Chapter 29

Dumbledore stared at Harry in surprise as he walked into the kitchen, but soon, worry began to spread in both his heart and mind as he saw those five girls, he was just talking about with Order step inside the kitchen behind Harry.

After the girls came in Sirius, Remus, and then Harry's friends, the old Headmaster was quite confused and worried about what was going on, Harry seemed angry and he didn't know why.

The girls were also glaring at him, those glares however, filled him with dread, he gazed at the Order and frowned when he saw some of them step back as soon as they saw the five girls.

Alastor, Tonks, and Shacklebolt stepped back, they even raised their hands in surrender, they obviously wanted to avoid provoking the girls.

It made Dumbledore, feel even more anxious, however, Severus decided to open his mouth and as always he sought to insult Harry "Potter, we don't have time to deal with your childish temper tantrums, we have far more importa-".

Harry moved his glare to Severus, which made him stop talking, Harry suddenly pointed his wand at him, which shocked the potion master, Harry then spoke, "I'll deal with you traitorous bastard in a bit, for now shut up and let the adults speak".

Severus sneered at Harry and was about to say something but Harry suddenly waved his wand up and then whipped it down towards Severus.

A whip of lightning cracked to life and whipped Severus right on his chest with a loud crack, he was completely taken off guard since he never expected Harry to attack him.

So with the loud crack, he was sent flying back and crashing against the wall behind, he screamed in pain as Harry whipped him again, just for good measure.

Dumbledore was so flabbergasted at what had happened, that he didn't even react until he saw Harry whip Severus again with a lightning whip spell, he quickly took out his wand and pointed it at Harry.

He thought Harry would attack Severus again, and in his haste to protect his spy, he made the mistake of pointing his Wand at Harry.

Lily suddenly blurred into Dumbledore's side and cut off his wand hand, Dumbledore grunted in pain as he saw both his hand and Wand bounce on the floor twice.

Lily then slammed her shield in Dumbledore body and forced him to sit back on his chair, from the force behind her shield bash "Do not ever! Point a weapon at Harry!".

Dumbledore flinched at the sheer power and anger in the little girl's voice, Eri looked down at the wand and frowned when she felt something familiar in it.

She walked up to the wand and picked it up, she immediately recognized it, she looked up to Dumbledore's worried gaze and glared at him "This wand does not belong to you, thief... Mommy Death will be punishing you when you die for this".

Dumbledore flinched and began to sweat, he then saw the red-eyed and white-haired little girl put the Elder Wand inside her witch's hat and walked back to her friends.

The little girl who cut off his hand scoffed at him "Why I'm not surprised you had the wand".

She walked back towards her friends, Harry smiled at both Lily and Eri, both girls smiled at him, while everyone in the order stared in shock at what had happened.

No one said anything since they were still trying to make sense of what happened right now, Molly Weasley suddenly snapped out of it and tried to rush towards Dumbledore.

But Ron suddenly yelled, "Mom! Get away from him!".

Molly froze and took an involuntary step back, in both surprised and reflex, Ron had never yelled at her, much less with so much worry in his voice, it surprised her quite a bit "Ron?".

Ginny ran towards her mother, Ron followed soon after and both stood in front of her while pointing their wands at Dumbledore, both of the youngest Weasleys slowly began to walk back while pushing their mother back towards where their father stood.

Arthur Weasley, was just as lost as everyone else but he saw Ron and Ginny's actions and understood that something serious must have happened, something that made his children not trust Dumbledore.

That made Arthur move and grabbed his wife, he then pulled her back "Ron, whats going on?".

Ron turns his head to the side and gazes at his father "The headmaster... no, Dumbledore has done some real horrible things to Harry".

Ginny nodded and spoke up "Mom, Dad we can't trust him, Harry wants answers, so for now just stay back and listen but be wary of Dumbledore".

Both Arthur and Molly might be confused, but they knew their children well enough to know, that they were being truthful and very cautious about Dumbledore, Arthur turned his head towards Harry "Harry?".

Harry turned his gaze towards Arthur and gave him a warm smile, one that told Arthur to trust him "I'm sorry if I startle you Mr. Weasley, but I can't afford to play around, Dumbledore has done some very terrible things to me and I want answers.

So please, let me talk to him, you can judge me after he speaks, but for now, do not trust him, he's not the good guy he projects himself to be".

Molly and Arthur stared into Harry's eyes, and they saw that he was in pain, he was angry sure, but he was also hurting, whatever he had found out, must have been very big.

Molly smiled and nodded "Alright dear, I don't know what's going but I can see its important to you".

Arthus nodded "You're family Harry, so we have your back, even against the headmaster".

Harry teared up a bit and then nodded to both Molly and Arthur, he really did love them as if they were his uncle and aunt, Harry blinked the tears away and then nodded to Arthur.

He then smiled at Molly, soon after he returned his gaze towards Dumbledore who was now, grasping his stump whith his hand, so he wouldn't bleed out, Harry scoffed "Can someone heal him, before he passes out, I still need him to answer my questions".

Hope walked forward and glared at Dumbledore "I can do you one better Harry".

Hope began to wake up to Dumbledore, while the old man began to sweat, both from the pain and from the fear he was no feeling, never in his life has he ever been in a position like this.

Not even when he fought against Grindelwald was he in this much trouble, now that he was close to these five girls, he could sense the power, especially from the red haired girl walking towards him.

He had never felt a power like hers, it was something primal, and inhuman and it terrifies him, he suddenly tried to apparate away, but not only did he find himself unable to.

But his body was suddenly hit with a pain, like no other, he felt so much pain that Dumbledore couldn't help but scream, surprising everyone.

Hope raised an eyebrow, as she saw Dumbledore squirm and scream in pain, Eri suddenly spoke "He tried to apparate away, my wards hit him with a Crucio enchantment I added to them for his efforts"

Dumbledore stopped screaming and then slumped in his seat, Hope nodded to Eri and continued to walk towards the old man, soon enough she reached him and lifted a hand.

Dumbledore looked up towards Hope, who only smiled as her hands lit up in regular flames, Dumbledore's eyes widen when he finally realized what the little girl before him, was planning on doing.

Dumbledore tried to get away or push himself away from Hope, but in a blur of movement she caught his good hand with her free hand and held him tight "This is for all the years Harry had to spend in that little room under the stairs".

Hope tighten her grip in Dumbledore's arm and snapped it like a twig, Dumbledore wailed in pain, but Hope pulled him towards him, Dumbledore stopped screaming and began to call out for his Phoenix "Fawkes!".

But Fawkes didn't show up or rather couldn't because of Eri's wards, Hope grabbed hold of Dumbledore's stump with her flame engulfed hand "This is for everytime you forced Harry back into that family and house!".

Dumbledore roared in pain as Hope, burned his open wound with fire magic, he squirmed and trashed as hard as he could, trying to get away from Hope but the little Potter held onto him tight.

The members of the Order watched on, in fear and surprise as a little girl tortured the most famous and powerful wizard in front of their eyes, none of them dared move, much less go help the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

In fact they were terrified, the little girl torturing Dumbledore had a frigid look in her eye, eyes that were glowing deep orange as she burned the open wound of Dumbledore.

Hope finally let go and Dumbledore pulled away right away, which resulted in him falling back and rolling in the ground once, before stopping and staying on the floor squirming and groaning pain.

Hope just stared at the sorry excuse of a magical, but then softly and coldly spoke "I would love to do more, to make you pay for every tear Harry dropped, for everytime he needed an adult and no one was there, for everytime he had to risk his life for others, when it should have been your job to protect that school yours!".

Hope Potter loves her daddy very much, that's an undeniable truth, and the fact that a Harry Potter, doesn't matter that he isn't her daddy, was put to suffer for so long, had hurt her and made her angry.

She had been quietly waiting for a chance to get to Dumbledore and give him a piece of her mind, so right now she let her emotions surge forth, those emotions brought out her power, not only as the Phoenix Force, but as a dragon god.

The Dragon God of Cosmic Flames, and in response to her power her body began to take in some of her true features.

Red, Orange and Yellow scales began to appear on her cheeks and fore head, while her glowing orange eyes turned Dragonic, her hair began to flow and light up in flames, and feather like objects made out flames began to grow in her hair.

It both surprise and left everyone in awe as they watched the little girl before them, turn into something incredibly powerful and primal, Luna however had something unique to say about all of this "How beautiful... the flames of life~".

Hope heard Luna's words and turned her head towards her, she stared at her in silence before sighing and calming down "... Mommy Luna always tells me that my flames are beautiful".

Luna smiled "She sounds very smart, I should know!".

Hope giggled and nodded, she the exhaled and her body returned to normal "Daddy was right... as a dragon god it's hard to control your instincts".

Morgan smiled at Hope and walked up towards her "We'll work on it".

Hope smiled at Morgan and then nodded, Eri and Sherry shared a look, Eri couldn't help but to comment about what had happened "Looks like it's something we're going to have to deal with when we become dragon gods".

Sherry nodded "Not really looking forward to it, but Dad did promise to help, though, I wonder how he handles it?".

Lily tilted her head and hummed "I wonder if I'll have to deal with that, I'm a quarter Dragovian and a Dragon Knight after all".

Hope turned her head towards Harry "Sorry about that Harry, I've been wanting to do this to the senile old man for a while".

Harry shook his head and smiled at Hope "No, don't apologize, it feels nice to see someone angry on my behalf, to finally see someone do something for me".

Harry's friends looked down, even though Harry didn't mean to put them down, all of them knew that they never really defended or even gotten angry at all the injustices in Harry's life on his behalf, even Remus and Sirius felt bad about it.

Deep down, they all promised that they would do better for Harry, they will be better friends and family to him.

Hope smiled at Harry and then nodded toward Dumbledore "Go ahead Harry, get your answers".

Harry nodded to Hope and then walked up to Dumbledore, the Headmaster had managed to get on his knees and elbows, but was unable to stand up from the pain he was feeling right now.

But he then saw Harry's shoes in front of him and looked towards Harry, only to flinched from the glare he was sending his way.

Harry glared at Dumbledore, while a million thoughts ran through his mind, but in the end, he ended up saying "Why?".

Dumbledore looked down and huffed in pain, he knew what Harry was referring to, how could he not, his face and the glare on it, told him everything he needed to know.

Dumbledore looked up and got on his knees in front of Harry, it made for quite the sight, seeing the Boy who lived, standing in front of the leader of light while he was on his knees, with an expression of guilt on his old face.

Dumbledore stared into Harry's eyes in silence for a few seconds, but them he began to speak "I had no choice, with the prophecy out, I had to do what was necessary, for the greater good of the wizarding world, I had to make sure you died at the hands of Voldemort...".

The Order of the Phoenix gasped in shocked and disgust, Dumbledore believed, they would understand him, that they would accept his reason from choosing to do everything he did.

He however overstatimated himself, and didn't account in the fact that the Order of the Phoenix, as people, as human beings, wouldn't condone such a thing, as sacrificing a young man's life for the good of their world.

Harry glared "I see, so that's why you sent me to my aunt's home, when my parents' will, specifically stated, that I was under no circumstances, to ever end up with them.

Why no one ever did anything when I was physically, emotionally and mentally abused by them, why no one ever came to help me as Iayed hungry and full of injuries, on my little mattress in the room under the stairs".

Once again, the Order of the Phoenix was left stunned, everything Harry just said was horrible but it wasn't over, Harry continued on "You knew Sirius was innocent, yet you let him rot in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, even now you could have used your influences to get him a trial, yet you didn't...

All so I could be weak, everything so I would die to Voldemort... you're a monster, one dressed in white and hiding behind the light".

Harry then pointed his wand at Severus who was on the floor whimpering in pain "Then you have the gall to let that man! Run around free, when he was the one who told Voldemort of the prophecy!

You let him make my life horrible at Hogwarts and even allowed him to mentally abuse me with his Occlumancy lessons! All so I can die!?".

Dumbledore frowned "Severus has repented from that mistake, he has been atoning ever since and helping us by being a spy".

Harry glared at Dumbledore "And you think that's enough to atone for what he did! My mother and father are dead because of him, and you expect me to just forgive him, because he feels bad!?".

Morgan walked up to Harry's side "Life doesn't work that way old man, you might want to be a fool blinded by the light, but others?".

Morgan shook her head "Others will seek retribution, justice, or simply revenge, we all have the freedom to choose any of those to be fall upon those who have hurt us".

Morgan walked up to the unconscious Severus, once by his side she bent down, grabbed him by the hair and the lifted him up, she even began to float up into the air, in order to force his feet off the ground.

Morgan then turned her gaze towards Dumbledore "Who are you to choose who is forgiven? Who is given a second chance? What gives you the right to take away that choice from those who have lost a mother, a father, a sibling, a son, or a daughter?".

Morgan then glared at Dumbledore "You're not a god, and you're definitely not a saint either, you're nothing but an old man drunk on his own nonsense, and senile enough to think he knows better".

Dumbledore growled and glared at Morgan, he was in such much pain, humiliated and being told off by little girls wasn't helping his mood "And who are to judge me? You're nothing but children meddling in the affairs of adults, dark and evil little girls who have no idea how the world works!".

Morgan shook her head "How sad... the great Dumbledore can't see the true nature of the five little girls before him".

Morgan's body suddenly exploded in crimson energy, this caused everyone to gasp in surprise at the sheer level of power they were feeling rolling off of her "Usually, the girls and I like to have a little fun with our introduction.

But we simply despise you too much to even care about having fun right now, Albus Dumbledore is, an enemy to the Potter Household after all, my uncle destroyed, the you of our world but you?

You will go to Aunty Death, right beside the Voldemort of our world! There you will spend an eternity in punishment for having made Harry Potter suffer, I Morgan Stark! The Red Dragon Empress and Dragon God of Power! Declares it!".

The world shook as Morgan declared Dumbledore's fate while stating her title as a Dragon God, Hope closed her eyes and her body explode with flames and energy "I'm Hope Potter, the Phoenix Force and Dragon God of Cosmic Flames! I so declare the same as Morgan!

An eternity in eternal punishment awaits you Albus Dumbledore, for Death awaits you at your end".

Sherry summoned her spear and slammed the butt of her spear on the ground, her body exploded in light but soon dissipated revealing her, wearing her princess armor.

Sherry glared at Dumbledore, she might not know the history between this man and her dad, but she knew enough to truly dislike him "I'm Sherry Potter, the Luminous Spear, White Holy Light Dragon and Wielder of the Spear of Destiny".

Eri slammed her staff on the ground just like Sherry did with her spear and her body exploded with her mana, she then glare at Dumbledore "I'm Eri Potter, Witch of Destruction, the Pearl Magic Dragon.

I've seen real evil and dark people in my life, I've been abused, hurt, and lied to, you're the same as the monsters who hurt me for so many years! I hope Mommy Death makes you suffer...".

Lily drew her sword and stabbed it into the ground in front of her, her body exploded with blue energy that took the shape of a roaring dragon while she spoke 'I'm Lily Trodain! Princess of Castle Trodain and Dragon Knight!

In my eyes you're the same as the many demonlords I have faced and read about, you're truly evil".

Everyone stared at the little girls before them in shock, even those that knew them were completely stunned, this was completely different from when they introduce themselves, the first time.

At that time it was both funny and adorable but now? Now it was serious, their power, those extra titles, and declarations showed that the little girls before them all, were something different, something beyond human understanding.

Morgan grinned at Dumbledore "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover old man, my friend and I are beings beyond your understanding, we have fought creatures and beings that would leave you in horror.

We have seen real heroes as well as villains and you, you're definitely a villain, only someone with no kindness in their heart would be willing to sacrifice a young life".

No one said anything, so Morgan turned her head towards Harry "Harry?".

Harry snapped out of it and shook his head, he then looked up to Morgan "Yes?".

Morgan nodded towards Severus' unconscious body, which she was still holding by his hair "What do you want to do with this guy? It's your choice since he's the reason you lost your family, everything started with him and Dumbledore".

Harry stared at Severus' unconscious body in silence, Dumbledore snapped out of his stunned state and spoke up "Harry, I know you have no reason to listen to me.

That you might hate me right now, but you mustn't fall to the path of darkness! You have to forgive! Do not fall to the same level as Voldemort and his Death Eaters, you must be better!".

Harry glared at Dumbledore "Why?".

That response quickly stopped Dumbledore in his tracks and seemed genuinely confused by it, Harry shook his head "Why do I have to be better? Why do I have to be full of forgiveness? Why must I, be the good guy?

Why should I? When Voldemort and his Death Eater are killing everyone! How many people have died because we were better than them!? Mr. Weasley almost died earlier in the year!

Sirius did die in the Department of Mysteries! Why should we care about the enemy? When it's obvious that they would do anything to kill us? It doesn't make any sense Dumbledore!".

Harry raised his wand towards Severus and continued speaking "Why should I do what you want me to? Why should I even trust you when you were planning for me to die!?

You keep to many secrets as well! The prophecy, the Horcruxes, my parents' will, the fact that there are more Potters in the United States! That I'm not the last one in my family! That I didn't have to end up in the Dursleys!".

Harry shook his head as tears began to drop from his eyes, tears full of sadness and anger, meanwhile Dumbledore only really cared about the fact that Harry knew of the Horcruxes and didn't even hear the rest.

Harry however just huffed and spoke up "Eri, you said that magic is all about intent right?".

Eri nodded "That's right, magic responds to our will and desires".

Harry then looked at his wand and began to think about everything that Severus has ever done against him, he then glared and thought about a spell that Eri had taught him, a spell that he had difficulty with.

But now? Now he felt he could cast it and he did, he waved his wand and roared "Fiendfyre!".

A gout of cursed flames sprouted from Harry's wand and took the form of a dragon, Eri snapped her fingers and raised a barrier around everyone and everything, to prevent the cursed flames from burning anything.

Morgan smiled and then chucked Severus, right into the jaws of the cursed fire-created dragon, Severus awaked from the pain of being burned alive and only had time to let of a horrible wail of pain before being consumed by the cursed flames.

Harry waved his wand and then extinguished the cursed flames in an instant, it seems like Eri's lesson helped him a lot with his magic, the fact that he no longer had a Horcrux sucking his magic away also made it easier for him to use spells.

Hope lightly laughed "I find it funny that Harry killed Severus with fire, just as my father did with the Severus of our world".

Dumbledore just stared at Harry in disbelief and Harry huffed and then smiled "That was for my mom and dad you son of a bitch!".

The rest of the Order of the Phoenix just stared in stunned silence, while thinking about the situation, on one hand, Harry had every right to want revenge for his parents.

On the other hand, Harry just used a very dark and dangerous spell, but the fact that he perfectly controlled it impressed everyone into silence, they couldn't argue about the situation either.

The fact that Dumbledore didn't deny any of the accusations, just made Harry's actions, that much more appropriate.

Dumbledore however, was appalled at what had happened to Severus, in his eyes and mind, he didn't deserve that end, so he frowned and gave Harry a disappointed look "Harry... what have you done, has the Horcrux in your scar corrupted you?".

Harry glared "So you knew about that as well huh? You're a bastard you know that?".

Morgan floated down and softly landed on the floor, she then giggle "Poor old Dumbledore, he still thinks he knows everything, he still thinks he controls everything~".

Hope grinned at Dumbledore "Harry no longer has a Horcrux in his scar, we took it out and destroyed it".

Harry lifted his hand over to where the scar would be and pointed at it "See? The scar is gone, fully healed after the girls took it out and destroyed it".

Dumbledore, was once again in full shock "But... there was no way to take a soul shard out of a living vessel... I looked everywhere and research everything! How! How did you get the soul shard out!".

Eri shook her head "It's obvious you didn't check everything, the Goblins have ways to get rid of Horcruxes, as for us? Well, White Holy Light and Cosmic Fire are great ways to get right of intangible things like soul shards".

Lily laughed a bit "In fact, we have destroyed all but two Horcruxes and we already made plans for the other two, soon Voldemort will die and there's nothing he can do about it!".

Harry glared at Dumbledore "But before that happens you have to die too...".

Everyone except Harry's group gaped at him, Dumbledore even looked afraid, Arthur Weasley frowned but then decided to talk to Harry "Harry, are you sure about this? I know you're angry and you have every right to be, but Dumbledore is the only one Voldemort is afraid of and Hogwarts needs him".

Harry shook his head "It's not just that Mr. Weasley, Dumbledore has spent years controlling every aspect of my life... he's been manipulating not only me but everyone here as well.

I can't let him go, I will never know peace as long as he still lives, he will always be after me and trying to control my life... I can't let him! I have to end this now!

He and Voldemort have to go, or we will never know peace! and I refuse to continue to live like that!".

Arthur looked down, he had always supported Dumbledore and had always thought the he had the best interests of everyone in mind, but to his disappointment.

That turned out to be a lie and after learning the truth about Harry's life and Dumbledore's manipulation, he couldn't find it in himself to care about what happens to Dumbledore.

So Arthur Weasley nodded to Harry "Alright, you do what you think is best for you Harry, you're family to us and we will always support you".

Harry smiled at Arthur, he then gazed at Molly, she was glaring at Dumbledore but then smiled at him the moment she noticed Harry's gaze on her.

Harry teared up at seeing the support of the Weasleys and he couldn't help but give them, a big bright smile.

Harry then turned his gaze towards the rest of the Order, many looked unsure but didn't say anything to try to stop him or even change his mind, Moody sighed and shook his head "I have always told Dumbledore that his lies and manipulations would catch up to him, but he never listened, you won't hear me complaining lad.

Dumbledore brought this upon himself and besides, you're right, I know Dumbledore and if you let him be, he will never stop trying to keep you under control...

Perhaps it's time we old farts step aside and let the new generation do what they think is best, the future is yours after all... my only regret is having you kids have to clean our messes".

Harry smiled at Moody "No, I still need your help Moody, you're still needed for what we have planned but thank you for understanding".

Tonks spoke up "I joined the Order to make a real difference! To stop Voldemort and fight the Death Eaters, but we hardly did anything! It was frustrating, to say the least.

If you kiddos have plans and bring the fight to Voldemort and his cronies count me in! As for Dumbledore, I really don't care.

Mom always told me not to put my trust in him, you know Harry, We're family! Since your Grandma was a Black that makes me your cousin, but Dumbledore refused to let me tell you.

I wanted to do so for so long! I hope you let me and my mom into your life! My dad too, we would like to get to you know better".

Harry brightly smiled at Tonks "I know! Your mom was actually on the list of people to take of me, in my parents' will, but Dumbledore ignored their last wishes.

We would have been brother and sister if it wasn't for him, but yeah, I would like to get to know you and your parents better Tonks".

Tonks brightly smiled and seemed very happy "Mom didn't want to join the Order because of Dumbledore, but with him out of the picture, I'm sure she'll help.

She's wicked with a wand and my dad is not bad either, you can count on us".

Harry smiled and nodded, Shacklebolt sighed and nodded "As an Auror, I can't condone what happened here, but as a father and a human being... I can't in no good conscience stop you, Harry.

You do what you think is best, I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, none of this ever happened as far I'm concerned".

To Shacklebolt, Dumbledore was no better than a Death Eater with everything he had done and what he had put Harry through, he was really disappointed that the Champion of the Light turned out to be a monster, wearing white clothes.

Harry smiled and soon saw the rest of the Order nod to him, they all agreed on one thing, this had to end, and for that to happen both Dumbledore and Voldemort had to go.

Harry nodded and turned his head towards Dumbledore, who was staring at the Order of the Phoenix in disbelief, he just couldn't understand why they were doing this to him.

In his mind, he thought them ungrateful and ignorant, but it still hurt him to see everyone turn against him, Sherry noticed this in Dumbledore's expressions "You seem confused, you really didn't think that good intentions would be a good excuse for everything you did, did you?".

Dumbledore just glared at Sherry, and she then shook her head in disappointment "You actually did... how deluded are you to think that you could get away with what you've done? Just because you had the best intentions?".

Eri sighed "I think we all have seen this in one way or the other, it's sad to see this sort of mentality being accepted".

Harry shook his head "No, no more, this ends now".

Dumbledore looked up at Harry and stared into his eyes "You need me, Harry, Hogwarts needs me, the world needs me!".

Harry pointed his wand towards Dumbledore "We do not... it's time we all walk towards a better future, one of our making! and you and Voldemort aren't needed in that future".

Harry waved his wand and sent a Cutting Curse at Dumbledore, the spell hit him in the neck, and the last thing he saw was Harry's green glowing eyes before darkness over took him.

Harry watched on as Dumbledore's head dropped on the floor and his body slumped, he took a big breath and exhaled, Molly, looked worriedly at Harry "Harry, dear, are you okay?".

Harry looked down and close his eyes for a second, but then opened them and looked up towards Molly "I'm fine Mrs. Weasley, in fact, I've never felt better before".

Molly Weasley nodded and smiled at Harry, she teared up when she saw Harry's small, soft and happy smile, she had never seen such a smile on his face, but there was something heartbreaking and beautiful about that smile.

Hope walked up to Dumbledore's body and then with a wave of her hand, turned into ash in an instant "Looks like we didn't need to mention Harry's Lordships after all, oh well, might as well".

Arthur raised an eyebrow towards Harry "Lordships?".

Harry put away his wand and nodded "Yes, I had claimed some Lordships in the event that Dumbledore denied everything and wanted proof, the Lordships would protect me from his influence plus they would come in handy for other things".

Arthur nodded "I see, that was smart Harry".

Harry smiled and shrugged "It wasn't my idea but I'm glad I did so, I learned a lot because of that".