
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Watching Aemma board the carriage I feel a bit of regret, I don't know for sure if she is pregnant but there is definitely the chance. In the weeks we fucked as stayed here we probably had sex enough to make twenty kids but that doesn't mean the seed took. I hold Rhaenyra's hand as she is feeling worse than I am as this is her mother.

"We will see her again, I know you will miss the way she braided your hair for you in the morning after you both managed to recover from getting your ass pounded during the night. But she will braid your hair the same way next time we fuck her in the Eyrie, maybe by that moon door she talked about." Rhaenyra grips my hand harder but a small tug at her lips shows my words are doing something for her.

"Only you would want to fuck next to a death drop, why not on dragon back above the clouds as well." My eyes widen at the possibility and I slowly nod at Rhaenyras genius has struck once again.

"Oh we will and it will be glorious." One last wave with a sad look is all we get from Aemma and she is gone. I sit with Rhaenyra as she watches the House Arryn banners slowly leave.

"Let's go inside." Rhaenyra wipes her eyes with her arm and turns to me with a sad smile.

I lean in and take her lips before sweeping her up and carrying her into the palace. I won't leave my girl feeling sad its time to cheer her up, top priority.


I lay in bed looking at the canopy and think about our own departure that is fast approaching, I need to spend some time with those I am leaving behind.

Shaena and Mother more so than anyone to be honest as most I care about outside of them are going with me.

Arrax makes a deep sound in his chest for someone the size of a cat and I put my hand on his back and scratch it. He arches like a cat would pushing with both his wings and feet and tail onto the mattress.

"What are you thinking about?" Rhaenyra looks up from where she was laying her head on my bare chest, with much less sadness in her eyes after being 'cheered up' for a few hours.

"I want to spend time with mom and Shaena before we set off soon, no telling how long until we see them again. They will be able to come once we have Ebonhead if we get Ebonhead but that could be a while." She nods before nuzzling back into my chest and pulling the half-wet blanket over our lower halves.

"No one else you will miss?" I shake my head, most people are going with us so it won't be too bad.

"You won't miss fucking Viserys wife?" She almost laughs and I close my eyes tight and wonder why the hell I got caught in that net.

She came at me so quickly and precisely that I got caught up in her moment and fucked her on her own bed. The bed she should only share with her husband my own brother, fucking hell is it a bad situation.

Once it was done we ended up doing more than we should have, when she would come to 'see' the dragons she only saw my dragon. She would come to 'drink' with the girls and drank something other than wine. Her hot body pressing on me when it shouldn't, it gives a very bad feeling that also feels good. I won't complain about it as I ultimately keep going with her but I still feel bad.

She rid me of most of my guilt by telling me about how Viserys degrades her and doesn't even visit her over servants and whores. She even had to get 'rid' of one that was making too many trips into his room without drinking moon tea. She was convinced the bitch wanted a dragon's baby so she sent her somewhere else.

I am not sure what to do about that as she acts more and more like a coy maiden and seems to be getting too invested in our relationship. It started as her taking a 'small' revenge on my brother for disregarding her and not making an effort to love her.

Now she begs each time for it not to end and even almost got us caught by Viserys once.

I might be getting a big head or she is acting good but it definitely seems to me she is starting to feel for the wrong Targaryen. She even wants to go with us to the Summer Isles but there is not a single reason she should other than helping to fight and maybe keeping the Dornish troops loyal.

She was denied by her father according to her, I knew she would be but it still was a letdown. Not sure how to react to it anymore and decided to slow things down by quite a lot. It's the main reason I haven't bent Rhaenys and Visenya over, I still 'play' with them but nothing crossing the last line.

I know for a fact they are more than just interested at this point and maybe it's hypocritical of me to not go further but I don't want things to go bad. I would consider what I have done with Arianne bad and I should have held back but it's done now and I will work with what I have. But I want Rhaenys and Visenya to work out and have them love me as I will love them.

Though if I keep waking up to Rhaenys sucking my cock in the morning I might just say fuck it and break my new resolve and take her. If it comes to that then I am going to make sure she won't be able to leave later.

Visenya seems to catch on and even has been making an effort to spend time alone talking and enjoying each other's company. The fact it ends up with us sucking on each other has nothing to do with her isolating me and more to do with my parchment thing will toward women I am attracted to.

I am making efforts to better myself and in the future will not be as easy to bed as I was for Arianne and I have even asked the girls for assistance. I am sure it's because I am just getting used to sex and am enjoying it, along with the freedom the girls give me. So in the Summer Isles, I won't be fucking anyone other than people I already am fucking. Excluding Nata, because I always wanted to lay into her from the back, she has an ass that can kill a man and I refuse to pass that up, but no others!

"Your cock is answering for you, so I guess you will miss Arianne." She flicks my tip and I cover it with my hand to stop any other attacks as it stings.

"I was just thinking about how your face was red and tears were coming from your eyes just a moment ago. The look in your eyes as you begged me to fuck you harder and harder until you couldn't speak anymore." Her lips slowly puff up as I speak and she silences me by sealing my lips with hers.

"Instead of reminiscing let's recreate." She bites her lips and Arrax makes haste to jump off the bed with flapping wings as I spin on top of Rhaenyra.



"You can still change your mind, you have done enough Eragon and you can let me help you. I can help you come up with a better solution than heading off to create a 'safe place' and we can work it out. I don't want to lose another son because he feels he has to go off and fight, I don't know if I will survive any more loss." I sit on her padded bench in her room as she holds onto me with a tight grip.

"Doran has already prepared more than enough, we have plenty of food and even some fishers and mason workers on the island. We have everything we need to stay on the island long term and that will allow me to head toward Ebonhead and hunt down Nata. I will see what the situation is long before I do anything stupid and I promise I won't purposefully endanger myself if I know I can't get out of it." She shakes her head and her grip threatens to stop my breathing.

"I won't let you go until you promise you will leave if it looks like it's a lost cause, I will even get Ellaria to pull you back if that is what it takes. She is the one in charge of the troops and can command them to drag you back if you are being stupid." I let the last air in my body out in a short sigh and nod my head.

"I promise." She lets go of her grip and looks at me with narrowed eyes before pulling my head down to her face and kissing my hair.

"Eragon if you lie to me and get yourself killed just know you are taking me with you, I am not joking when I say I can't take any more depression. Giving birth to you and Danny was what saved me from my melancholy and it will strike back like a coiled viper if you die." I pull her in and set my head on her head.

"I won't, I am aware it sounds stupid but the eggs hatched there has to be something to the summer isles visions and if it seems dangerous I will jump ship. Not actually jumping off a ship but you get what I am saying." She nods and pulls back.

"Good, now let's talk about something else." She gives me a stern look and I sit up a bit straighter out of habit.

"What did I do?" Stern turns to a glare as her nose flares.

"When are you going to marry Shaena?" I feel stunned and even drop back into the bench.

"I don't know, I was going to do it when I married the others..." And I wanted to wait until the Visenya and Rhaenys situation is dealt with.

"You have been joining for over three weeks and she missed her moon blood, are you not aware?" She gives me an odd look and my mind goes blank.

"Huh?" She sighs and rubs her forehead.

"She likely didn't tell you because she doesn't want you distracted when you are leaving soon, but it's a strong possibility that she already took." I feel like she is speaking a different langue and I shake my head.

"I didn't know, I don't understand." She takes a deep breath and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't you go talk to her about it, you might already be a father in the making and that will hopefully make you prioritize your own life over some island." I nod as my body pulls me to my feet and I am heading to the door before I know it.

Is this serious?


It's serious. I could tell the moment I looked into her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me." I try not to sound hurt and she dares to scoff.

"Eragon, missing one moon blood doesn't make you a dad. I still have to confirm it and wait for my belly to swell before I would have told you. Many things can happen before then so I didn't want to get your hopes up or worry you since you're leaving soon." Her eyes are a bit red and her voice goes from speaking to a whisper.

"So I wasn't going to know before I left?" She shakes her head and I slump into my seat. "I don't get why and I feel kind of betrayed, to be honest." She gets up from her seat and walks around the table and sits in my lap sideways as she runs a hand through my hair.

She leans in and kisses me and a warm feeling spreads in my chest.

"Eragon, I am deadly worried about you leaving and didn't want to have you worried about me or a baby. I planned to tell you eventually by sending someone if I could but if not I would just wait for you to fail and come back or succeed and show up with a big belly or baby on my hip." My head buzzes imagining her with a big belly knowing my kid is inside of it.

"I see, what do you think? Do you think you are?" She shrugs and grips both her breasts in her hands and squeezes them making me bite my lip.

"My breasts feel sore and not because of your manhandling and that was the first sign I noticed with Shiera. Even before I noticed I missed a moon blood I noticed my boobs hurt and mom asked me about it when I kept adjusting them a lot. She about fainted when I told her they were aching as she also has big ones and knows I wouldn't say that if it was average boob pain." I grip her breast in one hand when she lets go and gently hold it in my palm with my fingers sinking into it.

She hisses in pain when I go too hard and I ease off as she leans in to kiss me again. Her butt wiggles in my lap and I let go of her boob to pick her up and take her to the bed. Stopping before the bed as I remember she might not be in the best shape.

I got caught up in my habit.

"Guess we can't go too far, huh?" She shakes her head.

"Would be best if we didn't but we can still use mouths at least." She licks her lips and her eyebrows wiggle as she presses her 'sore' tits into my chest.

"I am fine with that."