Chapter 23

Sherry thought about Morgan's proposal to go with her and Hope to their world, she had to admit that she liked the idea very much especially because it meant that she would get to stay with her new friends "But what about Hope's parents? and your's Morgan? would they really just accept that?".

Morgan grinned and turned her head towards Hope who was already on her smartphone and texting away to somebody, few moments later she sent her text and waited for a reply.

Which didn't take long to arrive, she immediately read it, and then a big bright smile appeared on her face, Hope then turned her head towards Sherry "Daddy said it's cool! and that he doesn't mind another daughter to take care of and spoil~".

Claire couldn't help but burst out laughing at the perplexed face Sherry was making right, it seems like she didn't expect Hope to immediately text her dad and ask, Morgan, cheered and jumped up and down "Yes! We have another sister in the house! Evil doers beware! Because we're coming for you!".

Yuzu and Karin smiled at Morgan's excited rant and then turned towards Sherry, Yuzu walked up to her and gave her a soft and warm hug "Well looks like your my niece now Sherry~ that makes me very happy".

Karin grinned and rustled Sherry's hair "Welcome to the family Sherry, better buckle up though because you just joined one crazy family".

Sherry actually teared up a bit and hugged Yuzu back and turned her head towards Claire who smiled at her and decided to comment "Hmm Sherry Potter? I like that sound of that Sherry, I think it fits perfectly!".

Sherry turned her head towards everyone, Hope, Morgan, Yuzu, and Karin gave her big smiles and a nod then gave her a big group hug which made her laugh and smile.

Claire just watched on with a fond smile on her face, she was glad that Sherry found a good family to take care of her and great friends as well, suddenly an alarm went off alerting everyone that something was going on.

Then an automated voice began to announce something "Attention: Unauthorized removal of a Level 4 virus detected, facility lockdown initiated, self-destruct sequence will begin when lockdown is complete".

Everyone looked around as they heard the announcement, Claire frowned since she didn't like the sound of that "What does that mean?".

Hope sighed "Looks like this whole facility is going out with a bang! We need to get out of here now!".

Everyone nodded understanding that the research facility's self-destruct sequence had begun and that they needed to escape, the girls might survive it but Claire definitely couldn't.

The whole place began to shake and tremble which made the girls feel nervous, Sherry shook her head and decided to call out to everyone "Come on, let's go!".

Everyone responded with a loud 'Yes' and then immediately got out of the room, as the girls ran towards the central station Claire suddenly spoke up "We already went through the East, North, and West labs, if there's a way out it's on the bottom part of the research facility!".

Morgan nodded in agreement since she knew this as well "We have to move fast! So we're breaking rules! No holding back and forget about being careful, destroy anything in our way! Now let's hurry to the elevator on the central station!".

The girls agreed with Morgan and nodded to her to let her know they understood, the situation was one where they can't afford to be careful about things.

They arrived at the elevator in the middle of the central station in a matter of seconds, but once they reached it, they found out that they needed another electronic chip.

However they didn't have time to go look for one, so Hope swung her arm and unleashed a massive telekinetic blast that ripped the elevator away from the opening leading down, the elevator was then sent flying into a wall where it ended up encrusted on it.

Morgan looked down and saw that it was very deep "Alright! We're all jumping in! Hope you grab hold of Claire! Everyone else! Keep an eye open and get ready for anything as soon as we reached the bottom!".

The girls immediately followed Morgan's order and jumped, with Hope taking on her phoenix form and grabbing hold of Claire's shoulders before flying down herself with Claire coming along.

It didn't take long for the girls to land on the bottom labs, everyone immediately went on high alert and looked around, Hope carried Claire down and gently set her down as soon as they reached the bottom floor, while also turning back into her human form.

Claire immediately took out her handgun and got ready, the girls nodded at her, and then the group took off running down the hall of monitors and computers they arrived at.

They walked around the hall and reached a door with an exit sign, it opened for them and the girls wasted no time walking out of the door.

They ended up on a metal platform with a staircase leading further down, the girls didn't stop and carefully rushed down the stairs, as they did so an explosion went off some distance away from them but they ignored it in favor of moving fast.

As soon as they reached where the staircase led, they found a door and they quickly ran to it, they immediately opened it and ran inside wherever it lead.

They found yet again another metal platform, this one, however, lead to a lift of sorts, which the girls ran towards and got on right away, Claire immediately pushed the down button and the lift took everyone down.

The lift took a few seconds to go down but as soon as it did, the automated voice suddenly said a new announcement "Ten minutes until detonation".

The girls frowned at the time limit but chose to ignore it for now and continue rushing, they took off running through the new metal platform the lift had taken them to.

Suddenly a few plant zombies stood up to attack the girls, but Hope burn one into ash, while Sherry sliced the other one into pieces.

The girls didn't even stop running and just continued going as fast as they could without leaving Claire behind, eventually, they reached the end of the metal platform and went inside a doorway they found.

Inside they found another small metal platform, however, this one led to a ladder, Claire immediately began to climb down while the girls jumped down and waited for Claire once they landed at the bottom of the ladder.

Sherry smiled in good fun because she had wanted to do that since she had seen Hope, Morgan, Yuzu, and Karin do it, the girls, of course, noticed that Sherry was having a bit of fun and was happy that she was doing so, despite what was going in right now.

It didn't take long for Claire to reach the bottom and rejoin the girls, once together again they all took off running right away.

They found a door at the end of a short platform but it was locked, Morgan however just grinned and punched it open which just made everyone laugh a bit and run inside.

They found a room on fire but at this point, something like this wouldn't faze the girls and they just rushed through the room, though Hope made sure to keep the flames away from Claire with her telekinesis.

They ran to the end of the room on fire, into a hallway, and then a door leading to a long hallway on fire as well, at the end of it they found a zombie engulfed in flames blocking the way.

Yuzu immediately summoned her reishi bow and shot a black reishi arrow at the fire-engulfed zombie, blasting it into pieces.

By now the girls haven't powered down and since they were still on the same level of power they used against William, they were completely destroying any Bio Weapon in their way.

It kinda made Claire feel a bit bad about them but she just ignored that silly thought and continued running with the girls, once past where the on-fire zombie stood they found another door.

They didn't waste any time opening it and rushing through the doorway, another long hallway awaited them and they ran through it without stopping.

They quickly reached the end of the hallway and found one last door, Claire immediately opened it and through the doorway, they found a big yellow train.

Everyone stared at it for a few seconds, until Sherry spoke up and got everyone's attention "Hey guys! I think we can use this to get out of here".

The girls nodded to Sherry in agreement, Claire smiled and then spoke up "Yeah I think so! Let's check it out, guys".

Everyone quickly ran around it and saw that the train was aligned to the train tracks, so they looked around on the other side to see if something can be done.

They found some kind of control room on the other side and everyone quickly ran towards it to investigate, they knew they had 8 minutes left before this whole place went boom and they needed to hurry.

Once inside they found a minigun which shocked them quite a bit, Claire immediately grabbed it thinking it could be useful, while the girls sweatdropped a bit but didn't say anything.

After that they decided to check out the rest of the control room, they quickly found the control to the train tracks but it seems that it needed something to work.

Morgan growled a bit "It needs a joint plug... I've seen this sort of machine slot before in daddy's lab so I know what it's for, the problem is, how are we going to find one?".

Everyone frowned as they thought about what to do next, suddenly Sherry offered an idea "Maybe there's one in the train?".

Morgan thought about it for a second "Well, it wouldn't hurt to go look and see".

The girls nodded and immediately rushed out of the control room and headed to the big yellow train, they went inside as soon as they reached it and to their luck, they found the joint plug they needed.

They all cheered for a second and then rushed back outside the train to go back to the control room, once back inside Morgan pushed down the joint plug into its slot in the control panel.

The train and room where it rested came to life as power began to run in this chamber, the lights turned on and everything began to work, Claire smiled and nodded "Okay... alright, it did something... ".

Hope nodded "Everything seems to be working alright, we shouldn't find any other problems".

Yuzu looked at the train and stared at it "Hopefully this takes us out of this place and maybe the city too...".

Karin scratched her head "Well even if it takes us out at least to somewhere inside the city, we can just fly out of the city and take Claire and Sherry with us".

Morgan turned her head towards Sherry "Can you fly Sherry?".

Sherry turned her head towards Morgan and shook her head "Well, apparently my fathered cape can turn into wings and I should be able to fly with them, but I don't know how yet, I have the ability but I haven't unlocked it".

Morgan crossed her arms and nodded "Looks like it's a safety mechanism, your Sacred Gear must want for you to get better at controlling your mana until then it doesn't want you to risk yourself".

Sherry nodded in agreement to Morgan's words, Claire smiled "Either way, we need to get out of here now, we'll decide what to do when we're actually no longer in danger of being blasted off the planet".

The girls nodded, they were about to rush off out of the control room, when a monitor suddenly let out a loud static-like noise, and Leon came on the monitor for a few seconds, the girls immediately stopped as Leon called out "Claire!".

Claire immediately walked up to the monitor and stared at it in confusion "What?... Leon? You're down here too!?".

Leon nodded and responded right away "Yeah, but the whole place is coming down, look, you need to get out! Fast!".

Claire nodded "I know, I found a way out... I think, I think we can all make it, where are you now!?".

The static on the monitor began to get worse but they were lucky to be able to still hear Leon " Claire, are you still there?".

But it looked like Leon couldn't hear Claire anymore, Claire frowned not liking the situation "Leon? I'm sorry, you're breaking up!".

Leon however spoke up "Don't worry about me! Just get outta here!".

Claire shook her head as the monitor completely began to malfunction "Leon! Leon!... Damn!".

Claire looked very worried and that made the girls feel bad, in all honesty, they all just forgot about Leon with everything going on, Hope scratched her head and sighed "Umm Claire I think I can help".

Claire turned her head towards Hope "Hope? What do you mean? We should just try and get out of here quickly".

Hope smiled and then walked up to Claire, she reached over and grabbed her hand "We have time, So just listen okay?".

Claire sighed and then nodded, Hope softly smiled at her "As you know I'm a phoenix and phoenixes have a special ability known as flame travel, technically it's magical teleportation but I should be able to use it to get to Leon and bring him here".

Claire nodded "But I hear a big but coming right?"

Hope blushed and sheepishly scratched her head "Well, I've never used flame travel before so it's going to be a bit of a bumpy ride for me and Leon".

Sherry tilted her head and seemed confused "But you're a phoenix, why haven't you ever used flame travel before?".

Hope blushed a bit "Ah! Well... I never had a reason to? Everyone pretty much can fly, run super fast or Daddy teleports everyone, so I've never tried it despite being a phoenix... but since we don't know where Leon is exactly, this is the best way to both find him and bring him here".

Everyone nodded, though Claire and Sherry looked a little lost so Morgan decided to elaborate "Well, you see, most methods of teleportation and such techniques need a clear image of where you're going, or know the energy signature of the person you're trying to teleport to.

But since we don't know Mr. Leon very well or where he is, we wouldn't be able to reach him in time, so a phoenix's flame travel, which only requires the desire to teleport somewhere or to someone, would work best here".

Claire nodded understanding what the girls just explained, "Then please Hope, go get Leon".

Hope smiled at Claire and nodded, she then took on her phoenix form and stayed in the air for a few seconds as she closed her eyes, suddenly she burst into flames and disappeared.

Claire looked worried but Morgan and Sherry grabbed her hands hoping to help her relax, it worked because Claire gave them a thankful smile, and a few seconds later, Hope reappeared with Leon hanging from her claws.

He looked rather taken off guard at being grabbed by the nape of his police officer uniform but smiled when he saw Claire "Claire!".

Claire brightly smiled at Leon "Leon you're alright!".

Hope turned back into her human form and landed softly on the ground on her feet, she wobbled a bit "Phew! That felt weird... I'm going to have to practice this a lot when I get back home".

Yuzu gently patted Hope on her back while she shook her head, Leon gaped at her in surprise "That bird was you, Hope! Jesus! You scared me half to death".

Hope sheepishly laughed "Sorry about that, but we don't have time to explain, we all need to get to the train and get out here".

Everyone nodded agreeing with Hope in wanting to put the question on hold, for now, everyone then quickly ran out of the control room and headed straight to the train.

Everyone rushed inside and almost got stuck in the doorway when everyone tried to go through at the same time, they all laughed and took turns getting into the train.

Morgan immediately rushed to the control panel inside the train and activated the lift which began to go down with the train, she sighed glad that they had plenty of time.

She turned around and smiled at everyone who smiled back at her, but then the train shook as if something really heavy just landed on top of it.

Everyone's eyes widen in surprise, Claire and everyone else immediately rushed out of the train to see what had landed on it, when they all got outside and looked at the roof of the train they gaped at the creature above it.

Morgan pointed at it "Ah! It's the Big Guy with the armored trench coat!".

The girls gaped at the enormous guy, they had in all honesty forgotten about him, Leon frowned "... I found a computer file with the name of all of these creatures... these bioweapons, that's a Tyrant...I faced him a few times in the police station".

Karin frowned "So that's why we didn't see him after we beat him, he must have gone after you after that".

Morgan sighed and shook her head "Great... another big monster and why is he giving off last-boss vibes?".

The Tyrant jumped down from the train and landed in front of the girls and Leon, his trench coat then began to snap all over his body as it began to fall apart.

As soon as all the clothes he had on were dropped he began to mutate and grow even bigger, his hands turned pitch black and grew claws, Morgan deadpanned "Ah... that's why... and did he just get naked in front of us?".

Everyone nodded to Morgan who continued to deadpan at the Tyrant "Perv...".

Whether the tyrant took offense to that or not would stay forever a secret as he rushed forward at an amazing speed, Morgan pushed Leon to the side while Hope did the same for Claire.

Both were then sent flying by the Tyrant who slapped them away with his massive arm, Claire immediately got worried for them "Hope! Morgan!".

Karin immediately got into her Shikai and struck at the Tyrant her zanpakutō, the Tyrant blocked Karin's sword with his arm and pushed her away.

Karin slid on the ground from the force behind the Tyrant's push, meanwhile, Yuzu shot a massive reishi arrow toward the Tyrant but he crossed his arms to protect himself.

He was still pushed back a fair distance away from everyone giving them some space, Karin got ready to attack and yelled at Claire "Claire! Don't worry about Hope and Morgan! They're fine! Focus on the Tyrant!".

Claire looked reluctant since she was really worried about Hope and Morgan but decided to trust them and equipped her minigun, Sherry rushed forward while calling on the power of her Sacred Gear.

Her body glowed white for a second as her battle gear appeared on her, Leon looked both confused and awed at what he just saw the girls do, but decided to put it aside for now and equipped his shotgun.

Sherry reached the Tyrant and attacked him with a barrage of high-speed jabs, the Tyrant grunted but tanked Sherry's attacks, he was about to retaliate but he was suddenly shot at by Claire who shot him with her Mini Gun.

Leon joined in by shooting him with his Shotgun, the Tyrant found himself backpedaling from the barrage of attacks, suddenly Morgan appeared in a blur beside him and sucker-punched the Tyrant in the face with her Boosted Gear-covered arm.

The Tyrant's head whipped to the side and lost his balance from the power behind Morgan's punch, Morgan glared at the Tyrant as she watched him lose his balance "That hurt jerk!".

Hope appeared under the Tyrant's leg and spin kicked him on the back of the knees causing him to fall on that knee, Claire and Leon stopped shooting not wanting to hit the girls.

Hope twirled around on the floor and then pointed her gauss pistol straight at the back of the Tyrant as she charged it with her energy "No one hurts Morgan and gets away with it! 'Charge shot! Cryo Bomb!'".

The light blue orb of mana shot forward from Hope's gauss pistol and hit the Tyrant on his back, a big explosion went off on contact and froze the Tyrant along a big area around the bioweapon.

The girls jumped away before that happened but immediately attacked as soon as they saw the Tyrant frozen, Morgan raised her Boosted Gear and a voice suddenly called out from it "Boost, Boost!".

Morgan then pointed her open hand towards Karin and grinned, her Boosted Gear then had the same voice call out again "Transfer!".

As soon as Karin felt Morgan's Transfer hit she immediately began to charge her zanpakutō with her spiritual energy, Fugetsu then let out a massive amount of howling black wind.

Karin then roared and swung Fugetsu as hard as she could toward the frozen Tyrant, a massive blast of black wind was sent out from her swing and traveled along the ground until it crashed against the Frozen Tyrant.

The bioweapon was then sent flying and rolling through the air from the boosted blast of black wind until it crashed again the wall around the lowering platform.

Yuzu and Claire wasted no time and barraged the Tyrant with minigun bullets and reishi black arrows, before the bioweapon could even have a chance to fall down.

They followed the Tyrant and kept shooting at it as it fell to the platform trying not to give it a chance to recover, Sherry took off running at high speed while charging white light into her Spear of Destiny.

The Tyrant suddenly got up and roared while Claire and Yuzu continued shooting at him, Sherry reached the furious bioweapon and slashed at him with her spear.

The Tyrant blocked her slash with his arm, but Sherry twirled her spear with both hands and made the Tyrant's arm swing to the side, she then stepped inside the bioweapons defense and swung and jabbed the end of her Spear's shaft into his chest.

The Tyrant howled in pain and actually backpedaled while grasping at his chest, Sherry then noticed the exposed Heart she just hit "His chest! Aim for his heart! That's his weak spot!".

Everyone nodded having heard Sherry's words, Leon took out a grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it at the Tyrant as the bioweapon was distracted by the pain he felt from Sherry striking his heart so strongly, the grenade landed by his feet and exploded.

The Tyrant was pushed back by the force of the explosion, Morgan, and Karin blurred in front of him and attacked his heart, the bioweapon was barely able to block Karin's sword slash with his arm.

But that allowed Morgan's punch to go through, her punch hit his chest and exposed heart sending him flying back, while roaring in pain.

Morgan and Karin landed on their feet, Morgan then turned her head towards everyone "He doesn't have a healing factor either! Hit him hard!".

Everyone nodded and then took off running towards where the Tyrant had landed after being punched by Morgan, the girls ran past Claire and Leon and reached the bioweapon first.

Sherry charge her spear with white holy light and threw it towards the Tyrant who was trying to get up, the spear soared through the air and impaled itself into the Tyrant's shoulder causing the bioweapon to grunt in pain.

Morgan blurred in front of the Tyrant and jumped kicked the back end of the Spear of Destiny causing it to go through the Tyrant's shoulder, in that second before the spear could go flying away.

Karin appeared behind the Tyrant in a blur and caught the spear by the shaft, she immediately threw it up and spun in mid-air, she then swung down Fugetsu as hard as she could towards the Tyrant's back.

Blood splattered all over the place as Karin's slash cut open the Tyrant's back causing it to roar in pain, Sherry appeared above the bioweapon and caught her spear, and came down towards the Tyrant.

She landed on his shoulders and impaled the Tyrant through the neck, the bioweapon gurgled some blood out as Sherry held her Spear and forced the Tyrant's head up.

The Tyrant tried to reach for the spear impaling his neck but Claire and Leon began to shoot at his arms with the Minigun and Shotgun, preventing the Tyrant from reaching the Spear.

Yuzu then appeared behind the Tyrant and stabbed both of his knees through from behind with two of her Seele Schneider, the Tyrant now immobilized and unable to defend itself could not do anything but watch as Hope appeared in front of him.

Hope raised her gauss pistol which now shining with mana and the darkness element, she then aimed it at his heart "'Charge Shot! Chaos Eater!'"

Hope pulled the trigger of her gauss pistol and shot a big orb of Darkness into the Tyrant's heart, the girls jumped away from the bioweapon while Hope grabbed Leon and Sherry, Claire with her telekinesis to get them away from Hope's attack.

The Tyrant roared in pain as the big orb of darkness destroyed its heart and then detonated inside of him engulfing him in an explosion of darkness, Hope turned around and walked away from the explosion of darkness with a soft smile on her face.

Everyone gaped as the Tyrant began to disintegrate within the darkness into glowing particles of grey light until there was nothing left, needless to say, that Hope's attack was terrifying was an understatement.

But now that the Tyrant was finally dead everyone could breathe easy, Leon sighed and then scratched his head "... That thing had been a hassle to deal with and you girls took it down in a few minutes... well there goes my confidence".

Claire giggled and shook her head "You get used to it, but I am glad they were here to help, I don't think I would have been able to deal with that thing this fast by myself".

Leon nodded "Yeah... it was already tough when he had the Trench coat on, but once it mutated it got even tougher and faster as well, that thing is a nightmare".

Claire sighed and couldn't agree more with Leon, the girls powered down and then walked towards Claire and Leon, Morgan sighed and spoke up "At least it didn't have a crazy super fast healing factor and didn't have armor all over his body, that would have made this more complicated".

Everyone nodded in agreement to Morgan's words, the Tyrant is a very dangerous bioweapon but it wasn't as much of a threat as William had been, the G-Creature was truly an annoyance to deal with.

Suddenly the automated voice loudly spoke again "Five more minutes before self-destruction".

Everyone jumped in surprise, Morgan then quickly looked towards the train "Everyone inside! We're getting out here as soon as the platform reaches the bottom!".

The girls and Leon immediately took off running towards the train and went into the train, this time however they did it one by one, Morgan ran to the front right away while everyone took a seat in the train.

A minute later the platform reached the bottom and Morgan wasted no time in getting the train moving, the train turned on and then took off on the train tracks at high-speed.

Everyone smiled having felt that they made it, but a few minutes later a massive explosion shook the underground railway system, shaking the train in the process.

Everyone screamed in surprise as the train shook. Morgan growled as she saw the underground railway's walls crack and begin to break apart "Hang on guys! I'm speeding up!".

Everyone heard Morgan's warning and proceeded to hang on for dear life to anything they could reach, as Morgan made the train go at full speed, suddenly the train was hit by something from behind which made it violently shake.

Morgan held on to the control panel "Hope!"

Hope heard Morgan's scream and quickly got up and began to manifest a massive amount of psychic energy, the train suddenly glowed blue and stabilized on the train tracks.

Flames suddenly engulfed the train from behind as the Umbrella Research Facility self-destructed but Hope's psychic energy protected the train and soon enough the train rushed out of the flames and got away from the explosion.

Morgan sighed and shook her head in relief, most of them might have survived the explosion and getting buried under tons of dirt and rock, but Leon and Claire wouldn't.

So she was really glad that they were able to get away in time, she turned around and stared at Hope who sighed and gave her thumbs up, Morgan laughed and returned Hope's gesture with one of her own.

Hope stood up and huffed a bit, she then turned to look at everyone to check if they were okay, she checked on both Leon and Claire first but other than a little throttled they seemed fine.

Yuzu and Karin were perfectly fine and just smiled at her letting Hope know so, Sherry looked a little startled but fine as well and so the little Potter nodded to herself and sighed "Next time let's try not cutting it too close"

Leon shook his head "I rather not have that happening ever again though...".

Hope just smiled "This is just a Monday to us, Leon, chances are, we will have to rush out of somewhere to avoid an explosion again sometime in the future"

Leon gaped at how nonchalantly Hope just said that, Morgan giggled "Isn't that the truth, but yeah let's try not to take too long in getting away from an explosion next time".

Leon looked rather flabbergasted, which Claire noticed and couldn't help but laugh a bit "You get used to it Leon".

Leon just deadpanned at Claire "I rather not"

Everyone then shared a laugh as the train took them out of the Research Facility and from Raccoon City, for this group of survivors the nightmare was over, for now.


Far away from Raccoon City, a man was looking into a computer monitor and was gaping at what he had just seen through the Tyrant's camera "What in the bloody hell did I just watch...".

This man known as Albert Wesker was completely shocked at what he had seen, four little girls and who he believes is William Birkin's daughter destroyed a fully mutated Tyrant and made it look like child's play.

He quite honestly did not know how to react to all of this, he wished he could get some DNA samples from the little girls, but they were more than likely destroyed with the destruction of the Research Facility and Raccoon City.

So the only thing the mastermind behind all of this could do, is be completely unable to think about what to do with what he just saw.

Too bad Wesker wasn't able to witness the fight between William and the girls, maybe then he would have seen how dangerous those little girls really are.


After reaching the end of the train tracks, Morgan stopped the train and then everyone got off the train itself, they ended up somewhere outside and far away from Raccoon City but also it was a desert.

Yuzu sighed and then frowned as she looked around "Well at least we made it outside of the city"

Karin scratched her head "But I don't think this is any better though...".

Sherry, however, smiled "It isn't too bad guys, at least there are no zombies out here".

Claire turned her head towards Sherry "How do you know that Sherry?".

Sherry tilted her head "Huh?... How do I know that?".

Hope smiled "That's your instincts, you can't sense any more zombies, so you instinctively know that there's no more around here and I can confirm that as well.

Claire sighed and nodded, she knew she could trust Hope, Leon decided to also trust Hope since they did fight together after all.

Morgan stretched and then smiled at Leon and Claire "What are you guys going to do now?"

Claire and Leon exchanged looks for a second and then nodded at each other, Claire smiled at Morgan and then explained "Well since now I know that Sherry will be safe with you and your family, I'm going to go look for Chris... this whole ordeal showed me that Umbrella is planning something and I want to help Chris bring them to justice".

Leon nodded "I'm going to also investigate this further, if this is happening somewhere else I'll stop it, I'm going to try and fight this with everything I have".

Morgan nodded and then smiled "I see... Hope and I might visit some other times but if you need help just pray to Uncle Harry! I'll make sure to tell him to help you guys whenever you pray to him~".

Claire smiled knowing how good it is to have a literal god on your side, Leon looked utterly lost but Claire smiled at him "I'll explain later but do keep what Morgan just told us in mind okay?".

Leon nodded "Alright".

Hope then walked up towards the two adults "We have to go, we've been in this world for many hours, I'm sure Daddy and my moms must be wondering where we are but do you guys want a lift somewhere?".

Claire smiled and nodded "Can you take me back to my place? I really need a bath...".

The girls nodded feeling the same way as Claire and understanding her plight, and so the girls took off flying while carrying Claire, Leon, and Sherry -who didn't know how to fly yet- towards where Claire indicated where she lives.

After a while they reached Claire's place, once there the girls all hugged her tightly while saying goodbye, Claire even teared up a bit because she was going to miss them.

They have gone through a lot together after all, but Claire knew she would see these amazing little girls again, Leon watched on with a soft smile on his face.

Sure he was confused about a lot of things but he knew the girls were good people and more importantly they are trustworthy friends, though they did surprise him by also giving him a big group hug.

But Leon didn't mind and hugged them back with a happy smile on his face, he would have wanted Ada to meet these girls, he knew they would have really gotten along.

After that goodbye the girls prepared to make the world jump back to their world while Clair and Leon watched on, soon the girls waved as the air around them cracked like glass and then shattered.

Right before Leon's shocked eyes and Claire's smiling face, the girls disappeared as soon as reality repaired itself, Leon sighed "What did I just see... and what are those girls?".

Claire giggled "Boy do I have a lot to tell you but first! I need a bath!".

Leon smiled and watched as Claire ran to her bathroom "Why I am always surrounded by super crazy and super strong women?".