
298 AC

Beyond the wall



"So we are finally leaving this shit hole?" Geor asks as we step out into the light, I have been out to breathe and walk around but this time I know it's for good. I won't ever go back to see the three-eyed raven.

"Aye, we are leaving." I grip the handle of Dark sister on my waist and feel comfort while looking to the north, toward the enemy.

"Then let's get moving, I am dying to be with a woman." He claps his hands loudly and heads away from the enemy.

I narrow my eyes and wonder if things will change once I begin to move.

I didn't pay attention to all the boring talk but I know The Others have their way of learning about the happenings of the living. They might move faster if what the raven told me is true, I hope it is true. We will need every little bit to face the things he showed me and even with the help he tried to give me, I doubt it will be enough.

"Come on, I won't wait on you!" Geor shouts over his shoulder while walking on the ice.

"Yea, yea let's get a move on." I turn and follow after Geor and hope we have an easier time getting back than we did getting here in the first place.


298 AC


Cirilla Blackfyre


"What are we even doing? The Targaryens have dragons and we are going to head east and wait for them to grow?!" A bastard of some Lord who has made it to sitting at the table for the big meetings gets a little too full of himself. When no one responds to him he seems to realize his mistake and shrinks back into his chair but keeps his chin raised high.

"And what, Siege Sunspear? They are waiting for sure a thing and are sure to be prepared for it to happen." Another speaks up with sarcasm.

"If we were going to attack Sunspear we would need to first claim somewhere in the Stepstones to base from. The Dothraki don't want to wait that long and are prepared to leave yesterday, we are heading east so they can raid and pillage and fuck to their heart's content. We will be making some good gold along the way so why don't you calm down Flowers." A tall summer islander speaks up.

"I agree that something needs to be done with those dragons, we have three black dragons of our own and if we got ahold of the dragons for them to ride then Westeros is as good as claimed." A man next to 'flowers' sides with him to no one's surprise.

Do they think the dragons will be easy to steal?

They will be protected to the last man with the potential they represent and if someone got close to getting them then someone would likely kill them so no one else could have them. Only a fool would lose dragons to an opponent when they are babies and can be tossed on a ship and sailed away in an emergency.


"So we are heading to Volantis?" Helaena asks curiously when I make it back and sit next to her.

"In that direction yes but not to Volantis, attacking Volantis would be a bit of a jump from 'raiding for gold' that the Dothraki want to do." She locks her finger and places them in her lap as she nods.

"I see." She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "We should be careful of tigers." I snort and grip the handle of Blackfyre.

"I will cut any tiger I see down so don't even be worried about something like that." She giggles.

"You will kill a lot of tigers..." She goes back to reading her book and almost looks like she doesn't even know I am even here any longer.

"Killing tigers huh?" Guess I can get some valuable skins if that's the case.

I stand up and stretch my arms over my head, when I finish I walk toward the comer of the room where Helaena has her bed. At the end of the bed is two braziers of some expensive craftmanship with golden dragon statues with black flames coming out of their mouth.

In between the braziers is a decorated chest with the lid off, in the chest are three dragon eggs.

After the news reached our 'father' about dragons hatching he took a keen interest in the 'gift' he gave Helaena. All kinds of soothsayers and seers came to peek at the eggs when he was swinging his coin purse around.

None had any idea about what to do to hatch them, some tried to kill animals and even a person as a sacrifice of some sort to hatch them but they remain stone. Even a priest of R'hllor who Helaena joked about having the best chance couldn't hatch them.

Father gave them back to her but also bought her a nice chest and a bunch of ornaments to decorate around the chest much to her enjoyment.

"Looking at them won't cause them to hatch, you know?" I hear her voice behind me and realize I had stopped just before the chest as I look at the eggs.

"The Black one is my favorite, the red swirls make it look like it's smeared with bloody fingerprints." Helaena walks to my side and puts her hand on the cream one that looks like some gold was poured onto it.

"Maybe you will also be his favorite as well." I smile and copy her as I put my hand on the surprisingly warm egg, the flames must be too close for it to be this hot.

"So it's a boy inside here, huh? Pity he never got to spread his wings and soar the sky, if he looks anything like his egg he would have been a fearsome-looking dragon." Helaena just hums as I think about a big black dragon with blood-red markings.

"The winged shadow." I raise an eyebrow at her but she only smiles while glancing at the dark egg.

A knock at the door is the only warning before it is opened and an armored Daemon walks in.

"You already told her I take it?" I nod and he looks around before walking back to the door. "Come pack up her stuff." Servants come into the room and have a few chests in between them.

"All my stuff won't fit in those." Helaena looks at the chests and Daemon only shrugs in response.

"Not my problem, we need to be thoughtful of what we bring when we are traveling." He notices us fooling with the dragon eggs and a thoughtful look crosses his face. "Are you going to bring those along?" Helaena nods quickly and takes her hand off the cream and gold one.

"Yes, I am but I need to make sure I get my favorite clothes and books." She quickly makes way and helps the servants with a smile.

"What about you?" Daemon looks back at me.

"I got everything I will need right here." I pat Blackfyre and he nods as he looks at it.

"Sure, don't bring any other clothes and just smell like a beggar after a few days." He spins on his heels and makes for the door before I can respond.

Of course, I won't let myself smell like a beggar, speaking of smells though I am glad to be escaping from the never-ending perfumes of 'father'.

Watching Helaena giggle with the servants as she tucks clothes into a chest I feel a bit of worry build up. She should not come with us and should remain safe, but it wouldn't do if the Khalasar asked their Khal why his Khaleesi isn't around.

I just need to keep my eyes open and she will be fine, I should be more worried about Daemon and him doing something stupid. He can't just 'command' the Golden company but he does have some pull with most of the people who do.

It's odd how the Golden company works, we are more tools for them to regain something they feel they lost or deserve. And we use them for the same purpose but neither likes the other, too long has passed since the original purpose of its founding. But not long enough that the descendants of the first people in the company have died out, also the new exiles join in all the time.

We have Roberts Rebellion to thank for that.

Lots of people are angry with the Stag king and with how he is running the realm into the ground it only helps our cause. At least according to our uncle, we haven't even seen him, I don't even think he has seen us in person. Not that I care, he is the brother of my mom that much she told us about so he is family.

Guess I can head over and see about actually throwing a chest of clothes together and maybe some other stuff like my favorite knives.


298 AC

Kingslanding - Cersei's room

Joffrey Baratheon


"You called me mother?" I walk into her room and find her with her feet up and drinking some wine.

"Sit." I freeze in place and grip my hands while my jaw clenches, who does she think she is to command me like a servant? I will be a king soon enough and she will find herself living out the rest of her life at the rock if she keeps this attitude up.

She doesn't react and keeps her green eyes locked on me.

"Ask nicely and I might just 'sit'." She scoffs.

"Please sit." She lets out a sigh and I head to the chair.

After sitting I lean back and look back at her, she has been quiet as of late.

"What do you think about the situation we are in?" I raise my brows, what is she suddenly grandfather and going to question me about different things? I wish the old fucker would get the message I don't need him to act like my father when my actual father is doing a fine job.

"We are already at war from two sides, one with dragons and the other with an army around fifty thousand strong." We should just head down to Sunspear killing everyone in the way who tries to stop us and installing new and loyal lords.

"I am aware of that, I want to know what you think about it." I shrug.

"I want to get my armor and head down there killing every last one of them and then sail across the narrow sea and kill the others as well. Black or Red the dragons need to be dead." I find that my father might not be the 'demon' people remember as he hides her while they only gain power. The crown's debts only stack up every month and more and more people become dissatisfied with my father.

Yet he does nothing but fuck and drink.

Those things might be nice but why does he just sit and listen to others talk instead of speaking, he is the king. They are beneath him and should obey when he says we will hunt the dragons.

"Dead is good, but we are taking a cautious and waiting and seeing approach to see if they will kill each other first." I sigh and stand up.

"I know all of this, I don't care to talk about this as I have already heard it all in the small council room." She motions back to the seat but I continue to stand.

"Fine, let's get to the point." I wave my hand quickly, I could be doing anything but this and be happier currently. "I think it would be best for your reign if they were dealt with sooner rather than later. Waiting makes us look like we 'have' to wait and that looks weak, so I have a plan to get things moving along. I will need your help to get it started though, will you help your mom?" She pulls her cup to her lips when she is done talking and watches me closely.

I sit back in the chair.