Chapter 19

Everyone watched as Sherry closed her eyes clapped her hands three times and started praying "Mr. Harry... I don't know if you're listening right now but I hope that you are, I just wanted to thank you for helping Hope, Morgan, Yuzu, and Karin be the awesome girls that they are".

The girl's eyes widen in surprise as they heard Sherry pray to Harry while Claire softly smiled at her, Sherry continued on "From what they have told me you were there to watch them grow and help them in anything they needed... because of that Morgan is the tough and kind girl that she is!".

Morgan blushed but smiled at Sherry while she went on "Hope is wise and so very sweet because of you having raised her! The twins Yuzu and Karin are the most amazing girls I've met too!... you have been a great uncle, big brother, and father and I can't thank you enough for it".

Hope softly smiled at Sherry knowing she was correct, when she was born as Hope Potter her daddy and mommies treated her like any other child regardless of the fact that she is the Phoenix Force.

They accepted her as their daughter and showed her how to live as Hope Potter, her existence has been one full of love and fun since then and now she can honestly say that she is truly happy to have been reborn.

Yuzu and Karin smiled at Sherry, their new friend is absolutely right about Harry being the best older brother a girl could ever ask for.

From the very moment they were born Harry had always taken care of them along with Ichigo and supported them with anything they wanted to do, he helped Karin train and practice her soccer skills and would often go watch her games to cheer for her.

For Yuzu, he taught her how to cook, to draw, and even how to do the housework since both of her parents were often busy with the clinic and she wanted to help around the house.

Harry had always been there and even when he fought hollows, shinigami, arrancars, and that guy named Aizen he always prioritized their well-being, it's because of that fact that both Yuzu and Karin chose to learn how to fight.

It was because they wanted to help their older brother Harry the next time he had to fight rather than being protected and it was those skills they learned that had helped both Sherry and Claire survive and Sherry knew that.

So that's why she wanted to thank Harry for everything he had done because it was because of him that the girls were even here, to begin with, so with a smile on her face Sherry then said "I kinda wish I had someone like you in my life... someone that cares and listens to me...".

The girls and Claire frowned knowing that after how Annette had treated Sherry she was feeling very hurt and lonely right now, it was certainly sad that her mother treated Sherry so indifferently.

So the girls know that she must be hurting a lot right now and this was her way to vent what has been happening, meanwhile Sherry went on "... when we get out of here I would like to meet you and visit your world too!... I want to meet Hope's mommies and Morgan's parents, and meet Yuzu's and Karin's family as well!... There's a lot I want to do when we get out of this city... so could you help me?".

Hope and Morgan raised an eyebrow in both surprise and interest, they both turned to look at each other confused as to what Sherry was asking for.

Claire looked interested and hoped that Harry was really listening right now otherwise Sherry would get another disappointment in her life and she doesn't know if her little heart could take it.

Yuzu and Karin turned their gaze towards each other and stared at each other's eyes for a few moments before looking back at Sherry who continued to pray "I want to help my friends... I don't want to be scared anymore but most of all I want to be able to walk by their please, help me? I need something, anything that can help me walk side by side with everyone...".


Harry was busy reading the file that was collected from all the information they got from Kuroka about why she had killed her Devil King, he wasn't happy with what was found out and he was going to be making sure the Nebiros Devil Clan pay a hefty fine for what the had done to both Kuroka and Koneko.

However, as he read, a very vivid voice of a little girl began to echo through his head and usually, he would ignore such a thing but this little girl had called out his name, she somehow knew it was him who was listening to prayers and that piqued his curiosity.

And so Harry listen and smiled as he heard this little girl speak about Hope, Morgan, and his sisters Karin and Yuzu, it made him realize that the girls were probably having an adventure right now and that they had befriended this little girl.

Which made him pay even more attention to what she was saying, at first she thank him for being there for Hope and Morgan, and for being a big brother to Karin and Yuzu but then she began to tell him how she wished that he had someone like him in her life.

To Harry, she sounded very sad and that made him frown not liking to hear such sadness coming out of a little girl but then she began to excitedly tell him how she wished to visit his world, to meet him and his girlfriends and the Kurosakis as well which made him smile.

And then Harry was surprised when she suddenly wished for his help, she wanted to be able to walk side by side with Hope and Morgan, a heartfelt wish that Harry understood.

This little girl wanted power, not for the sake of it but because she didn't want to be the only one being protected instead she wanted to be able to protect and walk side by side with her new friends.

Harry certainly could agree with that sentiment, he closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair where he was sitting, and thought about what the little girl was asking for, he didn't know the circumstances as to why she wanted to have the power to fight.

He could guess that Morgan and Hope found themselves in a conflictive world and there were all kinds of dangers around, suddenly he stood up and walked towards a window facing the backyard of the Potter Household and looked outside.

He looked up and watched the clouds pass by as he considered the little girl's wish, first of all, she sounded like she needed help and Harry wasn't one to ignore a child in need of help.

Second of all, she seems to be friends with Morgan and Hope, that in itself is enough for him to help her but lastly, the girls just really wanted to be able to do something to help her friends and so Harry decided that this one time he would directly grant someone a miracle.

So Harry reached his hand to the side while a portal opened up letting his hand go through and pulled out a yellow orb full of light and stared at it "... I took it out of the Sacred Gear cycle because this Sacred Gear causes nothing but trouble and fear plus no one who had it, ever did anything good with it...".

As Harry stared at the orb he then softly smiled "But perhaps you will be able to use it as intended... not as a weapon of destruction and fear but rather one of salvation and hope, perhaps you, a little girl from another world will use this for good...".

Harry then took out his smartphone and sent a text to Morgan, afterwards he waved his hand and opened a small Dark Corridor, and chucked the Sacred Gear into it with a grin on his face "I'm looking forward to meeting you little one, and may my gift help you fulfill your goals".

Harry chuckled and then went back to the desk he was sitting at and began to read a few more reports.


Everyone watched as Sherry prayed to Harry and waited to see if he would respond, Morgan, Hope, Yuzu, and Karin were really hoping that he will respond and even though they knew that Harry is always busy they still hoped that Sherry's wish would come true.

Claire was a bit concerned for Sherry, she didn't want her to get another disappointment in her life nor to have her heart broken again, Sherry already looked very sad as it is.

Sherry opened her eyes and softly smiled, she didn't know if Hope's daddy had heard her but that didn't matter to her right now, all she wanted to say she did so already, and even though its sad that she didn't get her wish she understood that perhaps he was busy.

But suddenly Claire gasped as she saw a small dark orb appear above Sherry while Morgan's smartphone suddenly let out a few loud beeps, Morgan immediately reached inside her dress pockets and grabbed her phone, and was about to read the text she got.

When something came out of the dark orb above Sherry which landed on her head and bounced off it to the surprise of everyone watching all of this happening "Owie!".

Sherry reacted right away even though her head hurt and caught the orb after fumbling a bit with it for a little while, everyone then looked at what she had caught with surprise.

Hope suddenly walked up to Sherry and rubbed her head which made Sherry look up at her, Hope softly smiled at her "Looks like Daddy heard you, and decided to grant you a miracle".

Sherry looked confused and turned to look at everyone, Yuzu and Karin gave her happy smiles while Claire gave her a soft one, and even Morgan gave her an excited smile and a thumbs up.

Sherry then looked at what she had caught and stared at the yellow orb filled with light "... He did?... Your daddy actually heard my prayer?".

Hope nodded and gently continued to rub Sherry's head which now had a little bump, she was going to scold her daddy about chucking things through dimensions like that "Yes, the orb your holding is a Sacred Gear, and its proof that Daddy heard you, he must have wanted to help you especially because you mentioned me and Hope~".

Sherry stared into Hope's eyes for a few moments and then turned her gaze back to the orb "This is a Sacred Gear? Like Morgan's Boosted Gear?".

Hope nodded "Yes, Daddy can and has access to the Sacred Gear system within God's system and can pull any Sacred Gear from within the cycle, he can even create new ones and add them to the system if he wanted to".

Sherry nodded and stared at the orb in awe, even as she held it in her hands she can feel a warmth within it that made her feel at ease "But what kind of Sacred Gear is it?".

Morgan then remembered the text message "Oh! I got a text message a few moments ago! I bet it's from Uncle Harry and it might explain what he sent!".

Everyone nodded to Morgan who immediately began to read the text message out loud "Okay let's see~ oh! It is from Uncle Harry! I'll read it out loud!

-Hello, Morgan! I hope you and Hope are having fun, since I just received a very interesting prayer I know that Yuzu and Karin are with you. Tell them I say hi for me okay?

"Hahaha Uncle Harry found us out!" everyone shared a laugh while Morgan then continued to read.

-Okay with that out of the way I'm guessing your friend received my gift, in that case, I should tell you that as soon as she uses it she will be knocked out for a while so it can adapt to her, it's best you guys prepare for that.

Everyone nodded in understanding and were very glad for the warning as well while Morgan continued to read Harry's text

-This Sacred Gear is a Longinus so your friend will have to be responsible with it, I'm trusting her and both you and Hope to use it wisely! Other than that, have fun and take care of yourselves!

Morgan smiled and then put her smartphone back into her dress pockets "That's all! Sherry you are so lucky! Daddy usually never answers prayers and you even got Longinus Sacred Gear, next time I play a gacha game I am having you do all my pulls!".

Sherry nodded and brightly smiled at Morgan, she was very happy that Mr. Harry listened to her prayer and as she stared at her gift she couldn't help but tear up a bit.

Claire softly smiled and quietly sent a small prayer and a thank you to Harry, she was happy he was willing to help Sherry.

Sherry then turned her head towards Hope and looked up at her "How do I use it?".

Hope smiled at her friend and then proceeded to explain "You have to push it against your chest, where your heart is and then it will merge with you but remember that Daddy said it will knock you out for a while".

Sherry nodded "Will you help me?".

Hope nodded and then sat on the bench beside Sherry and patted her thighs "Okay! Lay your head down here and I'll help you with your new Sacred Gear".

Sherry brightly smiled and then quickly lay down on the bench and rested her head on Hope's thighs, she then handed her the orb which Hope took as she smiled down at her friend "Well will see you in a bit Sherry".

Sherry nodded "I'll see you when I wake up Hope!" she then turned to Claire, Morgan, Yuzu, and Karin "I'll see you guys in a bit!".

Morgan nodded and gave Sherry a happy grin "I'll be waiting Sherry!".

Yuzu softly smiled "Have a good sleep Sherry".

Karin then grinned at Sherry "We'll be here when you wake up! I can't wait to see how strong you become!".

Claire then walked up to Sherry and gently moved her hair off her face, she then softly smiled at her "We'll keep an eye on you Sherry so see you in a little bit".

Sherry smiled at her friends and nodded, Hope then pushed down the orb into Sherry's chest and it was absorbed into her body which began to glow golden for a few seconds until the light dissipated, Sherry tiredly blinked and then fell asleep.

Everyone smiled as they watched her peacefully sleep, Claire then spoke up "How long do you guys think it will take for Sherry to wake up"

Morgan hummed for a few moments "Who knows, it depends on how quickly Sherry's body adapts to the Sacred Gear plus knowing Uncle Harry he probably made some changes to it as well so those have to also settle into Sherry".

Claire nodded "I wonder what Harry gave to Sherry?".

Hope nodded "Me too, all I know is that there was a massive amount of holy energy coming out of that orb".

The girls were definitely curious about the Longinus that Harry had given to Sherry but there was no way to find out until Sherry herself woke up, so everyone settled down and waited for the cable car to arrive at its destination while keeping an eye on Sherry.


After a while, as everyone was resting and enjoying the peace of the ride on the cable car a recorded voice suddenly spoke "Now arriving at NEST...".

Everyone smiled at having finally arrived, Claire walked up to where Sherry was sleeping on Hope's thighs and checked on her "Looks like she's still out".

Hope nodded "Yeah but it seems like the energy from the Sacred Gear is beginning to settle down, she should wake up soon".

Claire nodded while everyone began to get up from where they were sitting while Claire picked Sherry up in her arms and began to carry her, the door of the cable car then opened up and everyone walked out of it.

Morgan and Hope immediately looked around while Karin and Yuzu stayed beside Claire to protect both her and Sherry, as soon as Morgan and Hope saw that it was clear they began to walk forward.

Hope stopped to look around while Morgan walked ahead a little bit, Hope then turned her head towards the rest of the group "This place looks like a big research facility".

Everyone nodded while Morgan continued to walk ahead while keeping an eye on her surroundings until she reached a crossway, she look to her left and saw a gate of sorts, she then turned towards her friends and called out to them "Hey guys! I found some sort of gate! Let's check where it goes!".

Everyone nodded and quickly caught up to Morgan and together they walked towards the gate, as soon as they approached the gate it automatically began to open while a recorded voice warned them to wait until the gate fully opened for their safety.

But as soon as it did the girls immediately walked in, as they walked inside the Nest the lights began to automatically turn on allowing the girls to see their surroundings.

Morgan looked towards her left side and frowned when she saw some sort of front desk and on the wall behind them in big letters the Umbrella logo became visible "... Umbrella again...".

Everyone turned to look towards what Morgan was looking at, Hope tilted her head "Now that you mentioned it, Umbrella keeps coming up and now we found a big research laboratory right under the city belonging to Umbrella... I'm starting to think they really have something to do with what's going on here".

Claire frowned and nodded "I think your right, it can't be a coincidence, plus Annette works for Umbrella and she said that William was her responsibility...".

Everyone stayed silent as they pondered and stared at the Umbrella logo but Hope suddenly sighed "Let's leave all of that for later, for now, we need to get Claire and Sherry out of this city".

Everyone nodded and then continued walking forward but Hope suddenly found an open door and decided to check it out to see what she can find inside.

It turned out to be some sort of medical room with a bed so Claire walked towards it and gently laid Sherry onto the bed "So now what? We can't really go walking around this place with Sherry sleeping, who knows what sort of things we might find in here".

Everyone nodded, Hope then crossed her arms and hummed as she thought about the situation a bit "It's best we wait for Sherry to wake up, she will be a little out of it when she does but she will need help with her Sacred Gear...".

Morgan scratched the back of her head "Why don't we split up? Some of us stay with Sherry and wait for her to wake up while some go and check the place out?".

Claire thought about Morgan's suggestion for a few moments and then nodded liking the idea "That's actually a good idea, I'll go with whoever is checking this place out but we need a few to stay with Sherry, William is still out there and I rather her have some heavy hitters to protect her".

Yuzu smiled "Then me and Karin will stay with Sherry, Hope should also stay, her flames will be very effective against William's Healing factor".

Hope smiled and nodded, Claire then smiled at Morgan "Looks like it's just both of us for a little while Morgan~" Claire raised her hand towards Morgan who immediately knew what she wanted, and gave her a high five.

Morgan then brightly smiled at Claire "Alright! Let's do this Claire!".

Claire nodded and then walked up to Sherry and gently took her electronic wristband off her wrist and put it on her own, she then gently rubbed Sherry's forehead "We'll be back soon Sherry... I can't wait to see what you can do when you wake up".

Sherry smiled in her sleep causing the girls to smile at her, Claire then walked away and nodded to Morgan, and began walking out of the room, Hope suddenly called out to the both of them "If you need help call my cell or called out with your mind! I'll answer either way!".

But Morgan and Claire nodded and then walked out the door to start investigating this whole place and find a way out of the city somehow.


Both Morgan and Claire walked out of the room and began to look around the Umbrella lobby as Morgan decided to call it, they checked around and found and map and a few notes around the place, things that were really necessary for them right now.

They even found out that they could make an antidote for the G-Virus that would work as long as the infected was in the beginning stages of infection, they didn't need it but it was a good thing to know.

After that, they checked the nearby automated door but it didn't open for them instead, a recorded voice loudly announced that 'Authorized staff only beyond this point' so they ignored it for now and instead headed back to where they came from and tried an opened door nearby.

Once inside they found a hallway that was pitch black, both Morgan and Claire immediately knew that something must have happened to the power in this research facility and both hoped this wouldn't make things difficult for them, though knowing their luck more than likely this will slow their progress down a bit.

Still, they decided to keep going and both Claire and Morgan began to walk down the hallway and followed it to see where it leads, at the end of it Sherry's electronic wristband beeped letting them know that a door opened up for them.

They immediately found it and went inside to check it out only to find three zombies inside, Morgan instantly moved and disappeared in a red blur and appeared right behind one of the zombies.

She hopped up a bit and spun kicked the zombie in the spine not only shattering it but also sending the zombie flying and crashing against another one in the room.

Both zombies literally became a mushy mess of gore because of the force Morgan used in her kick since she was still using the same power level she had used against William's evolved form and not wanting to get caught by surprise by the G-Creature she decided to not power down anymore.

A decision shared by Hope, Yuzu, and Karin, Claire as soon as she saw Morgan take care of two zombies moved to deal with the third who was eating a poor guy's dead body.

She walked up to the eating zombie and as soon as she saw its head she unloaded a whole clip of her handgun's ammo on its head killing it almost instantly "... I kinda missed the zombies, they're so much easier to deal than the creatures we found in the sewer".

Morgan walked towards Claire and nodded "Yeah but... these zombies are wearing laboratory coats, this means that not even the people in this lab were safe from whatever happened in the city".

Claire nodded as she stared at the dead zombie on the floor in front of her "What a mess... to think something like this could spread so wide and deep".

Morgan sighed and nodded, both decided to look around and found a grenade and more handgun ammo for Claire, as they searched the room they noticed this was some sort of cafeteria.

As soon as they got close to some sort of window where they most likely sold food an automated voice suddenly spoke out 'Our menu is designed for your nutritional needs using our latest biological research, please enjoy our tasty selection of healthy foods'.

Morgan and Claire ignored the automated voice and instead focus on the zombie that suddenly got up from the floor, not wanting to let Claire waste ammo Morgan just pointed a finger toward the zombie and shot a small Dragon Shot at its body.

Though it was small it still exploded with the force of a grenade launcher shell but both girls no longer cared too much and just continued on, they looked around for a bit longer until they found another doorway and immediately walked towards it.

A zombie that was for some reason sitting on a bench got up but before it could even take a step forward Claire shot it on the head two times and while it was staggering back Morgan jumped up, kicked off the ceiling, and then punched the zombie right on top of its head crushing it like a grape.

Luckily Claire jumped back a bit to avoid the splashing zone and didn't get hit by the blood and pieces of the zombie's head though she did deadpan at Morgan causing her to nervously laughed "Sorry?".

Claire just shook her head in amusement and grinned at Morgan to let her know she wasn't mad, Morgan smiled and nodded.

With the Zombie now truly dead both girls looked around and found a ladder, both of them walked towards it and looked up towards where it led which was some sort of vent.

Morgan frowned "Right... so I've watched enough scary movies to know that going up there is bound to get us a surprise".

Claire sighed "I really hope that's not the case... come on, we have to see where it leads".

Morgan nodded and both girls decided to climb the ladder and go into the vent which was high enough for both of them to walk in it rather than crawl which was very good for them.

It was still pitch black though so they had to be careful while they walked through it, so they followed the dark vent to see where it goes.

At the end of it, they found a lid opened that led to a room, after checking around for any surprises they decided to jump down and check the room with Morgan jumping down first.

Morgan softly landed on the floor and walked forward while looking around, Claire jumped down soon after and joined her in looking around the room.

They didn't find anything useful so they moved over to the door in the room and it opened thanks to Sherry's electronic wristband allowing them access to a new area.

Once they walked through the doorway they found a short hallway and found another door at the end of that which also opened up for them.

They both walked inside and looked around, Morgan then found the arm of a dead person sticking out of a window, and on its wrist, she found an electronic chip.

Morgan hummed for a few moments as she thought about whether she should take it or not but deciding that it might useful she then took it out of the electronic wristband on the dead person's arm.

Morgan looked at it for a few seconds and then decided to call Claire who was looking around on the other side of the room "Claire, look I found something!".

Claire immediately walked towards Morgan to see what she had found and once she reached her Morgan showed her the electronic chip "I think this fits Sherry's electronic wristband".

Claire grabbed it from Morgan's hand and inspect it "You're right, this should allow us to check even more of this research facility".

Morgan nodded to Claire and watched as Claire swapped the green electronic chip that was already on Sherry's electronic wristband and installed the one Morgan found.

Sherry's electronic wristband suddenly beeped and turned blue, it now read 'ID Wristband (General Staff)' instead of the green one that read (Visitors).

Claire nodded and then turned her head towards Morgan and smiled at Morgan "Okay, let's keep searching around, I'm sure we will find more useful stuff".

Morgan nodded, Claire then pointed to the other side she was investigating and to some sort of damaged mechanism "That seems important so we should keep an eye out for anything that will help us fix it"

Morgan looked at the mechanism and tilted her head "Hm? I wonder what it does... okay I'll keep an eye out for anything that can help us with it".

They both nodded to each other and then looked around once more, they found some grenade launcher flame shells and a high voltage condenser for the spark shot that Claire immediately equipped to her spark shot.

Now having found a new upgrade for her weapon both Claire and Morgan decided to move on and continue with their search of this place.

They both walked out of the room and headed forward and found a zombie just standing there but this one was different from what they had seen so far starting with the fact that it was wearing a military outfit and gear.

Still, Morgan decided to quickly take care of it and immediately rushed forward and launched herself high towards the zombie, she then backhanded the zombie's helmeted head right off its shoulders.

Morgan landed on the floor feet first and then turned to watch as the zombie's headless body dropped to the ground, she stared at the body with a frown on her face "... this isn't a run-of-the-mill soldier... Special Ops?".

Claire walked up to the body and stared down at it "That's some heavy-duty gear he has... too bad he doesn't have the rifle, it would have been useful".

Morgan nodded but then looked up at Claire "This guy doesn't belong here Claire, he doesn't match with any of the zombies we've seen so far, in fact, he's the first one we've seen with this type of military gear".

Claire frowned "... You're right but what does it mean?".

Morgan frowned "It means this guy arrived as soon as all of this started and I bet my scaly red butt that he's not alone so he and whoever else came here with this much gear on must have something to do with what happened here".

Claire looked down and thought about it Morgan's words for a few moments, to her it made sense since they hadn't seen any other zombie with this much military gear on "You might be right... let's be careful just in case there's more of these guys, dead or alive".

Morgan nodded in agreement and decided to keep an even more close eye on everything around them, this research facility felt like it was hiding something big and dangerous and Morgan didn't like it one bit.

Morgan sighed and then looked up at Claire "Let's go, Claire, I'm sure there's more we will find in this place".

Claire agreed and nodded to Morgan and together they walked to an automated door which now opened thanks to Sherry's upgraded electronic wristband.

They ended up back in the hallway leading to the cafeteria they went through not too long ago and both girls walked back to the Umbrella Logo Lobby, suddenly an automated voice spoke up as they approached the blue door at the end of the lobby 'Dr. Li, your presence is urgently requested by Chief Cartright in the East Area'.

Morgan looked up "Well at least now we know who the electronic chip belonged to...".

Claire nodded "Yeah... I guess we should be thankful for Mr. Li, may he rest in peace"

Morgan nodded "Aunty Death please make sure Mr. Li has a good afterlife please!".


Death sighed but smiled as she heard Morgan's request while Lily and Marvin smiled as well, Death then snapped her fingers and called the soul of Mr. Li into her hand.

She stared into the soul with a small amused smile "You're very lucky Mr. Li, you unknowingly helped a few monsters do some very horrible things but the fact that you didn't know and that my adorable niece asked me to has granted you a good peaceful afterlife, enjoy~".

Death blew on the soul which then blew away into small golden sparks that traveled high into Death Domain, Death then shook her head "The things I do for those girls".

She might be complaining but the small happy smile on her face showed that she really didn't mind doing things for Morgan and Hope.