support me in what makes me happy and I will do the same for you." I can't help but smile when she says stuff like this.

"Alright, let me get specific, what about Visenya and Rhaenys? I like both but I don't 'love' them like I love you and Rhaenyra along with Shiera. It's different as I have had long-standing feelings for the three of you and the feelings I have for Rhaenys are based on our quick and fast and slightly lustful interactions that give me a special feeling. Visenya is someone I feel attracted to by her person, not just her looks but the way she acts and reacts. I like spending time with both and I think I would be very jealous if I saw them get with someone else." Daenerys nods and watches Meleys curl up next to her with her head laying on her lap.

"Give them a bit of space and let them come to you, what you said earlier was good. If they come to you then they are interested and you can take it further if not then don't worry about them and we will think of something else long-term about them having dragons. Their kids will have the name Targaryen that much is for sure and if they get eggs will depend on how much we can trust them, this is assuming they don't end up with you though." So she is just ignoring Viserys and his potential kids and giving them eggs, though I agree myself as of now. The way he acts is the same kind of stuff that lost the dragons in the first place.

"I see, and your thoughts on Shaena?" I want to marry her not only because I want what will be best for the kid we might have but because I know it will make her happy. My feelings about her are also strong, they feel a bit different than my feelings for Daenerys for example but I don't see it as a bad thing.

Shaena was more of a mom to me growing up than a sister and now I am fucking her so my mind still makes weird connections on the matter. But Danny is and will always be a 'sister' as well and it doesn't make any weird connections. When I try to think of it from a stranger's perspective I do see how it could be odd but I just find it arousing.

So fuck what others think.

"I agree with what you said about marrying her, for multiple reasons but the most important will be her happiness on the matter. Shaena is family and beyond words like 'loyal' or 'trustworthy' she is already a part of this and marriage and baby will fill in what she has been missing. I have heard her talk about it before and she would be very satisfied if you made it official on top of giving her the child she wants." I am going to still double-check with Shiera and Rhaenyra but if they are also fine with it then I am going to ask Shaena to marry me.

"I will ask her." I lay back on the bed and close my eyes as I think about how difficult things have become. One day you never have seen outside the birdcage you have known all your life and the next you are asking women to marry you and trying to return your house to its prime.

No, beyond its prime.

"Good now let's get to what I have been waiting for." I open my eyes and see Daenerys pick up Meleys and set her off the bed before starting to take her dress off. "I held back because we were around the other two but I am still feeling hot from what you did to my body."

"Oh really?" I lick my lips and sit up as she kicks her dress to the side and nods.

"Yes, and we have a moment so let's go for it, if someone walks in oh well." I smile as she kneels Infront of me and starts undoing my pants.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenys Targaryen


"So do you think we fucked that up?" I ask as the door closes and they leave.

"I don't think anyone fucked up, I think we need to decide what we want our future to look like." She adjusts her top since her breasts were only half into her dress.

"Like what?" She raises her brow at me and then shakes her head.

"We talked about this before but our options are limited, We either marry someone to make further dragon riders for the future or at the least, we make people who can make dragon riders. That involves us picking a husband who has dragon blood to raise the chances of success, you already know the 'available' options." I nod and slightly grimace, I don't want anything to do with Viserys. Aegon would be strictly for kids and I don't think I will ever be able to not see him as my little brother.

There is also Quentyn Martell but that is dropping in both purity of dragon blood and also dropping in quality of looks... by a lot.

Lastly is Eragon who I can see myself at the minimum enjoying the sex, I also have certain feelings that will make the experience more enjoyable. If I was to eventually love one of those four in a marriage it would be Eragon.

The problem is the number of wives he has or will have, I don't mind as I quite enjoyed what we just did but others will. I will make people angry by doing so, but I also think I don't give a shit what they think. I already would be marrying my uncle so people would look at it negatively.

"So our choices are narrowed down to four and two of those are an instant no and one is our brother, and the last is the uncle we just sucked off." She snorts and smiles.

"We also got our pussies licked and insides explored so I think you know which one I have an interest in. I have put much more thought into it than you have and for me, it's Eragon or running off and leaving all responsibility behind. I won't get all girly and say I love him but I don't see any negatives other than the problems that will come between him and 'king' Viserys." I am pretty surprised to see her ignore the other 'issues'.

"Incest and multiple wives aren't issues for you?" She scrunches her nose and closes her eyes.

"I mean, it is but it also isn't if you pay attention to the long term. For one I don't think he would marry us and put us on the same 'status' as the women he has grown up with and loves unless he thought he would become or is in love with us. So there is actual hope of getting to the point he treats the other three, and he doesn't treat us badly at all anyway. He treats us so well that I am already leaning to want to pick him over anyone else and this is pretty fast for me. I haven't been interested in anyone before but I do have interest in him." I sigh and come to similar thoughts to her own, it's better than running away to find 'love' or something stupid.

"Any other long-term benefits that have you leaning his way, it sounded like you had something else in mind that made you consider it more positively." She nods and draws a circle with her finger on the table.

"I find Eragon to be heavily motivated, if my suspicion is correct I don't think he will 'stop' at reclaiming Westeros for his brother." My eyes widen.

"You think he wants to be king?" I hiss in response, if people heard us they could kick up a big fuss over us saying something like this. Also, I find her to be completely wrong as he doesn't even seem interested in the iron throne from what I have seen.

"Not the iron throne, I think he wants to have his own thing. He doesn't strike me as a kin slayer but he does strike me as someone who wants his own thing. The Summer Isles example we are already planning to go to, the Summer Isles are huge. They also have resources in spices and woods that are only present in the Summer Isles and are worth a lot. It will be a huge economic resource and the swan ships and golden heart bows will be powerful military tools." Wait, that does sound like he might be after something bigger.

"So you think he wants to be Eragon the conquer or some shit?" She smiles and nods slowly.

"I do, that only makes him more desirable in my eyes as well. My name is Visenya after all, what would my namesake think if I didn't have a bit of that drive she had in taking the kingdoms with Aegon and Rhaenys." Now that I think about it that does make him sound more attractive...

I already wanted to ride him till I passed out but now I feel a heat building up just thinking about it. If she is right and I married him then I would get to join him in conquests and seeing the world and bending people's knees. Taking House Targaryen farther than even Aegon and his sister wives, how badass is that?!

God that's hot.