121 R18


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Eragon Targaryen


"If you keep playing with that thing you will go blind." I hear Melisandre speak up from behind me and I lose focus and the flame fades.

"Wait, will I go blind from using this?" She snorts and walks to the chair to my right to sit with me but I snag her by the hip and pull her onto my lap, no sense in using the chair if the lap is free.

"I don't actually know, these things never reliably worked when I use to have one, mind you I used it for a different reason." She shifts in my lap and gets comfortable and leans her head on my shoulder, she seems to already know my next question as she speaks up quickly. "I used the candle I had to weave a thought into a man's mind, I had him perform acts for R'hllor." That sounds scary.

"Could I also do that?" She hums and nods as her finger trails the candle and I even see the sharp edge slit her finger and a drop of blood builds on it. She holds it over the top of the candle and lets it drop onto the tip.

"You can, it requires a price to do something of that nature but I am sure if it's something small you can easily pay it. It will draw more from you if you try to do more than you should, you could even kill yourself by trying to put too much into another's mind." She licks the cut on her finger and looks into my eyes with her blood-red eyes.

Her position on my lap just took an unexpected but not unwanted turn after watching her do her 'magic'.

"I wonder if I could put a thought into one of the pirates to burn their ships or something right before we attack. Maybe I could try to get the Blackfyres to kill themselves by walking into a pyre and mimicking me with their three dragon eggs I managed to spot." I have spent more time than I would like to admit watching the Blackfyres.

I still feel a headache when I remember the dragon eggs in the chest that I saw the Blackfyre girl wielding Blackfyre was helping her sister brush her hair. They look like nice people but they are still my enemy and I don't know if I will be able to do anything to prevent our rivalry from continuing. Blackfyres rebel and Targaryens kill them, it's the way things are and have been since Daemon the first.

"I don't think that's wise, I don't recommend working magic on one with the blood of Valyria in their veins. There is magic running in all the blood of Valyria and each source is slightly different and some cross to make them even better some worsen but she is of similar blood to you. I know for a fact your own blood as a Targaryen is strong and if someone tried to plant a thought in your mind it would require a heavy price, one no one will want to pay. It may have something to do with the Targaryen dragon dreams as not all 'blood of the dragon' has this defense in their blood." I nod and lean my head back on the chair and close my eyes in thought.

"That was also before I did the ritual for the dragons and it could have changed for the better I would assume with the help of R'hllor." She nods her head and I feel her hair rub my neck as I slip my hand onto her lower belly.

I peeked at Shaena to see if she was 'showing' but there was no luck as her stomach still looks like how it did when I left from what I can see. Arianne was the same and I don't peek at them anymore as I feel it's weird. Someone who is an enemy sure, someone I love and or like feels like I am taking advantage of them.

Mother looked fine when I searched for her if not a little sad, probably missing her children.

I will never check on Viserys after the things I saw him doing, I won't even be able to look him in the eye.

"I am glad we figured out how to use the candles to talk to the other candle so we can talk over vast distances in the future. We need to hunt for more of them in the future so each Targaryen can carry one ideally the dragon riders at the minimum." So me and my wives even though I don't see us splitting up for any reason anytime soon.

"I may be able to help with that, the red temples collect them for their special properties. I am sure they will give us as many as we want if you were the one asking." I can reap some reward for being their prince of promise at last.

Well, the things Melisandre does for me more than 'pay' for my services as the prince of light.

"I wonder how the plan to spread the faith of R'hllor is going in Westeros, you said the high priests of R'hllor were working on it." I slip my hand from her belly to her breast as I slowly get her worked up.

"I will go on a limb and say the Summer Isles is covered in Red priests, Benerro is full force behind you and that is both concerning and a boon. Kingslanding will be harder and I am sure it is slowly spreading from person to person. Other major cities like Oldtown and Whiter harbor are likely much the same." She grinds her hips and speaks softly but seductively as her hands trail my arms.

"Good, I see one of two things happening with the faith in Westeros and it will likely end with the Baratheons arming the faith of the seven to stop the spread of 'Targaryen madness' or something like that. I could also see the faith of R'hllor blindsiding the faith of the seven as well, they are complacent from what I heard in recent times. They only seem to kick up trouble when we Targaryens, their betters, marry one of our own and then they freak out. It is because they are jealous we are taking the best-looking people and crushing their hopes of having one for themselves." She snorts and shakes her head as her hands work their way behind her and starts undoing my belt.

"We will see soon enough my Prince, once we establish ourselves in Ebonhead and have an easier time obtaining information." She slowly stands back up and turns around before getting onto her knees.

I lift myself out of the seat enough that she can work my pants down and she pulls them past my knees freeing my cock. She grabs my already stiff length and rubs the tip with her thumb as she licks her lips. I will never get tired of seeing her on her knees early in the morning, her dark red lips look best around my girth.

She continues to rub her thumb on my tip as she kisses up my cock starting at the base and making her way toward her hand. Each searing hot kiss sends shivers through my body and when she reaches the top she moves her hand and takes the tip in her mouth.

Her tongue takes over for her thumb as she swirls it around and starts wetting me with her mouth. I use both hands to grab all of her long red hair and pull it behind her head so it's out of the way. Taking the hair with one hand I reach down and she leans back so her tits no longer press into my knees so I can grab one.

She starts working more and more of my cock into her mouth and the heat of her body threatens to melt me as I lean back and relax. The stress from using the candle I didn't know I accumulated blows away like sand in a storm's wind.

Her sucking and licking make me wild and gives me the desire to pin her down to fuck her face. She is more than willing to let me do so and has plenty of times before but I stay sitting and enjoy what she is doing.

She soon enough has my whole length soaked and she works her head up and down with great speed. Her hand finds my sack and she carefully works my balls around in her grasp catching me by surprise. I groan, she has done this to me the most other than maybe Danny and it shows with how she knows everything I like.

I feel my finish approaching and tighten my grip on her head and hold her down as jolts travel up my spine. I shut my eyes tight and take in short breaths as I let my seed spill into her throat, her hum of approval tickles my base.

I let go of her head and drop my arms to the sides of the chair but she keeps her head down and my length swallowed as she keeps sucking and makes my head buzz.

When her head finally raises she pulls my pants up and tucks my cock back in before she stands up. I almost speak up when I notice a very 'interested' Tyene sitting at the table and looking on with interest. When she arrived I have no idea but it was likely when I closed my eyes and attempted to drown Melisandre with my seed.

"Good morning." She smiles wide and gives a short wave and Melisandre walks off toward the table with the cups and wine on it.

"Great morning." I respond as letting her see weakness at this point will only hurt me.

She puffs her lips at my response but doesn't give up as she stands and makes her way around the table.

"You know it's not all that nice to the rest of us that eat at this table for you to be getting sucked off at it whenever you want. I came out here to fill my poor stomach and have to watch you fill Melisandre's belly with your seed. It really gets someone hot and bothered watching something like that first thing in the morning." I shake my head at her and take the cup Melisandre brought over for me and she takes the free chair to my opposite side as she drinks from her own cup.

"Well, I don't know what to say other than wake up later as this is the time I usually get my cock sucked in the morning." She groans seeing I won't give any ground on this, it's not like I am lying either.

Ashara or Melisandre will always wake up early with me and we start the day off right. If I wake up late then I can count on Danny still being in bed and a willing partner first thing as she wakes up.

"Whatever, next time I catch you though don't expect me to hold back when I see that thing." She points to the tent in my pants and then stands up from the table and I just ignore her since she is likely bluffing anyway.

Looking back at my candle I wonder what else I could look at as I wait for us to finish preparing to set sail for Xon. I am resting these last few days before we hop on the ships and chase after my 'goals'.