Chapter 20

Morgan and Claire continued heading towards the only door they haven't gone through in the Umbrella Logo Lobby, which automatically opened for them as soon as they approached it thanks to the new electronic chip they found for Sherry's electronic wristband.

Once the door opened, Morgan carefully walked inside first with Claire following close behind, both of them cautiously looked around only to find a dead body and some sort of electronic mechanism.

Morgan approached the dead body while Claire approached the mechanism and began to inspect it to see what it does, Morgan looked down at the body and notice it was clad in the same heavy military outfit and gear as the zombie they found a while ago.

She frowned finding the body's presence here even more suspicious, she then noticed the dead body had some kind of recording device in its hand so Morgan bent down and grabbed it.

Just to make sure she doesn't get jumped by the dead body she backhanded its head off and then began to listen to the recording "-Alpha to Ghost, target moving to the West Area, must be going to retrieve the G-Virus and antiviral agent.

-this is Ghost, understood, rendezvous at point W-3.


- This is Alpha, arrived at the destination.

- Understood, stand by for target.

-This is Alpha, I've got eyes on the target, he's going to open the safe.

-Roger, awaiting the signal.

-Got eyes on the G-virus.

-We're going in...

-Doctor Birkin, you'll come along with us quietly".

Morgan sighed and then put the recording device in her dress Pocket "I knew these military guys had something to do with all of this... Doctor Birkin? Isn't that Sherry's dad William?".

Claire who had also been listening to the recording walked up to Morgan and spoke up "Yes, according to Annette, William is the G-Creature that has been giving us a lot of headaches lately... just how exactly did he get infected with the G-Virus?".

Morgan shook her head not knowing the answer to Claire's question "I don't know... but I think these guys had something to do with it, they're special forces and you don't send the special forces just to retrieve something...".

Claire nodded and then frowned "... That recording mentioned the West Area right?" Morgan nodded to Claire "Then we might find some answers there, should we go?".

Morgan thought about Claire's suggestion for a few seconds before nodding "Yeah I think we should go and see if we can find anything about all of this, at the very least we will be able to tell Sherry what really happened to her father".

Claire nodded "Yeah, then let us check this West Area and see what we find out there" Claire walked towards the electronic mechanism and pressed a button on the touch screen on it.

A bridge suddenly extended all the way to the other side of this entire chamber and both Morgan and Claire wasted no time in running across it to see what this newly available area had in store for them.

Turns out to be a big central area that allowed access to all areas of the research facility, the way they came from was the South Area where you can find the Lobby and Cafeteria.

This middle platform they found themselves on top of after crossing the bridge allowed access to the rest of the areas, but since both Claire and Morgan wanted to check out the West Area they decided to ignore the rest for now and head straight to the West.

But the door leading there didn't open for them and an automated voice suddenly spoke out "Senior Staff clearance required for bridge access" both girls frowned unhappily at the fact that they would have to find some other electronic chip in order to get to the West area.

Morgan sighed in exasperation "Looks like we have to look for another electronic chip if we want to go to the West Area".

Claire nodded and rubbed her eyes "Yeah... I feel like we're going to have to run around all over this place to find it... oh well, might as well get it over with" Claire looked around and quickly found another electronic mechanism.

She walked up to it and then pressed on its touchscreen which activated another bridge giving the girls access to another area "Well, let's start here for now and see what we can find".

Morgan nodded and both girls then left heading towards the bridge they just activated, as they reached the other side the electronic door opened for them thanks to Sherry's electronic wristband.

So both girls walked inside and followed the hallway, at the end of it there was another automated door and both of them walked through right away finding themselves in another lobby.

They looked around but only found a green herb and a few other things that Morgan immediately put inside her Boosted Gear inventory for Claire, after that they headed towards the other door in the lobby and headed inside the room on the other side.

Both of them walked inside and looked around, Morgan frowned as she felt the humidity in this room along with some very odd plant life around, Claire noticed some kind of flower at the end of the room and approached it, the flower seemed to have been holding something human inside of it.

Claire widen her eyes in surprise while Morgan walked up beside Claire and looked at what she was staring at "Whoa...".

Claire nodded "How horrible but I wonder what happened?...".

Morgan stared at the strange flower for a few moments with a frown on her face before turning her head to speak with Claire "You don't think they would experiment on plants with the G-Virus?".

Claire turned her head towards Morgan and sighed "I would like to say no but we've seen how Annette seems obsessed, so I think that they most likely did experiment with plants too".

Morgan sighed "Looks like I'll be using a lot of fire or Ice... luckily I know some quick trigger magic of both elements so we should be good just in case we find plant monsters".

Claire nodded and then took out her grenade launcher and began to load flame grenade shells "Looks like I'll be sticking with this for a bit, you don't think the spark shot would affect any plant monsters do you?".

Morgan crossed her arms and hummed "I don't think it would do to much damage unless you shoot it a lot of times but that's just a waste of ammo, not that we need to worry about that with the spark shot since I can charge it".

Claire nodded and then finished loading her Grenade Launcher and got ready "well let's keep going and see what other surprises we find in this place".

Morgan nodded and then both girls looked around until they found an automated door at the end of the room they were currently in and walked toward it right away.

The door opened with some difficulties and both girls noticed right away why, right on the other side of the door both Morgan and Claire saw that the plant life had gone completely out of control.

Morgan stared as vines, roots, and leaves had taken over this hallway "Great... sometimes I hate it when I'm right, I wonder if this is how Daddy and Uncle Harry feel when things happen the way they suspect them to be? I have certainly seen them both curse something fierce when it does... Should I also curse in this situation too?".

Claire sweatdropped as she heard Morgan's rant and shook her head "Don't curse Morgan, cute and good girls don't curse okay?".

Morgan turned her head towards Claire and tilted her head "But everyone curses in my house, Uncle Sirius always curses when he has an accident and he's always getting into accidents though most of those are pranks from Uncle Remus and Uncle Harry!".

Claire just stared at Morgan in silence for a few seconds while also deciding to have a talk with this Sirius guy about cursing in front of such sweet girls "Just don't curse Morgan, I doubt your mommy would like hearing you swear".

Morgan nodded in agreement "Yeah you're right... Mommy would punish me though Daddy and Uncle Harry would rescue me right away! but okay I won't curse".

Claire giggled hearing how Harry and Morgan's dad would let her off the hook, she found that very sweet "Good now come on let's keep going but let's be careful, I bet all of my ammo that we will find some new monsters in here".

Morgan nodded and together with Claire they both walked down this flora-infested area, it was humid in this hallway now and there were bodies hanging from the plant life on the walls and ceiling.

As both girls approached the end of the hallway a humanoid plant-like monster surrounded by some kind of spores rose from the ground and began to approach the girls.

Morgan deadpanned at the new monster and pointed her open hand toward the creature "'Blizzaga!'".

A Massive blast of frost and ice shot forward and hit the creature instantly freezing solid, the blast of frosty cold ice actually affected the entire hallway and froze over all the plant life, Morgan huffed "Called it didn't I?".

Claire nodded "Yup you really did".

Morgan walked up to the frozen creature and pushed back causing it to fall to the ground where it shattered on impact with the floor, Claire looked around and noticed how the plant life began to crack and fall apart "Wow... that was really powerful Morgan".

Morgan nodded "Yeah... this is why I don't use magic often, all the spells I know always come out overpowered, Uncle Harry once told me that it was because I was reaching the rank of Dragon God and that my diving domain will most likely be Boost, Multiplication or some sort of combination of the two".

Claire hummed "So your connection to Ddraig is affecting your evolution to Dragon God?".

Morgan turned her head towards Claire and smiled at her "Yup! I don't mind though because my bond with Ddraig is very special for me but it is a bit annoying to always be careful with all the magic I use; techniques and ninjutsu I can more or less control very well or at least focus all the excess energy into something else, magic though... is not really my expertise and I struggle a bit with it".

Claire nodded and then patted Morgan's head "I'm sure you'll get better at magic eventually".

Morgan nodded with a determined smile on her face "Yeah! I actually plan to train and learn new magic when I get back home, this whole adventure in this world taught me that I have to be better prepared".

Claire smiled at Morgan and felt proud of her for wanting to improve herself though she also wished she didn't have to learn this while experiencing this entire ordeal.

So Claire gave the little Stark a head pat which Morgan seemed to really enjoyed, after a bit, they continued forwards to the end of the hall which lead to a door, they opened it and went inside the room to take a look around, this room seems like some sort of Control Room after all so something useful must be around inside the room.

Morgan found a flash grenade on a table and gave it to Claire who put it inside in one of her many hip pouches, both of them looked around but didn't find anything else useful that they can take with them.

Though they did find some sort of electronic device that Claire began to fiddle with trying to see what it did, after pressing a few buttons a recorded voice suddenly spoke up "Dispensing solution now".

Nothing seemed to happen after a few seconds until something popped out from the electronic device, Claire took it and inspect it for a bit "What is this?...".

Morgan turned her head to look at what Claire was holding "Oh! That's a dispersal cartridge, I've seen Daddy and Uncle Harry use some of those when they have to work with liquids that need to be turned into gas form to work or something like that!".

Claire nodded and smiled at Morgan "You think we might need it?".

Morgan hummed for a bit and then nodded "I think so if we found it then that means that we will need it later so let's take it with us".

Claire nodded and then put away the dispersal cartridge, both girls nodded at each other and then left the room, then they both headed towards the next one which was a giant chamber with a steel platform.

However what caught the girls' attention was that the plant life had clearly gotten way out of control in here, Morgan stepped forward and sighed "Looks like I won't be using fire in here".

Claire nodded in agreement "Yeah, I think that's for the best... unless you want a fried Claire on your hands".

Morgan tilted her head and seemed to be thinking about something which made Claire think that she must have misunderstood something "Errr... I don't think I would taste good Morgan".

Morgan turned her head towards Claire and looked at her like she had said something really stupid which Claire was beginning to think she did, Morgan then spoke up "Of course, you wouldn't taste good Claire... I don't eat people you know? What sort of dragon do you take me for?".

Claire awkwardly laughed a bit "Sorry?".

Morgan just giggle at Claire and smiled "Sure! No problem, but I was thinking of what to use if we run into more of those plant monsters! I don't want them to get to close to us since I don't know what they can do but if I use Ice... well you saw what happened".

Claire nodded and agreed with Morgan since she also didn't want to get to close to those plant monsters, who knows what sort of things it can do after all? "Well just use your Mini Dragon Shot, sure they go off like a grenade but I think that's better than causing an ice age in here".

Morgan nodded and then pointed a finger towards a plant monster that was just standing a fair distance away "Mini Dragon Shot!".

Energy gathered on Morgan's finger fast and then a small orb of Green and Red Energy shot forward sailing through the air until it crashed against the plant monsters and exploded on impact with the force of a grenade.

Claire stared as the explosion subsided "... Please try not to hit anything close to me with one of those"

Morgan nodded "... Okay, I have to be careful with those, just stay behind me Claire and shoot at long range".

Claire nodded and then both girls began to walk on the steel platform and followed it to where it led, they made it to a set of stairs leading below and the girls climbed down right away.

They continued to follow the platform below to see where it was leading, soon enough they arrived at a door and the girls immediately walked inside to check the room for anything useful.

They found some sort of lab with many desks and computers, they quickly took a look around for anything useful in this room but other than some ammo they found some sort of instructions in a few notes they found on a desk nearby by some odd machine.

Morgan picked the notes up and began to read "Let's see... Herbicide Synthesis.

Plant 43 Herbicide Synthesis.

1. Place an empty cartridge into the Solution Dispenser.

2. Add the required amount of UMB No 21.

3: Cool immediately.

Plant 43 exhibits astounding growth, if something unfortunate were to occur, it may be hard to control.

In the event of an unforeseen incident, manufacture the herbicide using the instructions above in order to minimize damage".

Morgan sighed and frowned " I just knew they were messing around with plants and the G-Virus" Morgan shook her head and grumbled in annoyance.

Claire frowned as well "Well, we might as well prepare the herbicide, this way we'll be able to move around her more easily and find what we need".

Morgan nodded "Okay we need UMB No 21 first and then we'll have to follow the instructions in this note here to make it but let's be careful, this Plant 43 seems to be rather dangerous plus the solution dispenser is in this room too" Morgan turned her head and stared at the odd machine close by.

But it was unfortunately covered and locked away so they were going to have to find a way to unlock it, even Morgan didn't want to risk breaking something if she were to rip it open.

Claire nodded and took the notes from Morgan, folded them, and put them in her pockets, with that done she turned her head towards Morgan who nodded at her to let her know that she was ready to get this done and so the girls walked out of the room back into the room full of plant life.

Once back into this room overtaken by roots and vines, both girls walk around a bit until they found some sort of manhole close by however it was locked by an electronic gate.

Morgan just grinned and ripped the Electronic gate with one strong pull, she then threw the ripped-out steel gate behind her and looked down the tunnel, she noticed the steel ladder by the side right away but didn't like the fact that it seems deep "... Looks like quite the trip down".

Claire walked over and looked down as well, she nodded when she saw that the steel ladder lead down pretty deeply "It's dark too".

Morgan nodded "I'll go down first and check it out".

Claire nodded and Morgan then jumped down and arrived at some kind of basement with a lot of big boilers and other machinery, Claire immediately began to climb down the ladder while Morgan kept an eye out for her.

She arrived down where Morgan was and she immediately took out her flashlight, she took a look around in this dark and foreboding basement.

Once she did so, she and Morgan began to move and take a look around the place, they found some ammo and a map to where they are which will come in handy, not finding anything else useful for them they decided to keep going and followed the hallway they found themselves in after coming down into the basement.

At the end of the hallway, they found a door, they immediately opened it and walked inside to wherever it lead only to find another hallway, however, this hallway showed signs of a fight had broken out in there.

Morgan frowned and looked around and even noticed pools of blood on the floor, she then nudged Claire so she could see as well, Claire did so and frowned as she saw the blood on the floor.

They didn't say anything but both knew that something had happened here, so they decided to be extra careful just in case whatever had caused this was still down here.

Both girls then turned around and began to follow the hallway to see where it led, they found some sort of break room but everything was a mess in there, in fact, everything from the tables to the vending machines was completely thrashed.

Still, they did find some flame rounds for the grenade launcher and some weird trophy, Morgan decided to keep it just in case it might come in handy since it was pretty unique which meant that it will probably be needed later, though she did inspect it a bit and saw a bunch of weird markings.

She shrugged not recognizing the markings but it made the trophy even more unique so she put it inside her Boosted Gear inventory for safekeeping.

With that done they looked around one more time but other than another hallway they didn't find anything else, so they decided to follow the hallway they found and see where this one led.

The darkness of the place made it difficult for Claire to see so she was thankful that Morgan was with her because she might have missed the hallway with how dark it was but as they walked a vent from the ceiling suddenly fell and with it a wall-crawler.

The wall-crawler immediately launched itself toward the girls the moment it landed on the floor but Morgan blurred and reappeared right in between the wall-crawler and Claire.

She then jumped up and smashed her knee right under the wall-crawler's head causing the creature to roar in pain and get sent crashing into the ceiling, where it bounced off of and landed on the floor back first.

Claire took off running and before the wall-crawler could even try to right itself on the floor Claire reached it and then unloaded a whole clip of her handgun ammo right into the wall-crawler's heart.

The creature hissed in pain but then dropped dead unable to take a whole clip of bullets to its exposed heart, Morgan walked up to it and Claire and then stomped on its head popping it like a grape for good measure.

Claire quickly reloaded her handgun and sighed "Great now we have these guys crawling around here as well... this entire research facility is filled with monsters".

Claire shook her head not liking the fact that she now had to keep an eye on these guys, especially since they have a habit of coming at you from above.

Morgan nodded in agreement with Claire's statement "All of this sort of reminds me of the Natural Dungeon back at home, though I haven't gone inside in a while".

Claire began to walk and follow the hallway again while Morgan followed beside her but she still heard Morgan and she was intrigued "The Natural Dungeon huh? I can't believe everyone in your home makes a living going in there, isn't dangerous?".

Morgan nodded "Extremely so! but you can also find all kinds of things in there, from treasure to weapons, armor and even ingredients and materials useful for all kinds of things, so all of us think is worth it but you're right it is a very dangerous place".

Claire nodded and hummed as she thought about the Natural Dungeon while both she and Morgan followed the hallway, at the end of it they found a door but before they could open it another wall-crawler suddenly dropped from the ceiling right on top of Morgan, this, of course, scared Claire quite a bit "Morgan!".

But the little Stark immediately put her feet against the creature's chest and before it could take a bite out of Morgan's face she pushed him off of her as hard as she could which resulted in the wall-crawler becoming nothing but a red smear on a wall nearby.

Morgan immediately got up and shook her head "That caught me by surprise! but I'm okay!".

Claire sighed in relief and then smiled at Morgan. she knew she was being silly worrying about her of all people but she couldn't help it, suddenly groans and moans began to echo throughout the hallway which made both Morgan and Claire turn towards the noise.

Only to frown when a bunch of zombies came out of nowhere and began to head down the hallway toward them, Morgan scratched her head and sighed "Great... we woke up these guys".

Claire frowned but then got an idea "Hey Morgan, you said that you could transfer your boosts to anything right?".

Morgan turned her head towards Claire and nodded "That's right though the number of boosts I can transfer depends on the object or person".

Claire nodded and then pull out a flame round for the grenade launcher "Can you transfer a boost to this?".

Morgan raised an eyebrow and thought about it for a moment before nodding "I think it can take a single Boost, any more than that and it might explode on our faces".

Claire winced because that didn't sound fun but she still wanted to try "Let's give it a try and see what happens".

Morgan nodded and summoned her Boosted Gear and it suddenly spoke up "'Boost!'" with one boost ready Morgan, then pointed the arm that was covered with her Boosted Gear towards the flame round, and the Boosted Gear spoke up once again "'Transfer!'".

Red and Green energy suddenly engulfed the flame round which made Claire flinch and close her eyes but after a few moments, Claire opened her eyes and stared at the flame round suspiciously.

Suddenly Morgan yelled out a loud 'Boom' which scared Claire and made her jump, she suddenly lost her grip on the flame round which made her fumble with it in a panic until she finally grabbed hold of it again.

Claire sighed and then glared at Morgan who was giving her the most innocent smile she had ever seen in her life "Not cool Morgan".

Morgan just giggled which made Claire roll her eye, she then immediately loaded the flame round into her grenade launcher and then shot it toward the leader of zombies that were heading their way.

As soon as the flame rounds crashed against the zombie in front of the group it exploded with such force that it made Morgan widen her eyes in surprise and act quickly to protect Claire.

The Red Dragon Empress jumped in front of Claire as a massive wave of flames instantly incinerated the zombies and everything else in the break room, Morgan then took a big breath and a few seconds later let out a massive roar.

The roar was so loud and powerful that it actually stopped the flames and dissipated them before they could reach the girls but Claire was able to feel the heat of the flames which made her gulp behind Morgan.

Morgan soon let up her roar when she saw that she didn't have to worry about the flames and sighed "... Phew I'm glad Uncle Naruto told me the story of how he and Uncle Sasuke beat each other silly when they were kids! That gave me an idea of how to deal with those flames".

Morgan turned her head toward Claire "Are you okay Claire? That was really hot so I was actually a bit worried the heat might have scorched you or something".

Claire sighed and then looked at herself all over for a bit "Looks like I'm fine but let's not do that in such closed areas and closed to me...".

Morgan grinned and nodded "Sure! but it was pretty cool no?".

Claire looked at the devastation one boosted flame round caused, she saw there was nothing but ashes left of the zombies and everything else in the break room plus there were pools of melted metal and cement all over the place "... I thought you said that your boost doubled power, this seems a bit more than double to me".

Morgan tilted her head "Yeah it's only double but Transfer works after I Boosted myself so, it's times two my power level plus whatever power I'm transferring my Boost into has".

Claire sweatdropped "Holy shit... Morgan, let's not use that unless it's necessary okay?".

Morgan tilted her head but nodded nonetheless, she thought it was cool how the one flame round destroyed the zombie but she guessed that Claire might be a bit disturbed by the destruction.

Claire sighed thinking that what she had done was a bit reckless, she didn't fully understand how Morgan's Transfer ability worked and ended up using something far beyond what she was intending.

Still, it was a good thing to keep in mind just in case they need a bit more firepower against something in the future but for now, they still have more to investigate this entire research facility before going back to the others.

So after a bit, Morgan decided to use her Blizzaga spell to cool everything down 'which resulted in the entire break room and the hallway being covered in frost and ice' after that they continued towards the door they found at the end of the hallway and see where it leads.

It lead to another hallway and then to a door with a sign that said exit, curious about it both Claire and Morgan opened the door and discovered a set of stairs leading up, both girls decided to run up the stairs and see where they end up.

They found a few zombies but they quickly dispatched them and continued heading up the stairs, once upstairs they found a storage room of sorts and it was completely full of zombies.

Both Claire and Morgan immediately moved to take out the zombies though Morgan took on the bulk of the enemies not wanting Claire to waste her ammo on weak enemies like the zombies, especially since they didn't know what other sort of creature they might find here.

Once it was clear of zombies the girls decided to take a quick look around, besides some ammo they also found a locked door which Claire unlocked and opened.

They found themselves back in the lobby they found before going inside the fauna-infested hallways and chambers, seeing as they had gone all the way around the girls decided to go back towards the control room they found before reaching the lab where they found the instructions on how to make the herbicide and see if they missed something.

It didn't take long for them to reach the control room and once there they took a second look around, Morgan approached some sort of electronic device by the screen with a map of the area and curiously took a look around it.

Meanwhile, Claire was taking a look around to see if they missed something but nothing called out to her, she then saw Morgan messing around with an electronic device and decided to go see what she was up to.

So she walked up to her and took a look as well "What's this Morgan?".

Morgan shook her head and sighed "I'm not sure, it looks like some kind of lock mechanism for something around here but it's password protected and it's using some sort of password system that isn't numbers..."

Claire nodded and then took a look towards the Electronic Mechanism and hummed to herself for a little while, she suddenly recognized the weird symbols on the Electronic device "Hey, I think we've seen those symbols before...".

Morgan raised an eyebrow and then began to think, she then remembered the trophy they found and how it has some weird markings at the bottom of the base of the trophy "Hey yeah! The trophy I found in the break room had some weird symbols at the bottom of the base!".

Morgan immediately took the trophy she found out of her Boosted Gear inventory and immediately took a look at the symbols at the bottom of the base "This looks like a code!~".

Morgan then immediately typed the symbols into the electronic device and it was accepted, on the screen showing the map of the area an image of a lock shined letting the girls know that something inside the drug testing lab has been unlocked.

Morgan smiled and then turned her head towards Claire "Cool we should go back to the drug testing lab and see what has been unlocked, it might be useful to us!".

Claire nodded "Do you think we'll find what we need for the herbicide in there? We need to clear all of this crazy fauna that has taken over the place before getting back to the other and finding a better electronic chip too".

Morgan thought about Claire's questions for a few seconds before nodding to Claire "I think so, it was where we found the Instructions on how to make the herbicide, I do remember seeing some sort of machine in that room that seemed to be behind some kind of cage".

Claire sighed and then looked over the door leading towards the drug testing lab "Well then, let's go and get this taken care of".

Morgan nodded and soon after both of them left the control room and headed directly to the drug testing lab and see about making the herbicide.

It didn't take them long to go back to the drug testing lab and once inside they saw that it was indeed the machine they needed that was unlocked for their use causing them to smile, Claire walked up to it and immediately place the dispersal cartridge into the empty slot to the side.

Morgan walked up to the controls and remembering the instructions she began to make the machine work, it took a few minutes but Morgan quickly had the herbicide ready.

After she was finished Morgan smiled and then turned towards Claire who watched the dispersal cartridge pop out, this time full of the herbicide they needed.

Claire smiled and showed it to Morgan who fist pumped excitedly, Claire giggled and then spoke up "Alright! Now we have to quickly cool it down, I think I saw a lab with a cooling unit on the map by the break room".

Morgan nodded "Okay! Then let's go and use it, this way I don't have to use ice magic and accidentally destroy the dispersal cartridge".

Claire giggled because it was true, they needed control and precision for this so they couldn't rely on Morgan's magical abilities this time but they already knew where to go so both girls headed downstairs towards the break room to find the lab with the cooling unit and finish preparing the herbicide.