Chapter 28

The goblin took the girls right into Bellatrix's vault, Morgan immediately walked over to Helga Hufflepuff's Cup and stared at it "This is it, it has the same disgusting energy signature as the rest".

Hope nodded and then walked towards the cup, the goblin teller followed and also took a look at the cup, he immediately hissed when he sensed the soul shard "It really is a Horcrux... to think someone would dare bring one of these abominations, into Gringotts".

Hope raised her hand and waved it forward toward the cup, a wave of cosmic flames shot forward and consumed the cup, it destroyed both the cup and Voldermort's soul shard in seconds.

The goblin flinched away from the cosmic flames and gasped in surprise, he then stared at the flames as they consumed the cup "... Those flames... just what are you child? Those flames are primal in nature...".

Hope turned her head towards the goblin and gave him a small smile "I'm both life and destruction, a conceptual being known as the Phoenix Force and daughter of a dragon god".

The goblin stared at Hope, and then moved his gaze towards Morgan, he immediately shivered when he saw the predatory look she was giving him "I'm now, so very glad, I decided to be nice for once...".

Morgan clicked her tongue in annoyance, she really wanted to fight the goblins it seems, Hope, shook her head at Morgan but still gave her a smile "Well that just leaves two Horcruxes of Voldermort's, but they should be easily dealt with anyways".

Lily walked up to Hope and Morgan "So what do we do next?".

Hope hummed "Well, I guess we should go back and wait for everyone to get up, we can deal with the other Horcruxes then".

Lily nodded, but Morgan suddenly spoke "But I wanted to fight some goblins!".

Eri giggled "Morgan, leave the poor goblins alone".

Morgan pouted while the goblin nodded "Please, I don't wish for my kind to be slaughtered like pigs...".

Morgan huffed, Hope, laughed a little and then turned her head towards the goblin "Thank you for your help, you made this incredibly easier for us, even if it was out of fear, you still helped us".

The goblin sighed "Don't mention it, I immediately knew you five were something, we goblins didn't want to piss off, and seeing as to how you destroyed the cup, I'm glad I did so".

Sherry walked up to everyone "Hey guys, I feel kinda bad, Mr. Goblin helped us but he didn't get anything in return, sure we showed him how we destroyed the Horcrux, but that doesn't really give him anything".

Hope crossed her arms and nodded "You're right Sherry... fair is fair after all".

Eri walked up to the goblin who was silently watching and hearing the girls talk "You're not going to get in trouble for helping us, right Mr. Goblin?".

The goblin was very surprised, these little girls, despite being extremely powerful, were worried about him, it made him feel rather odd about it, but he was still grateful for the concern.

So the goblin shook his head "No child, after I report what was being kept in here, the King of Gringotts will understand why I did what I did, besides I'm sure he also sensed your powers, so he will understand that I did it for the good of the bank.

Though we will have to close this vault and take everything in here for the bank, Bellatrix Lestrange broke the rules of her account by having something like a Horcrux in here, especially since she didn't inform us about it".

Eri nodded, Hope had been thinking about what to give the goblin as thanks for his help, she then smiled as she came up with something, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a question block from her pocket.

She then smiled at the Goblin "Mr. Goblin, do you have a place with a high amount of mana in the air in the bank?"

The goblin stared at the block with curiosity, he then raised an eyebrow at Hope's question "We have a few rooms saturated with mana, but most of those are used as medical chambers".

Hope nodded and then handed the question block to the perplexed goblin, who took it and stared at it, Hope then went in to explain "This is a question block, if you throw it in the air, in a mana-saturated area it will continuously produce golden coins until it goes blank, then it will charge itself with mana and produce golden coins again".

The goblin gaped at what he was hearing "Child, are you sure you know what you're giving to Gringotts? If what you say is true, this could be the greatest gift ever given to the Goblin Nation! Why not keep such a treasure for yourself".

Hope smiled "Well, I have a bunch already but even without them, Daddy always gives us money or buys us whatever we want, so we don't really need money".

The goblin continued to gape at Hope "... Very well, I'm sure the King and the Goblin Nation will be forever thankful to you, in fact, this gift is enough to declare you a goblin friend".

Hope nodded but then hummed "If that's the case, I don't really need the bank's aid but if possible, could Gringotts take care of Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and their friend and allies for us?".

The goblin raised an eyebrow but nodded "Of course, for this wonderful gift I'll make sure those you mentioned are forever welcome within these halls, the goblins will vow to help them in their time of need as well".

Hope nodded and then brightly smiled "Thanks Mr. Goblin! Harry Potter was the one who suggested we asked the goblins for help after all".

Morgan then grinned "Yeah! If he hadn't, we would burst in here and just kill you all! Aren't you guys lucky Harry is a good guy?~".

The goblin gulped and was inwardly thanking every deity he knew, that Harry spoke on Gringotts behalf, he was going to make sure the King knew, the favor Harry Potter did for the Goblin Nation.

Eri then waved her hand and created a Dark Corridor, the girls all waved at the goblin and began to walk into the pillar of darkness, the last one to walk through it, was Morgan.

She viciously grinned at the goblin, which made him nervously sweat, Morgan then waved at the goblin and stepped inside the Dark Corridor, which dissipated soon after.

The goblin loudly exhaled and shook his head "I have never been so terrified in my life... better report this to the King and make sure he knows how close we came to destruction, but first... I better go change my pants...".


The girls went back to Grimmauld 12 Place and decided to go to sleep, the next morning they got up early in the morning and choose to have some breakfast, so they went to the kitchen.

Unfortunately, there wasn't anything to eat there, so instead, they decided to use the food they brought with them, Morgan immediately took out all kinds of food and placed them on the table.

The girls began to eat soon after, and a few minutes later, everyone began to come down and joined them for breakfast, though they were all very surprised by the food the girls were eating.

There was a big variety of foods, from Japanese food to American, and even Italian if the pasta were anything to go by, plus there were all sorts of desserts as well.

Ron immediately joined the girls in eating the food, and soon after everyone else joined, Hermione, however, was very confused "Just where did this food come from? I don't think the house had anything that, could have been made into these".

Eri smiled "We brought it from our world, Morgan had it in her Boosted Inventory and took it out, since there was no food in here".

Hermione, looked at Morgan who was chewing on a cheeseburger, she noticed Hermione's look and she tilted her head in confusion, Hermione giggled a little since Morgan looked cute like that "Sorry, I was just wondering about your Boosted Gear. You told us about it yesterday and about Sherry's as well, but it's still hard to believe you know? Godly artifacts gifted by God himself to humanity".

Everyone nodded, these Sacred Gears just sounded very fantastical to them, and given how they're magicals themselves, that says a lot.

Morgan swallowed her food and nodded "Well, they're pretty common in our world, but I guess that here, it might be to hard to believe".

Sirius then piped in "It's not just that, we magicals don't have a high opinion of God and the Church, we did get persecuted back in the old days by them, many died burned at the stake".

Hope sipped some orange juice she was drinking out of a juice box and then spoke "Well, the Church did a lot of things in the name of the Judeo-Christian God, that he might have not agreed with, back in our world the Church did some very horrible things even in modern days.

But Daddy said that God wouldn't have been happy with how things had been done, by both Heaven and the Church".

Morgan nodded "Aunty Gabi was very upset and sad about it too, eventually, she even left Heaven because she grew too tired and disgusted with how things were done. In fact, she hasn't completely forgiven them yet, even though Mr. Michael is cleaning up both Heaven and the Church, after some very bad things came to light".

Hope went on "Daddy was very upset too, he's the reason Heaven is fixing things, he gave them an ultimatum 'fix yourselves or I will do it for you' and no one wanted that".

Everyone stared at both Morgan and Hope, everything they just said sounded so crazy, Neville sighed and scratched his head "Is everyone really that scared of Dragon Harry?".

Eri nodded and began to speak "And with good reason! Daddy can destroy universes with a snap of his fingers, his power is no joke and no one wants to make him angry".

Lily grinned "Except for the very arrogant and stupid people~".

The girls nodded, they all have heard of the people Dragon Harry had to deal with, Luna hummed "I think Dragon Harry is just making sure everyone he cares about is safe, that's why he goes to such lengths".

Everyone looked down at their food, it made sense with everything they have heard about Dragon God Harry, but still, a being capable of destroying universes is hard to imagine, much less accept but given how powerful the five little girls eating breakfast with them are, it made sense.

Sirius suddenly spoke, "Wait? Now that I think about it, why wasn't there any food in here? What is that blasted House Elf doing now?".

Sherry suddenly gasped "Ah! We forgot to tell you Sirius! We killed Kreacher yesterday".

Everyone turned their heads towards the girls and stared at them in both confusion and disbelief, though Sirius soon shrugged not really caring what had happened to Kreacher.

Hermione frowned and decided to ask "Why?".

Morgan put down her cheeseburger and explained "He had one of the Horcruxes, but that wasn't why we killed him, it turns out, that he was feeding someone named Narcissa information, about the Order and Harry. It's how Voldemort was able to plan the trap and the place where we found you guys".

Sirius began to let out a very impressive string of curses, Luna giggled because she found them amusing but everyone else 'except the girls winced' Harry sighed and scratched his head in annoyance "Just why, and who the hell is Narcissa?".

Remus answered Harry's second question "Narcissa Malfoy, she's Lucius Malfoy's wife".

Harry sighed "Bugger! It had to be a bloody Malfoy!".

Everyone frowned at the news, Hermione then raised a question "Wait a minute... how did Kreacher tell her anything? I thought a House Elf couldn't betray their owners".

Harry nodded "That's right! Dobby couldn't even say Malfoy's name without punishing himself".

Sirius is the one who answered that question "Because Narcissa is a Black, that little shit took advantage of that fact, to pass over information to Narcissa who passed it over to Voldemort...".

Everyone just stayed silent, Remus sighed and rubbed his eyes "Voldemort knew about everything the Order did, brilliant, just brilliant".

Harry frowned "It's not like the Order was doing anything important anyways, the fact that Kreacher told the enemy, how to get to me is far more serious".

Everyone nodded, and Sirius sighed "I should have killed the little shit, but I felt sorry about him, bugger me...".

Morgan sighed "Leave it, you can't change what had already happened, move on and try not to make the same mistake again".

The magicals nodded in agreement with Morgan's words, this news was a hard blow to their morale but she was right, better take this lesson and learn from it.

Hermione sighed "Let's forget about that, so how many Horcruxes did you destroy already?".

Hope answered Hermione's question "All but two".

Hermione nodded "Fantastic, almost done then".

The girls nodded, Hermione then decided to ask "Which ones do you still need to destroy?"

Eri raised a hand and answered Hermione's questions "Just the diadem and the snake! but we're going to need help with locating the diadem and the snake is going to be a problem".

Hermione raised an eyebrow, Sherry however, decided to elaborate before Hermione even had the chance to ask "The diadem is in Hogwarts, so we decided to wait for you guys to wake up since we don't know anything about Hogwarts".

Hermione nodded "Ah, good idea".

Sherry smiled at Hermione and then went on "The snake, we just don't know where it is, Daddy only said that it will most likely be around Voldemort".

Lily then said, "We're going to have to wait for Voldemort to show up, more than likely the snake will be with him when he does".

Hermione hummed "Yeah, he wouldn't let something so precious as one of his soul shards get too far away from him".

Luna then added to the conversation "We can set up a trap for Voldemort, somehow force him to show up so we can get the snake".

Neville frowned "That's easier said than done".

Harry however looked down "Voldemort got me to go to the Department of Mystery, by letting me think that he had captured Sirius and was torturing him, maybe we can do the same?".

Ginny frowned "That's a good idea, but what could we use? I doubt Voldemort cares about a lot of things, enough to make him move".

Hermione widens her eyes "That's it! You're a genius, Ginny".

Ginny tilted her head "I am?".

Hermione grinned and nodded "Yes! We know of something that Voldemort really cares about! and we can use it to force him to come to us!".

Hope immediately got what Hermione was talking about "Ah! You want to use his Horcruxes as bait".

Hermione nodded "Yes! If he finds out that someone is destroying his Horcruxes, he's going to go check on them to make sure".

Morgan nodded "And we know where he's going to look or at least have an idea".

Sherry hummed "Well we can subtract the Locket from that, we don't know where it originally was since we found it here".

Harry then spoke, "The dairy was destroyed and Lucius knew about it, I'm sure he told Voldemort about it".

Neville frowned "That leaves the cup, the diadem, Harry, and the ring".

Luna hummed "I don't think Voldemort knows Harry was a Horcrux, he must have been caught off guard by whatever Harry's mommy did to protect him".

Harry nodded but then looked down "He might have an idea though, he did make my life horrible this year, with all of those visions and whatnot".

Ginny crossed her arms "He might not know exactly why he had that link with you though, but yeah we shouldn't count Harry for the ambush".

Hermione nodded "Then that leaves the cup, the ring, and the diadem".

Eri raised her hand "We can't use the cup! That was in Gringotts and Voldemort, more than likely will send someone to check rather than go himself".

Everyone nodded, Eri made a good point while Harry sighed "So that only leaves the ring and the diadem".

Lily spoke up "Well, out of those two the ring's location would be the perfect place to ambush him, the diadem is in Hogwarts and I don't think we want him to show up there".

Hermione frowned "But we don't have a way to know which one he would check on, he might just be angry enough to go on a rampage in Hogwarts just to teach us a lesson, not to mention Harry is there and he's number one on his list as well".

Everyone looked down and stared into their plates in silence, even Ron stopped eating as everyone thought about every they just said, Hope, sighed "I think it's best we work under the assumption that Voldemort will go after the diadem and attack Hogwarts".

Morgan nodded "I don't like it since it would risk a lot of people but yeah, that might be the best course of action, plus we'll be there and we'll make sure everyone is safe".

Everyone nodded, and Hermione sighed "Alright, so from now on, we'll be on high alert in Hogwarts, as soon as Voldemort finds out that his Horcruxes are gone, he's going to be on a war path.

He'll come into Hogwarts with everything he has and attack full force, we need to get the snake and destroy the soul shard before we can even get to Voldemort".

Morgan scratched her head "It's going to be a close call, that's for sure...".

Eri smiled "I can raise some very powerful wards around Hogwarts, wards that will protect the students and even make them invulnerable to instant death spells".

Morgan smiled at Eri "Good idea Eri!".

Eri nodded and brightly smile, Sirius then spoke "Alright, then that means that the Horcruxes and Voldemort issue, are pretty much planned for but what about Dumbledore? I'm sure he's going to show up here and try to get in, he'll gather the order in order to report as well and then he'll be asking questions".

Harry frowned "I'll deal with him today then, afterward we'll go to Hogwarts and deal with the diadem, we'll also have to prepare for Voldemort as well".

Sirius nodded "So you'll confront the old man today, but how will he get in? Eri modified the wards and took control of the Fidelius Charm".

Eri smiled "I can temporarily have them like they used to be and then changed them back once Dumbledore and the Order get in here".

Lily grinned "He won't be able to get away then!".

Harry raised his hand up to his face and then closed it into a fist "I'll get my answers from him one way or the other today".

Lily then smiled "Oh that's right! Harry you said you have a sword now right?".

Harry raised an eyebrow but nodded "Yeah, the Sword of Gryffindor but, I don't have it with me right now, in fact, it's in a crystal case in Dumbledore's off-".

Harry was suddenly cut off when the the Sword of Gryffindor suddenly appeared in his hand, the moment he thought about the sword, Harry stared at the Sword in surprise "What in the world?".

Lily smiled "Well, it seems that the sword is bonded to you, that means you can call it to your hand at any time!".

Neville, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione gaped at the fact that Harry summoned Gryffindor's sword, Hermione suddenly narrowed her eyes "Harry, why is the Sword of Gryffindor bonded to you".

Harry laid the sword on top of the table and sighed "Apparently, I'm Lord Gryffindor and Slytherin now...".

Harry's friends gaped at him 'except Luna, who was just smiling' Hermione shooked her head to compose herself "Harry! Do you know what that means?".

Harry tilted and just shrugged "That I'm the lord of two more houses?".

Hermione groaned and grabbed her head "No! I mean yes! but not only that! It also means that you are now the owner of half of Hogwarts!".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Oh, yeah, the goblins did say that, but it's not like I'm interested in being the owner Hermione".

Hermione slammed her head on the table and groaned in exasperation "... Harry...".

Everyone just shared a laugh as they watched poor Hermione, take real emotional damage from Harry's nonchalance, Luna hummed and then spoke "Does that mean, two new girls are joining the harem now?".

Harry sputtered, while Sirius and Remus laughed, Hermione just groaned from where she was laying, her head on the table.

Neville, Ron, and Ginny laughed, while Luna tilted her head in confusion, she really wanted an answer to her question, but it seems that she was going to have to wait a while longer.


After breakfast Eri modified the wards and Fidelius Charm, with everything set up and ready for when Dumbledore and the Order make an appearance, all everyone had to do was wait.

But the girls didn't want to just wait and sit around doing nothing, so instead, they dragged everyone into a time dilation ward and began to teach them all sorts of wand magic spells, mostly battle magic.

But Eri still taught them what many considered dark wand magic, of course at first the Hogwarts students were reluctant 'except Luna' to learn such magic spells, but Eri whacked them in the head with her staff and scolded them.

It was quite the sight to see, such a small and adorable little girl, scolding teenagers about how magic isn't black or white, but it was all about intent. That fighting to survive meant that one should be ready to do anything to protect oneself and their loved ones with everything they have, after all, their enemies weren't going to come at them with tickles and hugs.

She also told them, that they were to old enough not to be so naive and they should grow up, that hit everyone hard, even Sirius and Remus felt the sting of that scolding.

Eri then asked, who in their right mind goes to war with the intent to only capture and knock out your enemies? Everyone answered Dumbledore and Eri scolded them again.

This time about listening to senile old people, needless to say, everyone paid attention to Eri and followed her lessons to the letter, no one wanted to be scolded by her anymore.

All of this just made Morgan, Hope, Lily, and Sherry laugh and enjoy the show, Lily also taught Harry how to hold and swing a sword safely, unfortunately with the time they had left, she couldn't really teach him a lot, but promised him to teach him some cool techniques later.

Harry, was of course, happy that he can now hold and swing Gryffindor's sword without the danger of poking himself or cutting off his own hand thanks to Lily.

That's how the group spent their time while they waited for Dumbledore to arrive with the Order of the Phoenix, after all, it's been a day and more than enough time, for Dumbledore to finish in the Ministry.

They knew he would want answers about what had happened in the Department of Mystery, and then tell everyone in the Order about what they were going to do, now that everyone knew Voldemort is alive and back.


It was around 5 pm when Eri, received a warning that someone had arrived from her wards, she immediately told everyone about it, and the girls immediately dispelled the time dilation ward and cleaned everyone with Magic.

They were all very sweaty and dirty after all, Morgan then took out miracle gels for everyone so they could be at 100 percent, everyone was very impressed with the gels and Hermione asked about them.

But Eri told them, that more people had arrived and that they didn't have time to talk about the gels, Morgan promised Hermione, that she would tell her about them later.

But they needed to focus right now, Hermione understood and nodded to Morgan, meanwhile, Harry narrowed his eyes and tighten his fists "What is the Order doing Eri?".

Eri closed her eyes and then began to tell Harry what the Order was doing "They're all gathering in the kitchen, it seems Dumbledore is waiting for someone else to arrive... via Floo? I don't know what that is".

Sirius decided to explain "It's a type of magical transportation via the fireplace, you need a special type of powder to both activate it, and to make the fire harmless".

Eri opened her eyes and stared at Sirius in silence for a few seconds, which made Sirius rather nervous, Eri suddenly lightly laughed "You wizards and witches are so silly sometimes".

Said wizards and witches 'except Luna' sweatdropped at the way Eri just pegged them as silly people, but Eri just ignore that and turned her head towards Harry "The fireplace just flared with mana, I think it's this Floo thingy".

Remus hummed "I think Dumbledore was waiting for Snape, and given what you told us, he must have just arrived".

Harry nodded "Then let's go, Eri make sure no one gets out".

Eri nodded and snapped her fingers, this made the wards go back to the setting she had them before, this time however, she made sure to discreetly do so, so no one would notice.

Harry took a big breath and then nodded at everyone, his friends, no his family nodded back at him and gave him a look that said that they had his back.

It made Harry smile and feel safe, so with that same smile he began to walk to the kitchen, to confront Dumbledore and get answers.


Dumbledore sat on a chair in the kitchen of Grimmauld 12 Place and sighed, he had spent an entire night and half a day going over, with Amelia Bones about what happened in the Department of Mystery and the Ministry entrance.

Minister Fudge had silently listened to everything going on, no surprise there since the fool knew that he had made a serious mistake and now that it was proven that Voldemort was back, his career was over.

Especially since he had spent almost an entire year denying his return and dragging Harry and his name through the mud, but what really concerned him, was the fact that no one knew, who were the five mysterious little girls, that not only beat Voldemort bloody but also killed every Death Eater that had arrived.

Only Bellatrix Lestrange escaped with her life, and that was only because Voldemort took her with him as he escaped.

But now that he was done in the Ministry and had them focused on something else for now, he had come to Grimmauld Place and summoned the Order.

He needed answers and the Order will be able to provide some of them, plus he also wanted to speak with Severus, he needed to know what was going on within Voldermort's side.

Thankfully, it didn't take long for the Order to gather and meet with him in the kitchen, and not long after Severus arrived as well, only Remus and Sirius were missing, but they should come down to the kitchen soon enough.

Severus immediately approached Dumbledore, and the old wizard didn't waste time in asking for information "Severus, just what happened in the Department of Mystery? How is Voldemort handling all of this?".

Everyone gave Severus their attention, especially those who had been there when those five little girls arrived and destroyed the Death Eaters, Severus frowned "The dark lord isn't handling what happened yesterday night well, he's been seriously hurt and some of his injuries aren't healing.

I have spent all night trying all sorts of potions in order to heal him, but some of those wounds just refuse to heal... He's livid and thrashed a whole dining room in Malfoy's home, he even let Bellatrix suffer in agony from her wounds for hours, until she came to me".

Severus scowled "Right now he mobilized all the remaining Death Eaters into looking for information about those five girls... no one has had any luck so far".

Dumbledore frowned and look down for a few seconds, he then turned his gaze towards Moody "What can you tell me Alastor?".

Moody's fake eye spun around, then the old Auror frowned "Those of us you sent to the Department of Mystery, are as lost as Voldermort is.

One second we were fighting Death Eaters and the next, those little lassies appeared... they brought Black back to life and then proceeded to kill each and every Death Eater in that chamber".

Dumbledore looked worried, while Severus sneered "Don't be ridiculous, bringing someone back to life? Are you sure that eye of yours is working properly".

Moody scowled at Severus "I'd watch my mouth if I were you, I saw Black get hit by a Killing Curse from Bellatrix! He even fell through the Veil! Everyone saw it! You fool!

But then this red-headed little lass asks Death itself to spit Sirius back out and the veil does it! I don't know what she did next, but then all I saw next, was the lass chanting something and a bright light".

Severus continued to sneer at Moody, but didn't say anything else, Dumbledore was both interested and worried about all of this information "They killed the Death Eaters?".

Tonks nodded and then spoke up "They sure did! For such little girls, they were quite vicious, Lucius Malfoy's face and head were blasted off by the red-headed girl!

Then the others! Boy did they go to town on the Death Eaters! I've never seen anything like it".

Moody nodded "They also double-checked they were dead and burned their bodies to ash, I wanted to keep at least one of them alive, but they refused to let anyone live".

Shacklebolt chuckled "When Moody asked one of them to do so, she whacked him in the head with her staff and then proceeded to scold him, in how foolish it was to leave an enemy alive".

Tonks laughed a bit and nodded "It was hilarious!".

But Dumbledore, didn't find anything funny about what he was hearing "... How dark, who would teach such young girls to be so ruthless and merciless? Whoever it was, he or she are leading those girls onto a dark path".

Moody scowled at Dumbledore "Albus, that pacifist mentality of yours, is the reason we were losing the last war! The Death Eaters are coming at us with Killing Curses and all kinds of Dark and Evil curses. This is war! and honestly? Those girls did good! Those Death Eaters won't ever hurt anyone again".

Dumbledore frowned "Alastor, we must be better than the enemy, we have to give second chances, just look at Severus, he's making amends and he's helping us".

Moody scoffed "Some spy he is! I would have been happy if he had been among the Death Eaters that died last night! One less traitor and murderer to worry about!".

Severus glared at Moody, while Dumbledore looked at him in disappointment "Alastor, Severus has my trust, he's risking his life to spy for us, why can't you see that?".

Moody, however, just clicked his tongue "Oh, I don't know, how about because he's a murderer and traitor? How about the fact that he abused a muggle girl in order to get his dark mark!?

You can trust him all you want Albus, but that doesn't change anything he's done! He should be in Azkaban or better yet! Dead!".

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head, he then decided to change the subject, before things escalated "Has anyone seen Harry? One of the girls took him away, while I got distracted with Fudge and the Aurors, I'm hoping he's back at Hogwarts".

But before anyone could answer Dumbledore's questions, the kitchen door was suddenly blasted off its hinges, everyone panicked a bit, but relaxed when they saw Harry standing at the door.

However, what had caught everyone's attention, was his glowing green eyes, glaring at Dumbledore for some unknown reason, Harry calmly and frostily spoke "Headmaster, just the person I wanted to see, I have a couple of questions that you're going to answer for me".