Chapter 3

Himawari was standing on top of Mothra's head while glaring at Rodan who was heading straight towards Godzilla, Hope, and Morgan to help Ghidorah fight them off but the young Uzumaki wasn't going to let him "Miss Mothra! when I tell you to, I want you to flap your wings as hard as you can towards Rodan!".

Mothra loudly chirped letting Himawari know that she heard her, Himawari smiled and then closed her eyes to focus and begin to gather Mana.

Her uncle Harry had been teaching Himawari everything he knew about magic, he passed down all the Magic spells he knows to her with a smile on his face and since then Himawari has been practicing her magic every day.

She was very thankful for her uncle, at first she thought that she would eventually have to choose to become a ninja and she herself didn't really know if that's what she wanted.

But the Hyuga clan wanted her to be a shinobi, her aunty Hanabi had told her so, but she also told Himawari that she was free to choose whatever she wanted to do with her life.

The problem was that she didn't know what she wanted to do, her daddy told her that whatever she chose he would support it, and her mommy had told her that she should try different things so she can choose something she liked doing and her brother told her that it was fun to be a shinobi but also very dangerous.

Her uncle Harry however told her that she shouldn't worry about her future yet, she was too young and the only thing she should be doing is having fun, making friends, and getting into trouble, so her uncle personally went to visit the Hyuga elders.

Aunty had said that the elders were so terrified after her uncle talked to them that they had decided to never pester her about what she should do in the future and then Himawari learned she had a talent for magic.

One that even surprised her uncle Harry, which made her very proud, she gained a new passion one she was really good at and her family supported her.

She decided to be the very first magical ninja, she still didn't know what that would entail other than being able to do all kinds of things normal ninjas can't do but she would eventually figure it out later.

For now, she was going to learn everything her dear uncle was teaching her, so right now she was going to use a magic spell she created by watching her brother use the Rasengan and an old story her daddy told her about when he had mastered Wind Manipulation.

Himawari then pointed her open palm towards Rodan, an enormous amount of water and wind began to gather and formed a giant orb swirling around like a maelstrom right in front of Mothra "Do it now miss Mothra!".

Mothra loudly chirped and flapped her wings forward as hard as she could, the giant orb of wind and water then shot forward so fast that it became a blur.

Himawari smiled and then softly said, "'Azure Hurricane, Tearing Rapids'".

The young Uzumaki blushed a little in embarrassment at the name she had given her new spell but smiled when she saw it collide against Rodan's back and explode in a giant storm of super fast-moving water and sharp wind.


Death sweatdropped as she heard the long name Himawari gave to her self-created spell and couldn't help but to comment "Oh dear... it seems Himawari inherited Minato's silly naming sense...".

Lily giggled finding it funny, she had met both Kushina and Minato when they both were brought here by Death, and she had laughed at some of the names Minato had given to some of his Jutsu.

Though coming from an adorable small child-like Himawari it was cute rather than silly, still, she inwardly hopes that she grew out of it when she gets older.


Rodan let out a loud squawk of pain as he felt something hit his back and then tear into his skin, he also felt his thermal heat cool down as he began to free-fall toward the city below him.

Himawari then got on one knee and placed a palm on top of Mothra's head, she then began to channel mana and engulfed it around Mothra's body while also turning the mana into wind "Alright miss Mothra! Ram him!".

Mothra loudly squealed and took off at high speed while Himawari molded her mana and the wind engulfed Mothra's body and began to take the shape of Kurama's head with its gaping jaw wide open.

Mothra chirped in fun, never in her life or her reincarnation's had she had so much fun fighting and as she came close to Rodan the giant fox head made out of the wind around her, snapped its jaws on Rodan's body causing it to roar in pain as blood gushed out of his body.

Himawari whooped and then loudly said, "'Wind! Snaping Fox Jaws!'".

Mothra also whooped in fun as she rammed Rodan's body against a couple of buildings and then against the ground, the giant Fox's head continued to hold Rodan in its jaws until the wind detonated.

Mothra flew backward and avoided the giant storm of wind blades that engulfed Rodan's body, both Himawari and Mothra waited for the spell's effect to subside.

Soon the wind storm dissipated and revealed Rodan's heavily injured and unconscious body to them, Himawari nodded and then patted Mothra's head "Alright let's go help Mr. Godzilla and the girls!".

Mothra chirped and then took off flying towards where Godzilla was fighting against Ghidorah while the girls gave the titan their full support.


Meanwhile, a few minutes before Himawari and Mothra attacked Rodan, Mark along with Dr. Serizawa, Ilene, and the Monarch team had gone down to find his daughter Maddie while the girls, Mothra and Godzilla keep Ghidorah busy.

However they only found the ORCA but not Maddie to their surprise, Emma, as well, Mark's ex-wife, and Maddie's mother arrived in Fenway Park looking for her daughter.

Having had a change of heart she escaped the Monarch Bunker and went to go look for her daughter.

Mark and Emma begin to argue and blamed each other for Maddie but then they stopped arguing when Rodan was suddenly blasted out of the air and then slammed against a few buildings and against the ground.

What had surprised everyone however was the fact that Mothra seemed to have attacked Rodan with wind and water, something they didn't even know the motherly titan was capable of.

Ilene, however, began to giggle causing everyone to look at her "Oh, sorry! It's just, I'm pretty sure it's Himawari who just help Mothra do all of that, she's as amazing as the other two".

Everyone nodded in agreement while Emma seemed confused and Dr. Serizawa began to explain "Himawari, Morgan, and Hope, these three girls are fighting with both Gojira and Mothra against Ghidorah".

Emma just raised an eyebrow in confusion but suddenly they heard Ghidorah roar and one of his heads turned to look at them or rather at the ORCA, it seemed to open its mouth to fire a blast of lightning at it which would have hit them as well but then that head was blasted off by a big orb of black and crimson energy that was shot off from Godzilla's head, of course, the head immediately regenerated.

Out of nowhere, everyone began to hear Hope's voice in their mind {Hey! What are you guys doing standing there in the middle of an open field? Do you guys want to get blasted!?}.

The adults sweatdropped because in all seriousness, Hope was right to scold them but Mark then spoke into the air "Hope! My daughter is here somewhere! We need you to keep Ghidorah busy while we look for her!".

Dr. Serizawa then spoke up "We also have the ORCA, a machine that is sending a signal that's calming down the titans! we need to keep Ghidorah from destroying it!".

They all waited for Hope to respond while Emma looked around confused as to what was going on, suddenly Hope's voice began to be heard again in their heads {Okay, but Morgan and I are having a hard time killing Ghidorah! This thing is regenerating very fast so we're going to need to pull out the big guns! You guys will need to get out of this city and soon! I'm going to connect you to Himawari, she can help you guys find Mark's daughter!}.

Everyone nodded and then began to hear Himawari's voice in their minds {Hello? Hope? What do you need?}.

Mark then immediately spoke up "Himawari it's us! We need your help?".

Himawari immediately responded {Mr. Mark? Alright, what do you need?}.

Mark nodded and then began to explain "My daughter Maddie is here in this city somewhere, Hope said you can help us find her!".

Himawari stay silent for a second and everyone then watched Mothra slam against Ghidorah while being engulfed in white fire, their eyes widen in awe as the three-headed dragon roared in pain as he was engulfed in white flames.

Then they heard Himawari's voice {Sorry! I had to help and get Ghidorah off Mr. Godzilla! Give me a minute and I'll find your daughter}.

Everyone nodded and waited for Himawari to find Maddie while they watched Mothra and Godzilla team up against Ghidorah.


Himawari immediately used her Byakugan to search for Mark's daughter, her Doujutsu was another thing that her uncle Harry helped her with.

At the time she didn't even know she had the same eyes as her mother and she was very surprised about it but her cool uncle just smiled and gave her a head pat.

He then proceeded to help her train and master her Doujutsu along with her mommy and aunty Hanabi, it was the most fun she had training ever!

She loved how her mommy and aunty would act around her uncle and play around with him, she never thought she would see her mom act that way but it was certainly fun to watch her want to be spoiled by her uncle and aunty Hanabi try to get spoiled as well.

Uncle Harry just happily spoiled all of them so the training was just a lot of fun, she was even taught some of the Hyuga clan techniques and her mother's as well.

It was in moments like these that she was glad that she was a Hyuga as her Doujutsu was able to find Maddie instantly.

She then immediately let Mark know via telepathy {Mr. Mark! I found Maddie!}.

Himawari then proceeded to tell Mark where she had seen Maddie hiding in a house and in a tub, Mark immediately recognized the house Himawari was describing {Oh! That's our old house! What is she doing there! It's too dangerous!}.

Himawari nodded in agreement, that house was way to close to where they were fighting but she understood why Maddie went there {Well.. when I'm scared or sad, the first place I think of going is home, where I feel safe}.

Mark silently nodded to Himawari's words while Emma looked down in sadness {Thank you Himawari! We're going to get her now!}.

Himawari smiled and nodded {Okay but hurry! We really need to pull out the big guns against Ghidorah! Anything else is just not enough to take him down!}.

Mark nodded and then immediately left to go get his daughter to safety while keeping in mind that they must hurry.


Morgan, Hope, and Godzilla were still fighting against Ghidorah but the three-headed dragon just kept coming back for more, Morgan frowned "This is getting annoying... Hope we have to do something!".

Hope nodded as she then breathe out a giant stream of Cosmic Fire while Godzilla did the same with his Atomic Breath, both flames merged together and hit Ghidorah hard, not only pushing back but burning quite severely.

Hope however let up her attack quickly not wanting to incinerate anything else by accident since there were still jets flying around and shooting at Ghidorah, she then turns her gaze towards Morgan "We can't do anything to extreme yet, Mark and the others are in the city trying to get to his daughter, we have to keep Ghidorah's attention on us until they find her".

Morgan nodded and then watched as Mothra flew over Ghidorah and then drop giant ice spikes on top of Ghidorah who was trying to get up, the ice spikes impaled themselves on his wings and body causing Ghidorah to roar in pain.

Mothra then flew by close to Godzilla as they both watched Ghidorah try to bite the ice spikes off of his wings, Himawari then spoke out loudly at both Hope and Morgan "I told Mark where his daughter is they're on their way but we have to keep Ghidorah busy here! They still have the signal thingy and Ghidorah will immediately go after them if we let up for a second".

Morgan and Hope nodded to Himawari, Morgan then clapped her hands and gathered her energy she then raise both of her hands and created a giant orb of crimson dragonic energy above her head.

She then sighed and stared at Ghidorah who had finally taken the ice spikes out of his body and began to roar at them in rage "Hope raise a barrier this is a new technique and I haven't tested it yet".

Hope nodded and immediately raised a barrier around Godzilla and Mothra who just tilted their head in curiosity, Morgan then narrowed her eyes and waved her hands down "'Crimson Starfall!'".

The giant orb of crimson dragon energy broke apart and then began to shower Ghidorah with countless numbers of small orbs of energy.

Ghidorah roared and squealed in pain as he was barraged by a giant number of crimson-red dragonic orbs of energy that exploded upon impact.

Godzilla roared towards Ghidorah excited about Morgan's attack while Mothra softly chirped which made Himawari pat her head.

However Ghidorah suddenly unleashed a giant shockwave that spread all around him destroying the small orbs of energy hitting it, luckily Hope's barrier protected everyone from his attack.

Godzilla didn't wait any longer and then slap Ghidorah with his tail which sent Ghidorah crashing against the ground where Mothra landed on top of him and began to stab his body with her sharp forelegs.

Godzilla then stomped on one of his heads while Hope blasted the second of the heads with a giant fireball of Cosmic Fire, and Himawari waved a hand and giant arms and hands made of stone bursts out of the ground and grabbed hold of the third head and began to crush it.

Throughout this beating Ghidorah himself was pretty tired of all of this, he didn't have this much trouble when he first appeared on this planet so long ago but now?

Not only is he being beaten quite easily but now he was pinned down on the ground while the native titans of this planet continued to attack him not even giving him a chance to defend himself.

So in a fit of rage, the three-headed dragon shook Mothra off of him, slamming her into a building then the three-headed dragon spun his entire body in a wide circle, and his tails swept Godzilla off his feet while both Hope and Morgan held onto Godzilla's head while he took a trip towards the ground.

Suddenly Ghidorah grabbed hold of Godzilla's neck with his tail and feet and lifted off the ground with the titan in its grasp.

Both Morgan and Hope were pried off Godzilla's head from the sudden jerk of his body but immediately flew after Godzilla wanting to help him.

Ghidorah flew into the sky fast thanks to his massive wings and once he was high enough he decided to let go of Godzilla to let him drop down to the ground.

Mothra chirped loudly and tried to get up to go help Godzilla but she was still reeling from her sudden crash against the building, luckily for her Himawari had engulfed her body with mana to enhance her physical defense but her large body and massive wings made it hard to get up quickly and could only watch as Godzilla began to fall towards the ground.

But both Morgan and Hope caught up with Godzilla's body and grabbed hold of his head, Morgan deciding to do something crazy to help Godzilla suddenly yelled out "Ddraig! Prepare the I am Ironman protocol!".

Ddraig got to work immediately and got the protocol ready but then he noticed what it entail and widen his eyes in shock {Morgan! This should be impossible! How were you able to create this technique!}.

Morgan grinned and then responded, "Dad and uncle Harry helped me with all the calculations, dad gave me all of his blueprints and Uncle Harry modified the Boosted Gear, I wouldn't have been able to do this on my one! Now activate it!".

Ddraig chuckled, now it made sense how Morgan was able to create this, those two really spoil Morgan too much {All right! activating protocol!}.

Suddenly as Godzilla's body began to pick up speed, he was engulfed by a massive crimson light, and then with a roar two massive crimson-colored mechanical wings spread out of the light, and Godzilla then shot up toward the sky.

The crimson light dissipated and Godzilla was now seen wearing a crimson red armor covering most of his body except his fins and face which were free.


The Monarch team had finally arrived at where Maddie was hiding and everyone got her out of the house quickly and into the hummer, they had taken to get to Mark and Emma's old home faster.

Once they all got inside the big hummer they all took off to get out of the area but gaped as they watched Ghidorah lift Godzilla into the sky and then drop him into the city.

All of them got worried, not only for the girls but also for themselves since Godzilla's massive body colliding against the ground from such a height would undoubtedly cause massive destruction.

But to their shock, they watched as Godzilla was suddenly engulfed in a bright crimson light and emerged fully armored in a crimson and rather futuristic-looking full-body armor.

What shocked them the most was the massive mechanical wings that spread behind Godzilla and easily lifted him into the air where he shot up at high speed toward Ghidorah who roared in rage.

Dr. Serizawa watched with wide eyes full of awe "He looks like a dragon and a mecha now... amazing".

Everyone nodded in agreement and Maddie who was watching intently as Godzilla slammed against Ghidorah while his new mechanical wings began to fire massive orbs of crimson and black energy into Ghidorah's body, could only say two words "So cool!".

Marks then immediately snapped out of it and began to drive toward the pickup point so they could leave "We need to get out here otherwise the girls won't be able to go all out".

Everyone 'except Maddie and Emma nodded in agreement as Mark began to race through the streets to get out of the city as fast as possible.

Ilene then spoke aloud "Himawari? Can you hear me?".


Himawari who watched as Morgan somehow just gave Godzilla her Balance Breaker armor to fight Ghidorah, suddenly twitch when she heard Ilene's voice in her head {Huh? Ilene?}.

Mothra immediately straightens herself on the ground and with one massive flap of her wings she took off flying towards Godzilla to help him, meanwhile, Ilene spoke to Himawari {Yes it's me! We got Maddie with us now so you can all go all out now!}.

Himawari smiled and she helped Mothra pick up more speed by casting Hastaga on the motherly titan's body {Gotcha! I'll let Hope and Morgan know, thank you!}.


Ilene smiled as she watched Mothra take off at an impressive speed and head towards the airborne battle between Godzilla and Ghidorah.

Soon they reach their transport and everyone got on quickly, however, Emma stared at the ORCA for a long minute and then made the decision to destroy it, she raised it above her head and then slammed it against the ground, and began to step on it.

The sudden noise alerted everyone who turned around to see what had made that noise, only to be very surprised when they saw Emma destroy the ORCA which made Maddie very Happy.

Emma then turned towards everyone "This thing is too dangerous and... it has caused to many tragedies already".

Everyone was happy for Emma having made that decision on her own and nodded, with that done everyone boarded their transport which immediately took off and headed away from the city while everyone watched the battle continue on.


Morgan, Hope, and Godzilla were blasting Ghidorah with everything they had, the three-headed dragon unable to take the pain and the massive damage on his body began to free fall towards the ground.

Mothra who had reached Godzilla's height began to glow with white light while Himawari began to cast a magic spell "'Holy!'".

A massive beam of light came down from the heavens and hit Ghidorah as he fell down towards the ground, the spell caused even more damage to the three-headed dragon as it roared in pain and continued to fall down until it crashed loudly on the ground destroying everything around him.

Himawari then projected her voice with magic to Morgan and Hope "Mark found his daughter! He and the rest of the guys are already leaving! We can go all out, guys!."

Both Morgan and Hope nodded and then smiled at each other, Morgan then spoke "Let's hit him with a combo attack!".

Hope nodded and then Godzilla roared letting them know that he wants a piece of the action, both girls smiled and pointed their opened palms towards the front of Godzilla's snout and began to gather their energies together.

Morgan's dragonic energy and Hope's Cosmic Fire began to coalesce into a massive orb of energy, Godzilla watched this happen before his eyes fired its own Atomic Breath into the mix.

All three of these energies mixed and gathered into a big and highly condensed black orb of energy with a blue outline of energy around it, Morgan then turned towards Himawari "Hima! Pin him down! Make sure he can dodge this!".

Himawari nodded and then did a hand sign while creating a bunch of small portals around her with Space Magic, suddenly a bunch of golden chakra chains shot out of her back and went through the portals.

This was another gift from her uncle Harry, her heritage he had told her, a technique only available to the Uzumaki and one that was feared by even the Bijuu, the Adamantine Sealing Chains.

These chains made by the user's chakra had the ability to seal the energy of the target, her uncle had modified this technique so it can seal any sort of ability or energy before he even gave it to her, and right now she was going to use it to make sure Ghidorah dies.

The Chakra chains flew threw the portals which had also opened all around Ghidorah who was trying to recover from its fall and the damage from Himawari's holy light spell when he was suddenly wrapped around by the Chakra chains.

Ghidorah immediately felt his inner lightning shut off and his regeneration stopped working, it roared in pain and anger as it looked up and watched as his nemesis created a massive ball of condensed energy above him.

He roared and shooked his body as hard as he could but no matter what he did he couldn't brake or shake off the chains wrapped around his body and could only continue to roar in fury.

Morgan, Hope, and Godzilla finished preparing their final attack, Hope turned towards Morgan and smiled "This is going to be a big one!".

Morgan grinned and nodded "Yeah! It's going to be great!".

Both girls looked forward and glared at Ghidorah and then roared along with Godzilla who felt them get ready, as the three of them roared the massive black with a blue outline orb of energy flew down toward Ghidorah at high-speed.

Ghidorah began to desperately shake and bite off the chains but nothing worked and eventually, he was hit by the massive orb of energy which instantly detonated.

Himawari raised a barrier around everyone to protect them from the blast a second before the orb explode but when it did, there was only silence and then a bright flash of light that lit up and cleared the sky.

Then came the loud boom, the explosion could be seen even from a far distance and the earth seemed to shake from the force behind it.


Dr. Serizawa, Ilene, and the rest of the Monarch team watched the massive explosion inside their transport, luckily by then, they were very far away from the city.

Still, they were awestruck by the power displayed by the three little girls who had appeared out of nowhere to help them.

At first, they didn't really take them seriously about everything they told them but after seeing them fight with Godzilla and Mothra they couldn't deny the fact that these three girls were in fact supernatural beings from another world.

But they were glad they had been here to help them otherwise they don't know what would have happened to them and as they watched the explosion subside they decided to go back and picked them up.


After the explosion subsided and everything calmed down both Mothra and Godzilla landed on the ground, Godzilla's armor disappeared in a flash of crimson energy as he roared in victory.

Mothra not able to sense Ghidorah's energy anymore also began to chirp loudly in victory while Morgan, Hope, and Himawari sat on the heads of the titans and smiled!

Morgan looked up at the clear blue sky and smiled "That was fun right Hope!".

Hope turned towards Morgan and gave her a small soft smile "Yes, it's funny... back when I was just the Phoenix Force I never would have imagined that I would have this much fun fighting giant monsters but I think it was fun because I did it with my friends... I wonder if this is how daddy feels when he goes on adventures with my moms?".

Morgan grinned at Hope "I think so, I had fun experiencing this with you and Hima, plus we made new friends and uncle Harry said that that's always the best part of going on new adventures".

Both girls smiled at each other and then patted Godzilla on his head which made him softly growled it seems that both girls have gained the respect of and care from the old titan.

Himawari petted Mothra who in turn chirped softly enjoying the small show of affection, the young Uzumaki then hummed for a second and then said "Hey Mothra? Would you like to be my familiar?".


Meanwhile, the rest of the titans had begun to arrive around Godzilla, Mothra, and the girls, Godzilla looked around as Hope, Morgan, and Himawari stared at the titans, who began to bow one by one.

Even Rodan who had finally woken up landed in front of Godzilla and also bowed to him, Godzilla then let out an earth-shaking roar that echoed throughout the entire destroyed city while the girls cheered loudly for the king.

In the air transport Mark, Dr. Serizawa, Ilene, Emma, Maddie, and the Monarch team watched in awe as Godzilla roared letting the entire world know of his presence.


A few days later, Monarch was kept very busy monitoring the movements of the now awaken titans and Godzilla.

The titans had all moved to Skull Island however no one knew why, though many speculated that it was because the area had a similar environment to what earth was many millennia ago.

Godzilla went back to the sea and hasn't been seen since, though a day after his battle against Ghidorah there was a bright flash of red light somewhere in the Pacific.

No one knew what it was and the fact that Godzilla's roar was heard is the only indication that the titan was involved in whatever had happened.

Mothra went back to China and hasn't been seen since, when asked Ilene would only giggle and say she didn't know where she was, Ilene then disappeared not to long after.

Dr. Serizawa also has disappeared leaving Mark in charge of Monarch, no one knew where he had disappeared to or why he choose to retire.

The government, however, knew that some of his closest friends knew the answers to those questions but when asked they would just grin and just leave saying "He went to experience things out of this world.

The involvement of Hope Potter, Morgan Stark, and Himawari Uzumaki was kept a secret only known to Monarch who would forever be thankful for these three little girls who came into their world to lend a hand.


Back in their original world, the girls were telling everything they had done to their mothers who listened intently as their daughters told them about their adventure in another world and the giant monster fight they had.

Jean smiled and hugged Hope tightly, she was glad her daughter had such a fun experience and was able to make new friends outside of family members.

Pepper just giggled in amusement as Morgan excitedly spoke about Godzilla and how she had kicked the butt of a three-headed dragon with him, she certainly is her father's daughter with the way she so casually spoke of all the super cool attacks she pulled off.

Hinata smiled and stared at her daughter with pride as she excitedly told her how she fought with her new friend Mothra and all the spells she was able to try out during the battle, the way she spoke about having used her spells reminded her of how Naruto would get so excited about mastering a new Jutsu.

It's been a few days since the girls had returned with so many surprises and visitors, so Hope, Morgan, and Himawari had been a bit busy since, when they returned from their trip to the world of titans, Hinata had been amused when Himawari had summoned Mothra right in their backyard showing her off to Boruto and herself on a morning.

Naruto had almost gotten a heart attack when he woke up and looked out the window only to see a massive moth in their backyard with his children on its head laughing and having fun.

Since then Mothra had moved into the forest of death where she rest, Himawari is always visiting and spending time with her.

Hope and Morgan with the help of Pepper and Jean helped the new arrivals to this world get set up in Kyoto.

Ilene and Dr. Serizawa had come with the girls to live in their world and had moved to Neo Kyoto where they work with Hagrid, helping him catalog and care for the many types of monsters tamed by the Monster Tamers of the Tamer's Guild.

They quickly befriended everyone and were fully and wholeheartedly accepted by the Yokai, Yasaka even personally welcomed them into Kyoto.

As for the King of Monsters himself, he made a pact with Morgan and became her familiar, Morgan now often summons her new friend in the wide training area under the house to spend time with him

It seems that not even Godzilla was able to resist Morgan's kind and friendly demeanor, now this little girl had a titan wrapped around her little finger just as she has the Avengers, her parents, and a Dragon God.


In Death's domain, Death herself had been watching over the girls with her friend Lily Potter, needless to say, they had fun watching the girl's battle with a three-headed dragon was exciting plus their shenanigans had them laughing.

Though Lily felt bad for the poor humans the girls interacted with, their lives will be forever changed not that any of them minded, especially Dr. Serizawa and Ilene but still, these humans will never see things the same way again.

Lily giggled and then spoke, "Wow, that got very hectic very fast but the girls handled everything quite well, I'm impressed with their abilities as well".

Death nodded and smiled watching the girls speak with their mothers "Yes, I'm certainly proud of them, they remind me a lot of little Harry when he would cause a lot of chaos in other worlds but this was a good experience for them, I wonder where will they choose to go next?".

Lily nodded and turned to look at the girls "Who knows, but at least I can tell you that wherever it is it's going to be very fun".

Death smiled at the girls as they continued to cheerfully speak with their mothers, she can't wait to see where they go next and what sort of adventures they'll have.