81 R18


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Leaning back and laying Daenerys down on the bed I take a deep breath.

Her ass still resting on my lap and my length still buried into her quivering cunt. I look to the side at Aemma and Rhaenyra who watched the 'fight' between us and find them both sitting awkwardly. I have expected one to leave, mainly Aemma but since she stayed after watching me fuck my twin then she seems to have made up her mind.

"I take it you still want to have a go at it?" I ask as I grip Danny's hips and slide her off me and set her bottom on the bed. Her legs didn't want to let go of me and I lean in and press my lips onto her sweaty forehead.

"I do, I am not even sure anything will come of this but it's worth trying." She stands up and walks toward the bed while undoing her elaborate dress.

"Help your mom Rhaenyra, if she does it alone we will be here awhile and I don't want to have to rip it off her." Rhaenyra looks away from my cock and to her mom who is undoing laces on her back and heads over to help her. "Good girl." I smirk at her rolling her eyes as she starts to help her mom get undressed.

It's at this moment it sets in how debauched my lifestyle has become in a short time and I honestly can't find it in myself to care. What I like is what I like and there is no reason to hold myself back from willing and able women so long as my actual partners have no problem with it. I am sure with all that has happened I could even bed a prostitute with enough convincing but there is no reason to.

Not only are my lovers more attractive and have better bodies than any whore, but I also see it as a failure on a man's part to have to pay for such a thing. Viserys actions have led me to think this way and it only has gotten stronger with my recent actions.

"Your beautiful, I can't see how any man gay or not couldn't perform his 'duties' with such a wife." She doesn't react to my compliment other than climbing into the bed and closing the distance between us. Her pale form, not as pale as Valyrians but pale for an Andal at least has nice curves where it should and doesn't where it shouldn't.

I didn't think about it much with Elia or Lyanna but the thought wormed its way into my mind seeing that she is my good sister in a way. She was my older brother's wife whom he loved and married and had a kid with, would he be angry with me for this?

I could not care less if Rhaegar would be upset, quite the opposite since I find him to be one of the bigger problems that lead to House Targaryen falling to what it is.

I shake the thought out of my head as either way they're both dead as a grave and their current opinions are moot.

My left-hand grips her hip as she climbs on top of me similar to how Danny just was, I think Daenerys has a favorite position as we always end up that way. Not that I am complaining other than my feet going to sleep it's a nice position. Ignoring my numb feet I lean back a bit as she puts her hands on my shoulders and climbs on top of me.

"Let me get started and then you can do what you want." Very voice has a bit of nervousness from what I can tell as she looks down at my cock. Aemma gets her feet under her and raises her hip, one of her hands leaves my shoulder and grabs my length the help line it up.

She lowers herself slowly but steadily and goes for the full thing in one go, the feeling of warm walls squeezing the entirety of my length surprises me. She takes a deep breath and raises herself before lowering once more, repeating the process while adjusting her posture.

Soon Aemma has managed to get comfortable and also builds up speed as she bounces herself in my lap. Her chest lowers and presses against my own as she keeps her pace and soft moans escape her mouth.

Meeting her eyes as her mouth is slightly parted and her eyes look hazy I wonder if it would be weird to kiss her but then feel her cunt tighten and realize it's a little late to worry about those kinds of things.

I lean in and catch her lips and she stiffens and seems to almost turn to stone as her eyes widen. I slowly close my own eyes and lean into the kiss more and her tongue barely responds to my invasion. Her body jerks before seeming to turn back from stone to flesh and she wraps her arms around my neck and joins in the kiss with passion.

Her ass raises and lowers with more force, not one to be left behind it seems her cunt grows hotter as the kiss continues.

She breaks the kiss to take deep breaths but lunges her head back forward knocking our teeth together to start a new one. Seems going without for so long has managed to build up inside of her and now she is letting everything go as she lays into me.

I sit up and grab her ass as she was rising with both of my hands and push into her with my chest. Her back hits the bed as I lay on top of her and start to rock in and out of her, she lets out a surprised whine but refuses to part lips.

Rocking into her soft depths I start to try to dig into her pressing as hard as I can when I bottom out and pull out only enough to jam it back in. Her walls squeeze and constrict as I work myself into her and her wetness spreads onto my thighs.

Catching me off guard her legs that were hanging loosely over my back tighten and she pulls herself onto me with all her strength. Her heat reaches a new height and her hips keep rocking with my restricted movements as her pussy crushes me. Her previous wet state seems to be a desert in comparison to the current way it is wetting my body.

Her body arches slightly only being forced straight by my weight on top of her as she breaks the kiss and exhales heavily. I lean into her neck and slick my tongue across it before kissing onto it, her head pushes onto my own trying to push me away. Her body was too busy pulsing and spasming for her to muster up any real strength.

As her leg's grip starts to get weaker I can start moving more and the freedom helps my peak start to build rapidly. Jolts down to my toes and up to my head fire me up to lay into her as her body lays at my mercy.

"Oh, gods your so fucking big..." She curses directly into my ear with a tired voice and I feel my head buzz as I bottom out.

Seed escaping into her deepest point as come to a complete stop, her hand running down my back in circles and the other running through my hair. The affection movements as her core takes everything I give it fills me with more warmth. The pleasure slowly drops off and I can breathe once more.

I sit up and look down at Aemma as her arms drop to her sides and her legs remain wrapped around my waist. Her rising and falling breath sends her boobs into a hypnotic sway that only her flushed and slightly sweaty face can draw my attention away from. Her well fucked look makes me feel the need to hold her close and care for her.

"You alright?" I ask as she lies in a daze staring into my eyes, she wets her lips with her tongue and nods but doesn't move off me. Her legs might have even tightened when I tried to move back so I rest with my full length buried inside her as she recovers.

I look away for a moment to check on the other two in the room and find Danny recovered and leaning against the headboard with Rhaenyra as they sit beside one another naked. They each have a cup of what I think is wine and have a lemon cake in the other hand making me scrunch my brows.

Was I that distracted?

Aemma seems to not want the love to end as she sits up and grabs my head with her hands and pulls me into a hot kiss.

"Let's go some more to make sure I have enough inside me." She bites her lips and keeps her face as close as she can as she gazes into my eyes.

Seems like no lemon cakes for me, although I don't see it as a bad deal once I taste Aemma's sweet mouth seeking out my tongue.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Ellaria Sand


Sitting in Doran's solar I watch my lover's brother with curious eyes as he finishes writing a letter.

"I appreciate you coming quickly, I have a matter of importance I need to talk to you about." I was hoping it was about Oberyn but it doesn't seem like that is the case.

"Alright, I am all ears." I lean back in my seat and he nods.

"I want you to lead the force I am sending with Eragon to the Sumer Isles, not only because you have been there before but because I need someone competent. Eragon himself has never led anyone anywhere and might be getting full of himself after his success reviving the dragons. But there is some merit to his words about the chances he succeeds are high, he brought stones to life why couldn't he be the next conqueror." I am surprised, I was only barely aware he was even going to be doing this, and yet he wants me to be the 'overseer' for this little plan the Father of dragons has.

"What even is the plan?" He cracks his neck before setting aside the letter that is drying.

"There is a cove that is well hidden and not all that well known on one of the uninhabited islands near Ebonhead. That will be the landing point and where I have already sent some men to set up a living area in one of the caves by the cove. It's easy to defend so long as it isn't attacked in full by one of the Summer princes. You will make sure the camp runs smoothly and be in charge of the men and keeping the Targaryens alive. He plans to gain the support of the smaller Villages by slaying the pirates that are based on Xon." I have to keep my expression neutral but my interest and a bit of excitement well up, this sounds like it could be pretty fun.

"And how does the support of small villages help him in what his goals are?" The boy is pretty stupid if he thinks he can take the whole of the Summer Isles with the aid of some impoverished villagers.

"His immediate goal is to take Ebonhead and to challenge the prince he either needs land and Summer Isles natives to support him or he needs someone who has both of those things to marry him. He has a few plans in that regard and apparently has a friend who left from Braavos before he did to go there with a similar plan to what he has." Not entirely stupid but also not the smartest thing I have heard, but I would also call someone an idiot for saying they could hatch a stone egg.

"Alright, how many men will be under my command?" I will bring the Sand Snakes with me and we could have some fun when the chance arrives to sample the pleasure temples of the Summer Isles.