Chapter 22

Annette dropped to her knees and coughed up some blood on the floor, she began to struggle to breathe a bit but looked up and watched as Claire and that mouthy little girl got ready to fight William, she slowly shook her head in disbelief.

She didn't know how and why they were talking to each other so nonchalantly when William was all but ready to crush them, the monster that William has become had mutated so fast and so far of her research and predictions that she didn't know how to take it all.

She didn't understand why William had evolved into this armored, four-armed monstrosity before her but she doubted both Claire and the mouthy girl could do anything about him.

But she had no other choice but to let them handle it, she could barely breathe right now much less move but as she saw William charge towards the mouthy girl, she closed her eyes not wanting to see such a young girl get killed before her.

But there was a sudden flash of red light and a bang that made Annette open her eyes to see what had happened, only for eyes to widen in shock as the mouthy girl had caught a punch from William's massive arm with a red gauntlet-covered hand.

She couldn't believe what she was watching right now, in fact, she wanted to deny it because it just made no sense to her, but no matter how much she tried to deny what her eyes were seeing right now, Annette was forced to accept it when the small mouthy girl suddenly threw William aside with a roar "What the f-...".


Morgan walked up to William and the G-Creature charged towards her and lashed out with a punch from his massive arm, Morgan however raised her arm and summoned her Boosted Gear as she power up.

William's massive fist crashed against Morgan's open palm with a loud bang and the little Stark found herself grunting a bit as she felt the force behind the G-Creature's punch, Morgan then growled at William as her eyes took on a dragonic form "I'm done playing with you!".

With a roar, Morgan tightened her hold on William's fist and then threw him to the side sending the G-Creature crashing against the metal wall nearby, William roared and howled as he was sent to the ground and quickly got up.

He prepared himself to rush towards Morgan but before he could even take a step, Claire shot him with a flame round that exploded and engulfed William's body in flames.

Morgan took a big breath and loudly called out her next move "Balance Breaker! Iron Crimson Dragon Armor!".

Morgan's body was engulfed in a bright crimson light, William jumped out of the flames and headed towards Claire who rolled away from his attack, however, she was sent flying back a bit by the force behind William's attack.

A red blur suddenly exploded from the crimson light engulfing Morgan's body and headed straight to William "Hulk Smash!".

A giant fist made of crimson red energy crashed against William and sent the G-Creature flying and crashing against a couple of blue tanks to the side, the tanks exploded as soon as William impacted against them.

There was a big boom and flames engulfed William, Claire got up and quietly switch her grenade launcher with her handgun and began to shoot at William who was on the floor.

But she frowned when she saw the bullets unable to Pierce the G-Creature's black armored body "Tch! Morgan my bullets won't do anything to him!".

Morgan heard Claire and nodded "Then keep using the grenade launcher or try the Spark Shot! I'll keep him busy!".

William roared and then thrashed around before jumping and heading towards Claire again, however, the Red Dragon Empress caught him in mid-air with a kick and stop him from reaching Claire.

But William suddenly grabbed Morgan's foot and lifted her body up intending to slam her on the floor, Morgan was about to use her propulsors to get away but Claire shot at William with the spark shot causing the G-Creature to roar in pain and let go of Morgan.

The little Stark flipped in mid-air and landed on all fours, she then roared and gathered her dragonic energy in front of her mouth which coalesce into a red and black orb of mana.

Morgan suddenly opened her mouth wide in front of the orb of red and black mana and roared shooting a condensed beam of energy toward William.

The G-Creature was hit on the chest and was pushed back until he crashed against the wall behind him, suddenly William was engulfed in a big explosion that shook the entire room.

But Claire ignore that and as soon as the explosion subsided she shot the spark shot again at William, the G-Creature was too dazed from Morgan's powerful attack and didn't see Claire shoot him.

But he felt when the spark shot hit him causing him to roar in pain as he was electrocuted, Morgan immediately took off running on all fours since the room was too small to fly too much and launched herself at William.

As soon as she reached William Morgan jumped onto his shoulders and gathered her energy into her hands creating energy claws connected to the between of her knuckles and began to savagely slash at the G-Creature's head and shoulders.

William roared and howled in pain as Morgan was able to actually cut through his black armored skin, the G-Creature suddenly began to violently thrash around to to try to get Morgan off of him.

But Morgan stabbed her claws into his shoulders and took a big breath, she then suddenly breathed out a blast of frigid air causing William to desperately try to reach for Morgan as he thrashed around.

He suddenly got lucky and grabbed hold of Morgan and threw her against a wall, but the Red Dragon Empress rolled in mid-air and landed on all fours against the wall, and took off running along the walls rounding William.

The G-Creature enraged watched as Morgan ran on the wall and didn't notice Claire switch her spark shot for her grenade launcher which she loaded with frag rounds.

As William was too distracted by Morgan and slowed down by her breathing frigid air on him, Claire shot him in the back with a frag grenade, the grenade violently exploded against William's back.

With his skin frozen the explosion actually caused quite a bit of damage and cracked his black-armored skin a bit, something that Morgan noticed "Claire! Shoot him again!".

Claire immediately shot another frag round, unfortunately, William chose this moment to turn around to see who had shot him and was hit by the explosive face first, William howled and roared in pain as he drop to the floor on his knees.

His black-armored skin cracked even more and shattered revealing a bunch of eyes all over his body, Claire and Morgan immediately saw them as a weak spot and both of them moved forward to attack the eyes.

Claire brought out her handgun and shot at the big eye on William's big arm, while Morgan jumped off the wall and landed on William's back where she punched the eye that opened on his back.

Both eyes popped and Claire immediately shot the big eye that was located on his leg until it popped as well, William roared and thrashed around in pain, Morgan was sent flying but she twirled around in mid-air and landed on her feet.

William roared in pain and rage, suddenly his black skin regrew in seconds once again covering his body in his biological armor once again, Morgan growled "Great... he almost healed all the damage we just gave him".

Claire frowned and sighed "This might be a bit harder than we thought...".

William roared toward both Morgan and Claire who got ready to fight the G-Creature once again.


Annette couldn't do anything but gape in complete and utter shock at what she just saw "W-what was that?... Did that little girl just grow red armor, and did she just shoot laser and energy balls?".

But before Annette continue to ponder what was going on, a sudden crashing sound coming from the main automated door beside her caught her attention "W-wh-".

But Annette couldn't finish her sentence when the automated door was suddenly blasted away, causing her to cover her face and screamed a bit when a black blast of wind and some kind of blue and black energy projectile flew right next to her.

Annette then quickly uncovered her head to see what had blasted its way in, she was naturally worried some sort of creature broke in but she was instead stunned in shock once again.

Coming into the chamber were four girls, girls Annette recognized right away but was unable to even say a word.

A black-haired girl wielding a big serrated sword that look very deadly, beside her was a light brunette almost blonde girl wearing a very beautiful white uniform and hat on her head, behind her with beautiful bluish and red flames on her body was a red-haired girl that looked like she was ready to end the world.

But the girl walking behind the first three was the one who caught all of Annette's attention, she recognized the girl right away and how could she not? When it was Sherry who was walking behind the other three girls.

However she looked so different from the little girl Annette knew as her daughter, Sherry was even dressed differently right now, and not for the first time today Annette found herself gaping.

The four girls walked towards the lowered platform and looked down, all four frowned when they saw Morgan and Claire fighting William who had clearly mutated to become more powerful and Annette even shivered at the annoyance on their faces.

Annette then turned her head towards Sherry and stared at her daughter, in her hand, she has a beautifully crafted silver spear and she wondered where she even found such a weapon.

But it was her clothes that really took her breath away for a few seconds, Sherry was wearing what can only be described as a magical warrior princess outfit, a white gown dress that reached just below her knees along what it seems to be silver armor on her shins, arms, knees, shoulders and chest.

behind her, on her back was some sort of white feathered cloak and on her head some kind of head armor in the form of a dragon's head but it was her now glowing golden hair and sapphire blue eyes that really caught her attention.

Suddenly the black-haired mouthy girl looked up and brightly smiled at the girls "You're late!".

The four new arrivals smiled back at her and then jumped down to join in on the fight, Annette struggle to say something to Sherry, anything really but no sound came out of her mouth, and could only watch as her daughter glided down with the help of her feather white cloak towards her friends.

Annette could only sadly watch as Sherry smiled at Claire and the mouthy girl {I've never seen Sherry smile like that...}.


Morgan cheered as her friends joined her and Claire, William charged forward but Hope waved her hand at him and sent him flying back with a powerful telekinetic blast, the G-Creature then violently crashed against the wall behind him.

But Morgan knew that it wouldn't be enough to keep it down for long, though right now she didn't care and stared at Sherry with a big wide smile on her face "Sherry!".

Sherry only had a few seconds to prepare when Morgan suddenly launched herself at her, the little Birkin caught Morgan and laughed as she hugged her "Morgan! You're okay! I was so worried when Hope told us that you and Claire needed help!".

Morgan giggled and then moved away for Claire to walk up to Sherry, Claire immediately walked up to Sherry and got on one knee, she then brushed Sherry's hair off her forehead with her hand "Sherry, looking good and cool".

Sherry smiled and nodded, then she lifted her spear so Claire could see "Look! This is my Sacred Gear! the Spear of Destiny! Longinus~".

Claire smiled and stared at the beautiful silver spear, Morgan tilted her head in confusion "That's the True Longinus? but this isn't how it's supposed to look though...".

Hope smiled and then spoke up "I was surprised too but it seems like Daddy did more than just modify the Longinus! He completely remade the Sacred Gear and changed into the Spear of Destiny~".

Morgan's eyes sparkled in excitement "So cool! I wonder what it can do? I do feel a lot of holy light from it!".

Yuzu smiled "We don't know much of what the Spear of Destiny can do, but Sherry can use white holy light like big bro Harry and as you can see, it comes with a whole wardrobe change as well!".

Claire and Morgan smiled and noticed Sherry seemed anxious to give her Sacred Gear a try, Morgan turned her head towards Claire who smiled and nodded at her.

Morgan cheerfully smiled back at Claire happy that she understood what she wanted to do "Alright everyone! Sherry take point! Everyone else support her! Let's see what her Sacred Gear can do!".

Everyone nodded and then jumped behind Sherry who walked forward and expertly began to spin her spear, somehow she knew how to wield it already, it was as if she trained in the art of the spear her whole life.

William stood up and then roared "ShERry!" Sherry frowned as she heard the four-armed creature before her roar her name out loud "... I know what you want father... but I won't let you harm me or my friends!".

Claire and Morgan widen their eyes in surprise not expecting Sherry to know that this creature was her father, Claire stared at Sherry worriedly "Sherry...".

But Sherry just moved her head to the side and gazed at Claire with a soft smile on her face "I know Claire... I've known this whole time that this thing is my father.. but this just means I have to stop this once and for all! So please help me, everyone!".

William began to stomp around on the ground while roaring in rage, meanwhile, Claire, Hope, Morgan, Yuzu, and Karin nodded to Sherry, Claire smiled at Sherry "We have your back Sherry!".

Sherry beamed a smile at Claire and then turned her face towards her father who was getting ready to launch himself at her, Sherry pointed her spear at the G-Creature in front of her "... You were never a good father but I loved you all the same!... Get ready Dad!".

William roared one more time and launched himself towards Sherry, Annette who was watching all of this go down gasped in worry but Sherry didn't even hear her as she took off running towards the G-Creature her father had become.

Morgan pointed her fist towards William and shot ten mini missiles Sherry blurred for a second and became a flash of white light, the missiles continued forward was crashed against William who was still running forward and was unable to dodge.

A massive explosion rocked the whole chamber and William was sent flying back a bit, but he was able to land on all of his six limbs, suddenly Sherry appeared behind him in another flash of white light and stabbed her Longinus against his shoulder blades.

Her Sacred Gear was unable to stab deep into his black armored skin but that didn't stop Sherry, who narrowed her eyes and then swung her spear down leaving a cut on the G-Creature's back and pushing him forward.

Karin appeared in front of him and swung Fugetsu's massive Shikai form towards William's abdomen, she couldn't cut too deep but succeeded in sending the G-Creature flying back and crashing against a few electronic machines.

Yuzu who had been charging a big black reishi Arrow, let go of it and the reishi arrow shot through the air unleashing a loud boom throughout the chamber.

William was barely able to catch the reishi arrow and stopped it from crashing against his body but he was struggling with the massive reishi arrow, suddenly he was barraged by countless bullets making it harder for the G-Creature to hold back the arrow.

Claire glared at William as she unloaded a whole clip of her submachine gun, once it was empty she quickly switched to her grenade launcher and shot at William with a frag grenade.

The grenade crashed against William's face and exploded making him roar in pain and lose his hold on the massive reishi arrow, the arrow crashed against his body and violently exploded shaking the room once more.

William burst out forward from the explosion but the girls saw that his black armored Skin was cracked and falling apart in some places, showing that they were causing damage.

Claire smiled and then suddenly yelled at the others "We have to break that armor to expose his weak points! Hit him hard!".

Everyone nodded, Sherry suddenly twirled her spear above her head and then loudly slammed the end of the Longinus into the ground "Celestial Safeguard!".

Everyone was suddenly engulfed in a white light, the girls felt a boost in power and were surrounded by energy shields, Sherry nodded and then explained "Those shields will take damage for you until they break! So go and hit him with everything you have!".

Everyone smiled and got ready, Hope raised both of her hands and all the machinery around her began to get rip off the ground and float around her, she then began to float a bit and suddenly waved both arms towards the G-Creature.

Everything her telekinetic energy picked up suddenly shot towards William at high-speed, the G-Creature was able to destroy a few of the objects Hope sent his way but the rest violently crashed against him stopping him in his tracks.

Morgan took off running on all fours and headed straight toward William, Karin followed behind her and both of them blurred out of sight and appeared above William who was to distracted protecting himself from Hope's attack.

Both Karin and Morgan dropped down towards William, Morgan's hand exploded with red lightning while Karin's Zanpakutō was engulfed in black wind.

Both roared as they cut off two of William's arms causing the G-creature to howl in pain, this, however, distracted him, and didn't see both Yuzu and Sherry appear in front of him.

Both girls immediately lashed out toward the G-creature's knees, Yuzu stabbed one of her Seele Schneider (Soul Cutter) into his left knee while Sherry stabbed her Longinus into the other knee.

But violently swipe their weapons to the side cutting off William's leg up to his knees, with just two arms left William couldn't stop his fall to the ground and slammed against it with a big boom.

Hope jumped up hard and then stood on the ceiling right above where William landed and took out her gauss pistol and began to charge her energy into it "'Charge Shot! Thunder Mine!'".

Her gauss pistol let out a few blue sparks as it charged energy and then Hope pulled the trigger, a massive orb of plasma shot downwards toward William.

The G-Creature saw the attack coming and when the girls jumped back he tried to get away, but the moment he even twitched he was suddenly shot by Claire who used her spark shot.

William couldn't do anything but roar in pain as he was being electrocuted until the massive orb of Plasma, Hope shot at him crashed down against him and exploded engulfing the G-Creature in a massive explosion of lightning.

The girls narrowed their eyes as they watched the explosion subside William seemed black-charred, but they ignore that in exchange for paying attention to the fact that his black-armored skin had been completely destroyed once again.

With the eyes which are his weaknesses exposed again, the girls immediately moved, Hope used her telekinesis from where she was standing on the ceiling and lifted William's body exposing all of the eyes.

Morgan stabbed her hand into the big eyes on William's shoulder, Karin slashed the one on his back while Yuzu shot the one on his leg.

The G-Creature roared and squirmed in pain and exposed his eyes on his chest, Claire unloaded a whole clip of her Handgun on it and once she was done Sherry appeared in front of William and stabbed her Longinus through the chest eye.

William howled and then suddenly trashed in mid-air at the agonizing pain he felt by being attacked on his weak spots, suddenly he began to release a blast of air from his body which pushed the girls back and off him.

Luckily the barriers Sherry had given everyone absorbed the blow of the airblast and from crashing through things so they recovered their balance right away, Hope landed beside everyone as they watched William begin to mutate once more.

The G-Creature immediately regenerate all of his lost limbs but then began to roar as his body began to morph, and violently twist as he changed form.

Claire winced as she heard William's bones pop and cracked as he evolved "Shit, it's adapting to us again!".

William dropped on two hands and his feet, his body became long and had even grown a tail, his body was covered in slender black armored skin while his other two arms grew big and had some very sharp looking white colored claws.

He looked far more animalistic that way, Hope narrowed her eyes "... He evolve to be faster and more agile plus I'm sure that armor is even stronger despite looking thin!".

Everyone nodded, and the G-Creature roared and got ready to pounce which the girls noticed, Morgan glared at William "His power level shot up as well, we can't keep holding back".

Sherry looked at the new monstrous form of her father "He's on his last legs, we caused him a lot of damage already and he knows he's in real danger now, he evolved in an effort to survive...".

Sherry turned her head towards her Longinus and seemed to be thinking about something, she then nodded to herself "I have a new skill I want to try but I need time to charge it, I'm still not used to channeling my mana so it will take me sometime".

Everyone nodded and all got ready to keep William busy while Sherry did her thing, meanwhile Sherry grabbed hold of her Longinus with both hands and began to charge as much mana as she could causing the Spear to begin to glow with white light.

Claire then loaded her grenade launcher while both Morgan and Karin rushed forward, William pounced at them and took the girl by surprise with his new speed.

Morgan got whipped by the G-Creature's tail and was sent skidding back, Sherry's barrier prevented her from getting damaged though, William swung his arm fast towards Karin who raised Fugetsu and blocked the strike with a loud clang.

Karin was sent flying back but she twirled in mid-air and created a reiryoko platform beneath her feet and stopped her momentum, a second later she pushed herself forwards toward William and countered his attack with a full swing of Fugetsu.

Karin yelled and Fugetsu was engulfed in a black wind that violently spiraled around the massive serrated Zanpakutō, William tried to jump away but was suddenly stopped mid-movement.

Hope grinned at the G-Creature as she held him down with her telekinesis, unable to move an inch William took the full swing from Karin, Fugetsu crashed against his side and he was then engulfed in an explosion of black wind that not only pinned him down but also began to cut his black armored skin.

Morgan then swung her arms back and two massive hands made out of her energy materialize behind her, with a roar Morgan then swung her arms forwards and clapped towards William.

The massive hands made out of energy mimicked her movements and clapped as well, sending a massive sonic boom that sent William crashing toward a wall where he violently slammed against it.

Claire immediately shot him with her grenade launcher sending three consecutive flame rounds towards William who was half buried in the wall, the flame rounds crashed against his body and exploded engulfing his body with flames.

William howled in pain but he was interrupted when Yuzu pulled on her spiritual bow's string and then released a multitude of black reishi arrows that barraged against his body stopping him from moving.

Suddenly Sherry's body exploded with white light that spiraled around her body, wisps of white light began to float off the ground and dance around the chamber.

The blade on the Longinus suddenly exploded with white light and grew in size as Sherry spread her legs and pointed her spear toward the G-Creature "I'm ready! Give me an opening guys!".


Annette lost all of her strength and completely collapse on the floor, but still watched everything that has happened and she was quite frankly shocked with what she had seen so far.

Never in her life had she seen such an amazing sight as these five little girls battling a monster with what seemed to be a wide array of magical skills, it was something right out of a movie and if she could Annette would have laughed at the absurdity of it all.

But right now she didn't have the strength to laugh much less move an inch but right now, at this moment, all she wanted to do is see her daughter, right now Sherry looked so fierce, so confident and so beautiful surrounded by that gorgeous white light.

It made her smile and feel proud even though she didn't deserve to feel so, her little Sherry was at this moment fixing her and her father's mistakes.

She was taking a step forward to a new path and Annette bore witness to her daughter's resolution "Sherry... I'm sorry I wasn't the mother you deserved... but you'll survive... even without me and your dad... you'll become something very special... I can see it now...".

Sherry's mother, Annette Birkin closed her eyes and silently drew in her last breath before succumbing to her wounds and dying, however she died with a small smile on her face.


Yuzu's attack ended and William dropped to the ground and immediately launched himself toward Sherry, perhaps it was his Instincts, or even the pressure being released by Sherry but the G-Creature knew that something big was coming.

So he sought to stop whatever Sherry was doing, however, he forgot one detail and that was that Sherry wasn't alone.

Not anymore at least, now she had new friends that care for her and would protect her as much she will protect them, she was no longer the small and afraid little girl William Birkin knew.

Now she was the wielder on the Spear of Destiny, now she can fight and protect the ones she loves, so as William approached Sherry.

Karin suddenly appeared above him and dropped sword first into him impaling the G-Creature with a roar, she had to sharpen her Zanpakutō with her black wind in order for it to go through William's body.

But it worked and William was stopped from reaching Sherry, Yuzu blurred behind William and impaled two Seele Schneider into the G-Creature's legs further pinning him down.

William howled and roared in pain but Morgan blurred in front of him and spin kicked him in the face, his head whipped to the side but Morgan didn't stop there and jumped up while grabbing hold of two of his four arms and landed on his shoulders where she pulled both arms back.

William tried to thrash around and whipped his head to his sides while roaring in both pain and rage, suddenly both Hope and Claire walked up to Sherry's side who was still in front of William, and aimed their handguns toward the pinned-down G-Creature.

Both began to shoot at William non-stop causing him further pain, Sherry stared at the creature who used to be her dad with a sad frown on her face "... goodbye dad...".

William roared and howled and then suddenly spoke up "ShErRyy!" a small tear dropped from Sherry's eyes but it quickly evaporated from the white light spiraling around her.

Sherry raised the Spear of Destiny and twirled it around her body while the light began to dance around her as well "'Advent Lumen!'".

Sherry suddenly stabbed her Sacred Gear into William's head, the G-Creature flinched and froze, meanwhile the girls immediately jumped away from William.

William's body suddenly glimmered with white light and then exploded in a bright explosion of white light that engulfed William's body entirely.

The girls awed at the beautiful display shown by Sherry's technique, Claire suddenly smiled and couldn't help but say "It looks like a star...".

The girls nodded in agreement to Claire's observation, suddenly the room shook from all the damage done to it throughout the battle which alerted the girls that the chamber won't be able to take much more.

Suddenly whatever was left of William's body was sent flying back where it crashed against the last of the standing machines and destroyed them, William roared and thrashed around on the floor until his body suddenly exploded with spurts of green blood.

The G-Creature stopped moving and finally lay on the floor unmoving, the girls sighed in relief at having been able to finally bring William down.

But then explosions began to go off around the chamber as it began to collapse, Claire looked around in a panic "Oh no! We need to get out of here now!".

Everyone nodded, the girls definitely didn't want to end up under an entire city block when this entire chamber collapses, so everyone jumped out of the lower platform to where the higher one is and headed towards the door the girls destroyed.

Sherry noticed her mother's unmoving body and sadly frowned but she shook her head and accepted her death "... bye mom...".

Sherry then ran out of the room with everyone else who noticed what Sherry saw and what she said, the girls decided right then and there to not say anything and just give Sherry their support.


The girls ran out of the west wing labs while making sure that Claire was following them and not being left behind, Sherry can now keep up with the girls somewhat and was loving it so they didn't need to keep an eye on her anymore.

Sure she was sad that both her mom and dad were dead now but she knew for a fact that they were awful parents, and that they cared more about their work and research than her.

So even though she would mourn them and miss them she accepted the fact that they were gone, but she was also looking forward to her future.

Along the way they decided to head back to the medicinal room as the west wing completely collapse, the same room they let Sherry rest in is perfect to think about what to do next, though Claire also noticed that a lot of the doors along the way were destroyed.

It seems that Hope, Karin, Yuzu, and Sherry threw caution to the wind in their hurry to get to them and help, it made Claire smile to know just how much these girls care about each other and about her as well.

The girls reached the medical room and sighed a bit glad for this chance to rest a bit, Sherry's new battle garbs glowed for a bit and then dissipated into white light wisps leaving her in her normal clothes though she was still holding the Spear of Destiny.

Sherry sighed "Phew... staying in that form for a long time really gets me tired...".

Hope smiled and then took a miracle gel out of her dress pocket and handed it to her "Well you just awakened your Sacred Gear and used one of its techniques, normally that shouldn't be possible but I bet Daddy modified it so you can use it right away".

Sherry took the miracle gel and then ate it with a smile on her face "Wow, this tastes delicious!".

Everyone smiled at Sherry, Claire then wrapped Sherry in a one-armed hug "Are you okay Sherry? I mean both of your parents ar-".

Sherry cut Claire off and smiled at her "I'm okay Claire, a little sad but okay... I heard my mom's last words though I don't think she knew I heard her".

The girls nodded since they also heard Annette's last words, Claire awkwardly laughed "That's right, you're a superhuman now, how does it feel Sherry?".

Sherry turned her head towards her Sacred Gear and smiled "It feels pretty good, there are still a lot of techniques and abilities I can't use yet but with practice and training I will be able to wield the Spear of Destiny's full power someday, though I have to think what I'm going to do now that mom and dad are gone".

Morgan then hugged Sherry surprising her a bit "Why don't you come with us to our world! You can be our sister and live with us!".

Sherry gaped as she was a bit caught off guard by Morgan's proposal. She liked the idea very much, but she had to think about it for a few moments before giving Morgan an answer.