
298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Eragon Targaryen


"Now that my friends have been shown to their sleeping arrangements and it is a bit more private can you tell me more about the dragons?" We had some guards guide the chiefs to the lodging that was set up outside the cave for some privacy after we finished talking. Nata looks over her shoulder at the dragon's den' as she speaks and I can see her sky-blue eyes light up in excitement.

"Want to hold one?" Rhaenyra asks and Nata turns around with an unsure look but it soon changes and she nods.

"So long as they don't bite then I would like to hold one." Rhaenyra stands up and heads toward the den.

I feel Visenya rub her thumb on the back of my hand and I look at her from the side of my eye and see a smile on her face like never before. I end up turning to look at her directly and squeezes my hand, her eyes pulling all of my attention as she leans in toward me. Her lips press against mine and I lose track of time but soon snap out of the trance when I hear scratching on the wooden table beside me.

Syrax is standing on her legs with her wings spread while her tail flicks behind her, her eyes locked onto Nata.

"She doesn't seem to like me." Nata seems a bit disappointed as Syrax shakes her body like a wet dog.

"She has never acted like that with anyone, I wonder why she is being that way." Rhaenyra pulls Syrax into her embrace and rubs her chin on the dragon's head.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I look diffr-." Nata chokes on her words when a new addition climbs up the back of her chair.

Balerion snuck up behind her and it seems no one saw the dragon as we are all surprised. But what is even more surprising is the dragon is sniffing and prodding at Nata with his nose. Balerion blows out from his nose making a high-pitched sound before he finishes climbing and wraps his body around Nata's neck.

The black dragon lays around the back of the chair with his claws hooked onto her clothes and his feet and tail draped over her shoulder. His head is lifted and his eyes stare into her own as a hum escapes his chest. Her platinum white hair a mess and covering his back after he climbed through it to wrap around her. The contrast setting a nice painting of black and white, their blue eyes almost the same color both staring into each other.

"What is going on?" Ellaria asks the question we all seem to be thinking but not because of what we are seeing but because of what we are seeing means.

It seems Balerion bonded with Nata, my eyes look at her hair once more a hair color that is rare but not impossible from all the Valyrians that survived the doom in places like Volantis. I have seen many people in Braavos with the classic Valyrian look, but looking Valyrian doesn't mean a dragon will bond you.

If just any old Valyrian could bond with a dragon then dragons would have been way more widespread during the time of old Valyria. That and it wouldn't have been so hard for the Targaryens during the Dance of dragons to find people to ride the unbonded dragons. They sent out word far and wide and many people with actual Targaryen blood and blood of old Valyria burned trying to claim a dragon.

Balerion bonding with Nata means she has dragon blood, but he is a picky dragon and that makes my thoughts roam. Balerion wouldn't even bond one of the other Targaryens or a Martell who have some dragon blood inside of them. But he bonded with Nata and that makes me curious about where her dragon blood comes from.

"Well, if we were going to get married before we are definitely getting married now." I purse my lips as she looks at me in confusion.

"Balerion bonded you, not to sound ominous or anything but we can't really allow someone unrelated to us to bond with one of the dragons. It's different if you at least were already a Targaryen but you are not and this could be a problem." Daenerys speaks up to clear her confusion and Nata's eyes to widen as she looks back at Balerion.

"He bonded with me? Like how the dragon riders bonded to the dragons they ride?" Seeing all of us nod she blinks rapidly and Balerion nestles his head against her neck and closes his eyes. "Shit."


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove



Waking up inside of the house the Targaryens gave me for the time I am staying here I sit up and stretch my arms. The blanket slides down my body exposing my bare skin, I look around in the dim light and spot the clothes I picked out last night.

Making my way out of the bed I think about how much my plans have been blown away after yesterday.

I will be staying here till we actually leave to attack the pirates and then we will head back toward Ebonhead. The Chiefs are going to be staying as well to make sure word doesn't spread about the cove and who is here.

The ships that are leaving in a week will carry word back to the encampment and let the people waiting back there know we will attack in less than a moon and to be ready. They will feel off put by the missing chiefs but each chief is sending a letter back to try and calm tensions. I am hoping it will be enough, it is less than a moon worth of waiting and they will see soon enough that the assistance is real.

Then we will deal with the pirates to secure the support of the chiefs and can begin the plan of taking Ebonhead. It will be me challenging the current Summer prince and we will win and that will be the end of it.

But the real dangerous part starts then, I will marry Eragon and take the name Targaryen and declare our intentions to unite the Summer Isles. I can already see how it will turn out, we will be scoffed at and will have to challenge the princes and princesses one by one.

We will take all of Jhala and that will involve challenging two summer princes, The red flower vale and the Golden head. The other island's princes and princesses will take us much more seriously at that point and word will begin to spread out to Essos and Westeros at that point. I don't expect either of Eragons enemies to make a move and come down here in time to make any trouble.

Robert Baratheon does have an exiled prince of the red flower vale living in Kingslanding and the man has asked for assistance in taking back his lands. But if Robert tries to sail down he will have to go past Dorne and I doubt the Martells would let the chance pass them by and Robert will know that.

The other enemy of my future husband is the Blackfyres, their location is currently unknown to us but Eragon said last he heard they were leaving Pentos and heading east. It is also doubtful they would sail to Summer Isles to kill some Targaryens unless they figure out there are real dragons here.

Thinking about dragons my thoughts roam back to Balerion, the little cute dragon latched onto me and wouldn't let go. He ended up going back to his den once I gave him plenty of food and he got tired but I carried him for hours.

I was scared at first that my Targaryen friends would treat me differently, either because they fear I might try to run off with Balerion or that I did something to make the dragon bond with me. Those feelings went away when they didn't react negatively. I think it actually made us closer, like I am actually part of the family and not just Eragons 'wife to be'.

I wasn't even surprised when Eragon told me he is going to marry multiple women, I expected that for the most part from what I knew of his feelings for those around him. I thought he would never let go of that restraint he kept on himself, he never tired for anything sexual in Braavos. Well, he did have a habit of looking at my ass and that always made me a bit happy. But the Eragon I saw yesterday is not restraining himself at all from what I can tell.

Sliding my clothes on I slide my tongue across my lips remembering how Eragon got later into the night. He is more confident than I ever saw him before and from where I was sitting beside him I could see his hand on Visenyas thigh.

He caught me catching him and gave me an annoyingly smug look as he slide his hand between her legs causing her to shiver.

If the talks we were having were not still serious I would have also reached for his thigh to see how he would react but we were talking about who I could be related to. They are doubtful I have blood from an old house and instead think I am related to them with a recent ancestor.

The red priest Melisandre I met back in Braavos said she would look into it, and by that, she meant she would watch the flames to see if she could find something out. She tried some kind of magic by mixing some blood from my finger and the Targaryens at the table.

Melisandre said the results were we had blood relations which most at the table agreed with and got a bit excited over. I will ask my mom about her parents and see if I can learn anything. She said they met in Lys but I need more than that, I am itching to find out just how 'related' I am to the people I befriended in Braavos by chance.

The chances of me meeting and making friends and later conquering my homeland with people I have actual blood ties to is making me a bit dizzy but also makes it seem destined. It doesn't bother me at all that I might be related to him, if it did I wouldn't marry him when I know what kind of relationships he has. I mean he is fucking most of his living family and even got one pregnant back in Dorne.

I finish dressing myself and make my way to the door, the smell of food cooking outside tickles my nose and when I open the door I immediately spot the back of Eragons head in a chair by a fire. A woman I met yesterday named Ashara Dayne is sitting in his lap as he leans his head on her shoulder and looks into the flames.

He looks over his shoulder likely hearing me walking up behind him, a smile spreads as he looks me over.

"Good morning Nata, did you sleep well?" I nod and Ashara looks back and nods at me before kissing Eragon on his cheek and standing up.

"I will get your plate ready." I hear her say as she begins to walk away and Eragon turns to watch her leave, his eyes locked onto her rear.

"I did sleep well, how was your night?" I heard a bit of how his night went before I eventually passed out.

Moans in the distance that I recognized as my dear friends, I hope they invite me soon I would hate to be left out. I don't want to get pregnant until the entire Summer Isles is taken but after that, I will give him as many children as I can.

"I slept like the grave, I only woke up a little while ago." I nod and he looks around before his eyes land on a chair that is nearby. "Want to sit with me, I can grab a chair for y-." He was standing up but I push him back down, seeing his confused eyes I smile before turning around and dropping into his lap.

I lay my back against his chest and feel his arms wrap around my waist as I sink into his embrace.

"I want this spot if you don't mind." I feel his arms tighten around me and pull me flush against him, his length pressing against me.

"I don't mind at all." His voice becomes a little husky and tickles my ears as his head leans against my own and I smile while looking forward to the coming days.