
298 AC

Summer Isles - Xon

Eragon Targaryen


The original plan has not changed much only improved with new information from captured pirates in the last few days or from the candle.

More than half of the spearmen from Dorne will be approaching from the land where we are currently landing at and unboarding. The Summer Islanders are sending only one hundred of their men as the rest are primarily archers. The archers hold an advantage from the high prows of the swan ships easily able to rain arrows down on the pirate's vessels.

The goal is to push them to the ships and the ones who make it there will be taken out by archers, or the dragons burning the ships. That is a new part of the plan I am not all too happy about but I am also oddly proud at the thought.

We have practiced similar things but not with large objects like a ship, we have set out fish or clothes at a distance and had the dragons search them out to burn. The idea itself is simple and I am confident in their ability to succeed, but I just worry they will get caught up in the heat of the fighting and try to get closer. I can't fear for them all the time though, I will be having my own concerns with combat and killing as fast as I can.

The girls in their varying styles of armor causing me to sweat more than I would like in my own armor. I shake my head and focus on myself as I need to make sure I am at my best before I worry about anyone else.

""Let's go Arrax, don't get killed."" The dragon shakes its head as a grumble from his chest answers my taunt.


"How many times are you going to check that thing?" Visenya asks me as I look at the candle and the flame flickers out.

"That was the last time, I was seeing where our ships were and the situation in the pirate's camp. They have a lot of people tied up and chained down, I don't know if there expecting to leave soon to go and sell them off or if there for 'personal use'." Visenyas face scrunches up as I slip the candle back into my bag so I don't have to carry it into battle.

I check Brightroar is fastened to my side and slide it out of the sheath enough to see the ripples across the steel. This blade will cut through the poorly armored or unarmored men as it cuts through the air. I almost feel bad for any man who gets in my reach, but the sights of those people and the state they are in kills the little worming pity. They will get only Fire and Blood.

"Let's get the last leg of this done so we are in position, we will only be waiting for the Shiera to contact us with her own candle. We would look like fools if we were not in position when the damn thing lights up." I nod hearing Ellaria and follow behind her lead as we take the last part of the trip at a slower and quieter pace.

The mood around us that is being set by all the men and women knowing battle is approaching gets my blood hot. I can almost feel the 'excitement' and it feels odd knowing what we are going to do, but it also feels right. I wonder if this is how everyone else is feeling, will it feel even better when I am claiming land for my House?


In the actual moment when we are right outside of their camp and able to see the smoke from their fires against the blue sea and sky, I can't help but be impressed. We managed to approach the camp and the skilled combatants of Dorne were able to take out anyone on watch even in the dense jungle. If we had missed even one they would know of our intentions and would be drawing steel or running to their ships.

They are loudly cheering and walking around casually, now and then as we wait I see one make his way out to the jungle. A swift death awaits him among the vines and leaves, only a candle light away from charging in and putting every one of them to death.

I look around to my sides and try to get a read on the girls and their current emotions, nervousness is easily seen. But also a fire burning and that fire is ready to burn everyone in their path. Their training and decisions have brought them to this moment and they seem more than prepared bringing a smile to my face.

The candle set on a stone draws my attention as a white flame sparks into life.


298 AC

Summer Isles - Xon

Rhaenyra Targaryen


The decision to come was easy to make, and the decision to get off the boat was easy to make, sitting here with my hand gripping the handle of my sword knowing what is next is not as easy. I am concerned not for myself but for the people I love that my decisions may cause harm should I make a mistake.

I take a deep breath and focus myself, Cynthia prepared me for more than just defending myself. I will prove myself and others will not have to worry about me going forward.

Looking over at Eragon his armor he picked apart and had changed to better suit his combat skills makes me a bit jealous. The large Targaryen red dragon on the middle of the chest and even dragon heads on the shoulders is very eye-catching. That is the reason none of us but him has those markings as of now, don't need the extra attention.

Though I am sure after this I can slowly start to work on him to change his mind on that, we all look good with matching black and red.

Eragon stands up and Brightroar sings as it is pulled from its sheath and my eyes snap toward the candle and I see the flame we were waiting for.


298 AC

Summer Isles - Xon

Daenerys Targaryen


I am not looking forward to cutting someone down but I can't say I am not looking forward to the battle. I am burning with desire to ensure my family survives this and I will see to it myself, it's a nice feeling. I can see the tension in the others and I can't help but wonder why I don't feel it myself.

I may not find the answer I seek anytime soon so I choose to put the thought aside as I wonder what the stories will be like for us in the future. I am confident in our victories and so I am looking forward to seeing them write about us how they did Visenya.

Though Visenya didn't do all that much combat how we intend to do combat so we will be different. But I hope to have some stories of myself saving the people I care about as Visenya did for Aegon when he was almost assassinated.

My heartbeat picks up when I notice everyone suddenly move as one and spot the white flame in the corner of my eye. It's time to show them Fire and Blood.


298 AC

Summer Isles - Xon

Shiera Targaryen


"We are almost in position are you ready?" I hear a voice ask from behind me and give a short nod as I look at the candle.

I will connect to the other candle as we practiced and that will send my family into danger, they will likely be hurt at the least. I take a deep breath and put away the bad thoughts, they will be fine and I will tend to any wounds myself.

I watch as we quickly approach the location the pirates are at and can even see smoke in the distance. These men will be cut down and burned or burned and then cut down, regardless they will die. I run my free hand over Tessarion and she trills a cute little noise that blows away my bad thoughts and fills me with confidence.

The dragons will also be with them and although they may not be able to handle a prepared opponent, these pirates are not prepared. The dragons will burn their ships and burn them before they even know what they are.

"It's time." I nod and reach out for the candle and focus on what I practiced, seeing a white flame appear I nod.

Be careful.


298 AC


Cirilla Blackfyre


"I don't know if this is a good idea, this might backfire and draw us in too deep." I try to convince Daemon of the foolishness of this plan.

To ensure our interests are kept at heart with our new 'allies' Daemon plans to enter himself into the running for Triarch. With fathers gold being his support as far as that goes he is not too far from the other prospects. He meets the requirement of tracing his blood all the way back to Valyria as well. I mean compared to the rest of them we have the actual dragon blood from Valyria and at best they are from an old trading family.

"I have decided, it will be fine Cirilla I can handle myself and you do not need to worry. We will be attending another gathering tonight, try to make some friends and stop eating like a pig and talk to some people. Helaena is going as well and you are not talking me out of it, some people are interested in meeting her." I clench my fist and my jaw tightens hearing he plans to put our sister out in the open.

"What if something happens?" He snorts and shakes his head.

"What if nothing happens?" I feel the urge to punch his smug face but hold back, I need to prepare plans to keep Helaena safe.

"I will be fine Ciri, no need to worry about me so long as you watch out for me. I have faith in your abilities and worry not for my safety with you beside me." I turn to see my silent sister speaking up on Daemon's side.

"See she also wants to get out, it's time she gets to move around a little bit." I sigh and stand up before grabbing Helaena by the hand.

Pulling her up I lead her to her room, she will need to wear something easy to run in, just in case something happens and we have to escape. I won't trust the people of Volantis or more appropriately I will not trust slavers. Greedy men and women willing to ruin thousands of lives to make some gold.

The more I see of the full lengths of slavery the more I want to do something myself about it but as a Blackfyre, I have a duty to sit our blood on the throne of Westeros. It doesn't mean I can't try to get something done later, or maybe even set up the next generation to do something.

I will think about it but for now, I need to prepare for this 'gathering'.