
298 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


A massive gathering of family and residents of Ebonhead outside the palace, a massive fire with all of us sitting around it. All the women of the family sit to my right in a half circle starting with Nata and ending with the sand snakes. To my left starts a chief and ends with a shipbuilder who is someone very important for us to 'seduce' to our side. Men to the left and women to the right and Infront of us is a cheering and singing crowd with more fires with food and drink.

"How sure are you that this is fine to drink?" I ask looking at the sap-like milky colored 'drink' in my wooden bowl.

"Eragon, it's our wedding do you really think I would let you get killed by something like poison?" Nata asks incredulously and I shake the bowl a bit and ripples run through the concoction.

"This drink is supposed to be a part of the wedding ritual but what happens if I skip it?" She holds up her own bowl and raises it so I can see it.

"Don't skip it and let's get this done." She brings it to her lips and I sigh before closing my eyes and downing the drink.

I try not to feel what I am feeling inside of my body as I empty the contents of the bowl and slam it down on the table Infront of me.

"Ahhhhhh." I exhale and shudder as the spiced and bitter taste burns my nose and throat.

"Did you just drink the whole thing!?" I look over as Nata passes the bow over to Daenerys, hers still has most of the fluid inside of it.

"Huh?" I ask confused and she slaps her forehead before waving her hands at all the people celebrating who seem to have stopped to look at me in surprise.

"You take a sip and pass the bowl, everyone takes a sip its part of the tradition of showing closeness. No one drinks a whole bowl of Wedding milk!" Cheers soon break out and an old granny fills the bowl back up for me and I watch her hand it over to the chief to my left.

The granny giggles at me and shakes her head and I can hear her mutter about a very 'rigorous' wedding night ahead of me.

"What did she mean?" I turn to look at Nata and notice her taking hesitant looks toward my crotch.

"You are well aware of all the fertility goddesses, the celebration of weddings and funerals is all about creating life new life and celebrating life. You just drank a whole bowl of what gets the 'celebrations' started." I feel sweat on my forehead as she gives me a pained smile. "One bowl is meant to have around thirty to forty sips, so thirty to forty people worth of the stuff is sitting in your stomach."

"How bad is it about to be?" She looks out into the crowd where the Dornish men and women who are here at the wedding and not on guard duty are living up the celebrations.

Tits exposed and asses getting grabbed, my eyes widen and I feel panic build up inside of me.

"Well we agreed we would depart early, it is not uncommon for the husband and wife to retire to have privacy. But I didn't think you would mess this up and we will have to leave sooner than I expected, we will have to make it up to some people I agreed to talk to tonight." I shake my head as my body feels like it is once again in the fires at Summerhall.

"My fault!? Tell me they are going to make me drink something that will do 'this' and I won't mess up!" I point to my already stiffening length and she sighs before nudging Danny who looks over with a flushed face.

Seeing the position I am in Danny's eyes widen and she slaps Rhaenyras's arm and whispers to her and the chain goes all the way down to the last of my girls. Now with more than half of the women's side of the high table all looking at me, I try my best to not look like I am in pain, but I am.

"Chief Belzal, I am sure you saw my husband was a little eager and drank more than he should and we will have to make our departure. I would like to apologize for leaving before we can discuss our plans we have but I invite you to eat with us in the morning." Nata speaks to one of the men to my left, the prince of the red flower vale whose daughter we saved.

He nods and gives me a look as he leans forward and I see some pity on his face before he laughs a bit.

"No problem Princess Nata, I will stay in the room you have provided for the night and we will speak in the morning. If things go well I will stay longer and we can see how things play out... good luck." Those last words were directed at me and I know exactly why as I slide out from under the table.

Standing sends a wave of pain through my body and I make a hasty retreat.

Heading toward the massive doors to the palace I hear my lovers laughing behind me and I bite my lip. We will not have another summer isles wedding again, Valyrian weddings from here on!


"You know, this might have been a blessing in disguise." I smack down on Danny's rear knowing exactly why she would think that way.

Labored breaths are all I can respond with vocally and she kisses my cheek before throwing a leg over me and snuggling into my side.

"I am not complaining." Shiera stretches as she stands from the bed and throws in her opinion.

"Grab me a cup as well please." Rhaenys calls after her and I see Shiera nod as I watch her hypnotic ass sway.

"I wouldn't mind one and I can tell Eragon is a bit parched as well." Danny speaks a little too loud into my ear so Shiera can hear her.

"What am I a servant girl? Didn't Eragon have enough to drink when Visenya sat on his face?" I feel my vision start to fade as giggles echo around me.

"Just let me die." I manage to croak out my last words, a hand sliding on my chest and finding its way to my cheek.

I feel my head get turned and lips press on my own, not a bad way to die if I had to say.

"You are not going anywhere until I get my own wedding." Danny's words are kind and loving but also Valyrian steel firm.

"I can't hang on." The bed shifts as someone climbs onto it and I feel the cold press on a metal bottom to a cup on my chest.

"Here, don't spill any... well the sheets need changing anyway so go wild." My head is lifted and dry pillows thank god are placed under it.

"Mhmm, might be fun to 'clean' it off of him if you spilled it down his toned stomach." A chilling hand runs up my front and I grunt.

I take down the water as Danny holds the cup up and I feel like life is being poured back into my body. I take the cup from her and down the rest before grabbing her own cup she held in one hand while resting the base of it on her hip. I almost can't even tell it was wine as I quickly take it down and fall back into the pillow with a sigh.

"More please." My voice noticeably changed from a dying man back to a healthy Targaryen prince.

A huff is all I hear before I get my face sat on and regret not specifying what I wanted more of, oh well.


I open my eyes slowly and am surprised to see the ceiling of the new palace in Ebonhead, I half expected to wake up in some hell somewhere. Memories of last night assault my mind and I feel a twitch below causing me to look down my body at the 'culprit'.

"It's all your fault." I accuse and drop my head back onto my pillow and pull Nata Targaryen closer to my side as her hair drapes over my chest.

"Who is at fault, my love?" The woman in question whispers softly and adjusts her head as I turn and see her blue eyes.

"No one I was just jesting, I can't believe I made it through that." She snorts and shakes her head but a fond smile on her lips warms my heart.

"I will make sure to keep some of that stuff on hand, it will be helpful to use on a moment's notice to drag you off somewhere." I shake my head and plan my decree to outlaw that demons drink.

"Let's put that aside for now, how does it feel to be a Targaryen?" Her eyes widen and the hand that was sliding across my chest freezes.

The hand starts moving again and a bright smile tells me all I need to know and lean in to kiss her lips.

"It is different, I always had a family and felt a part of all of you since I joined in but now I have a 'family', and it's official. It feels like I became part of something bigger than I have ever been part of before. I like it and I look forward to leaving the name better than I found it when I die." I can tell some of the others are awake as they sift hearing her honest words.

"Well on behalf of House Targaryen, I can say for a fact you already have made it better than it has been recently with just your presence. But we still have a lot to do and look forward to, I am happy it turned out this way." She nods and closes her eyes and sets her head back on my chest.

"I am happy to." The warm mood dies when I think about the family who is not here and how they missed last night.

The wedding was nothing like what I expected but it was still fun even though I was only there for a short time. But mom and Shaena missed it and I feel bad about that, I will celebrate again with them when I next see them.

Viserys would likely cause trouble or pitch a fit like a child about me marrying Nata as he always disliked her in Braavos. He can think what he wants but if he says something against my wife I am likely to throw fists before speaking words. I will lay it out to him when I next see him, he has his ideas and plans for House Targaryen and I have mine and he just has to accept that.

"You ok?" Nata asks as she looks up and kisses my jaw.

"Viserys might be a problem, or at least raise a problem about all of this." She blinks quickly and then shakes her head in disbelief.

"Why would he have a problem?" I think of a response but it's not needed.

"Because he is a cunt and sees himself as the hero for our family, everything has to be his way. The fit he threw when we left was a sight to see and he will raise a problem with you especially when he finds out about Balerion. We have to keep an eye on him so he can't try to do anything he won't live to regret." Rhaenyra answers for me and rolls over to hug Nata from behind.

"He would try something against me?" My grip on her behind tightens and I pull her closer to my side.

"He sure can try but I will take his head for it." She looks surprised but soon shakes her head.

"Becoming a kin slayer would be very bad for the future, if he is stupid enough to try something I will handle it myself. I appreciate your protection and love you all the more for placing me above your brother but I will handle it if he does something." I sigh and shake my head, I won't argue about this.

If someone comes after one of them or anyone I love for that matter they will meet my steel or my flame. Fire and Blood are all I will offer those who raise their hand against those I care for.