129 R18


298 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


"I think they actually enjoy this more than they probably should." Rhaenys has her head tilted back looking at the sky as Meraxes dodges blunted arrows.

"I am glad they seem to understand what the point of this is, that dream last night has me on edge." A beautiful Targaryen woman I have never seen before flying on a silver dragon with deep golden eyes took a scorpion bolt to one of those eyes and perished.

Well in reality the dragon did not perish from the bolt and instead panicked and thrashed mid-air and spiraled which caused it to crash into a tower. It then kept twisting and turning in pain and drove the bolt into its brain and died. The rider's fate was unseen but I know she was not in the saddle when I last saw it between fits of the dragon's rage.

I felt the dragon could have avoided the bolt myself, it almost seemed like it didn't care about the bolt since they were bouncing off its scales. Then one went through its eye and it realized it was not impenetrable and it was too late at that point.

That is why I had Arrax practice his diving and burning in the massive courtyard at the back of the palace and I sent blunted arrows at him. He was frightened when I first hit him, more a surprised reaction than pain, and has since been avoiding the arrows. His brothers and sisters sat on the side watching with keen interest before more people found us and decided to watch.

Now we have five people with bows from different angles trying to hit a dragon as it dives down and the dragons are loving the attention. None have been hurt yet since all the arrows are blunt but I think it gets sore when it gets their leathery wing. Arrax is resting on the side with his wings spread wide and huffing like a beat hound.

"How noble and dignified." I look down at my bond and he only turns to look in a different direction before continuing to heavily breathe.

"He blazed the trail for his siblings, give the brave boy a break." Danny affectionately rubs the scales on Arraxs back while sitting on her knees beside him.

I snort and shake my head even though I can't stop the smile from spreading on my face.

I spot Nata handing over a bow she was just using to Rhaenys who seems to want a chance to have some fun. Her eyes meet mine and she raises a brow seeing me staring at her and I nod toward the palace and she looks thoughtful before slowly nodding her head.

We both ease away without saying anything and soon hold hands as we quickly make our way toward the bedroom.


"Fuck, you seem to get better at this each time." A throaty hum from her sends chills over my body as she sucks the soul out of my body from my manhood.

I lay flat on the bed as she sits on her knees between my feet and takes my length down her throat. Nata took it personally when I got finished off by Shiera in half the time it took her to do it with just her mouth. This is why she won't let me go for her slit while she is doing this because she is improving so next time she will beat Shiera.

I would be lying if I said this development is a bad thing because it is a beautiful thing.

Nata takes it all down and presses her face into my body, her fingers softly stroking my sack nearly sending me over the edge. Her head slowly raises up and she breaks off the suction she has as she opens her eyes and holds onto my cock with one hand. Her piercing blue eyes bore into me as she licks the underside of my length causing it to twitch in her grip.

Her lips slightly curl up as my seed bursts out and she moves fast to put my tip back into her mouth where she takes the rest. What didn't go into her mouth splattered on her cheek and forehead painting a scene that is not easy to forget. My head drops into the feather pillow as I enjoy the jolts of pleasure running through my body.

Feeling her lips let go and her tongue swirl around my tip I hand her a shirt that was tossed to the side of the bed. She takes it and wipes her face before throwing it to the side once more, a new target for the dragons to burn later.

"I got her beat with that, I can't wait to see her face when I show her up." She mounts my hips and aligns my tip with her slit before sitting down and taking my spit-covered cock fully inside of herself.

"Troublemaker." I accuse half-heartedly as I put some more pillows behind me so I can sit up for the next part.

"It's all in good fun, she seems to enjoy it when I challenge her on the bed. Shiera likes competition but she doesn't like fighting so she gets it in the bedroom instead of the battlefield." I find myself at a loss since that seems to be true, I was only joking with her but I learned something useful.

"I will keep that in mind, I can have a 'battle' with her later to let her get her competitive spirit burning." Nata smiles in amusement before putting her hands on my shoulders as she raises her hips.

I grip her meaty hips and as my fingers sink into them I help her rise before I feel her go slack and she drops down slapping her ass onto my thighs. She tenses and bites her lips before repeating the process but not pausing and going again.

She slowly picks up speed as her breasts bounce wildly Infront of my face, leaning in I take one of her nipples into my mouth. It hardens as my tongue swirls around it and she whines feeling what I am doing.

My thighs get slick the more she works herself on my manhood, the impact of her ass sending ripples through her thighs. Her body was practically built for fucking and getting fucked and it makes me wild with lust as I slam her down on me.

Letting go of her abused nipple I slide my hands down her legs and to her knees where I flip her back as I follow her down. Pulling her legs up and over my shoulders I start thrusting wildly into her hot core. She shakes as her hands fall off my shoulders and onto the bed.

"Fuck." She curses and grips the sheets as I ram into her.

I lean over her pressing her breasts flat against my chest, my hands find her ass and grip it tightly. Each time I bury myself into her the walls of her cunt tense and squeeze down only to relax as I pull out and the cycle continues.

Her arms wrap around my neck and her legs follow around my hips, her insides constrict as she reaches her peak. Sweet moans escape her mouth as her body twitches under me and I continue to rut into her. Her legs weakly put up a fight to slow me down but make no difference as I throw my hips back and forth.

"Don't stop!" The words out of her mouth don't match how her legs are locking but I need no encouragement as I feel my peak approaching.

My head feels light as I reach my fastest speed in this position and the feeling only builds with each squeeze of her cunt. With my weight pressed on her, I bottom out as pleasure rocks my body and my seed floods into her.

I slide my hands out from under her rear and get them behind her back as I embrace her, she hums and it tickles my ear as her legs slide up and down the back of my own. We lay mostly still as I ride out my climax.

She soon runs a hand up and through my hair exposing my ear.

"I thought we said it was too soon to try for a baby?" I feel her walls squeeze my length when it twitches at her words.

We did say that but right now I don't care, right now I want to get my lover heavy with my child.

"Oops." She laughs and shakes her head.

"I guess we will see, our wedding is tomorrow Infront of all Ebonhead so pregnancy is mostly expected soon. The people will think you are an infertile and incompetent leader if I am not pregnant shortly after the wedding. Fertility is a massive part of the culture of the Summer Isles, it's why the goddess of fertility is worshipped. With war, it's fine if I go without and you also have the others to prove you are fertile but it would be best if I had one soon." Not really an unexpected custom, most places would see a king not making an heir as a bad sign.

"If it happens it happens, we will keep trying and also continue with the conquest. If it does happen though I will have to conquest without your direct hand in the fights. Challenging the princes and princesses directly to a one on one seems to still be the best idea if we can get them to accept. It will set a precedent and we will have to fix that later by setting up a new structure for challenges but I think it is best overall." She nods and I roll off her.

"I agree." She sees my still hard length and grips it in her hand. "It seems we have come to a decision, let's go for another round." She throws her leg over me and inserts my cock with a hungry look on her face.

Seems she got excited at the idea of baby making, can't blame her though as it also gets me fired up.


Walking into the throne room I can't help but feel accomplishment seeing the Targaryen banner over the top of the throne.

A walkway of white stone with a channel of water on each side flowing toward the raised steps that ascend to the throne. Braziers with low flames placed down the sides of the channels and different vases filled with big-leafed plants. The steps going up to the throne have streaks of gold lining them and the throne itself has the local gems of rubies and emeralds implanted into it.

This room puts the Sea lords throne room at Braavos and even the throne at Sunspear to shame.

I walk up the steps and stand Infront of the throne looking down at the polished gems reflecting the light coming in from the ceiling opening. I slowly turn and lower myself into the throne and as I sit back I look at Arrax who followed me in here.

He doesn't know what this symbolizes but he knows I am enjoying myself and he wants a part of the fun for himself. He walks around the throne and wraps himself around the base of it with his head on one side and his tail on the other.

I am sure we look like a real dragon and dragon lord at the moment but I still feel a bit off without a crown to go with it. I wonder where Aegons crown is, that's a crown for a conqueror and the world will know me as such. The banner of the red dragon will fly proudly over every piece of land I can get my hands on.

There are not many pieces of land a dragon rider can not get his hands on.