
298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Rhaenyra Targaryen


"We lost two people, should we turn around and go back for them? I thought you guys did this trip a lot, how did they get lost?" Nata looks behind us after we arrive at the water and others start undressing as the female guards gave the all-clear.

"They should be fine." I respond as I take off my dress and set it on the same rock I always use to hang my clothes up.

"They probably ducked off on the side to rut like animals before they get in the water with the rest of us." Shiera comments with a hint of heat to her voice, the horny girl is biting her lip as she looks back at the trail we came from.

"They split off to go fuck?" Nata goes wide eye and looks over at Shiera to see her nod with a forlorn look.

"I know, they should have just stopped all of us so we could at least watch." I snort at her response, I don't think Nata was asking for that reason.

Nata looks genuinely surprised at their 'wild' actions, she will get used to it quickly and might even be joining in. She wants to marry Eragon to be the queen of the Summer Isles, and Balerion bonded her so it is important even without the Summer Isles to have her tied to House Targaryen.

"I wasn't expecting that..." Nata whispers as she drops her dress and her wide ass is exposed, I can see why Eragon always peeks at her rear.

The shape and size are something enticing that much is for sure, but her dark skin adds an entirely new feel. Shiera and Shaena both have asses this big and Rhaenys might even have her beat but we are all pretty much the same pale color. Rhaenys is the only one other than Elia and Arianne who he has ever fucked that isn't pale white.

But Nata is entirely different and the dark tone is very sexy, I am sure Eragon will fuck her until it turns a different shade as well. I find myself wondering how it will look after Eragon lays into her from behind for hours.

Remembering my own bright red ass after being fucked into the mattress my thighs clench together and I take a look down the trail.

Those two need to be fast, the anticipation of seeing them back is going to keep my mind busy with what they are doing and I am getting riled up.


Most people in the water turn when we hear large leaves getting smacked to the side and Eragon appears with Daenerys trailing behind him. Eragon looks extremely pleased and has a wide smile, Daenerys looks like she will fall over but doesn't shy away from our looks.

"Sorry, we got lost." Eragon clears his throat as he sets Brightroar against a tree and starts to undress.

'Lost' is what he says but we all know better, and why would he unbuckle his belt when they are lost anyway?

"You got attacked?" Ellaria comments with a mischievous tone.

"No, why?" Eragon groans as he slings his shirt over a branch and sets his foot against a tree to take off his boot.

"Poor Princess Daenerys has wounds all over her neck, it looks like she was mauled by a wild animal." Ellaria puts on an act of a concerned mother-like figure but it only causes Danny to blush and turn away as she undresses.

"Yea, a big and strong wild animal attacked her." Eragon cracks up laughing as he takes off his other boot and starts to work on his pants.

"A stupid and senseless animal." Daenerys 'corrects' Eragon and he scrunches up his nose as he drops his pants and looks back at her.

Eragon stands there naked with his own 'wounds' on his chest where it looks like Daenerys sunk her teeth into him. Without a hint of shame, he stands before all these women with his cock fully exposed and he slowly crosses his arms over his chest.

"Stupid and senseless?" Daenerys drops her dress and her plan to turn away to not be looked at in defense from Ellaria's prodding words seems to be kicking herself as she is showing off even more.

Her still red ass from being freshly fucked is shown off and she seems to also realize this after hearing laughs from the water. She looks over her shoulder and seeing it for herself she spins around and quickly makes her way toward the water ignoring Eragon.

"Damn girl, it looks like he really gave it to you." Nymeria raises her brows and joins in after seeing her state.

"Like I said, a stupid and senseless animal." Eragon scoffs and I can barely hear him say 'it was your idea, to begin with' but Danny ignores him once again.

Danny's eyes widen seeing Nata, she makes her way over to her in an attempt to draw attention away from her to the newcomer.


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Eragon Targaryen


I shake my head as I enter the water, they just wanted to poke at us because they are jealous.

I look for Shiera so she can wash my hair and find her biting her lips while looking at me. I make my way over to her when I see Danny approaching Nata and I accidentally freeze when I spot the bare woman.

She is making no attempt to hide her nude form from my eyes and I start walking toward Shiera once more but my eyes linger on Nata's exposed breasts.

They seem bigger out of her clothes but that is common with most breasts I have seen, the way they are shaped is also similar to most I have seen. But the dark skin tone and nipples are entirely new and stimulating. Elia and Arianne have darker ones as well but Nata is a different experience entirely.

"Going to look at her all day, if so you can wash your own hair." Shiera huffs as I get closer and even pinches me when I get within arm's reach.

I grab her wrist that was twisting a little flesh on my side and pull her toward me where I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I need my Shiera to help me, I would look like a disheveled commoner without her making me look good. She works her magic and makes my hair look better than most Nobel women can ever even dream." I kiss her forehead to further 'calm' her even though I know she was just joking... mostly.

"Good, so long as you know the only reason you can seduce so many people is the tender love and care I put in. There hasn't been a man to live that has someone as skilled as I to look after their appearance." She preens and raises her body out of the water more and that presses her breasts against my chest even more than they were.

Feeling the fire that Danny just worked to put out starts to flare up I lean my head down for Shiera to have easy access as I lower myself into the water. I turn around and lean back into her and lay my head on her pillow-like chest.

I ignore the comments and looks from a certain group of Dornish women that are recently returned from hunting down my friend for me. The laughing and splashing around in the water and Shieras fingers running through my hair slowly lull me to sleep as I relax fully.


298 AC

Westerlands - Casterly Rock

Joanna Lannister


Sitting in my tower overlooking the vast ocean I sigh after reading a letter I received from my old friend.

We were known as the Sun the Lion and the Dragon back in our time in the Red Keep, now one of my dear friends is dead and the other is an enemy. The letter responding to my latest attempt to meet my granddaughter is as dry as every other response from Rhaella. It seems I won't be meeting Shiera anytime soon and if I do it won't be in a pleasant way.

She has every right to assume the worst, after what Tywin did by sending his mad dog to 'eliminate' future threats to Robert's reign I can see why she has no intention of letting us meet. She will likely think I am pushing my husband's ideas and trying to eliminate threats to his own 'legacy'. Shiera is a bastard of House Lannister and wouldn't be a bad pick to replace us after the war if they win. So it is a concern my husband has and he also has a keen interest in 'meeting' our granddaughter.

I am not even sure how to react anymore, everyone is being led to believe the Targaryens have dragons. The common folk got word of it and it spread like wildfire and so the king my good son sent out word and placed high bounties on their heads. He said that anyone who can add a new dragon skull to his collection will be given a castle and gold to fill it.

Is it true though is what I want to know, If it is then I am concerned more for the grandkids I do know than the one I haven't seen.

I still can't believe Jaime went out of his way to spite Aerys and had a bastard without telling me until it was too late. She could have lived here her whole life and I would have taken care of her, but we are strangers instead. Any day a dragon can also burn down this castle with that 'stranger' on its back, her head filled with how we are her enemies. Given it's not entirely false but I still love her even though she is unknown to me.

My other grandkids have softened the blow, I am glad none of my kids have had problems with birthing or their wife not having problems. I still feel a tinge of sadness remembering how I felt when the Maester told me I wouldn't be able to carry another life inside of me.

I don't regret it though, Tyrion my smart little man is worth it in my eyes and blows away any regret or sadness about losing my ability to get pregnant.

Thinking about Tyrion's own 'wife' that my husband 'dealt' with I feel anger boil inside of me. How could he do such a thing to our son?

Even if she was a whore, which she wasn't she actually loved our son I could see it in her eyes he had no reason to do what he did. Saying she was a whore and a peasant and unworthy of a Lannister is just wind in my eyes, if he cared he would help him find a wife but he doesn't. She wanted no gold and only wanted our boy and he took time from all his important tasks to stomp on that innocent love of theirs.

I even tried my hand and he intervened and told me to leave it to him as a 'test' of his ability and it has only left a wound on my son. He mourned for his loss and is still convinced to this very day that she betrayed him and lied. He didn't believe it because his father said it but because his brother said it was true. They both lied to him and I don't have the heart to tell him the truth, to find out his brother would do such a thing to him would break him and he would isolate himself even more.

Shaking away the negative thoughts I begin to write another letter, deep inside I know it's a waste of ink but at least I am also wasting a bit of their own ink when I get a reply.