Chapter 27

The girls all went inside the Gaunt's Shack and looked around, it took them a few minutes but they found the ring, however, the energy coming off of the stone on the ring caught their attention.

Morgan stared at the ring for a few seconds, while Eri was making it float in front of them as a precaution "This thing feels familiar...".

Hope nodded "It feels like Dad, or more than that, it feels like Mama Death".

Eri tilted her head "I also felt the same thing from Harry's cloak, I think I remember Daddy telling me about the Deadly Hollows... a stone, a wand, and a Cloak".

Sherry then hummed "I've seen Dad use a wand before, its that the wand you're talking about?".

Eri nodded "Yes, but that one was the one Daddy got in our world, but seeing this stone here and the cloak in Harry's position makes me think the wand is also close by".

Lily tilted her head "Does anyone know where Papa Harry got the wand from?".

Morgan nodded "Uncle Harry told me that the wand came to him when he accepted the Peverell Lordship, but that was because he was born with the title of Master of Death".

Sherry nodded and then raised a question "Doesn't that mean that the Deadly Hollows will come to Harry, once he accepts the Peverell Lordship?".

Hope shook her head "No, you have to be born with the title, it isn't something you can obtain and there can only be one Master of Death in the multiverse, perhaps if Daddy never received the title, this Harry might have been able to have it, but that's a big if".

Hope then grinned "Then we should get them to Harry ourselves, he might not get the title but these are godly artifacts and they'll come in handy to Harry!".

Everyone nodded in agreement, Sherry then summoned her spear "Then we have to be careful not to destroy the stone, so I'll use my spear to push out Voldermort's soul shard out and Hope can incinerate it with her cosmic fire".

Hope nodded "Good idea, I can't just blast the ring with my flames, as a conceptual being I might actually destroy it by accident".

Morgan grinned "Aunty Death might get mad at you if you destroy one of her toys".

Hope sweatdropped, she might be a conceptual being but like any child, she doesn't want to make her mother 'at least one of them' angry at her.


~In Death's domain~

Death and Lily giggled at the fact that Hope looked mighty nervous about making one of her mommies angry at her, Death then smiled "What a sweet child I have, but I really wouldn't care if it gets destroyed, I definitely wouldn't get mad at her for that".

Lily shook her head in amusement "That's because Hope is your daughter, if anyone else, were to destroy one of your artifacts, you would be frothing mad".

Death just shrugged, not denying or confirming Lily's statements, Marvin suddenly stepped in and walked over to Lily and Death "Hey! How are the girls doing?".

Lily and Death smiled at Marvin, Death then proceeded to answer his question "They're doing okay, they went on another adventure again".

Marvin smiles "Good, they have been so busy lately, kids shouldn't have to study and train that much".

Lily nodded "They couldn't help it though, the girls just felt responsible about your death and a lot of things that happened to them in Raccoon City, showing them that they weren't as prepared as they thought".

Marvin sighed "Such good girls, they really shouldn't have to feel responsible about my death".

Death just smiled at Marvin "That's just the kind of girls they are, they just care that much, something they learned from Harry".

Marvin and Lily smiled, while Death went back to watching the girls, she was very interested in the alternate world they found themselves in.


Hope nodded "Yeah... I don't want Mommy Death to get mad, so let's be careful".

Everyone agreed, Sherry then touched the tip of her spear on the ring and began to channel holy white light into it.

The effect was immediate and the Soul Shard inside the ring began to pour out of it and wail as it began to fight the holy white light, as soon as Voldemort's soul shard was fully out, Hope blasted it, with a fireball made out of cosmic fire.

The soul shard didn't even get a chance to scream before it was consumed by the cosmic flames and destroyed.

Meanwhile, the metal ring cracked and turn into dust leaving just the stone, Eri floated it towards her and grabbed it, she then put it in her pocket and smiled at everyone.

Morgan grinned "Alright! That just leaves the cup, the diadem, and the snake! We're more than halfway done~".

The girls cheered and celebrated their accomplishments, Sherry then sent her spear away "What's next?".

Hope spoke, "Let's go back to Grimmauld 12 Place and wait for Harry, Sirius, and Remus, the guys are probably still sleeping too, so let's deal with the goblins and get the cup once they come back".

The girls nodded and Eri then opened a Dark Corridor, they quickly stepped inside and the Dark Corridor dissipated soon after, leaving the empty decrepit shack behind.


Meanwhile, inside the Malfoy's Manor, in one of the many dining rooms stood a very livid and injured Voldemort, who was blasting everything around him in a rage.

His Death Eaters just watched on in fear and flinched every time the Dark Lord's magic would flare, kneeling on the floor and in a lot of pain was Bellatrix Lestrange.

She was even crying and she held her chest in agony, Voldemort's rituals ensure he would heal his injuries faster, but Bellatrix didn't have that advantage and was left to suffer the pain of all her ribs being broken and shattered.

The only reason she hasn't died was that Voldemort healed her just enough, so she would live.

Voldemort suddenly stopped blasting everything away and turned his head towards his Death Eater, he then eerily and calmly spoke "... What happened tonight? It was supposed to be a very simple plan, but now I find myself heavily injured and with quite a few of my Death Eaters dead...".

Voldemort turned his whole body to face his Death Eaters and spoke "Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov, Avery, Walden Macnair, Crabbe, Nott, Augustus Rookwood, Jugson, Mulciber, and Lucius are dead... at the hands of five little girls!".

Voldemort's magic suddenly flared as his anger rose, scaring everyone "I want to know who these little girls are! Their families, their homes! Everything! go and find out!".

The Death Eaters immediately turned around and left to do their master's bidding, except Bellatrix, who stayed kneeling on the floor, while whimpering in pain.

Voldemort turned his head towards her and sneered "Have Severus heal you when he shows up and tell him I want to see him as well".

Voldemort walked out of the room leaving Bellatrix in the room still whimpering in pain and not even waiting to hear a response.

The dark lord was just too angry right now to care and could only think of the torture, he was going to lay upon the five little girls who dared attack him.


The girls returned to Grimmauld 12 Place and decided to check around the old Black Family house while they waited for Harry, Sirius, and Remus to return from Gringotts.

Or for Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna to get up from their sleep, the girls found all kinds of interesting things in the Black Family house, dark and sinister things, but interesting nonetheless.

They fought a bunch of pixies in the attic and killed most of them, they also found something called a boggart in an old closet but the magical creature went poof, the moment the girls got in front of it.

They also found all kinds of dark enchanted artifacts, Hope and Morgan dismantled all of the enchantments and studied them a bit, Dragon God Harry had taught them enchanting and they thought it would be a good idea to get more experience.

Eri went around the library and decided to give some of the spells she found there a try, though even she herself had to admit, that there were some really nasty dark curses in the library.

Skin peelers, bone crushers, spine rippers, brain-melting, and even eyeball poppers, were some of the curses she found, this did make her wonder, how come the Avada Kadavra curse was forbidden, but none of these were.

After all, these curses were specifically designed for a slow and most painful death, the Avada Kadavra was at least painless "Hmm... maybe it's because of the intent you need to be able to use the Killing Curse? Daddy did say, that you really needed to want your target to die".

Eri looked up from the book she was reading and thought about it, meanwhile, Lily and Sherry were in a room on the top floor and petting a Hippogriff they found lounging in there.

The hippogriff looked calm and collected, but he was inwardly terrified and hoped, the very powerful beings petting him, wouldn't eat him or something worse.

The funny thing about all of this is that no curse or evil enchantment in the old Black Family house affected them whatsoever, normally no one should be able to go around and walk around this ancient magical home.

As a dark family home, Grimmauld 12 Place was riddled with evil and dark wards, and protections, but the girls weren't only immune to such weak magic 'to them at least' but their mere presence is acting like a hammering ram against such protections.

That meant, they were instantly destroyed and letting the girls able to go about anywhere they wanted to, all of this happened right before the ever-watching Walburga Black's portrait, who was once again left speechless and quite terrified.

She was so scared, that she hid so deep in her painting and prayed the girls wouldn't find her, but eventually a few hours passed by, and finally, Harry, Sirius, and Remus arrived.

The girls immediately went to meet them, but the moment they saw Harry, the girls knew that he had a bad time in Gringotts.

Harry Potter, for lack of a better word, was livid, no he was past that, he had an all-familiar face the girls had seen in Dragon God Harry a few rare times.

A look that promised pain and death, Sirius and Remus didn't look any better either, they were furious as well, Morgan walked up to them "I take it that things didn't exactly go well".

Harry sighed and scratched his head in annoyance "Yeah, that's an understatement if I were to hear one... I got my lordships, though I obtained two more that I wasn't expecting, I also got my parent's will...".

Harry frowned and looked down "The will has a lot of information, information that could have come in handy if I was made aware of the will, but apparently, Dumbledore got in the way".

Morgan and the girls weren't surprised to hear about Dumbledore but were curious about what Harry found out, so they all took the three very upset Wizards to the living room, so they could sit and talk more calmly".

Once everyone settled down and relaxed a bit, it was Sirius who started the conversation "Turns out that Lily and James had mentioned the prophecy in the will, which Harry was supposed to read when he was 11 years old... it also had the information that I wasn't the secret keeper of their hiding place and that it was peter".

Sirius frowned and looked down, he seemed to be trying to calm down, of course, the girls understood why he was upset, a will is liable evidence of his innocence and could be used to get out of his wanted status.

He would be able to be free at long last and this would have happened years ago if only the will was read, which is why Sirius was pissed off right now.

Remus then went on "It also had a list of people Harry should have ended up with, Andromeda Tonks, Alice Longbottom, me... and Sirius, in the event of their death and also had specifically stated that Harry was not ever to end up with the Dursleys...".

Harry tighten his fist and scowled "And the worst thing is... that it was signed by Albus Dumbledore as a witness...".

The girls frowned, Hope, scratched her head "I see, so Albus tried to control your life, just like the one in our world tried to do with Daddy...".

Harry looked up towards Hope "So Dragon Harry had the same problem?".

Hope nodded "Yes, but he was too powerful for Dumbledore to even try to get any sort of control over his life, in the end, Dumbledore ended up getting beat up by Daddy right in front of Gringotts".

Morgan tilted her and grinned "I heard from Aunty Luna, Hermione, and Susan, that Dumbledore was heavily injured and his wounds refused to heal, apparently Uncle Harry had used white holy light in all his attacks and spells".

Remus raised an eyebrow "White holy light?".

Eri smiled and was the one to answer Remus's question "There are different kinds of holy light, regular holy light usually takes on the color of the user's soul, but above that type of holy light, there are two that are more pure and powerful.

Golden holy light, which only archangels can use is very powerful and has a purifying effect, making it very effective against dark creatures, but then there's white holy light.

This type of holy light is the purest and most powerful form holy light can take, it devastates anything remotely evil and makes it hard for anything attacked by it to heal, wounds caused by it.

It's so rare for anyone to be able to wield it, so much in fact, that there have only been three beings who were capable of wielding it, Daddy, Sherry, and the Judeo-Christian God".

Harry, Sirius, and Remus gaped, they even stared at Sherry in disbelief as well, Sherry blushed and began to fidget from the attention she was getting "I-I can only use it because of my Sacred Gear, I'm still nowhere close to Dad's level of skill either"

Lily grinned "Don't be shy Sherry! It's very special that you can wield white holy light! Be a little bit more proud of yourself".

Sherry blushed even brighter but smiled and nodded, Harry then spoke "Wait, you hit Voldemort with that white light, doesn't that mean?".

Sherry nodded "Yes, he's not going to be able to heal that damage easily, at best he might be able to get rid of the pain, it's why we told you we had time to prepare, Dumbledore is going to be busy in the Ministry and Voldemort will be busy trying to heal himself".

Harry nodded, he was definitely thankful for the girl's actions, he then softly smiled "Despite all the bad stuff we found out, it was nice to find out that Mom and Dad loved me so much.

They left me everything and even Mom left me her vault with all her stuff, I now have even more stuff to remember them with".

Everyone smiled at Harry, they were very happy that he now had more things to remind him of his parents, Lily then spoke up "So, we now know Dumbledore is either an evil old man like in Papa Harry's world, or very stupid, but this also means you can confront him now"

Harry nodded "Yes, I'm going to get answers from him, one way or the other".

Eri grinned, it looked totally vicious which made the three wizards nervously sweat "We'll help you, Harry! That old man is getting his old wrinkled butt kicked!".

Morgan giggled "Okay, first of all, Ew... old wrinkle butt~" everyone shared a laugh, Morgan then turned her head towards Harry, "You said you got two other lordships right? What are they? Uncle Harry only has three".

Harry sighed but then began to explain "Well, according to the test the goblins did, I'm now Lord Gryffindor and Slytherin".

The girls all raised an eyebrow at the same time, which looked funny to Sirius and Remus who laughed a bit, Hope hummed "Gryffindor and Slytherin huh? Isn't that founders of Hogwarts? I think Mama Hermione mentioned them before".

Harry nodded "Yeah, they are, but I'm so surprised that I got those lordships".

Hope looked up at the ceiling, she saw a pixie by the lamp and narrowed her eyes at it, the pixie then stuck its tongue at her, which made Hope summon her gauss pistol and shoot it right in the head with a mana bullet.

Which startled Harry, Sirius, and Remus, but didn't say anything, it was best not to annoy a girl when she packing a weapon, Hope grinned and then spoke "I wonder how you got those lordships?".

Harry sweatdropped but answered her question "Well, for Gryffindor, I had to have saved the school and drawn his sword, as for Slytherin I had to defeat the current heir three times and find the Chamber of Secrets".

Hope nodded "I see, Daddy never went to Hogwarts and nothing really happened there anyways, that's why he didn't get those lordships, but this just means more power to you Harry".

Harry nodded but then sighed "Yeah, but this will just cause a lot of chaos once everything comes to light".

The girls smiled and at the same time said the same thing "Chaos is the bread butter of the Potter Household!".

Harry jumped in surprise but then smiled and chuckled "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense... my life has been nothing but chaos, so perhaps it's time to embrace it, instead of running away from it".

Morgan nodded "Yeah! Nothing wrong with chaos Harry! It makes life more fun and helps you meet new people! Do you honestly regret everything you've done and experienced?".

Harry looked down and began to think of all the times something crazy had happened to him, the time he turned his teacher's toupee blue, when he ended up on the roof of the school, that time he made the glass in the snake exhibit vanished causing his cousin to fall inside.

Meeting Hagrid, going for the first time to Diagon Alley, getting his wand, getting on the train, meeting Ron and Hermione, fighting a Troll, preventing Voldemort from getting the Flamel's philosopher's stone, finding the Chambers of Secrets, saving Sirius and Buckbeak.

Even the Tri-Wizarding Tournament had been interesting to him, despite the fact that he almost died throughout the whole thing, so Harry looked up and smiled at Morgan "Well, besides having met some jerks, almost dying and the dementors, you're right... despite my life being chaotic, it has been an amazing adventure".

Morgan grinned "There you go, don't ever forget the good things that happen to you, among the chaos!".

Harry chuckled and nodded to Morgan "Well, we're done and ready on our end, what about you guys? How did it go with the Horcruxes?".

Hope was the one who answered Harry's question "We destroyed two already, one we found here actually and the other one, we went to an old shack to destroy it".

Morgan then went on "That leaves three, the diadem, the cup, and the snake, however, there's a bit of an issue to get to those".

The three male wizards raised an eyebrow, Remus then decided to ask "What sort of issues?".

Eri then spoke to elaborate "Well the diadem is in Hogwarts, but we don't know anything about the place, we thought it was best to wait for everyone to wake up so they can show us around".

Remus nodded "I see, yeah, that's a great idea, Harry and his friends can show you around and help you find the diadem".

Eri nodded "Next is the cup, that one is actually in Bellatrix's vault in Gringotts, the girls and I decided to wait for Harry to finish his business there before we went there to destroy it".

Harry got a bit worried about the girls "Are you going to be okay? There's a lot of goblins and they even have dragons down there".

Lily smiled "You don't have to worry, about us, goblins and what you call dragons are nothing but cannon fodder, but we might make a big commotion, so we wanted to wait for you to get back".

Harry nodded and even though he was still worried, he decided to trust that the girls knew what they were doing, Sirius then spoke, "Then, you're going to Gringotts, and then what exactly?".

Morgan grinned "We're going to go beat up all the goblins and crash into Bellatrix's vault and get the Horcrux~".

The three wizards sweatdropped as all five girls cheered in excitement, Harry was starting to feel a little bad from the goblins "Err... can't you just ask?".

The five girls turned their heads towards Harry and stared at him, but Harry just stared back at them which made the girls flinch a bit since he was giving the same look Dragon God Harry, would make whenever they were being to reckless.

He rarely gives them that look of worry, which makes it worse when they do get it, Morgan suddenly groaned and whined so loudly, that it made Harry jump "But I want to fight the goblins...".

Sirius chuckled, finding Morgan's over-dramatic expression of disappointment funny, Remus just smiled and was glad to see, that despite being so powerful the girls were still able to act their age.

Harry just nervously sweatdropped but chuckle nonetheless "It doesn't hurt to try, right?".

Morgan groaned again, huffed, and then slumped where she was sitting "Fine... we'll ask the goblins, but just once! They give us an attitude, and it is smashing time!~".

Harry smiled and nodded "That's all I ask Morgan".

Morgan huffed but nodded, Hope, smiled at Morgan and shook her head in amusement "Well then, we'll be on our way, you guys should rest and recover, especially you Harry, you haven't rested from the battle you had".

Harry nodded and then yawned, he really was feeling very tired right now, he then got up and immediately went upstairs after muttering a goodnight to everyone.

Sirius sighed "He must have not realized how tired he was until you pointed it out Hope... that kid shouldn't have to be going through all of this".

Everyone nodded, Hope smiled and got up, "Don't worry Sirius, soon enough, Harry will be able to have a fun and safe life, we're almost there".

Sirius nodded, meanwhile Eri opened a Dark Corridor "Make sure you're ready to fly, as soon as you step out of the Dark Corridor~ this one is open high above Gringotts".

The girls nodded and one by one they began to walk inside, Morgan was the last one and she turned her head towards Sirius and Remus "We'll be back later, so you guys should go rest as well now that you have the chance".

With that said Morgan stepped inside, and the Dark Corridor dissipated right away, while Remus and Sirius looked on, Sirius sighed and then nodded to himself "Well, the girls are right, we should go to sleep, it has been a very long night".

Remus nodded "Yeah, it sure has" with that said both adult wizards went upstairs to crash and finally rest from a very difficult and long night.


A Dark Corridor opened high above Diagon Alley and right above Gringotts, Hope, Sherry, Lily, Eri, and then Morgan, stepped outside the Dark Corridor and looked around, while the Dark Corridor dissipated behind them.

Sherry was the only one not flying with her magic alone, but rather with a pair of white wings, with all the training she did, she had learned how to summon specific parts of her Sacred Gear.

She could summon her armor at will now, or any parts of it, if necessary, she can also summon the cloak which is what she's using to fly right now.

Her Sacred Gear's Cloak can turn into white wings, which allows her to glide and fly, or if necessary, they can be used for protection as well since the wings can absorb energy.

The energy she absorbs can then be used for attacks or even healing, this was a function she found about her wings during her training and while she was learning how to fly with her wings.

It was both her mom Gabriel and big sister Asia who taught her how to fly with her wings, and how to fight with them as well.

Morgan looked down "So that's Diagon Alley, looks pretty old school if you ask me".

Eri nodded "Yeah, I like being a witch and all, but this is taking it a bit too far, no wonder Daddy said the wizarding world was very behind the times".

Lily frowned "It reminds me of some of the towns in my world, right Eri".

Eri hummed "Maybe Pickham, just without the thieves and casino".

Sherry looked around for a bit before she spoke up "Well, we must admit, that living with dad and being around Neo Kyoto has spoiled our views of what normal is".

Hope nodded "That's a good point, Neo Kyoto and our home is way above in technology compared to any other faction, we can't really compare it to anything else, it wouldn't be fair".

Sherry then turned her head to a big white marble building and pointed at it "Is that Gringotts Bank?"

Everyone turned to look at the building she was pointing at, Hope thought about it for a while "Well, I think it is, we've never been to the bank in Britain, but we've been into the Neo Kyoto branch".

Morgan nodded "Yeah, but that one doesn't look anything like the one back at Neo Kyoto, but I do see two goblins in armor by the entrance so it must be the bank".

The girls all turned their heads towards the entrance and saw the two goblins Morgan mentioned, Lily frowned "Those look different from the ones we've seen in the Natural Dungeon".

Eri nodded "Yeah! They're not even green and are even shorter that the ones in the Natural Dungeon!".

Hope smiled at both Lily and Eri "Well, you can consider them a kind of subspecies of goblin, according to Mommy Hermione, they're still as vicious as the ones in the dungeon plus they'll be fully equipped".

Morgan then nodded and decided to get things started "Alright, let's go down there and get that Horcrux"

The girls flew down towards the entrance of Gringotts Bank and got ready for what was about to come.


The goblin guards were, as always, sneering and glaring at the many wizards and witches, coming and going into the bank, however, today something new and different happened.

Five girls suddenly dropped from the sky and landed right in front of the Bank's gate, the two goblins stared at the five girls and immediately tensed up.

Something about these five girls, had every hair in their small bodies stand up straight and as the girls approached the gates, the goblins couldn't help but tremble.

As soon as the girls went inside the back, the goblin guards let out a breath they were holding and shook their heads, they felt better now that the girls were gone.

But now, they were very worried, after all, the girls just stepped inside the bank and looked like they had serious business to attend to, so they began to hope that no one would piss them off.


The girls once inside the bank looked around and stared at everything and everyone around, there were a few magicals around dealing with their business, while some goblins were grumbling and counting gems and gold.

Morgan sighed "So... what do we do now? Harry asked us to ask first".

Hope hummed a bit as she thought about what to do next "I don't know? I mean, I've only visited the Gringotts Bank in Neo Kyoto with Daddy, but I've never really paid attention to how things were done".

Eri walked up to Morgan "Maybe, we should just ask a Goblin?".

Morgan nodded "Well, that's a good idea as any, let's go guys".

The girls, all walked forward towards a goblin teller, the goblin was so focused on counting some gems, that he didn't notice the five little girls walking up to his desk.

But Lily tapped the bell in his desk startling the goblin, who looked up and sneered, only to freeze as she stared at Morgan grinning at him.

Her eyes were staring at him, the same way a cat would stare at a mouse, it was as if she was looking for a reason to attack him, so the goblin did the smart thing "... What can Gringotts do for you today?".

Morgan pouted which confirmed the goblin's thoughts about her looking for a reason to attack. and something inside the goblins was glad he, didn't give her that reason.

Hope smiled at Morgan and gave her a head pat, which cheered her up, Eri then spoke up "Hello there Mr. Goblin! We were hoping to ask the bank a favor~".

The goblin raised an eyebrow and seemed intrigued "What sort of favor".

Eri continued to smile and then explained "We're looking for some very evil and dark objects to destroy, some really gross stuff! but one of these objects is inside one of the vaults here, so we need permission to get it!".

The goblin stared at the girls, usually, a goblin wouldn't even bother to consider giving someone unknown, access to one of the bank's vaults.

But some primal part of him was screaming at him to say yes, the fact that the small black-haired girl looked mighty eager for a negative response, made him feel rather nervous.

So he decided to ask for more details "What's the object, and which vault?".

Hope was the one who answered, "Well, what we want to destroy is something called a Horcrux-".

But Hope was interrupted when the goblin in front of her hissed in anger "A Horcrux? Someone dared bring such abomination, here in Gringotts!?".

Hope raised an eyebrow but nodded "Yes".

The goblin stayed silent for a few moments "Who created such an abomination and which vault is it located in?".

Hope tilted her head "It's Voldemort's and it's in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, though I'm curious as to how you know about Horcruxes, they're not exactly common knowledge".

The goblin huffed "Gringotts deals a lot in curse breaking, those abominations are very common in Egypt and we have had to deal with them often enough, to be aware of how dangerous they can be".

Hope nodded, while the goblin suddenly asked "You said you were looking for multiple correct?".

Hope nodded "Yes, he made seven, we have destroyed all but three, and we also know where they are as well".

Goblin tapped his desk with his finger while staring at Hope "I'm going, to be honest here, I know you're not human, I also know that the little black-haired child beside you wants us to say no to you, now, why would she want that?".

Hope turned towards Morgan and sighed, Morgan smiled "I want to fight you all! Though chances are most of you won't survive~".

The goblin sweatdropped at the little bundle of bloodlust in front of him "Yeah, we're not stupid you know? We can sense your power and we know better than to go poking something obviously so dangerous".

Morgan slumped "Come on... I promise to be gentle?".

The goblin just shook his head and turned his head towards Hope, who was trying not to laugh at Morgan "You said you destroyed four of these Horcruxes right?".

Hope nodded "Yup".

The goblin stood up from his desk and signal them to follow him "Very well, how about this? Gringotts Bank will let you go into Bellatrix Lestrange's Vault if you let us observe your method of destroying Horcruxes".

Hope smiled and nodded "That sounds fair, though I can't promise you'll learn anything you can use".

The Goblin nodded "That's fine, it might give us ideas on how to deal with such abominations in the future, so far the only way we know is a very long and difficult ritual".

The girls followed the goblin deeper into the bank, while he began to explain about the long and quite difficult ritual used to destroy soul shards, that Gringotts knew about, though Morgan looked a bit down about the fact that she won't get to fight any goblins today.