The Hunting Expedition

It was only on his way to the location that he sensed the alarm from the family worn jade pendant.

If he was just a second slower, Zhou Mei and the rest could have perished without his knowledge.

Before Zhou Mei could make the initiative to seek for help with the pendant, her brother Zhou Cui had already made a move.

The call she made worked like modern technology as it helped him to successfully lock onto her location which resulted in the timely rescue.

"Mei Mei, take care of yourself, I have something stringent to attend to" Zhou Cui said with a 'reluctant-to-part' tone.

He gave his sister one last smile before zooming off to the clouds as a glittery ray of light.


Xiao Ming's bones tweaked as he gave a little exercise and stretch while Zhou Mei and Xi Muyao ravaged his body with intense gazes of concern.