Chapter 25

Harry ran after Bellatrix who ran away from him while laughing and taunting the young Wizard, this just caused Harry's anger and despise for her to grow even more and in an effort to stop her from getting away and making her pay, Harry tried to use a very dark and forbidden curse.

Not like he cared much about that right now, no, at this moment he just wanted to make the demented and taunting Bellatrix pay, so Harry suddenly waved and pointed his Holly Wand and yelled "Crucio!".

The spell flew out from his wand and hit Bellatrix in her back, but because of his inexperience with the curse, all it did was push her down and cause a bit of pain, but again Harry was beyond caring about the small details.

Instead, he ran up to Bellatrix and reached her, he pointed his wand at her, and once Bellatrix saw the rage in his emerald green eyes she felt a tinge of fear, this made her look at Harry with a worried expression while the young wizard glared at her.

Harry continue to glare at her in rage while thinking of how to make her pay for killing his only family, but before he could even whisper a spell, a voice stopped him cold in his tracks.

The smooth, silky, and hissing voice immediately made him flinch back knowing whose voice it was, Voldemort suddenly appeared at his side and whispered into his ear "You have to mean it, Harry...".

Harry tried to move, to flinch back again or to at least step back, but he found himself unable to, as Voldemort rounded him with a malicious smile.

Harry of course glared and wanted to do something, but not being able to do anything he chose to just glare at Voldemort, which seemed to disappoint him quite a bit.

But before Voldemort could even utter a word, he suddenly found himself getting kicked in his noseless face and sent flying towards a wall, which he crashed into and fell to the floor soon after.

Harry gaped, Bellatrix gaped and if Voldemort wasn't so busy twitching on the floor in pain he would have gaped as well, Morgan landed on the floor and struck a cool pose "How do you like my Crimson Dynamic Entry snake face!".

Voldemort groaned since that flying kick took him completely by surprise, Bellatrix after her mind registered that someone had kicked her lord, screeched and pointed her wand at the little girl who dared attack her lord.

But the girl moved so fast that not even Harry who had seeker reflexes could see her, not until she reappeared right in front of Bellatrix with her knee right into her face.

Bellatrix was hit so hard and so fast that she was sent flying back and off the ground, she hit the ground a few seconds later, rolled around on the floor a couple of times, and then finally skidded to a halt a few seconds later.

Harry couldn't help it, he didn't know why but for some reason he just had to do the next thing that came into his mind, he clapped, because no matter how you see it, a little girl just kneed a full-grown woman.

Said woman not only flew a fair distance away but also bounced, rolled, and skidded too, damn if that wasn't impressive to Harry, especially because it was done to someone who he wanted to see suffer a lot right now.

Morgan gave a little bow and then smiled at Harry and for that same unknown reason, Harry found himself smiling back at the little girl, Morgan walked up to Harry "Are you okay? That snake face didn't hurt you or anything right?".

Harry nodded and was taken off guard by the worry in the little girl's voice, but he would be laying if he didn't like it too, suddenly Voldemort growled and got up with an expression full of hate.

He turned his head towards Harry and the little girl who dared attacked him, he then raised his wand and Morgan immediately reacted, she suddenly clapped and Harry found himself surrounded by a barrier of sorts.

Voldemort then pointed his wand toward Morgan and angrily shouted "Avada Kadavra!".

Harry's eyes widen in shock and fear for the little girl, he walked up to the barrier and began to beat his fists on it, screaming at the little girl to dodge or getaway.

A green-colored spell shot out from Voldemort's wand at high speed towards Morgan who calmly raised a hand and caught it with her bare hand, Voldemort's eyes widen in shock as did Harry's.

This is the scene one Albus Dumbledore walked into, he was ready to step in and stop Voldemort but never in his long life would he ever have expected to witness a little girl catching a killing curse and holding it like she caught a ball or something.

Morgan grinned and then crushed the Avada Kadavra spell, destroying it "Sorry, but instant death spells and skills have no effect on me!".

Morgan then stomped the ground and roared, the roar was so powerful and strong that it forced Dumbledore and Voldemort to cover their ears, though Harry seemed fine.

Morgan was engulfed in her crimson-red dragonic energy, she then punched the air and shot a red energy blast towards Voldemort, who widened his eyes at the high-speed moving energy coming his way.

He hastily raised a magical shield but it immediately shattered and exploded on impact sending him flying back, Morgan got on all fours and took off running on all fours, towards Voldemort before he even landed.

Voldemort crashed against the fountain behind him and landed on the water, he quickly got up but was then slashed by Morgan who appeared in front of him, his blood splattered on the water below him while he grunted in pain.

He immediately apparated behind Morgan and was about to send a spell toward her, but he was suddenly shot in the shoulder causing him to drop his wand on the floor.

Voldemort hissed and turned his head towards who had attacked him, only to frown when he saw a group of little girls, the blonde in a white hoodie suddenly took off running towards him with a spear in her hands.

Voldemort panicked seeing the speed at which the little girl was running towards him with, he quickly turned his body into black smoke and flew up, the blond girl frowned, but then suddenly began to charge her spear with a white light.

Suddenly, the little girl wearing a witch's hat pointed her wand toward him and fired a big Duo Ventus, which not only made him come out of his smoke form but it also made him crash against the wall.

The blonde girl suddenly jabbed her spear toward him and fired a beam of white light toward Voldemort, the so-called dark lord screamed in pain from the very powerful light elemental technique.

The blonde girl stopped her attack and let Voldemort drop to the ground back first with a grunt, the dark lord crashed against the ground with a groan, and the little girl wearing a tiara suddenly jumped high and then dropped knee first into Voldemort's chest.

The dark lord gasped in pain but that was nothing compared with what the tiara-wearing girl did next, the little girl suddenly stabbed Voldemort's shoulder with her sword and began to twist it.

This made the dark lord wail in pain for the very first time in his life, after all, he had never received such a beating in his life and was not used to being in this much pain.

The tiara-wearing girl got up and harshly pulled her sword out of Voldemort's shoulder, and stood up, Morgan raised a hand towards the girls "Hey~ are you guys done with the jerks in black robes?".

Hope walked up towards Morgan while ignoring the groaning and squirming Voldemort on the floor "Yup! All dead~ though this old man with a stump as a leg did try to make us at least let one live".

Sherry walked up to them "But Eri just whacked him over the head with her staff and told him that it was stupid to leave such dangerous and evil people alive, he just grumble something about interrogation or something, but stopped when Eri glared at him".

Lily kicked Voldemort causing him to grunt in pain and then walked up towards everyone "It was actually funny seeing Eri chastise an old man~".

Eri walked up to everyone and scoffed thought it came out looking cute seeing her look all pouty "It's not like those guys knew anything important, I don't think that so-called dark lord on the floor, would have told anything important to them.

Suddenly Dumbledore began to walk up to the girls curious as to who they were but also very cautious knowing that they seemed far more powerful than their looks would make you believe, Hope suddenly turned her head towards Dumbledore and pointed her gauss pistol.

Dumbledore immediately stood up straight and raised his hands in surrender, Voldemort quickly crawled to his wand and grabbed it, he slowly got up and glared at the girls who were now glaring at Dumbledore.

He didn't know why they were doing so but he didn't care about anything right now, he needed to get away from here and so he waved his wand and both his body and Bellatrix's quickly began to turn into black smoke and get away.

But at the same time, Fudge and the Aurors arrived to see what was going on in the ministry and were able to clearly see Voldemort in the flesh and glaring at everyone before disappearing.

Fudge and the Aurors gaped in fear and shock while Dumbledore stared at the girls in confusion since they were glaring at him, Morgan frowned but took advantage of everyone's confusion, to speak to Hope "Grab Harry and Sirius, we need to get out of here now".

Hope immediately ran towards Harry and went through the barrier, before Harry could even say anything, Hope grabbed his hand and they both disappeared with him in a flash of flames.

Eri immediately ran towards the lower chamber and back to the arch where Sirius was waiting, Morgan then turned towards Sherry and Lily "Get the rest of Harry's friends out as well, teleport wherever you sense Hope and Eri's location".

Both Sherry and Lily nodded and immediately took off running to follow Eri to get Harry's friends, Morgan then turned to glare at Dumbledore and pointed a finger at him "Be warned old man! We hate you and if we find out that you've been hurting Harry in any way, we'll make you pay!".

With that said Morgan, suddenly disappeared in a flash of crimson light, leaving a confused and very concerned Dumbledore behind, but before he could even wonder about what to do or say he was then surrounded by Fudge and Aurors who wanted an explanation of what was going on.


In a flash of fire, Harry found himself somewhere in an open field, he looked around and saw the red-headed girl walk up ahead of him, some seconds later there was a crack, a flash of white light, and a weird zoom-like sound

The other three girls suddenly appeared right in front of him and to his surprise they brought his friends and Remus with them, but it was the man that also came with them that had him stunned and tearing up.

Sirius grinned and turned his head towards Sherry "Wow! That felt better than apparition!"

Sherry just smiled at Sirius, Harry couldn't help it and took off running towards Sirius, who was caught off guard a bit but still opened his arms and hugged him "Sirius! You're alive! but how!?".

Sirius barked out a laugh "Yup I'm alive and kicking! As to how? I don't know but I have to thank that, little red-headed girl right there, I don't know what she did but she brought me back to life".

Harry turned his head towards Hope who only smiled and waved at him, suddenly there was a flashed red light, and the girl who beat down, both Voldemort and Bellatrix appeared.

Though she didn't look to be in a good mood since she was frowning, but she then turn her head towards the girls "How is everyone? Everything okay?".

Hope smiled and nodded, Sherry then pointed at Hermione who was on the floor and unconscious "She got hit in the back with a curse, I expelled the dark energies of the curse and Eri healed her, so she'll be fine".

Eri then raised her hand and waved it "Oh! I healed everyone's wounds so they're physically okay! but I don't know what's wrong with the red-headed boy".

Neville who looked a little haggard just sighed "He got attacked by these weird brain-like creatures, so perhaps they did something to his mind? We might need to take him to St. Mungo's for something like that...".

The girls nodded, but then Lily walked up to Eri and grabbed her hand "You can fix it with your quirk, right Eri?".

Eri frowned a bit but nodded, she quickly walked up to the red-headed boy and kneeled by his head, suddenly her horn appeared and began to glow with a golden light.

The magicals gaped at seeing this, Luna who had been quiet all this time smiled "What a pretty light~".

Eri smiled and then put a finger on the red-headed boy and reverse his body to the condition it was a day ago, she then turned her quirk off and stood up.

The red-headed boy suddenly woke up and groaned "Bloody hell...".

Everyone smiled seeing the red-headed boy being okay, Morgan then spoke up "Alright, so we managed to save everyone right?".

Harry nodded "Um yeah, we're all here Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Sirius, Remus, and Hermione, but she's asleep right now but that's all of us who came from Hogwarts plus two adults".

Neville then spoke up "But what about the rest of the adults that came to help?".

Sherry shrugged "Those three seemed to work as the police force or something, so I left them there, I doubt they'll get in trouble for doing their job".

Morgan nodded "Alright, I'm sure all of you wizards and witches are confused, but before we can answer questions and whatnot, we need to find someplace to hide where we won't be interrupted".

Sirius smiled "Why don't we go to my home? It's heavily protected".

Hope frowned as she remembered what Morgan had told her of the world they were in "Dumbledore can get into your home, can he not?".

Sirius nodded but seemed confused, Morgan frowned "Then we can't go there...".

Now Sirius was both worried and suspicious "Why not?".

Morgan sighed "You can't trust Dumbledore, you must have noticed something wrong or fishy in the way he's been handling everything, have you not Sirius?".

Sirius frowned and turned his gaze towards Harry who also seems to be frowning, no doubt he was thinking of everything that was going on with Dumbledore lately.

Sirius then turned his gaze toward Remus who frowned but nodded as well, Sirius then nodded to Morgan "Yes... I've noticed somethings looking mighty suspicious with Dumbledore, but what do you know?".

Morgan shook her head "We shouldn't speak here in the open".

Sirius nodded "Alright then I'll set the wards around my place in war settings, Dumbledore won't be able to step inside without risking his life".

Morgan thought about it for a while but then nodded a few seconds later"... Alright, let's go there then, we'll trust you, Sirius".

Sirius nodded and smiled, he then created a Portkey to 12 Grimmauld Place and then had everyone grab hold of the Portkey, all of them do so and were then taken to the Black Family's ancestral home.


They all arrived and the girls immediately knew something was wrong, Eri frowned but then realized what was going "Oh! This place is under a Fidelius Charm! Give me one second".

The girls nodded and Eri suddenly tapped her staff on the ground, she then took control of the Fidelius charm and manipulated it to make it hers, she changed both the Secret Keeper and control to herself.

She then added the girls to the Charm and then something clicked in the minds of all of them, Morgan grinned and nodded to Eri "Good job Eri!".

Eri fist pumped while everyone gaped at what she had done, they couldn't see it but they certainly felt it and the changes, Luna just smiled and clapped at Eri who giggled and gave a little bow.

Sirius snapped out of it and immediately switched the wards around 12 Grimmauld Place to wartime, he then nodded and sighed "Alright, no one but us can enter this place, so it's safe, now we can talk in peace right?".

Morgan raised a hand "If I'm not mistaken, Dumbledore has a phoenix right?".

Everyone's eyes widen in shock as they had a sudden realization, Harry frowned and nodded "Yes, he has a phoenix named Fawkes... that means he can come in here anyway no?".

Morgan nodded but then turned her head towards Hope who smiled "Not if I have anything to say about it".

Hope snapped her fingers and created a barrier around 12 Grimmauld Place, she nodded to herself and then grinned "There, now no pesky phoenix can flame in here except me".

But everyone was to distracted by being shocked once again by what they felt and completely missed what she said, it was only for a second but they all felt it, Hope's magic or whatever she did was really powerful.

Morgan nodded "Cool! Then I guess we should have a conversation, but first someone wake up Hermione please".

Ginny nodded and immediately cast an Ennervate on Hermione, who gasped and woke up, Ginny and Luna helped her get up, while she got up looking very confused "What? What's going on?...".

Morgan just smiled and waited a bit for her fully come to her senses, a few moments later she began to speak "Okay! I guess we should start by introducing ourselves right!?".

Morgan grinned at the girls and the magicals watched as the girls looked rather excited, except Sherry who seemed very nervous and embarrassed right now.

Eri clapped her hands "I've been waiting for this!".

Lily nodded and fist pumped while both Hope and Morgan grinned, all four suddenly turned their heads towards Sherry who sweatdropped and sighed "Okay...".

The girls cheered, meanwhile the young magicals seemed very confused, except Sirius and Remus who seemed rather amused by the girls' antics, Sirius knew something cool was about to happen, while Remus knew that something silly was going to happen next.

After all the girls were acting like the Marauders did whenever they were about to pull a prank, suddenly the girls twirled around and struck a pose to the shocked and completely taken-by-surprise magicals.

Morgan grinned "I'm Morgan Stark! the Red Dragon Empress!".

Hope smiled and tried not to laugh because she knew her name was going to cause chaos "I'm Hope Potter! the Phoenix Force!".

Everyone's eyes widen, Harry's did so much more than the rest but before they could say anything or ask, the rest of the girls continued on, Lily was next and she brightly smiled at everyone "I'm Lily Trodain! the Dragon Knight!".

Eri went next and brightly smiled at everyone "I'm Eri Potter! the Witch of Destruction!".

Sherry shakily smiled out of embarrassment but still introduce herself " I'm S-Sherry Potter! the L-Luminous Spear!".

Everyone stared at the girls in silence for a few seconds, no one really knew how to react to the girl's grand introduction or the insane titles they seem to hold.

Harry who had seen the girls in action when they gave Voldemort the whooping of his life just smiled at the girls and clapped, Luna, Sirius, and Remus also began to clap in both amusement and because they thought the girls were cool.

Sirius laughed "Hahaha that was amazing! You girls must have practiced that a lot to get it right!".

Sherry sighed and slumped while blushing "Yes... we practiced... a lot...".

Eri and Lily grabbed Sherry's hands and smiled at her which made the blonde Potter smile, Hope and Morgan just smiled at their sisters, meanwhile, Harry decided to ask a very important question "So... most of you are Potters? but I thought I was the last".

Morgan frowned and shook her head "Well, we'll explain that in a second, but there's no way you're the last Potter Harry! my uncle told me there are Potters living in the United States and there are even a few squibs living in some parts of the world, you're hardly the last Potter".

Harry's eyes widen, Sirius then frowned and stared in concern toward his godson "Harry, you didn't know that?... It's common knowledge that there are Potters in the United States".

Harry shook his head and looked very conflicted "No... no one told me, and how the bloody hell was I supposed to know Sirius! No one tells me anything around here! I always have to find out things either to late or when things get rough!".

Sirius looked sadly at his godson, and Remus looked down as well, not liking the betrayed looked Harry had on his face right, meanwhile Ron and Hermione looked down in shame while Luna and Neville looked concerned for Harry.

Harry though, was having a hard time right now and was feeling rather hurt, this news meant that he has family somewhere out there and he never knew, he didn't have to stay with his aunt but no one ever told him that either.

It got so bad that Harry began to hyperventilate and shake as he took a step back, everyone got worried about him, but Eri beat everyone to the punch and hugged Harry tight, making him freeze where he stood "It's alright... your fine, your safe but most of all, you're not alone".

Harry slumped, Eri's soft and caring voice told him that she understood his pain and that he can trust her, this small little girl told Harry the exact words he needed to hear right now and so Harry fell to his knees.

He teared up and sighed "... Why?".

That was the question running through his head right now, why?, why was he left to rot with the Dursleys? Why was he always blamed? Betrayed? and left alone when he needed help the most? Why was the world against him, but the most important why was, why is Voldemort always making his life miserable?

Eri seemed to know what Harry was asking, so she hugged him tighter and spoke to him again "We'll tell you why. My sister and I will tell you everything you need to know and we won't let anyone hurt you again Harry, we promise!".

Harry numbly nodded, once again that feeling in his heart that told him that he can trust these girls burned bright and he choose to trust what his heart told him.

Morgan nodded and then turned her head towards everyone "We'll protect Harry from anyone and that includes even you guys! So if you want to stay here and listen to what we're about to talk about, then know this! If you betray Harry... we will kill you".

Everyone except Harry flinched because the moment Morgan said that, she flared her crimson-red energy and everyone could feel her power, but they still shook their heads intent on staying.

Morgan nodded and glared at everyone for a few seconds just to make everyone squirm a bit, but then she sighed and walked over to Harry and sat right in front of him on the floor "Alright, I know your smart Harry, so you must have heard about this, do you know of the Multiverse Theory?".

Harry tilted his head, he vaguely remembered having read about that theory in a book he picked up the summer before his fourth year in Hogwarts, Hermione suddenly gasped and that let Harry know, that she knew what Morgan was talking about.

But so he did, so he answered Morgan's questions "That's the theory about worlds or dimensions flowing parallel to this one right?".

Morgan smiled "Yes, something like that, and well, the girls and I are from another dimension, another world where Harry Potter exists too, in that world, he's my uncle and I love him very much!".

Hope then walked up to Harry and sat beside Morgan and on the floor as well "That's right and in that world, Harry Potter is my dad! He adopted both Eri and Sherry, and Lily is his goddaughter as well".

Sherry, Eri, and Lily nodded, while Harry just stared at the girls before him "I'm a dad and an uncle? and godfather as well!...".

Harry suddenly, softly smiled and his eyes soften up, a look that no one had seen on him before but looked so beautiful, that was the true happy face of Harry Potter.

Harry chuckled and nodded "I see... the other me was able to live life in peace... one of us was able to escape and be free".

Everyone sadly heard Harry's words and each one felt like a stab in their hearts, he sounded so happy and tired at the same time and it hurt them to hear those words.

Harry then looked over to Eri and smiled "I see now, that's why I had a feeling telling my heart that I could trust you, that I should listen to you... did you really come to this world just to help me?".

Eri nodded and gave Harry a bright smile "That's right! To us Potters family comes first! We would let the world burn if it meant our loved ones are safe! The you from our world taught us that!".

Harry smiled "Family comes first... yeah I liked that".

Hope smiled "Though even though family comes first for the Potter Household, that doesn't mean we're unkind or uncaring, as a matter of fact, quite the opposite, the you of our world, my Daddy is a hero to many people and even though he refuses the title, we all think of him as our hero and we love him for it".

The girls nodded while Harry listened intently and felt rather proud of the him in the girls' home world "I see... is he happy?".

The girls smiled and then the image of the Harry of their world, their father in all but blood flashed in their minds, especially the moments when he would play with all his children and smile so brightly, it would always make everyone happy around him.

Sherry smiled and was the one who answered Harry's questions "Yes".

Harry smiled and then nodded, his eyes suddenly began to glow with a determination no one had seen in him before "Then... I'll do the same! I'll fight for my happiness my own way! No more lies! No more secrets! This time I'm fighting my way! The hell with everyone, who tells me otherwise! It is me that Voldemort is coming after all and I will be the one to bring him down!".

The girls grinned and nodded to Harry, Morgan nodded and then continued to grin "And we'll help you! That noseless loser wants a war! Then we'll give him one he won't ever forget".

Harry nodded and stood up with Eri's help, Hope and Morgan also stood up, Harry then sighed "Okay, so do you girls know everything that is going on?".

Hope nodded "Yup! and much more, it's going to take a long time but we'll tell you everything Daddy told us about what Dumbledore tried to do to him and why Voldemort was going after him, don't worry we already checked everything about this, information mostly matches the one in our world!".

Harry nodded while everyone looked on curiously, Sirius then took everyone to the living room of the house and the girls then began to explain everything they knew.


It took a few hours but the girls were able to tell Harry and the rest of the magicals everything they knew about what Dragon God Harry went through, in regard to the plans both Voldemort and Dumbledore had for him.

Needless to say that Harry and the magicals were shocked was an understatement, it took a while for everyone to digest everything they were just told, so meanwhile, Morgan and the girls talked about their own world.

The magicals listened to the girls, while also thinking about the prophecy, the Horcruxes, the Potter's will, and the fact that Harry is a Peverell and was qualified to become Lord of that Most Noble and Ancient Wizard Family.

The girls were now sitting around all over the place and relaxing while Eri, who was laying on a couch with her head on Luna's lap, was telling her about the Luna who was her mother in her world.

Luna smiled and gently played with Eri's white hair "So I'm your mommy in your world and one of Dragon Harry's girlfriends? That actually sounds very nice".

Eri smiled and nodded "You're a fun and awesome mom! You always play with all of us and give us advice, plus you like to get in trouble with us too!".

Luna giggled while the rest of the girls smiled and nodded, Luna then turned her head towards Harry and called out to him to catch his attention "Harry?".

Harry hummed, he was a bit distracted since he was thinking about the fact that the Dragon Harry of the girls' world, was both a Dragon God and had a bloody harem, but he still heard Luna "Yes?".

Luna smiled "You should start a harem too! It sounds very fun to have a big family and I'll even join too!".

Harry choked on his spit, while both Ginny and Hermione gaped at her, Ron and Neville also sputtered not knowing what else to say.

Remus chuckled while Sirius hummed "Well you are a Potter and a Peverell, plus I can't have children anymore thanks to the blasted dementors, so I made you the Black family heir, so you might need to take at least three wives... you poor lucky bastard".

Harry gaped at Sirius "What!? What do you mean I have to be married three times?! and what's this about being the Black Heir".

Sirius grinned and then shrugged "Well you have the right to the Black Family's Lordship because your grandmother was a Black but since I made you the Black Heir a few days ago, then that pretty much cements it, I was going to tell you during summer vacation".

Harry sighed and scratched his head while Luna clapped excitedly "Dibs on the Peverell Ladyship!~".

Harry blushed but for some reason, he just chuckled "Why do I feel like I don't have a choice here?".

Hope giggled and then gave Harry an answer "Whatever Nama Luna wants, she gets! That's just the rule in the Potter Household~".

The girls nodded while Luna just grinned, Hermione then blushed and began to fidget "You said the me in your world is also one of Harry's girlfriends right? Just how did that happen?".

Hope hummed as she looked up "Well, both Daddy and Mama Hermione met when daddy began to visit Hogwarts at random just to make Dumbledore squirm and make him spitting mad, so she got a crush on him and later decided to join the harem".

Morgan then added, "Apparently they waited for Aunty Hermione to graduate and move to Kyoto though, she and Aunty Susan didn't join the family until they were of age".

Harry frowned "Susan? You mean Susan Bones?".

The girls nodded, Sherry then smiled "Mom Susan is really cool! She's always baking and making sure everyone is taking care of themselves! She's the caretaker of the Potter Household!".

Harry sighed "Alright... we'll think about this whole harem thing and lordship stuff later, I want to know about the fact, that I have a piece of Voldemort's soul in my scar".

Everyone nodded since that was a very important detail that everyone wanted to know about, Morgan nodded "We don't know what Grandaunty Lily did that night Harry, but it both protected you and destroyed Voldemort's body, it seems that the Horcrux in you scar was completely by accident though".

Hope then continued on "He must have prepared to create a new one with your death and whatever Granny Lily did, must have triggered the ritual, the piece of soul just latched onto the closest thing possible".

Harry frowned and then pointed to himself "Me... the thing I want to know, is how do I get it out me and destroy it, in fact, how do we destroy all of these so call Horcruxes?".