Chapter 14

After their flashy introduction, the girls then proceeded to tell Sherry about them and what they could do, at first Sherry was a bit surprised even a little shocked upon hearing that the girls weren't even human, to begin with, or at least not human in a traditional way.

But that did explain everything she has seen them do, and the way they act even when all kinds of things keep popping out everywhere, while everyone looked around the parking garage building the girls spoke to Sherry and told her even more.

Sherry had even been more surprised when Morgan began to tell her how they came from another world and they were going on adventures to learn and experience what someone called Harry Potter went through.

Hope didn't take long to explain who Harry Potter is and even when Claire found a spare police car key inside an old tin toolbox, Sherry was too distracted to even notice, as she listen to some of the adventures Hope's father had during his childhood.

Aliens, monsters, superheroes, and much more, Harry Potter seemed to have lived a dream of a life and Sherry was very interested in everything she had learned from him.

A young orphan boy who was hated by his relatives goes on a journey across dimensions and comes back as an all-powerful Dragon God! It was like a movie to Sherry.

Claire had also been listening to everything the girls were telling Sherry about Harry Potter, to Claire he just seemed like a kind and caring guy that wouldn't hesitate to do anything to keep his loved ones safe.

He reminded Claire of her brother and was glad that these amazing girls had someone like him as an example but the stories eventually had to be put on hold so they could focus on getting out of the parking garage.

So everyone began to go through every room close by hoping to find a keycard or the police car the spare key they found belonged to, this is how Sherry found herself humming a tune while a beautiful red bird roosted on her shoulder.

This bird's feathers were a beautiful crimson and yellow color and seemed to be on fire that would release a few embers around the bird and despite being a quite large bird Sherry didn't seem to struggle one bit with it roosted on her shoulder.

Not even the embers that keep flaring from its feathers were hurting Sherry who was all smiles and giggles right now which is something that made Claire smile "I can't believe Hope can really turn into a phoenix".

Morgan giggle and patted Hope on her head which made her chirp and close her eyes to enjoy it "Well she is the Phoenix Force so, of course, she can take the form of a phoenix though she can also turn into a dragon like me~".

Hope began to chirp a very pretty song which made everyone feel rather energetic and strong, however to their surprise some zombies that were roaming ahead of them suddenly burst into flames which surprised everyone a bit.

Claire gaped at what had happened while Morgan ran forward and conjured up some water to put the fires out "Phew! That was dangerous... this could have started a fire and that's not something we would want to deal with now...".

For good measure, Morgan stomped on the downed zombie's heads and then walked back to everyone who were now staring at Hope who was still roosting on Sherry's shoulder though she seemed rather smug right now.

Morgan giggled when she noticed the smugness in her best friend's demeanor "It seems like your phoenix song is strong enough to affect these zombies... it's like they're undead enough for them to have a bad reaction to holy-type skills".

Hope shrugged her wings which must have looked hilarious to Sherry and Claire because they burst out laughing.

Yuzu and Karin smiled at them happy that they were having some fun even with everything going on, Yuzu then hummed "I don't think it's holy type weapons and skills, Morgan, my quincy Bow is also holy in nature remember?".

Morgan nodded "That's right! You've been shooting zombies with quincy reishi arrows all this time and we haven't seen any zombie burst into flames...".

Yuzu nodded while Karin frowned "Maybe it's something to do with Hope? She is by far the most powerful one between us and the oldest too!".

Hope chirped in annoyance at the mention of her age which made Karin grin but she did make a point, Hope isn't a normal phoenix, to begin with so perhaps it was because of that, that her song affected these types of zombies somehow.

Claire then scratched underneath Hope's chin which made her cheerfully chirp "We should try having Hope use her song in one of those wall-crawlers".

Morgan nodded "Oh! Good idea!".

Sherry tilted her head "Wall-crawlers?".

Everyone nodded while Yuzu spoke, "You haven't seen one? They looked like a piece of uncooked meat with legs, arms, and a very long tongue".

Sherry shook her head which made Hope wobble on her shoulder a bit "No I haven't seen anything like that, I've only seen zombies and that big scary monster you guys beat up".

Claire nodded "Well let's hope you don't see one, they're very dangerous and fast so let's be careful since we have Sherry with us okay?".

Everyone nodded and Hope loudly chirped from Sherry's shoulder where she would protect her new friend for now.

This entire area was dark but thanks to Hope's flaming feathers there was plenty of light for Sherry and Claire to see while the girls went around picking everything useful they can find.

They quickly went through every open room they found in their quest to find a keycard but so far they haven't had any luck though they did find quite a few interesting places like a gun range.

But since they were in a hurry they ignore that for now and kept going until as they were walking through a dark hallway they heard a hiss and a very familiar clack of something crawling on the walls.

The girls sighed knowing what it was but Morgan laughed a little "Well speak of the devil...".

Claire smiled and shook her head "Alright Morgan you go upfront with Karin, me, and Yuzu we'll stay with Sherry and Hope and cover your backs".

Both Morgan and Karin nodded and walked up to the front of the group as it began to walk in this position, everyone was keeping close attention to any noise or indication of where the wall-crawler was.

They took a turn around a corner and began to hear the hiss and growling even closer by, Morgan noticed a door and silently approached it and placed her ear against it.

Everyone watched her as she listen closely for a few seconds before turning her head toward them and nodded letting the girls know that a wall-crawler was inside that room.

Morgan slowly and silently opened the door while Claire took out her grenade launcher and loaded a flame round.

The girls immediately saw the wall-crawler eating a corpse nearby the entrance and Claire wasted no time shooting it with a flame round, the creature caught completely off guard was blasted and engulfed in flames.

It screeched and flailed around wildly until it stopped moving and dropped dead on the ground, Morgan walked inside and through the still live flames and stomped on the wall-crawler's head to make sure it was dead.

Everyone then walked inside the room but Morgan suddenly heard something and raised a hand to stop everyone which they did, the little Stark then quietly walked around some big cages in the room and saw another wall-crawler just roaming around.

Morgan frowned and then pointed her finger at the creature and whispered "'Mini Dragon Shot...'".

The little mass of energy shoot forward from her finger at an accelerated pace and hit the wall-crawler exploding on impact, the blast was as big as a grenade but it still shook the room a bit.

Morgan sheepishly smiled as everyone deadpanned at her "Sorry?...".

Claire shook her head and smiled "It's alright, let's just be more careful we don't want to attract more creatures with that much noise okay?".

Morgan nodded and then walked back to everyone, the girls looked around but didn't find anything useful so they continue going forward and searched for more rooms.

They eventually found a morgue and began to search around, Yuzu got curious and pulled out one of the hospital beds revealing a corpse, Yuzu then noticed something poking out of the corpse's pocket.

So she reached out to grab it but stopped mid-way and hummed "...".

In a fast movement Yuzu grabbed the corpse's head and twisted it off, she watched as the corpse twitched and then stopped moving.

Yuzu smiled and then threw the zombie's head behind her and then took the key out of its pocket "There were go! No jump scares for me~".

Claire sweatdropped as she saw Yuzu cheerfully take care of that zombie, Karin giggled a bit and shook her head "Yeah... Yuzu is the type of girl who doesn't get scared easily or laughs when watching scary movies, it's certainly very weird for her to be like that but I blame Harry-nii for that one".

Claire just nodded while the rest of the girls looked around, Yuzu walked up to Claire and handed her the key she just found with a smile on her face which Claire decided to ignore.

Another zombie moved and twitched from the other side but Hope who was still riding on Sherry's shoulder flapped her wings and sent a wave of flames that turned the zombies into ash.

Claire hummed in curiosity having noticed that the flames didn't hurt Sherry at all, Morgan noticed that Claire was lost in thought and decided to approach her to ask what was she thinking about "Hey Claire! Penny for your thoughts~".

Claire giggled when Morgan literally pulled out a penny from one of the pockets of her dress and gave it to her "Oh I was just wondering why Hope's flames don't burn anything but the zombies".

Morgan nodded "Oh! That's because of the Friend and Foe tags!".

Claire raised an eyebrow "Friend and Foe tags?".

Morgan nodded "It's a spell that you applied to friends and allies, it makes it so their energy has the same wavelength as yours so your spells and techniques don't hurt them! It's the first thing they teach you in Kyoto~".

Claire nodded "Wow, that sounds very useful does that work for anything?".

Morgan smiled and nodded at Claire "Yes! Though we still have to be careful of the side effects of our spells, for example, you see how the wall behind the zombie melted right?".

Claire turned towards where the zombie Hope just incinerated once stood and noticed how the wall that was behind it had melted and turned red hot "Yeah I can see it".

Morgan nodded again and then explained, "Well that melted concrete can still hurt you or Sherry so we have to keep that kind of thing in mind when we move in groups".

Claire turned towards Morgan and patted her head "You girls are so smart being able to do all of that and still keep an eye on me and Sherry, you four are awesome".

Morgan blushed a bit but smiled brightly at Claire happy to have gotten some praise from her, soon after that the girls decided to keep going and keep an eye out for any door they could open with the key Yuzu found.

The girls ran around the path they just took to get to the morgue and looked around everywhere until they found a door locked with the same shape as the head of the key so they immediately used it to open it.

Though they did get attacked by another one of those wall-crawlers, but Yuzu pinned it down to the wall with a black reishi arrow, Karin then walk up to it and swiftly cut off its head with her zanpakutō.

There were some zombies roaming about as well but either Claire would shoot them down or Morgan would crush their heads with a punch or kick.

But they soon walked into the newly opened room and took a look around, they only found a roll of film and a red herb so they quickly left the room to continue to search for a keycard.

Eventually, they made it back to the parking lot and since they still had that car key they found they decided to look for the police car it belong to.

Karin found it rather quickly and called everyone over, Claire then opened the back door and the girls took a look inside.

Claire cheerfully smiled as she picked up the handgun they found inside the police car's back door "Oh! It's a JMB Hp3 Handgun nice~".

Everyone nodded especially Hope who chirped happily knowing that it was a great handgun to have because it can hold 13 bullets rather than the five that Claire's current gun holds.

With their new find, Claire and the girls decided to go investigate the door the stranger had come out of when he first appeared before them and see what they find there.

So they all rushed forward and immediately went through the door, as soon as they went through the open door they found some sort of magazine and after leafing through it real quick they found out who the stranger that attacked them was.

Morgan frowned and shook her head "That guy was the Chief of Police? and a hero too? That guy reeked of sin and darkness!".

Hope in her Phoenix form nodded since she'd also sensed that from the so call Chief, Claire frowned and looked down "I think Chris mentioned him before but the way he was acting wasn't at all how my big brother described him to be...".

Karin hummed "Something about all of this doesn't make any sense, why was he here in this parking garage and why did Sherry's mother send him to get her?".

Everyone turned towards Sherry who shook her head "I don't know either guys, I'm as confused as you guys are about all of this...".

The girls sighed and shook their heads, Claire nodded to herself and then spoke up "Let's keep going guys, I'm sure that we'll find out what's going on eventually".

Hope suddenly chirped and pointed with her wings at some sort of map pinned to the wall on the side where they found the magazine, Sherry turned her head and saw it when she heard Hope chirp so she walked up to the map and grabbed it.

She then walked towards Claire's and gave it to her with a smile on her face, she was certainly happy to be able to do something to help.

Claire smiled at Sherry "Thank you, Sherry, now let's have a look " Claire immediately took a look at the map and then gave it to Morgan who took a picture of it with her Smartphone and then put the map away in her Boosted Gear Inventory.

Meanwhile, Karin found another locked door so she turned towards Claire and called out to her "Claire there's another one of those weird locked doors here!".

Claire turned her head towards Karin and walked up to the door "Okay! Let's see what's inside" Claire then open the door with the key they had found and opened the room.

Inside they found some sort of mechanism and a lever, curious as to what it did Morgan immediately pulled it which made Hope squawk at her "Huh? Oh... sorry I just wanted to see what it did Hope!".

Hope who was still in her phoenix form huffed and shook her head at Morgan for not being more careful which looked rather funny to everyone else and thus couldn't help but laugh a little about the whole thing.

After calming down they took a quick look around, Yuzu checked the lockers nearby and found a shoulder stock for the grenade launcher, she took it and gave it to Claire right away "Oh! Nice find Yuzu!".

Yuzu smiled and nodded to Claire who immediately equipped it to her grenade launcher, happy with her upgraded weapon Claire and the girls quickly left to see what the lever had done once it was pulled by Morgan.

They got their answer as soon as they stepped out of the room and found that the elevator close by had been turned on, they quickly decided to take the elevator and see where it takes them.

But knowing that Irons had used it before he approached them they can already guess that the elevator lead to his office or something.

So they rode it up and once they reached the floor where the elevator stopped the doors open revealing that it was raining and quite hard, Claire looked around and noticed they were on the roof, she also noticed some kind of fire down bellow and a ladder leading down but she ignored it for now.

Hope flap her wings and created a bubble of heat and light to protect everyone from the rain and everyone gave her a pat on her head as thank you, with that done they left the elevator and quickly headed towards the door across the roof.

Once inside they followed the hallway and found a very fancy-looking office and the girls immediately went around to search everything in hopes of finding another keycard.

They found some ammo they haven't seen before and Claire told them that it was ammo for a sub-machine gun, Claire also found some very disturbing paperwork on the desk nearby "... It seems like the chief was working for the people who caused all of this to happen...".

Karin huffed "Of course he was... now the question is, what did he want with Sherry?".

Everyone stopped to think for a second before they decided to put it aside for now and keep looking around so after looking through everything they then went through an open door nearby.

Sherry got scared because of the big stuffed tiger just outside the door and screamed a little which resulted in everyone shooting, blasting, and punching the stuffed tiger until there was nothing but dust left.

Hope chirped and hugged Sherry's head with her wings since she seemed very scared right now while everyone took a big breath and shared a laugh at the fact that they had destroyed a stuffed tiger as if it had personally offended them.

After Sherry calmed down after her small jumpscare they continued on and followed the hallway leading deeper into the chief's office, once they arrived at the end of the hallway they found some sort of storage room.

They immediately spread out and looked around, the girls found a key and a keycard which unfortunately was behind some sort of security door, Morgan looked at it thinking that perhaps she could destroy but noticed that it had some sort of alarm system "I can't destroy this thing... if I do it's going to make a lot of noise and that might attract zombies or worse more of the wall-crawler monsters here".

Everyone nodded in agreement, Claire hummed and then turned towards the girls "Let's keep looking around, there has to be a way to open this door".

The girls nodded and then left the storage room and headed to the locked door they found in the fancy office and tried the key, luckily it opened the door and the girls stepped inside.

They took a look around real quick but didn't find anything and decided to head down the stairs in the room, it was pitch black inside so Claire turned on her flashlight while the girls were on high alert Sherry's vision was being illuminated by Hope's flaming plumage.

They reached the floor below and followed the hallway until they found some sort of interrogation room they went inside to take look around but all they found was a strange box and some ammo.

So they turned to leave when suddenly one of the wall-crawlers jumped through the glass in the interrogation room and headed straight to Sherry who froze.

Luckily Hope was with her and the little Potter immediately reacted, she took off Sherry's shoulder and engulfed her avian body in cosmic fire, she then rammed into the wall-crawler turning it into ash in a second.

Everyone immediately walked up to Sherry and looked her over to check if she was okay, which she was.

Sherry sighed and shook her head "That surprised me... thank goodness for Hope".

Everyone smiled and sighed in relief that Sherry was okay while Hope flew back and took her place on her now favorite spot on Sherry's shoulder, Sherry smiled at Hope who began to nuzzle her face making her giggle.

Claire smiled at them "Man.. I kinda want a phoenix now~ they're so cool and handy too!".

Hope puffed up her chest and nodded at Claire while everyone giggled in amusement, Morgan grinned "It's too bad phoenixes are so picky and rare but Hope is the best one ever!.".

Hope cheerfully chirped letting everyone know how much she agreed with Morgan's statement, after that little jumpscare the girls then decided to keep going.

They left the room and followed the hallway back upstairs, a zombie tried to grab at them from the floor but Karin quickly cut off its head and kept going, at this point zombies weren't anything out of the world for them so they didn't even slow down when they saw one.

Once they reached the fancy office again they all stopped to let Claire and Sherry catch their breath, meanwhile, Morgan took out the strange box they found in the interrogation room and inspected it.

She frowned as she noticed the big empty hole on its lid, she ran her finger around it and noticed that it seems to be a hole to fit something, noticing the small gems to the sides of the big hole reminded her of the big gen the found back in the Police station.

So with a grin on her face Morgan took the big red gem out of her Boosted Gear inventory and immediately put it into the hole on the box, she smiled when it opened, and inside she found a police badge "Cool!.".

She put the police badge in one of her dress pockets and as soon as Claire and Sherry rested enough they headed towards the floor above them.

Once upstairs they found that it was turned into some kind of attic but ignoring that detail they went around and began to open lockers and look around, they found more ammo and stuff but nothing too important, and after giving it to Morgan to hold they all went through the door close by.

Inside they found some sort of storage room, they immediately looked around and found a new kind of herb, this one was blue in color and Morgan put it away in the Boosted Gear inventory right away so her Granny Tsunade could research it later.

Meanwhile, Yuzu and Karin took care of a couple of zombies roaming about, Karin sliced one to pieces with a blast of sharp black wind while Yuzu popped the head of the other with a black Reishi arrow.

Morgan found another locked door and called out to Claire right away, both Claire and Sherry walked up to Morgan and Claire opened the door with the appropriate key.

Then they went inside and took a look around, Morgan found an electronic part that seemed needed to open the door where the keycard is located so she put it in her dress pocket.

Morgan then let Claire know what she had found and together with Sherry and Hope who was still riding on top of Sherry's shoulder came out of the room to meet up with Yuzu and Karin who had killed all the zombies in the storage room.

Yuzu smiled at everyone while Karin gave them a grin, Yuzu walked up to Claire and handed a large gear to her "Here I found this while we took care of the zombies it seems important".

Claire took it and gave it to Morgan who put it away in her Boosted Gear inventory because it was too big to carry, remembering the fire escape she caught sight of while they were outside on the rooftop Claire decided to go and see what they could find there.

So everyone rushed over to the fancy office again and then went out to the rooftop, Hope created the light and heat bubble-shaped barrier again and everyone was able to stay dry.

Claire climbed down the ladder while Yuzu, Karin, and Morgan jump off and softly landed below, Sherry was about to start climbing down the ladder as well but Hope chirped and lifted off her shoulders a bit and grew.

Now a little bigger Hope gently grabbed hold of both of Sherry's shoulders and took off flying down, Sherry squeaked in surprise at first but then she excitedly began to whoop.

Hope reached the bottom and gently let Sherry down on the floor and shrunk, she then took her place on Sherry's shoulder who gently rub her head with her fingers "Thank you Hope! That was fun!".

Hope chirped and nodded while Yuzu, Karin, and Morgan smiled at them, Claire finally came down and sighed "Boy do I wish I could jump like you guys...".

Morgan grinned and fist pump "I can fly while carrying you Claire! I'm strong enough to lift you so next time let me know okay!."

Claire smiled at Morgan and nodded "That sounds great thank you, Morgan".

Morgan smiled at Claire, now that they were at the bottom of the ladder they approach the fire that was brightly burning nearby to check it out and see what they can find.

Karin frowned as everyone approached the fire "Well it's a fire... and it's mighty hot too".

Claire grinned at Karin's dry sarcasm and nodded "Yeah, I saw some stairs while I was climbing down the ladder let's go see where they lead".

Everyone nodded and walked towards Claire had seen the stairs, they found them right away and climb down to see what they can find.

They found a couple of zombies down there, Claire shot one in the head while Morgan jumped on top of the other one and grabbed onto its head, she then twisted it off.

Claire's target fell down and Karin walked up to it and stabbed it in the head just to make sure it was really dead, Yuzu found a yellow lever and read the signs nearby "Hmm this seems to control the water supply...".

Yuzu turned towards Hope and Sherry "Can you guys go back upstairs and check what this lever might control".

Both Hope and Sherry nodded, Hope flew off Sherry's shoulder a bit and grew again, she then gently grab onto Sherry's shoulders and took off flying with Sherry as her passenger.

It didn't take them long to arrive where the fire is located and once Hope gently lowered Sherry onto the ground she took on her human form and softly landed on the ground.

Sherry smiled at Hope "I still think is amazing you can change into a phoenix Hope! I wish I could turn into an animal".

Hope smiled at Sherry "It's fun being a phoenix~ plus I get to ride on your shoulder and protect you! Maybe when we find your mom we can take both of you back to mine and Morgan's world, I'm sure Daddy can give you the ability to turn into an animal!".

Both began to walk around and check everything they could find that might be affected by the lever downstairs while Hope kept talking "It shouldn't be too hard to learn either~ my Uncle Sirius can transform into this big black dog and Mommy Kunou and Mama Yasaka can turn into foxes!".

Sherry seemed excited about possibly being able to transform into an animal but something else caught her attention "You have a lot of moms huh Hope? I bet they always play with you and pay attention to you right?...".

Hope noticed the sadness in Sherry's voice so she grabbed her hand "You know, I'm pretty sure Daddy will accept you as a niece or a little sister! He always does that and if he does then we would be family and you can come to our house anytime you wanted, my moms would become your aunts or sisters-in-law and you can hang out with them!".

Sherry turned her head towards Hope ad brightly smiled "Really? You think your dad would accept me just like that?".

Hope nodded as she noticed a lever and began to walk towards it while still holding Sherry's hand "Yup~ Daddy accepts anyone all you have to do is ask plus if me and Morgan tag team I'm sure he couldn't say no even if he wanted to~".

Sherry couldn't help but giggle at how smug Hope looked at that last statement but inside her mind, Hope's dad sounds like a nice and awesome dad.

Hope and Sherry reached the lever, Hope inspected it a little bit not seeing anything wrong or suspicious about it she decided to pull it down and see what happens

Both girls heard the sound of rushing water and turned to look at the amount of water that came out of a big pipe nearby, Hope hummed and then turned her head towards the fire nearby "I think we can use this to put out the fire, it's a good thing too because I didn't want to use water bullets on it nor ask Morgan to use one her water skills".

Sherry tilted her head in confusion "Why not? Water is water right?".

Hope pointed at the fire "That might be a chemical fire so water might not even do anything so a normal water conjuring spell might not work and if Morgan or I overpowered it we might accidentally punch a hole through the entire building... my water bullets are too strong as well and might damage something we might need in the building and Morgan's water techniques are to destructive too".

Sherry nodded in understanding "Ah! Holding back seems to be very annoying".

Hope scratched her head and nodded "Yeah, unlike Daddy I can't reverse time to fix anything I might mess up, and even though we have perfect control of our abilities all of them have a set level of power that can't be lowered and only increases... we really have to learn more practical magic or at least add someone who is good with pint point spell casting".

Sherry was in awe at the way Hope explained things like magic with such ease "What about ice?".

Hope smiled at Sherry and shook her head "It's never a good idea to cool down something that's obviously really hot too fast, it might cause a chemical reaction or worse a steam explosion, especially when there's metal involved".

Sherry nodded "You're so smart Hope~".

Hope grinned and nodded "My moms teach me a lot of things and so does Daddy though Morgan is way smarter than me! She might not look like it, especially with how playful she seems but she's a genius but for now, let's let the girls know to pull the lever downstairs and see if we can change the flow of water to put out the fire".

Sherry smiled and nodded "Wait... but how are you going to let them know?".

Hope giggled and then pointed at her head "I can use telepathy so I can speak into people's minds so give me give me second".

To Sherry, the concept of something like telepathy seemed very amazing and out of this world so she excitedly watched as Hope close her eyes.

She then heard Hope's voice speak to Morgan through her mind {Morgan! We found out what the lever might do, pull it down and maybe we can safely put out the fire without having to blast it with one of our techniques!}.

Hope opened her eyes and watched as Sherry was staring at her in amazement "This is telepathy, I connected your mind to mine so you can hear both me and Morgan speak.

Suddenly both of them heard Morgan's voice in their mind {Okay we pulled it down!}.

Hope nodded and then turned towards the lever and pulled it down, both Sherry and Hope watched as a big quantity of water dropped from another pipe right on top of the fire and put it out rather quickly.

Hope and Sherry both fist pumped in victory, Hope then turned her head towards Sherry "Go ahead and tell them to come up, all you have to do is think what you want to say and Morgan will hear you".

Sherry excitedly nodded and close her eyes and immediately thought about telling Morgan to come up with the rest of the girls {Morgan~ you guys can come up now, with the fire gone we can search inside a new area}.

Morgan's voice immediately responded back inside her mind {Okay! We're on our way!}.

Sherry open her eyes and brightly smiled at Hope who was smiling at her as both waited for the girls to come up both of them spoke more about what Hope had learned from her moms.