103 R18


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Eragon Targaryen


When I woke up this morning I felt light and free, but also drained and tired.

I made my way outside and sat with Ashara as we whispered sweet words to each other. She gets excited every time I hold her close and claim her as 'mine'. Ashara seems to enjoy stuff like that but I also can figure out why pretty easily, but there is no reason to bring it up so I just indulge her instead.

Things got cut short when Nata woke up and came outside, Ashara retreated not wanting to be seen with my hands up her dress by someone she just met yesterday. But the slight awkwardness to her walk as she escaped put a smile on my face.

Nata dropping herself into my lap made my mind blank, I was just getting worked up with Ashara and then Nata came along and pressed her fat ass onto me.

"What are your plans for the day?" She asks in a soft voice that tickles my ear.

"I was going to talk with your friends some more, I also planned on going to wash up in the usual spot. Later I will train the dragons some more, I feel like it will be important to keep the habit up with them while they are still easy to manage. You are welcome to join me with all three of those if you want, we also need to talk about our own plans." She snorts and turns her head with her nose grazing my cheek.

"You slipped that invitation in there to see you naked, or is it so you can see me naked?" My hands that are holding onto her grip a bit tighter as I turn to look into her sky-blue eyes.

"Both, but it's also kind of becoming a bonding ritual for us to all head out there together. I started going with them because I wanted to make sure nothing happened but I just kept going and don't intend to stop. I see no reason to not go and be around a bunch of naked women when I am not dissuaded from doing so." She snorts softly and tucks her head against my neck as she wiggles in my embrace.

"Fine, I don't mind anyway if you see me as we will either die on a battlefield together or end up in the same bed eventually." I can't help it as my smile grows massive, today seems like it will be a good day.


Walking toward where we bathe Daenerys holds my hand and swings it back and forth, she softly hums and her eyes are looking through the trees at all the different birds and plants. Her eyes eventually meet mine and catch me watching her and a small smile spreads on her face.

"What?" She lifts her chin while her brows raised inquisitively.

"Just admiring you." She snorts as she closes the distance between us to bump me with her hip.

"Haven't you admired me enough?" She purses her lips and leans into my side with her head raised searching my eyes for an answer.

"I don't think there will ever be 'enough' when it comes to admiring you." She rolls her eyes and steps away from me while starting to swing our hands again.

"That's good, I would be very disappointed with you if you ever got 'enough' of me." I notice she has slowed down her walking speed and is slowly pulling us to the side of the group.

It doesn't take long for her to isolate us to the back of the group, I spot Rhaenyra looking at us curiously. Daenerys gives her a 'look' and she lets out a sigh before turning around and keeping up with everyone else.

"Is there a reason you are dragging me off alone?" I ask knowing full well the answer as she bites her bottom lip and nods slowly.

"Talking about having 'enough' or not has me wanting something right now, I decided to take it while I could." She keeps leading me off to the side and away from the group as they continue toward the bath.

We approach a large mahogany tree and she presses both hands against my chest and my back is pressed against the tree.

She locks her fingers together behind my head and pulls me into a kiss as one of her legs slides up the side of my thigh. I slide my hands down her back and make my way to her ass as the tip of her tongue swirls around mine.

I grip her ass with both hands and she lets out a hum into our kiss that buzzes my head, her hands unbinding and making their way to my arms. her fingers grip onto my muscles as she pulls back from the kiss.

Opening my eyes I meet her half-lidded and hazy eyes, she looks behind her at my hands mauling her ass, and bites her lip.

"You love doing that don't you?" I pull her toward me closing the small gap between us and flatten her breasts against my body.

"I do, I love the way my fingers sink into your soft body and it is best on your fat ass." She huffs and pushes her forehead against my chest.

"I am not fat, I am actually the smallest so if I am fat then the others are whales." I bounce her cheeks in the palm of my hands and she slowly looks up from my chest and her cheeks slightly redden picking up on my wordless disagreement.

"I guess I love whales because I can't get enough of this, your body is intoxicating." She presses her hips against me and closes her thighs on my hardening length.

"Is that so?" I grunt a response as her hot body practically melts against me as her hands explore my body.

Having enough of her playing around I spin our positions and press her back against the tree. I grip her dress and pull it up in handfuls before dropping to a knee. My eyes widen seeing her bare slit and I finally put together why her ass felt so 'odd' a moment ago.

She didn't wear anything under the dress.

Looking up I almost burst out laughing seeing her embarrassed look, she tries her best to put on a 'brave' look but it is killed by the blushing of her cheeks. I chose to not say anything and instead take one of her legs and throw it over my shoulder so I can have better access.

The light coming through the canopy of leaves shows off wet trails going down her legs. I slide my tongue over her wet slit and her leg over my shoulder tenses. My tongue heats up slowly from the heat of her core and wet trails form going down my chin the longer I tongue her folds.

"Fuck, keep doing that." She grips handfuls of my shirt hair and pulls with her leg over my shoulder.

Her twitching sex signals the start of her finish, the squeal that leaks from her closed mouth is like a song of victory to my ears.

I slide her leg off my shoulder and she plants her foot back onto the ground as her knees wobble. I stand up and hold her hips steady as I lean in to kiss her neck, leaving love marks to show off my claim.

"That... felt good.." She leans her head on my shoulder and places both hands on my chest as she catches her breath. She lifts her head and grips both sides of my face before pulling me into a kiss that causes my length to twitch.

One of her hands makes it's way down and starts to undo my belt, with practiced movements she quickly unlatches the belt and grabs the buckle to pull it off. Brightroar is set against the tree as I undo the last of the buttons dropping my pants to the ground at my boots.

"Turn around." I break the kiss to tell her to get into position and she quickly spins around, her dress having feel back into place is quickly pulled up once more.

Being one of my favorite ways to fuck she already knows what is going on and puts her hands against the tree. Her ass pushed out toward me and raised to the point she is almost standing on her toes.

A familiar sight that I usually see every time we go out together to 'teach' the dragons.

I grab her left cheek and push it out the way further exposing her dripping cunt, using my free hand I grab my cock and press the tip against her entrance. Knowing it sends her into a crazed state I use my hand to rub my tip against her slit quickly. She groans in response and looks over her shoulder with a cute glare.

"Put it in, I don't want to wait anymore." She bounces on her feet sending waves through her ass and I daze for a moment before pressing forward with my hips.

Sliding into her warm depths I am greeted with her walls constricting my cock with a death grip. I sigh feeling her warm walls strangle my length and push forward to get the whole cock inserted.

I put one hand on the tree for support so I don't put too much weight against her and slam her into the bark of the tree. Learned from experience she doesn't like to be rough fucked into a hard surface. My other hand grips her hip tightly to use for better thrusting and I start to pull back out of her.

Keeping her in place with one hand and putting my weight onto the tree I throw my hips back forward and slam my tip into her depths. Her voice slipping out and sounding like a gasp sends a shiver up my back.

I quickly pick up a rhythm and speed it up as much as I can in this position, we can't take too long or they might come looking for us. With this in mind, I put my full focus on fucking her cunt as fast and steady as I can to get us both a quick finish.

Her ass rippling each time I bottom out inside of her drives my mind wild, I want to watch this forever. The way her ass develops red marks the longer I keep slamming into her gives her pale skin a nice contrast.

I feel my sack tighten and know I won't last long against her crushing walls so I let go of her hip and place both hands on the tree. With that done I plow into her as if it is my only purpose and she is forced to push back as hard as she can or be pressed into the tree.

Soft grunts come from Danny each time I slam into her with all my strength and soon it is more than I can take as my eyes shut and I bottom out into her. Pressing my tip as deep as I can and having her ass flatten against my lower stomach I unload into her.

"Fuck." Danny curses as she takes everything I give her, her hips rock back into me in search of her own finish.

I stop leaning against the tree and put both hands on her hips as my body is rocked with pleasure. Leaning back and pressing into her with my cock I breathe heavily as I flood her with my seed, her rocking stops as she starts shivering in my grip. Her body losing a little strength I barely manage to keep us both on our feet as we are bathing in pleasure.

Opening my eyes and looking up at the sky through the canopy I can't help but feel deeply satisfied as the last of the pleasure dims.