
298 AC

Bank of the Rhoyne River

Cirilla Blackfyre


"They agreed to that?" I ask in surprise, no way did I think this raiding party of cutting down defenseless and unarmed people would turn into something serious.

Any joy of leaving Pentos left me the moment I saw the Dothraki fight, they take everything, kill all the men, and do as they please with the women. I feel sick knowing this is what we are planning to use against our 'homeland' that we want to rule over.

It would be better to not take the 7 kingdoms than to burn them to the ground and have these savages run through them.

"They are 'thinking' about it but changed our course down west, the chances are we will take the contract. An over-glorified assassination if you ask me but the pay is good and it will give our army experience in breaking a city and targeting the higher-ups." Assassination is right, killing everyone inside the red temple in Volantis.

The current triarchs have sent a contract to the Golden company paying a heavy price to have us clear out the red temple that has gotten 'out of hand'. They say High priest Benerro has been singing about a prince that is promised living among men. A man who will beat the darkness and bring about an unending summer for all to enjoy.

The problem with that fairytale is it's about someone we know, the same someone who brought dragons into Sunspear.

Eragon Targaryen.

He both is painting a target on the Targaryen's back and also elevates him to an almost god-like status among the followers of R'hllor.

That is why they want the Golden company to 'clean' the red temple, the red priests are making big moves and sending people out and it's shifting the power in Volantis. The people want the promised prince to lead them and when four out of every five people are followers of R'hllor you start to get worried. The slaves all follow the red god and with Benerro's new preaching of a savior, things have been getting bloody.

Masters are being stabbed to death by their slaves or slaves just outright hiding away in the temple to join the Red priests with their plans. Even the city's 'guards' the tiger claws are mostly followers of R'hllor and if the Triarchs ordered them to kill the priests they would soon be the ones dead.

But we lead an 'army' of close to fifty thousand and can clear the temple with ease, or at least that's the idea. The Tiger claws will fight alongside the slaves and poor folk and it will be a blood bath, that's what I think will happen. But with a whole religion trying to prop up a member of our family's biggest enemy, we need to do something to stop it.

Stopping it at the source or killing Eragon Targaryen are the only options before this gets out of control. If all the worshipers of R'hllor rose to Eragons call then there would be no need for war because he would already win.

Robert the stag king should consider himself lucky that the red god isn't big in Westeros as if he was then he would likely find himself in a bad situation. But the faith of the seven will fight bitterly and get the common folk to assist in tearing down the 'incestuous abomination' as they have with any Targaryen they wanted dead.

Would be interesting to see who would win in that shit fight.

"Well, if it comes to it I will sit the fight out with Helaena." Daemon looks at me like I grew a second head.

"You sit a fight out?" I nod and stand up fully.

"I have a bad feeling about it, like a really bad feeling and we should be careful or we might end up dying before we even see Westeros." His nose scrunch up with a sour look but he shakes his head.

"You are overthinking things, even if all of the Tiger claws face us we would win." I shrug as I thought of that but my gut feeling is still telling me something is wrong.

"I don't know Daemon, we need to be careful is all I have to say." He takes a deep breath and looks out at all the tents set up.

"If we have the support of Volantis our chances of taking the throne and completing mothers dream will be much higher. Volantis is very rich and has many friends in the seven kingdoms, they can help us get more support." I agree but I still find it too risky for too little reward, we will lose people in the fighting just for gold and 'experience' I would rather get experience versus my real enemy.

"Ok Daemon, just be careful." He nods and turns around, if this ends up happening I need to be ready to get Helaena out of danger.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


I wake up to hair in my mouth and get it out with my hand that isn't stuck under a body.

Pulling the hair out I notice its dark color and recognize the 'Martell' color right away. Without even looking down I know it wouldn't be Arianne as she went back after getting filled up last night. Wouldn't be Elia as when we fuck we do it in her room, so the last person it could be is Rhaenys.

At least this time she isn't under the covers working on my cock, I wrap both my arms around her waist with some difficulty in the numb arm. She grumbles a bit as I pull her close and she soon settles as she nuzzles into me.

I smile and lay my head back down but feel movement on my chest again so I take a quick look.

Her nose pushed against my nose and her dark eyes looked at my purple eyes. This close I can see veins of purple spider webbing across her eyes and could trace them for hours without losing interest. My eyes water and I realize I forgot to blink so I close my eyes.

"Ha, I win." Rhaenys whispers in a low and groggy morning voice, it seems she thought we were playing a game.

"It wasn't a game, I just got lost in your eyes." She shakes her head causing the tip of her nose to hit mine repeatedly and then she smiles wide.

"I still won, even if you sweet talk me you still owe me at least a reward since I won." Her voice gaining excitement as her hands explore my back in a frenzy.

The sensation sends tingles through me but I ignore it as the other sensation of her pressing her lower stomach against my hardened cock takes priority.

I lean in and kiss her lips while closing my eyes and she jerks and her hands stop as the surprise hits her. I have done just about everything I could to her bottom lips with my tongue but never her top lips and she seems caught off guard.

Soon she slides her hands behind my head as she tries her best to fight back but being on the losing side with no real skill equals defeat. She whines as I break the kiss and I open my eyes to see her eyes fluttering and her face being tinted a light red. Her hazy eyes search my own as her hands slide back down from my head and make a grab for my ass.

"I want more." She bites her lower lip and I slowly get lost in her eyes once more.

I snap out of it as her soft lips press against my own and I feel the breath from her nose tickle my face. I lift my free hand and it takes the bed's covers with it making it look like a tent before bringing it down onto the woman's ass.

"Owww." She puts both her hands over the spot I slapped and looks at me with a betrayed look.

"I rewarded you for winning, you don't get anymore." Her jaw drops and she takes her hands off her big ass and pushes them on my chest.

"Eragon why are you being like this to me?" I don't want her to get attached to me just for sex, but how can I say that without her taking it negatively? I mean I have quite a bit of sex and she knows that so it is very hypocritical.

But the people I have sex with that I care about also care about me and even without sex we would still love each other. I don't know if Rhaenys and Visenya are the same and so I keep from crossing a certain line I have drawn up.

"I don't want to rush and cause things to go poorly, that's the only answer I have." Movement behind me lets me know others are waking up or are already up, Rhaenys seems unaffected or she doesn't care as she grabs my face.

"Eragon, do you think I am stupid?" I shake my head and she pulls my head in and kisses my lips with a lot more heat than earlier. She pulls back and waits for me to look into her eyes again. "You worry too much about stupid stuff." She hugs me and pulls her body flat against me while making sure to rub herself against my length before going still.

I wait and find that she seems to be going back to sleep and I shake my head before dropping my head into my pillow.

I feel she let me off for now but will soon confront me and so I need to be ready, or she randomly got hit with drowsiness.


I wake up once more and find it's only me and Rhaenys in the room and she is still flattening herself against me with her breaths even and soft. I set my head against hers and the smell of some kind of flower and spice fills my nose. She has one of the best smells as far as hair wash goes other than maybe Shiera who has many different favorites and I like them all.

Feeling the numbness in my arm I groan and grab onto her before rolling over with her in my arms and setting her on my other side. My numb arm is now free and Rhaenys wide-eyed I smile before closing my eyes and attempting to slip back into a sweet sleep.

"What the hell was that for?" She wiggles around to get comfortable in her new position and lays her head on my pillow.

"My arm was numb, now It will recover and I can keep sleeping." She hums and stops moving around and I think she is also slipping back into sleep but feel her puffed lips meet my own.

I open my eyes and see her shut eyes and close mine once more.

It's hard to breathe like this but I am at least a nose breather anyway so I will survive.