Chapter 26

The two adult magicals nodded wanting to know the same thing Harry just asked, getting rid of the Horcrux on his scar and destroy the rest of then, is top priority right now, Voldemort is unkillable until his soul pieces have been destroyed.

Morgan smiled "Well, there's nothing to worry about Harry! Anyone of us can destroy the Horcruxes, any attack we do, can cause spiritual damage so we can destroy even spirits, ghosts, and even souls with ease".

Harry smiled and nodded, meanwhile Remus and Sirius were very surprised, as far as they knew it was impossible to harm the soul unless some real dark and evil spell is used, for example something like the Avada Kadavra Spell.

But they knew the girls wouldn't use something like that on Harry, that still had them wondering, what the girls were going to do though.

Suddenly Sherry walked up to Harry, once she was directly in front of him she held her Sacred Gear, the Spear of Destiny towards Harry "Grab hold of it Harry, the light of my spear will push the Horcrux out and destroy it".

Eri stood up and walked over to Sherry and Harry "I'll make sure to heal any damage that might appear!" Eri then pointed her staff towards Harry "'Come forth, O illumination of life! Healing Circle!'".

A magic circle spread from beneath Harry's feet and began to let out a beautiful light blue light, everyone watched in awe as a little girl used magic they have never seen before, magic that look absolutely beautiful in their eyes.

Harry nodded in thanks to Eri and then without out any hesitation grab hold of Sherry's spear, he immediately felt a slight pain where his scar was located, but thanks Eri's spell it wasn't much.

Though he did feel something drip down his face, he however ignored that as he suddenly heard a screech of pain and his friends gasped in shock.

Curious, he looked around and noticed that everyone was looking up, so he also looked up only to gape, as what he could only guess to be Voldemort's soul shard screech in horror and pain as a beautiful white light attacked it.

The soul shard looked like a pitch-black mist with Voldemort's face being formed out of the same black mist, suddenly Hope raised her hand and blasted Voldemort's soul shard with the most beautiful red-yellow flames, Harry had ever seen.

The soul shard screech one last time before the flames consumed it and destroy it, Harry sighed and dropped to his knees while letting go of Sherry's spear "Ugh... I feel drained but lighter... like a weight I never knew I had, just disappeared".

Eris stopped her Healing Circle spell and then began to inspect Harry's condition, Sherry whirled her spear in one hand and then slammed it on the ground "That soul shard, sure was stubborn... it actually fought my spear's light all the way".

Hope frowned and nodded "Yeah... that was a surprise, the Longinus is not a Sacred Gear that could be fought off with ease, comes to show just how much Voldemort doesn't want to die".

Eri created a global of water from her mana, in her hand and then manipulated the water to clean Harry's face, Harry sputtered a bit in surprise at having water suddenly move all over his face.

But Eri quickly cleaned his face and vanished the now dirty water from her hand, Harry sighed but smiled at Eri who smiled back at him.

The young wizard then stood up and looked as his body all over "Amazing, I feel great! and even my magic feels smoother and lighter".

Harry then turned his head towards the girls "Thank you, guys!".

The girls just smiled and nodded at Harry, Remus then spoke up "Alright, now that we dealt with Voldemort's soul shard in Harry's scar, we should organize our thoughts about everything we just learned".

Everyone, including the girls, turned to look at Hermione, the young witch actually jumped in surprise at the sudden attention she just received "Huh? W-what?".

Lily smiled and ran towards Hermione and sat on her lap causing her to squeak in surprise, but the little princess just smiled at Hermione "We all know you're the best at organizing information~ this is your time to shine Hermione!".

Hermione blushed a bit, she then turned her head towards everyone and gazed at them, everyone nodded and gave her smile letting her know they agreed with Lily.

Hermione smiled and nodded, she then hugged Lily against her chest, while the small Dragon Knight just brightly smiled "Alright, I'll do my best".

Everyone once again nodded and gave Hermione all of their attention, Hermione took a few moments to organize her own thoughts, she had been rather shocked and surprised at everything she just heard.

She knew she was probably the only one thinking about all of this, this hard, Harry was just accepting about everything, Remus seemed to have just went along with with all of it and Sirius was one hundred percent on board, despite probably not understanding everything going on.

Ron has probably decided to not care much about what he just heard just to not think about it, Neville just shrugged it off and Luna? Well, she's Luna, what else can be said.

So Hermione had been quietly thinking about everything everyone just learned, from the five amazing little girls from another world just told them {Little girls, from whom three of them are my daughters in another world... isn't that a kick?}.

Hermione smiled and then nodded to herself "Alright first things first, we can't trust Headmaster Dumbledore nor anyone else in the Order until we find out if they're on our side or not, I never questioned it before and I... and I really should have".

Hermione frowned and then looked at Harry "I'm sorry Harry... I knew something was wrong in your home life... I knew you weren't happy but I just stayed quiet, I really should have been a better friend, questioned everything and not listen to the Headmaster when you clearly needed us, needed me...".

Harry slightly frowned but then shook his head "It doesn't matter Hermione, you didn't know and besides... we just don't know what Dumbledore is thinking, just... help me end this, please".

Hermione teared up a bit but nodded to Harry's request "Of course, we'll put an end to all of this and make sure you have a happy life Harry... even if that means you going off and building a harem".

Hermione grinned at Harry as he groaned "You're not going to let me forget that, are you?".

Hermione just laughed a bit "Nope!".

Harry sighed but nodded "Right, right... anyways! We can't trust anyone in the Order until we know who to trust?".

Hermione's expression changed to a serious one as she nodded "Yes, the thing is? There's only one way to find out who to trust".

Everyone looked curiously towards Hermione, a few seconds later Hermione went on "You have to confront Headmaster Dumbledore in front of everyone and see who sides with him, you have to let everyone know what he's done in regards to your life Harry".

Harry looked down, he wasn't all that thrilled about advertising the hard life he has led, but what Hermione just said made sense.

Hope then spoke up "That's a good idea, but I suggest we gather some evidence to add weight to all of it".

Harry tilted his head "Evidence?".

Hermione nodded "Yes, that means we have to deal with our second point, the Potter's will and your lordships Harry, we should find evidence in the will against Headmaster Dumbledore and the lordships will help you against him".

Sirius nodded "I see, the fact that Harry hasn't even seen James and Lily's will means that there are things in them that he doesn't want you to see, plus the lordship will politically protect you against him and his power as well".

Harry sighed and scratched his head "I see... well I do want to see my parent's will but the lordships make me feel a little iffy, but I'll deal with it if I must".

Everyone nodded to Harry, who looked a little unsure, Eri grabbed his hand and held it tight hoping to give him some comfort, this made Harry cheer up and looked more confident "Okay, what's next?".

Hermione looked down and sighed, which tickled Lily a bit and made her laugh since she was still sitting on her lap, Hermione smiled and then went on "I still can believe the Headmaster would keep quiet about Harry being a Horcrux a secret... well it doesn't matter, we'll see what he has to say later ".

Hermione shook her head "Next we have to deal with the Horcruxes..." Hermione turned her head towards Hope and Morgan "Do you guys know how many Voldemort has made?".

Morgan and Hope exchanged looks but then shook their head, Morgan then turned her head towards Hermione "No, we never asked how many that guy made but we can find out real quick!".

Morgan suddenly reached inside her dress pocket and took out her smartphone, the magicals were about to tell her that her device might not work where they are but to their surprise, Morgan turned it on and began to text.

Eri giggled when she saw everyone's faces "Technology can work around magic, the ministry just doesn't want mundane technology to be brought into their society, if that lie was true then all the people living around places like this house would have been investigated for interfering with the mundane people's life".

Hermione just sighed, this was yet, another world-shattering revelation but she will have to wait to think about this one later, right now she was curious as to what the device Morgan was fiddling with was "Morgan, what's that, and what exactly are you doing?".

Morgan hummed and finish her texting, she then looked up at Hermione and brightly smiled at her "This is a smartphone, and I'm sending a message to Uncle Harry asking how many Horcruxes Voldemort made and what they were!".

Everyone stared at Morgan in disbelief, Ron suddenly spoke "Wait... did you say you sent a message to the Harry Potter of your world? With that gadget in your hand?".

Morgan smiled and nodded "Yup~".

Ron nodded and then sighed "Bloody hell".

Luna got up and skipped her way toward Morgan "Can I see?".

Morgan nodded and then the phone made a loud sound, Morgan immediately checked it with Luna also reading the text "Let's see... oh? Uncle Harry is in a battle in Asgard... he says that the Digimon are fighting Fallen Angels, Devils, Stray Exorcists, and even Frost Giants! So cool! He's always doing something awesome".

Everyone 'except Luna of course' sweatdropped at what Morgan just said Dragon God Harry was doing, Hermione just slumped while Lily patted her head "... There are so many things I want to ask, that I don't even know where to begin...".

Morgan just shrugged while Luna continued reading Dragon God Harry's text "Let's see... according to this Harry, there were 7 Horcruxes in his world and they were his Diary, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, his pet snake and the one in his scar... oh he apparently ate the one in his scar, thats how he knew how many Voldemort made... I wonder what the Horcrux tasted like~".

Luna then turned her head towards Morgan "Can you ask this Harry for me?".

Morgan nodded but before she could do so, Hermione spoke "Ah! Wait! Please ask him for their location as well..." Hermione was a little perturbed that Luna wanted to know what a Horcrux tasted like but decided to ignore it for now.

Morgan immediately went to text Dragon God Harry, about what both Luna and Hermione wanted to know, meanwhile Sirius "That Harry seems rather wild no?".

Harry chuckled and nodded "But he seems to be having a lot of fun though, I can tell you that we don't have to worry about the diary, I already destroyed it in my second year".

Everyone nodded understanding that the diary was taken care of, but then laughed at the fact that fun for Dragon God Harry, meant going to war against an assortment of supernatural creatures in a place of Norse Mythology.

A few moments later, Morgan received a text back from Dragon God Harry, Luna immediately began to read "Oh~ he says that Voldemort's Horcruxes tasted spicy... yeah I don't like spicy food".

Everyone just stared at Luna as she made a very odd face from imagine taking a bite out Voldemort's Horcruxes, Morgan giggled but continued to read "All right, Uncle Harry just sent me the locations of every Horcrux so we can take care of them at our pace! Oh! and he's also said that he's going to kill someone named Loki now, so he might not be able to answer any text for a little bit~".

Hermione groaned out loud while covering her face, she really tried to ignore it, she really did! but now she was just very curious "... Ugh... why is that Harry going to kill Loki? Who is a Norse God by the way! But... just why?".

Morgan shrugged "I don't know! but if Uncle Harry wants him dead, that means that this Loki did or is doing something bad".

The girls nodded in agreement, they all knew that Dragon God Harry didn't kill anyone without reason, Ron sighed "Doesn't your Harry sound... I don't know? Unhinged? I think that's the word right Hermione?".

Hermione raised an eyebrow in surprise but nodded at Ron, letting him know he used the word right, Harry shook his head "No... I think I understand the girl's Harry".

Everyone turned their heads towards Harry, who just nodded and then began to explain "If they're a threat to his loved ones, then that Harry would do anything to protect them and if that meant killing anyone who threatens them somehow, then so be it... it's what I would do if anyone came after any of you guys".

Everyone seemed surprised at Harry's words, except Luna who smiled at him "Your true personality is coming through now... your magic, your soul, and your mind have been fighting Voldemort's Horcrux for so long, that some of his influence seeped through".

Sirius frowned "What do you mean?".

Luna continued to smile but also went on with her explanation "The Horcrux is a piece of Voldemort's soul, so it must have had a will, desires, and even a link to his main body, so he must have been keeping Harry meek and weak from within".

The magicals gasped, not only was what Luna just said making sense but it also explains why Harry has been so irrational lately, Harry looked down "That makes much sense... I've been getting horrible nightmares and visions of Voldemort all year long".

Everyone frowned, Sirius then spoke up "Did you tell Dumbledore?".

Harry nodded but then glared down "Yes... but all he did was ignore me and have Snape teach me Occlumency, I had to stand there and endure the greasy bat go through my memories while causing me so much pain, he would then insult me or make fun of me...".

Both Remus and Sirius turned their head towards Harry so fast, the girls thought they hurt themselves, and both adult wizards suddenly yelled at the same time "He did what!?".

Harry looked confused, meanwhile, the girls looked mad, Eri then spoke up "That's not how you practice Occlumancy... it takes lots of meditation to find your Mind Palace and then create protections around it and your memories, the way this Snape guy was teaching you is the brute force and dangerous way... he could have left you in a coma or worse caused you to have a brain hemorrhage!".

Hermione gasped, while Harry frowned, the other magicals looked confused by the word but understood that it was something very bad.

Harry then nodded "I'll deal with Snape later... he has a lot to answer for, just like Dumbledore... I'm done being pushed around by them and everyone else, that stops now".

Lily fist pumped from her place on Hermione's lap "And we'll help you! No mercy!".

Sherry, Hope, Morgan, and Eri fist pumped and also cheered, Neville, scratched his head and then spoke up "It's going to be a bloodbath...".

Everyone agreed and as Harry grinned at the girls before him he couldn't help but feel a little bad for Voldemort and his cronies, just a little bit though, Hermione sighed "All right, that leaves us with the last thing on the list, dealing with Voldemort and the Death Eaters".

Harry nodded "Yeah, he can wait, as far as I'm concerned, it's going to take a while for him to recover from the damage he received from the girls, that gives us time to deal with everything else... the question is? What to do first?".

Hermione nodded "Divide and conquer! Morgan, you and the girls take care of the Horcruxes, or as many as possible, I'm sorry to ask you to do this but all of you have the means to destroy them safely".

Morgan nodded "Sure! Leave them to us!".

The girls nodded and Hermione gave them a thankful smile "Sirius and Remus, you will have to help Harry with going to the bank and get his lordships and the Potter's will".

Harry then raised a hand "but what about Sirius? He's still wanted by the Ministry, I don't even know how he made me his heir without getting out of the house in the first place".

Sirius shrugged "If you have the money, there's nothing you can't ask a goblin for".

Hermione frowned, Harry did raise a good point, and Eri then tilted her head "Just use magic".

Sirius sweatdropped and nodded "Yeah... why didn't I think of that?".

Remus shook his head "Well, we've been dealing with one thing after the other lately plus it took a while for you to recover a bit too, it doesn't surprise me that we haven't thought about it either"

Harry sighed "I could have lent you my invincibility cloak, at least you would have been able to move around undetected with it".

Eri giggled "Sometimes, it's easy to forget the simple solutions, so don't feel too bad, it happens to everyone".

The adults and Harry nodded, meanwhile Morgan put away her smartphone "Alright! We have our plans! Let's get them done quickly and gather back here as soon as possible".

Hope then turned her head towards Sirius, Remus, and Harry "You should go now, Dumbledore will be busy dealing with what happened in the ministry so that will you time to get everything ready".

Hermione nodded "That's right, the rest of us will stay here, getting back to Hogwarts will be dangerous until we know where Dumbledore stands".

Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Luna nodded in agreement to Hermione's plan, and soon after everyone split to get their objectives done as soon as possible.


Harry, Sirius 'under the Invincibility Cloak', and Remus left to go to Gringotts, while Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Luna went upstairs to rest, they did just have a battle a few hours ago and had not had time to rest until now.

Meanwhile, the girls began to do their part in locating and destroying the Horcruxes, Morgan was once again reading Dragon God Harry's text "Let's see, since were already here, we might as well get Slytherin's Locket".

Lily raised an eyebrow "Huh? Don't tell me it's in this house".

Morgan nodded "Yeah, according to Uncle Harry, the Locket was found in Grimmauld 12 Place when he and Sirius were selling everything the Blacks, Potters, and Peverells owned, originally it wasn't found where Uncle Harry knew it was located".

Sherry hummed "Where was it supposed to be located?".

Morgan shrugged "Some sort of dark cave filled with undead".

Eri frowned "Then, what was the Horcrux doing here?".

Morgan frowned "No one knows, it was only found when the goblins cleaned down the place and found a dead House Elf, it had the Locket in its hand and they handed it to Sirius, who showed it to Uncle Harry who destroy it right away".

Eri nodded "I see, then we should look for that House Elf then".

Lily then raised a hand "Err... what does a House Elf look like?".

Everyone turned their head towards Lily and stared at her in silence, Lily got a bit nervous from being stared down at by everyone "W-what?".

Hope shook her head "Ah? No nothing Lily, your question just caught us off guard but you raised a good point... what does a House Elf look like?"

Morgan scratched her head "I think Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus mentioned them before, but I've never seen one".

Sherry shook her head "Sorry guys, but I'm from another world, I have zero ideas what you're even talking about".

Everyone smiled at Sherry while she shrugged, Eri hummed "Well this is a problem... let me try something!".

Eri took out her wand and then waved it "Accio Black Family's House Elf!".

It didn't take long for the girls to hear crashes and cursing coming from the kitchen before a small creature was suddenly sent flying towards them, Eri sidestepped and dodge the House Elf projectile "Oops! I added a bit to much magic there tehe!".

Everyone deadpanned at Eri, Hope then lightly pulled on Eri's cheek, which made her squeak but still laugh "Don't tehe me Eri! That was totally unpurpose".

Hope let go of Eri, who just giggled, Lily bent down and poked the groaning House Elf with her finger "Hmm? He sort of looks like a pale dancing devil just without the pants".

The House Elf sat up and frowned but then squeaked when he caught sight of the five girls in front of him while also staring down at him, unlike the magicals.

He could tell the enormous powers they hold and the fact that they weren't human, so instead of his usual insults, he made himself look smaller "What can Kreacher do for all of you?...".

Eri suddenly frowned and narrowed her little red eyes at Kreacher "... I don't like you, you're a mean and evil little thing aren't you?".

That made Hope, Morgan, Lily, and Sherry react right away, they all suddenly summoned their weapons and pointed them toward Kreacher who froze and stood still.

Eri wasn't one to openly dislike anyone unless they were evil or they have done something horrible, the fact that Eri openly stated that she didn't like Kreacher was a big sign, that the little creature was not to be trusted.

Eri stared at Kreacher who gulped unable to even move, he tried to flex his magic, but the moment he tried to do so, Eri pointed her staff at him "'Seal!'".

The House Elf grunted as he felt the connection to his magic suddenly disappear, he suddenly fell to his knees and began to panic.

But Eri didn't care "What did you do Kreacher? I know you did something bad... I can see the darkness in your heart".

Kreacher gasped and looked up "... Kreac-Kreacher gave information to miss Narcissa so she could tell the Dark Lord... information about the half-blood!".

The girls frowned, Hope, glared "So you're the one who told Voldemort about Harry and Sirius...".

Hope began to charge her gauss pistol with her mana to kill Kreacher, if there was one thing the Potters hated, its a traitor but Sherry suddenly spoke, "Wait! We still need to know where the Locket is".

Kreacher gasped and shook his head as it continued to feel pain from the loss of his magic "Kreacher can't tell you! Kreacher still hasn't destroyed it! Kreacher still hasn't fulfilled duty!".

Everyone frowned, Eri then spoke, "Where is it? We're going to destroy it anyways, so its best you hand it over".

Kreacher glared but knew there was no way he could deny the beings before him, so he looked down and growled "The locket is in Kreacher's kitchen cabinet...".

Sherry and Lily immediately left to go find it, Eri nodded at Kreacher and then turned around to leave and help Sherry and Lily look for the Locket.

Kreacher looked down "Long live the House of Blac-".

But he never got to finish because Hope shot him with a fire bullet that instantly incinerated the House Elf, Hope frowned and put away her gauss pistol "We're going to have to inform Harry and Sirius about this... who knows what Kreacher said to this Narcissa, who even is that?".

Morgan shrugged "Who knows, but if he was able to tell her about Harry then he must have said something about the Order as well, after all, they did have their meetings here".

Hope shook her head "How stupid... they had a mole from the very beginning, I bet Voldemort had a good time laughing at everyone in the Order".

Morgan nodded, suddenly Sherry, Eri and Lily came back, Eri had the locket floating in front of her while she walked toward Hope and Morgan.

Morgan raised her eyebrow "That thing is enchanted with so many dark curses that it's almost funny...".

Eri nodded "I could tear them away but it would take too long, Hope can just use her cosmic fire and destroy it right away".

Hope nodded and raised her open hand towards the locket, a bright red and yellow fireball coalesced in front of her hand from her energy and she soon fired it towards the locket, Eri was keeping floating in front of her with her magic.

The fireball of cosmic fire hit the locket and instantly melted the locket destroying it completely, the Horcrux was immediately destroyed before it could even manifest and only a quiet long wail was heard.

Hope sighed and then nodded "That takes care of the Locket".

Lily grinned "Okay, so far Harry's scar, the diary, and the locket have been taken care of which leaves?".

Sherry continued on "The goblet, The ring, The diadem, and the Snake, so which one should we for next?".

Morgan took her smartphone and began to check out the list "Let's see... the goblet is in Gringotts, more specifically the Lestrange Vault, the ring is in the Gaunt's house, Uncle Harry sent me the address so we can go there easily, then the diadem is in Hogwarts in the Room of Requirements but the Snake is a problem".

Hope nodded "Because we don't know where it might be... were going to have to wait for Voldemort to make an appearance, I'm sure his pet snake will be close by when he does".

Sherry then spoke up "We should wait for Harry and Sirius to finish their business with Gringotts before we go to Gringotts for the goblet, we don't want to get in their way right now".

Everyone nodded, they could easily go to the bank, beat all the Goblins and whatnot, and destroy the goblet but it was best to wait for Harry to get his lordships and his parents' will.

Eri then hummed "We don't know anything about Hogwarts, well need someone to take us to this Room of Requirement,".

Lily nodded "We can wait for Ron, Neville, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny to wake up, they need their rest so we can leave the diadem for later".

Morgan then grinned "That leaves the ring, we can go to that one now and deal with it".

The girls nodded, Morgan then showed the address to Eri who nodded and then waved her staff and open a Dark Corridor right in front of everyone.

The girls smiled and then walked inside the Dark Corridor, which dissipated soon after leaving a quiet Grimmauld 12 Place, suddenly a magical portrait that had witnessed everything the little girls did, spoke "... Such terrifying children... I better not make a fuss while they're here or I might just end up like poor Kreacher".

Walburga Black's portrait turned her gaze, where the once proud House Elf of the Black family once stood before being incinerated into ash by magic she had never seen before.

She did the only smart thing to do right now and that was close her curtains and stay quiet, crazy as she might be, she wasn't stupid and knew that right now, her ranting would only bring about her destruction.


In the woods just outside the village of Little Hangleton stood a run-down shack, this was the location in which a Dark Corridor sprouted from the ground.

The girls stepped outside the Dark Corridor which closed soon after, they all looked around for a bit before Lily commented "This place seems abandoned... I don't sense anyone here either".

The rest of the girls nodded, and Eri narrowed her eyes "There's a lot of nasty wards and very poisonous snakes roaming around as well, I think they're under orders to guard the shack".

Morgan began to smell the air "Yeah I can smell them, I think Voldemort is supposed to be a Parselmouth like Uncle Harry right?".

Sherry turned her head towards Morgan "Parselmouth? What's that?".

Hope was the one to answer Sherry's question "A Parselmouth is a person that has the ability to speak Parseltongue which allows the user to speak with snakes, users of this skill can compel snakes to do their bidding".

Sherry widen her eyes in surprise "Dad can speak with snakes? How come I haven't seen him do it?".

Morgan hummed "That's a good question, I don't think he uses it much, I've heard him hiss at Aunty Ophis once in a while so I think he at least uses it to speak with her sometimes".

Hope nodded "Well, Mama Ophis is a Serpentine Dragon, I'm not surprised she can understand Parseltongue".

Sherry crossed her arms "Now I'm wondering what snakes have to say... I'm curious of what sort of thing they have to say".

Everyone shared a laugh trying to imagine what snakes would say to Harry, but Hope suddenly clapped "Well, we can ask Daddy later~ right now we have a Horcrux to destroy".

Everyone nodded, Morgan then walked up and then grinned "First let scared those snakes away first!" Morgan suddenly took a big breath and then let off a big roar.

The effect was immediate, not only did the snakes slither away from the area but so did every animal in the vicinity, even insects scurried away in fright from the roar of an apex predator.

Morgan finished her roar and smiled, she then turned to her friends, Lily raised a hand, and both of them high-fived.

Eri giggled and walked up, she then pointed her staff towards the shack and began to gather her mana.

Eri's mana burst out of her body in waves, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and yelled "'Dispel!'".

From Eri's staff, a burst of clear mana shot outwards and spread in front of her, anything that had any sort of magical properties immediately lost it, and the wards around the shack then shattered like glass.

The curses, charms, and runes fizzled out like a match, leaving the entire area as if nothing magical ever happen there, Eri nodded to herself and lifted her staff up "There! Now we can go into the shack~ I'm sure I even dispelled any surprises Voldemort might have been using to protect the ring".

Everyone nodded and smiled at Eri, despite having been training for a long while in magic, it seems like Eri will forever be the best magical user of all of them.

It was just a simple fact that Eri had a talent with magic that they just did not share but that was fine, everyone is best at something after all and that didn't discourage the girls one bit.

After all, Eri was always happy to help them with anything magical the girls might need and that was enough for them, not that they were pushovers in magic, not at all.

Hope nodded and then spoke up "Then let's go and deal with this Horcrux, I rather not waste any time in this hunt for these things!".

Everyone nodded and walked up to the very old and abandoned Gaunt Shack, to destroy another one of Voldemort's soul shards.

Soon they'll get the rest but first, they need to wait for everyone to rest and for Harry to be ready and finished with the goblins, soon chaos will descend upon Gringotts and Hogwarts.

Five little girls with amazing power will soon visit and nothing will prepare the Goblins and Hogwarts's staff plus students for what's to come.