
298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Eragon Targaryen


Today is the day, or at least today is the day we leave from here and won't be coming back until we wiped out the pirates. We might not even come back at all and so we are taking all of our belongings. We are still up in the air on moving into one of the villages near Ebonhead before declaring 'war' on the Prince of Ebonhead.

Depending on how the Summer Islanders are feeling after the pirates are dealt with we might be moving straight onto Jhala and never coming back to this Cove. Everyone is moving out except fifty men who are staying for the workers like fishermen and builders and other serving girl-type people. Can't just leave them to defend themselves as they may get attacked so they need a minimum of protection.

I hope we can go straight to Jhala after butchering the pirates, the faster we get moving the quicker I can have Shaena brought to me. It has not been too long since we arrived but I still worry this 'conquest' of the Summer Isles might end up taking more than I thought. I would feel horrible if I missed the birth of my first kid and Shaena should be pushing one out first.

I can not do anything about Arianne or my kid with her and the more I think about it the worse I feel and regret what I have done. If I didn't she might have stabbed Viserys to death though since he was neglecting his duty to make an heir. But I know he will have no interest in raising a kid and it will fall on Arianne, I do not like that at all. I will try to see if I can convince my brother to 'foster' his child in the Summer Isles with me where the kid will be out of the schemes of Westeros.

So the faster I can secure the Summer Isles the quicker I can put both of those plans into motion and for my future babies I will make it happen.

I am still having Melisandre do her blood magic testing that will show if Arianne's kid is mine or not even if we tumbled around the bedroom a bunch it doesn't mean it's mine. I feel there is a slight chance it could be Viserys as she had to have alibi sex with him so he wouldn't accuse her of adultery. It is a very dumb spot I have put myself in, I won't regret the child if it turns out to be mine though.

I don't love the baby's mom and mainly fucked her out of spite toward Viserys but I will never hold that against my child.

These thoughts bring my mind to Aemma in the Vale and make me wonder how she is, I have no clue if she is carrying my kid or not. I don't feel bad about that one in the slightest, she reunited with her daughter and that lit a spark in her to birth another child. I have no idea how I will get that kid out of the Vale without some serious problems. I am at least grateful Aemma will be trying to 'make up' for all she lost with Rhaenyra so the kid will be well-loved.

I can always peek at her with the candle in a few months and if she looks pregnant there is a good chance it is mine. The news we get about the situation in Westeros is not very detailed but she is apparently working hard to completely secure the Vale. She likely does not have time to look for a 'replacement' as far as a man goes, but ignoring all that I need to clear my mind and focus on my task.

I need to go wash up before we set off and put on some presentable clothes now that I am 'leading' people to a 'war'.


Stepping out of an oar boat I look toward the gathering of the remaining tribe chiefs and skilled warriors they brought with them. The tribe chiefs that stayed with us are already approaching there families they left behind and greeting them with smiles. I see Nata's sister and mother, they look at her oddly as she is also dressed in similar clothes to the rest of us as she stands beside us.

"Did you happen to mention to your family that there was a chance you would marry me and take my name?" I softly elbow Nata and she bites her lips and shakes her head slowly.

I sigh, it doesn't matter but I hope they don't throw a fit or something like that.

Looking behind me hearing some whispers I admire the varying silver dragon pins and red dragon motifs across the girl's black clothing. This is one of the very few times we all are representing our house colors and I enjoy the look. Most Targaryens grow up dressed in black and red but we are not most Targaryens so it is not as common.

In the future, once we actually hold a 'court' we will represent our colors and have all the fancy banners. I am sure Rhaenys will hate it as most of her clothes are Dornish dresses of varying colors and she doesn't have many Targaryen-colored options.

"It will be fine, they just look a bit surprised as I am sure they figured out what exactly it means for me to be wearing your colors." I look back at her and smile before wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing the side of her head.

If they didn't get it before they got it now.

"Let's get this over with, sooner we hammer out the details the sooner we can head to Xon. I am eager to put this part behind us so we can move forward." She grabs the arm around her waist and slides her hand down as she pulls it off to lace our fingers.

Stepping forward I follow behind her as she guides me toward our 'allies' who are giving critical looks our way.


298 AC

Summer Isles - Jhala



""I am happy for you, your goal seems much more realistic with the support of this husband. It also helps you have known each other so it doesn't seem either of you is unsatisfied with the match. I am just a touch concerned about the structure or hierarchy of the marriage."" Mom hugs me to her side after we had the meeting with the chiefs and chieftesses.

""We talked about it, the chances of the kingdom we plan to form lasting if the inheritor has no Summer Islander blood is small. Regardless of what we have at our disposal, the people would never be satisfied being ruled by a completely foreign person."" Dragons never took Dorne for a reason, hard head people can suffer grievous wounds and never yield.

""So you are saying your kids will be the ones to inherit the Summer Isles in the future?"" My sister asks and I nod as I break contact with my mom.

I look over at my new family who is talking with different chiefs and warriors and are slowly making friends among them. With the dragons and Eragon's future plans the Summer Isles are just the start, the children of the others will each have land of their own. I am only concerned with the different 'lines' of Targaryen eventually turning on each other.

""I see, that eases my heart quite a bit and excites me to see my future grandchildren."" I shake my head at my mother as she ribs my side and my sister smiles wide.

""You will have to hold your breath on that one, we are not avoiding having any now but we both want the ritual wars done and the islands united before I get pregnant. I am fighting alongside him and I can't do that if my belly is swollen with a baby."" They both ease off me and accept that easily enough.

""What about the other ones?"" I raise an eyebrow at mom and soon realize what she meant and look back over at the group of silver-headed women.

""Trust me when I say they are putting in the effort, he has at least three possibly four on the way that he knows of for sure. I expect within the next year all of them will be carrying there first, I don't know how we will manage all of them."" I say that I don't know but I also am glad my kids will always have someone to play with in the future.

It will be just like when we were in Braavos, our children will play and swim but also learn along side each other in hopes of forming bonds that will last their entire lives. I hope it will be a tradition for the kids of House Targaryen to be raised close to one another, at the very least the ones who will be rulers and leaders need to be close.

""Do you get enough 'effort' for yourself from him?"" I knew she would bring this up eventually so I was waiting for it.

""Yes, I have no worries about my future love life as all I have to do is turn around and show him my ass and he is ready to go."" They both go silent as I quickly respond with certainty and then my mom barks a laugh and slaps her hand across my rear.

""You got that from me that much is for sure, let's head over there and talk to Eragon and the others. I need to talk to him as the mother of his future wife and not as the mother of his friend. I still remember that boy when he was small coming up and knocking on the back door to ask you to come out and play. The times sure have flown by..." She walks off toward Eragon who is holding a Golden heart bow a warrior handed over to him.

""Let's talk more about those 'efforts' later, I am interested in how that young man turned out after all this time." I snort hearing my sister's words and follow after her with a smile spreading on my lips.

This went well, the chiefs reacted how I was hoping and the Targaryens are taking like fish to water with them. We might have to speed up the wedding with the way the chiefs were talking, they seem to think we were only holding off to have a 'proper' ceremony.

It might turn out to be a massive affair as I know the other women won't sit back and will also want to officially marry him if I am. The marriage on the Isles might surprise them but I am hoping they go for it, it will be fun.

The chiefs still haven't seen the dragons except for the ones who went to the Cove, but with them being witnesses everyone believes it and is fully behind us. Once the Pirates are dealt with we can spread tales of our victory and gain the last of the support we need and challenge Summer prince Xenioa. After that, we can hold the ceremony and it can be held Infront of our new Summer Palace once we win.

I see Eragons eyes widen when my mom says something to him quietly I couldn't hear and then he slowly looks up to meet my eyes. He fights a smile that threatens to show its face and puts his hands behind his back as he nods and looks back to my mom.

What are those two scheming?