Chapter 4

In a quiet town in the state of Maine, we see both Morgan and Hope walking around and looking for something, it was a very rainy day and both of them were wearing raincoats, Morgan's was crimson red while Hope's was green.

Soon they saw a boy wearing a yellow raincoat run to the edge of the sidewalk and put a paper boat into the running water and watch it ride the water stream, both girls immediately followed the young boy as he began to run after his paper boat.

The boy ran after his paper-made boat while laughing and having a lot of fun until he saw that it was heading into the sewer "Oh no!".

He ran after it hoping to catch it but it seemed like it was too late, when he saw that the paper boat reached the sewer he stopped and watched sadly however his eyes widen in surprise when he saw his paper boat suddenly stop and slowly float up to him, he gaped in awe as he watched his paper boat floating to in the air until it reached him.

The boy stared at his paper boat for a few seconds in awe as it stayed in the air lazily floating, until he reached up to it and grabbed it.

The paper boat stopped floating and the boy widely smiled "So cool! I have to tell Bill what just happened!".

With that said the boy left running towards his home not knowing that his life was just saved for right inside the sewer was a being of pure evil glaring at his retreating back.

The being growled, it was hungry, and right now he just missed a meal, it was about to leave when he suddenly heard a giggle making it look around but he didn't see anything right away.

It narrowed its eyes in confusion and turned around to leave when it heard another giggle this time very close to him, the being turned around and saw a very small redhead girl wearing a green raincoat looking up at him.

The being suddenly began to sweat but it didn't know why, for some reason, it felt like it was in danger, the girl tilted her head and then spoke "Hey Mr. Clown! How about you tell me a joke?!".

The being stared at the little girl and frowned, all of this is very strange, in all the millennia it has been alive it has never had something like this happen to it but a meal was a meal and even though it was still somewhat anxious for some reason he decided to play along "Hoho! A joke? I'm afraid I don't have one little girl, but how about a ballon? It floats! I-".

The being was interrupted when the little girl suddenly spoke up again "Oh~ a balloon!? Can it be green? Like an emerald? My dad's eyes are green so it's my favorite color!".

The clown sweatdropped but decided to continue the game "Err.. yes why not! I have green ballons! I have all kinds of colors now why do-".

He was interrupted one more time "You have more! Can I get one for my best friend!? Her name is Morgan and she likes the color red! She's a dragon you know?".

The being's eye twitch in annoyance but nodded "Yes of course! I have more than enough for you and your fri- wait... Did you just say that your friend is a dragon?".

The little girl nodded and brightly smiled "Yup~ as a matter of fact, she's right behind you".

It narrowed its eyes and turned around only to slightly jump when it saw another little girl, this one was wearing a bright red raincoat and the little girl raised a hand and cheerfully waved "Hi~".

Now, this was getting a little weird for this being, it didn't question it at first but why were little girls playing around in the sewer? This was all very suspicious, the little girl with the red raincoat suddenly spoke "I want a crimson red balloon!".

The being turned around towards the other little girl who waved at them, for some reason it felt like it was the pray here and it was surrounded, it definitely didn't like the feeling "You know what? Perhaps another time! I have a prior engagement to go to today".

The little girl wearing the red raincoat tilted her head and the being was able to see her black hair under the hood of her raincoat "Oh~is it a birthday party? Oh! Oh! Maybe you work for the circus!".

The being not wanting to be around these creepy little girls nodded and forcibly smiled "Ah yes! A circus, that's right I work for the circus!".

The little girl nodded but then the one wearing the green raincoat spoke next "Aw~ but I wanted to see if you can make us float like you did to all the other kids...".

The being jumped at the sudden change in the little girl's voice and turned around only to step back when he saw two orange glowing eyes under the hood of her green raincoat, the being was suddenly filled with a sense of terror it has never felt before "I don't know what you mean...".

The other girl behind them then spoke "What's wrong Mr. Clown? Can't do anything when two children aren't afraid of you?".

Now the being was beginning to panic, these two little girls knew what it was and its weakness but it has never seen these girls before and it has never let any kid escape so they couldn't be the children of any survivors... just what's going?.

The begin began to feel cornered and like all animals when cornered it lashed out but unlucky for him when it tried to attack the little girl with the red raincoat he was suddenly hit by a giant metal fist, the only thing the being heard before it was sent flying, was the little girl suddenly yell "Hulk Smash!".

The little girl with the green raincoat sidestepped and dodged the clown projectile which flew past her and then crashed against a wall of the sewer, the little girl turn her head towards the other one "Morgan couldn't you hit that thing with something else? Now we have to walk towards it...".

Morgan sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of her head "Sorry Hope but I wanted to punch that clown in the face so much that I couldn't help myself~".

Hope sighed and shook her head but smiled at her sister in all but blood "Well let's go and find that clown, I must admit that I want to burn his face off myself".

Morgan nodded and then happily skipped her way toward where the clown had flown while Hope followed her close behind.


The being was on the floor in pain and agony, it didn't know what that little girl hit it with but it had hurt a lot! Not just physically but had somehow damaged its spiritual self and that caused pure agony to shoot through its entire body.

The being growled in frustration, it just didn't know what to do, these two little girls didn't have any fears, or rather it can't sense any kind of fear in them at all, it was impossible! All kids fear something but these too just didn't have any.

It suddenly flinched as it heard a giggle, it looked up and saw the little girl wearing the red raincoat skip toward him while the other little followed her close behind.

The little girl stopped right in front of the being and looked down at it "Well Mr. Clown! I really don't like you so I'm going to tear your legs off~ don't mind me okay?!".

The being gaped at the little girl and gulped, the other one walked up to the side of the other girl and raised an open palm which then lit up in a fierce-looking red flame that just made the being widen its eyes in pure unadulterated terror.

The being knew what those flames were and it began to howl and cry like a wild animal as it watched the little girl approach it with her flames brightly burning in her hand "Good! You're afraid, I'll make you feel what you made those poor children suffer from...".

The little town of Derry in the state of Maine was suddenly alerted as screams of agonizing pain echoed throughout the neighborhood, the police were called but by the time they arrived the screams had stopped.

No one knew where they come from but soon everyone forgot about it, no one would know but the children of this quiet little town had been saved from a being so evil and vile that loved to prey on children.

They will never know that two little but very powerful girls had killed this creature and thus saved them all but perhaps that was for the best, they certainly weren't ready to meet these little girls and the kind of chaos they bring wherever they go.


Both Pepper and Tony were sitting in the living room drinking some coffee, after having spent a few days with the boys on the Mecha and in the Natural Dungeon collecting materials Tony decided to spend some time with his family, just yesterday he spent a whole evening watching movies with both Morgan and Pepper along with Hope who's always with his daughter.

Pepper sipped her coffee and sighed "... Tony?".

Tony who was reading the newspaper turned towards his wife "Hm? What's up Pepper?".

Pepper put down her cup of coffee "Do you really think it was a good idea to show the girls a scary movie? Especially one so scary like IT?".

Tony put down his newspaper and hummed "Well they seemed fine watching it yesterday, in fact, the only one screaming and hiding behind the couch was you, Pepper".

Pepper blushed and glared at Tony who chuckled and raised his hands in surrender "It really is a very scary movie, Tony!".

Tony chuckled again "I know, I know! but the girls didn't seem scared, and besides, they spend their time with Dragons, Yokai, Devils, and all sorts of real supernatural beings, a clown creature is just a Monday for them".

Pepper sweatdropped but Tony's words certainly made sense and when she really thought about it after spending so much time with supernatural beings she really should be more used to that sort of thing.

Still, a demonic clown that eats children is very creepy and she was worried about the girls being affected by it "Okay... you do make a good point, it's just the girls left this morning with an odd look on their faces and I couldn't help but be worried about them".

Tony raised an eyebrow "An odd look on their faces? How so?".

Pepper closed her eyes and scrunched up her face in thought "Well they sort of looked like Harry when he was heading on a mission or you when you found out that Thanos was on his way to earth".

Tony was now really curious "Ah! So the 'this is serious and I'm about to open a whole can of whoop ass' face...".

Pepper rolled her eyes and slapped Tony on his arm "Tony this is serious! I know the girls are very powerful but they could still get in a lot of trouble, especially with your and Harry's bad influence!".

Tony gasped and grabbed his chest as if in pain "Pepper! How could you say that!? Me and Harry are the best kind of influence! It's why the girls are such cool and powerful mini us!".

Pepper huffed and shook her head "Right... whatever helps you and Harry sleep at night, meanwhile, I'll be the responsible parent then".

The look of betrayal Tony gave her almost made her laugh.


Meanwhile, in the My Hero Academia world, Harry was taking Eri to a close by park so she could play and spend some time outside when he suddenly sneeze "What the?... Why do I feel like someone is speaking ill of me again! Who would dare!?".

Eri giggled at her daddy's silliness but was still worried about her daddy "Are you okay daddy? Are you getting sick? Maybe we should go home and let mommy Luna and Susan take care of you!".

Harry chuckled and gently patted Eri's head "Nah, I'm alright sweetie someone is just talking about me but thank you for worrying about me".

Eri brightly smiled and nodded, and both father and daughter continued walking towards the park.


Tony was staring at his wife in betrayal while Pepper just grinned at him, suddenly the door to the living room slammed open and both Morgan and Hope walked in while still wearing their raincoats.

What had Pepper worried and Tony raising an eyebrow was the blood they were dripping all over the floor, Hela came into the living and took the girl's raincoats, and took them outside to wash them, she didn't even ask where the blood came from.

Pepper however was worried enough to ask her daughter why she was covered and dripping blood everywhere "... Morgan sweetie?".

Morgan turned around and immediately smiled and waved at her mom "Yes mom?".

Pepper stared at her daughter who seemed to be okay and quite energetic "Errr... why were you and Hope covered in blood?".

Morgan smiled and then excitedly ran towards Pepper who hugged her daughter, while Hope walked up to one of the couches and sat down on it, Morgan then began to explain, "Hope and I went to go kill that stupid clown from last night's movie!".

Tony stared at his daughter in confusion while Pepper sighed "You and Hope went to kill IT... the clown who happens to be some sort of eldritch abomination that feeds on fear and children... why?".

Morgan just grinned at her mother while Hope was the one who explained "Well... we really didn't like that clown so when Morgan said that she felt like punching it in his big stupid face, I got the idea to go world jump to its world and kill it!".

Both Tony and Pepper sweatdropped at the fact that their daughter's first response to an evil and monstrous clown was to punch it in its face, Morgan just grinned and fist pumped in victory "I ripped his legs off! and Ddraig found it funny~".

Ddraig suddenly appeared in a flash of red light in his chibi form and laid on Morgan's shoulders while chuckling "Watching that stupid clown try to run away only to realize that it can't because Morgan had taken its legs away was funny!".

Hope smiled "Then to make sure it wouldn't hurt any more children I burn him away with Cosmic Fire, I made sure to even burn its spiritual form to make sure it wouldn't come back, it screamed like a girl...".

Tony laughed while Pepper tiredly sighed it seems like both Morgan and Hope were completely corrupted by Harry's way of doing things, Pepper shook her head "...Now I kind of feel bad for Pennywise.."

Tony gave his daughter a pat on her head which got him a big smile from her "Good job kiddo! No one really likes that clown anyways!".

Hela came back with a mop and began to clean the floor of all the blood the girls dripped all over it though she didn't look like she minded, in fact, she was happily humming a song as she mopped.

Pepper felt a little bad though, Hela and Sakuyamon have always taken care of the house and that's a big job taking into account just how many people live in the Potter household "Sorry about that Hela, and thank you for cleaning the girl's messes".

Hela stopped moping and smiled at Pepper "Oh~ I don't mind, but your very welcome, and besides the girls seemed very excited about taking down such a monster, I remember the first monster I ever killed! There were blood and intestines everywhere!".

The girls seemed very interested in Hela's first time killing a monster and began to ask her about it, Pepper couldn't help but sweatdrop at all of this "... Is it wrong for me to be used to this sort of conversation? I feel like I stopped being normal a long time ago...".

Tony grinned at his wife and then shrugged "Meh I accepted the fact that my life was never going to be normal after the fight in New York and Harry showing up".

Pepper sighed but then smiled as she watched both Morgan and Hope described to Hela how Pennywise the clown, one of the most iconic characters in the horror genre, cried and beg for mercy "Well I supposed if they're having fun then that's all that really matters".

Tony smiled at his wife and nodded while he listened to his daughter explained how she had Hulk Punched the clown, he couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.


Two days later Morgan was sitting on her desk in her room, in her eyes sat a set of high-tech glasses which she was using to create a few new programs in the Boosted Gear, she had asked Himawari to introduce her to a couple of strong shinobi from her village in order to create a few new techniques.

Her most recent fight had shown her that she needs a bit more variety, so she wanted a few elemental techniques in her arsenal, she only had the lightning technique Thor's Hammer after all and that wasn't enough.

So Himawari took her to meet with Kakashi who was more than happy to show off to Morgan all the kinds of jutsu he had copied over the years, Morgan was interested in some of his fire, water, and earth techniques which she had already programmed and modified into the Boosted.

Himawari then took her to meet with Shikamaru who decided to show her a few shadow-style jutsu and explain how they work which Morgan thought were very useful and cool, Shikamaru then made the mistake of challenging Morgan to a match of Shogi and lost quite badly.

But he just chuckled and praised her for her win, it was here where Morgan met Temari who was instantly taken by Morgan's cuteness and demanded Shikamaru for a daughter, the Nara clan head barely escaped in time.

But Temari also showed Morgan a few wind-style jutsu much to the little girl's happiness, Himawari then took her to her daddy Naruto's officer.

The seventh Hokage was also more than happy to show Morgan a few jutsu he thought were cool and even showed her a few that belongs to the Pervy Sage.

After that the girls went to Hinata and asked if she could show them some of her jutsu, Hinata smiled and decided to show off a little and showed Morgan her Twin Lion Step.

Which was what morgan was programming in her Boosted Gear right now, she was in the middle of modifying it when Hope stepped into Morgan's room and threw herself into her bed "Morgan~ I'm bored...".

Morgan giggled at her friend's antics, most of the time Hope was a very serious and mature girl but she would show this side of herself to only Harry, Jean, and Morgan, something that always brings a giggle out of her "There's nothing on TV?".

Hope sighed "Not really, we have so many channels but there's nothing to watch when you're really bored and everyone is busy with their projects... I miss daddy, he always plays with us".

Morgan nodded, she too was missing her uncle Harry but she knew that whatever her uncle was doing it must be important plus he does deserve his vacation, still, she had a bored Hope to deal with "Well I'm almost done, so we can do something afterward okay?".

Hope smiled and sat up to watch Morgan work on her Boosted Gear, it always amazes her to see her best friend work on her Sacred Gear, Morgan is a bit childish and tends to be a bit silly sometimes but in moments like this, she shows just how smart and talented she is.

Suddenly Asia stepped into Morgan's room "Morgan are you bus- oh! Hi Hope! Weren't you watching TV in the living room a few minutes ago?".

Hope smiled at Asia and immediately got off the bed to hug her "Yeah but there was nothing to watch! We have so many channels but there's nothing interesting going on!".

Asia giggled and Morgan was then done, she smiled at the Boosted Gear and then sent it back to her soul, she then focused inwardly and heard Ddraig snoring loudly which made her giggle, and decide to ask him to check the new techniques later.

Morgan then got up and ran towards Asia and tackled hugged her to the ground along with Hope and began to rub her cheek on Asia's like a cat making both Hope and Asia giggle at their friend.

As always Asia is the catnip for dragons it seems, a few seconds later they all got up and Morgan brightly smiled at Asia "What did you need Asia? You were going to ask me for something right!?".

Asia softly smiled when she saw Morgan's excitement and nodded "Well Tsunade-sensei gave me the day off and I wanted to see if you girls wanted to hang out with me?".

Both Morgan and Hope fist-pumped and cheered at the chance of hanging out with Asia which in turn made her blush, still, she felt very happy that they wanted to hang out with her.

Morgan then stood up and twirled "Hey how about we go visit a new world?".

Asia tilted her head in confusion but Hope excitedly nodded "Oh~ how about we go to that world with big mushrooms and turtles? That world seemed like a lot of fun to explore!".

Asia not understanding what the girls were talking about, decided to ask "World? What do you girls mean?".

Morgan brightly smiled "Oh! I guess you don't know! Hope and I can world jump like uncle Harry! we have been watching some different worlds to pick which one we want to visit~ a couple of days ago we saw this interesting world where there were these giant mushrooms and talking turtles and a very pretty princess!".

Asia smiled at Morgan's excitement as she described one of the worlds she's interested in visiting, Asia was also very surprised that both Morgan and hope can now world jump like Harry but she knows how strong they are and she's well aware that they can handle anything "That all sounds very fun! I'm curious about this giant mushrooms you keep talking about".

Morgan grinned at Asia while Hope smiled and then said "It seems that whole world's theme is mushrooms. We saw some smaller mushrooms with faces! They look very cute!".

Asia giggled and was curious about these mushrooms with faces that Hope just mentioned "Well then let's go and visit this world! I've always wanted to go explore something new with friends!".

Both Hope and Morgan happily nodded to Asia and opened their World Jump system and clicked on the tab of worlds they had already chosen to visit, there was already a small list of worlds picked but they ignored those and immediately initiated the World Jump.

Both quickly grabbed onto Asia's hand as the world around them began to crack like glass and then shattered, Morgan's room was now left empty as the girls left their world for a new adventure.


In an open field filled with green life, floating blocks and weird creatures the air suddenly cracked like glass and shattered, revealing the three girls who immediately began to look around in curiosity.

Morgan grinned and immediately ran towards a flashing block and stare at it for a long second "Hmm... those little mushroom people hit the block underneath it in order to get what's inside right Hope?".

Hope and Asia walked towards Morgan and looked up to the block as well, Hope nodded "Yeah, I think that time we saw the mushroom people do it they got some gold coins out of it".

Asia stared at the block and scrunched up her face in confusion "Eh? Really? How does that even work?".

Morgan shrugged because she had no idea how it worked but Hope seemed to have an idea since she crossed her arms and looked up at the block "Well when we watched the mushroom people get all the coins out of a block, it then turned blank, a few hours later it began to glow again but this time when the mushroom people came back to hit it again it had fewer coins, so my guess is that these blocks are some kind of after effect of this planet's magical force leaking into the air, there's a lot of mana in this world, almost as much as in the Natural Dungeon".

Asia nodded and hummed while Morgan scrunched up her brow "So this planet is hyper-aware? and it's constantly creating these blocks and filling them with things as well? That might explain why some areas have a lot of these blocks while others don't, the mana might be far more dense in those areas allowing for more blocks to be created and far more items to pop out of them".

Hope smiled as Morgan once again showed that she's a Stark, Asia tilted her head and then said "Ah so maybe this world has far more Leylines than Neo Kyoto.. now that you mentioned it I can feel a lot of mana in the air as well, I wonder if there's even more Natural Energy as too? Yasaka once told me that Natural Energy can do a lot of crazy things".

Both Morgan and Hope nodded having heard the same from the wise nine-tailed fox, now looking around they could see that perhaps Natural Energy was a major culprit, wildlife seems pretty abundant in this world, and everywhere they looked seemed full of life, they even saw some sort of plant with a big red polka dotted head come out of a pipe and give them a big smiled before going back into the pipe.

Morgan giggled at the strange plant and then hopped to punch the block like she had seen the mushrooms people do, the block made an odd sound which made both Asia and Hope look up and watch as a big red polka-dotted mushroom with a face pop out of it.

Morgan caught it as it fell from the block and held it against her chest "Look, look! See Asia? It has a little face!".

Asia stared at the mushrooms and giggled, calling it a face might be too much since the mushrooms only had two dots that seemed to be its eyes but to Morgan, it might as well be a face "Yes, and your right! It looks very cute but what do you do with it?".

Both Hope and Morgan turned to look at each other and hummed, Morgan looked down at the mushroom "Toast it and then eat it? I think I can breathe some fire on it".

Asia saw the mushroom actually sweatdropped which made her giggle in amusement, Hope shook her head "Hmm but we don't know what sort of effect it could have, daddy always tells us not to eat strange stuff... though in hindsight he really shouldn't be the one to say that us...".

Hope sweatdropped because even though her daddy told her not to eat anything strange, it was he who ate the Infinite Stones like they were candy.

Morgan nodded "Yeah... Mom got mad at me when I took a bite out of one of the blue slimes that dad brought out of the Natural Dungeon for study...".

Asia sweatdropped, she had heard of that story from Gabriel, it happened when Morgan had just arrived in their world, Tony grew a bit curious about the little blue slimes and how they actually function so he brought a few to the house to study and scan.

Morgan had seen one and picked it up, she then to the surprise of everyone took a bite out of the poor slime's little pointy top, the blue slime actually began to curse something fierce which actually got Tony even more curious about how a little glob of slime could be sentient enough to actually speak.

Lucky for the little slime Morgan didn't like the taste and let go of it with a grimace on her face, Hope giggled at the mention of that incident she still remembers that day and laughs about it sometimes.

Morgan pouted at Hope "Hey! It's not funny... I thought it would taste like blueberry or something!".

Hope stop giggling and smiled at her friend "How about we go look for a town, or that big castle we saw when we were checking out this world? I'm sure someone there knows what to do with the mushroom and what it does".

Morgan's face lit up and brightly smiled at Hope, she then began to vigorously nod "Yes! Let's go~ there was a lot of cool stuff in that castle and town we saw! Plus I want to meet a mushroom person!".

Hope nodded and Asia smiled, Morgan then put the big mushroom in her Boosted Gear inventory and together the three girls began to walk in one direction hoping to find a town or the castle.

As they walked and looked around at everything they were enraptured by the beauty and tranquility of this world, sure there were some really weird creatures and monsters around but they were very weak.

Morgan did try to speak with one of the brown mushroom-like monsters with the mean face they found but the creature ignored her and jumped up, it then landed head-first on top of Morgan's head.

Which did absolutely nothing besides making the creature drop on the floor unconscious Morgan just scratched the top of her head in confusion "Was that supposed to be an attack?".

Hope took out a stick and then poked the creature but it only twitched its foot a bit every time Hope poked it "Hmm I think so... but a headbutt is really not an ideal way to attack, it hurts a lot to slam your head against someone's or something else's".

Morgan nodded as she looked down at the creature, Asia hummed "Well... it's not like it can attack any other way right? I thought it looked rather cute jumping like that to headbutt Morgan".

Morgan grinned at Asia while Hope looked up at her with a smile on her face, Morgan then looked back at the creature for a long second "I don't know why but... I kinda want to step on it".

Hope raised an eyebrow at her friend while Asia looked at Morgan in curiosity and then asked "Why?".

Morgan shrugged "I don't really know, all my instincts are telling me to step on it, well all my dragonic instincts but meh".

Hope stood up and looked at the creature for a little bit, she knew that dragons had a very special kind of instinct that tells them the best way to take down an enemy, her daddy had explained it as a sort of feeling or echo in their minds that makes them aware of possible weaknesses on their enemies.

So wanting to know if Morgan's instincts were correct she stepped on the creature which popped into a shower of multicolored stars and dropped two golden coins.

Morgan stared "...".

Hope stared as well "...".

Asia looked at the golden coins and then nervously said "Well... monsters in the Natural Dungeon drop money and loot when defeated so it makes sense this happens here too right?".

Hope picked up the gold coins and intently inspected them, Morgan looked around and noticed a group of more of those brown mushroom-like creatures and maliciously grinned.

The creatures noticed her look and actually jumped in fright and began to shake, Asia felt a little bad for the creatures because Morgan immediately pounce on them and began to jump on their head to get more Loot.

But monster hunting is a family tradition in the Potter family so she wasn't going to say anything to Morgan, she then turned towards another creature and gave it a bright smile "I'm very sorry Mr. monster".

The brown mushroom-like creature just gaped as Asia hopped a bit and the last thing it saw was her shoe approach its face before darkness.

Hope sweatdropped as she watched both Asia and Morgan slaughter all the creatures with smiles on their faces {... I'll blame daddy for this}.

She then looked around and saw a hill made of blocks a fair distance away, she then approached it and began to climb it hopping from block to block until she reached the top and took a look around.

She saw more glowing blocks, more of those brown mushroom-like creatures, and even some turtles wearing sneakers walking around, eventually, a big distance away she saw the castle she and Morgan saw in the World Viewer when they were checking this world out.

She brightly smiled and fist pumped, so far this world has been fun, and now with a destination in mind, the adventure can really begin, what awaits the girls in this magical world?