Chapter 44

Hope, Morgan, Link, and Navi, suddenly found themselves outside the Great Deku Tree, only to hear a big deep voice suddenly speak "Well done Link...".

The girls and Link looked up towards where the voice came from and saw that it was the Great Deku Tree that had spoken, Morgan was awed and then cheerfully waved at the Great Deku Tree "You can speak!? That so cool!".

Hope looked up and watched the Great Deku Tree, she immediately noticed that something was very wrong, especially because, the Great Deku Tree's bark and leaves were darkening and becoming gray, so she walked over to the tree and began to walk all around it while inspecting everything.

The Great Deku however, ignored the girls for now, he didn't have a lot of time and he needed to explain a few things to Link before he leaves this world "Thou hast verily demonstrated thy courage... I knew that thou wouldst be able to carry out my wishes...

Now I have yet more to tell thee, wouldst thou listen?...".

Morgan also began to notice something was wrong, the Great Deku Tree seems weak and struggling to even speak, she then saw Hope walk around the Great Deku Tree and decided to join her.

She knew that Hope had noticed something as well and she was already working on figuring out what was wrong with the Great Deku Tree, meanwhile, Link nodded to the Deku Tree.

The young hero was more than willing to listen to the Great Deku Tree, the Great Deku Tree then wasted no time in speaking "Now... listen carefully... a wicked man from the desert cast this dreadful curse upon me...".

Link and the girls began to intently listen to everything the Great Deku Tree said "This evil man ceaselessly uses his vile, sorcerous powers in his search for the sacred realm that is connected to Hyrule... for it is in that sacred realm that one will find the divine relic, the triforce, which contains the essence of the gods...

Before time began, before spirits and life existed... three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule... Din, the Goddess of Power...".

Morgan widen her eyes and happily smiled at the fact that there was a deity with a domain over power, that means she was sort of her junior since she was the dragon god of power.

Meanwhile, the Great Deku Tree continued on "Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom... Farore, the Goddess of Courage...

Din...with her strong flaming arms, she cultivated the land and created the red earth, Nayru... poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world.

Farore... with her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law, the three great goddesses, their labors completed, departed for the heavens, and golden sacred triangles remained at the point where the goddess left the world.

Since then, the sacred triangles have become the basis of our world's providence, and the resting place of the triangles has become the sacred realm...".

Hope and Morgan were very intrigued with how the three goddesses created this world, they had seen Harry create a whole new dimension with worlds in them and full of life, like the Dragon Sanctuary.

But hearing how other deities created their worlds gave them some sense of how different Harry is and how powerful he must be compared to other divine beings, after all, it took three goddesses, to do what Harry do alone.

The Great Deku Tree continued on with his tale "Thou must never allow the desert man in black armor to lay his hands on the sacred triforce... thou must never suffer that man, with his evil heart, to enter the sacred realm of legend...

That evil man who cast the death curse upon me and sapped my power... because of that curse, my end is nig- WHOA!".

Link and Navi jumped in fright at the sudden and loud exclamation of the Great Deku Tree, both of them looked around in a panic only to watch Morgan and Hope having their hands on the Great Deku Tree while glowing with power.


Moments before the Great Deku Tree revealed its end, Hope suddenly stopped moving around the tree and then nodded at herself, she then turned her head towards Morgan "Yeah, Mister Deku really does have a very nasty and dark curse on his life force.

It's draining him very fast, the fact that he must have been fighting it for a while must have really weakened him by a lot... he's barely holding on".

Morgan frowned "Can we help him?".

Hope closed her eyes and nodded "I think so, we just need to remove the curse and heal his life force enough for him to naturally begin to restore it himself".

Morgan grinned and nodded to Hope "I can boost his life force's recovery with my boosted gear, you handle the curse, okay?".

Hope opened her eyes and smiled at Morgan, she then nodded to her "Sounds like a plan, now let me see... I think this spell went like this 'Maleficence begone! Dispel!'".

Morgan quickly summoned her boosted gear and placed her hand on the Great Deku Tree at the same time Hope did so as well, her sacred gear suddenly began to say "'Boost', 'Boost', 'Boost!'".

Morgan made sure to focus the boosts on the Great Deku Tree's life force and its recovery, while Hope's spell broke and cleansed him of the curse's effects.

The sudden increase in his life force and the soothing feeling of Hope's healing magic caught the Great Deku Tree completely by surprise, which had him loudly exclaiming in surprise as well.


That's was Link and Navi witnessed, though they were really confused about what Morgan and Hope were doing, but then they noticed how color began to return to the Great Deku Tree and soon enough the tree let out a hum, while the girls finished what they were doing.

Both Hope and Morgan then ran towards Link and turned to look up at the tree, Morgan waved at the Great Deku Tree and loudly asked "How are you feeling Mr. Deku!".

The Great Deku Tree stooped humming and began to speak "Child, I feel better than I had in a very long while... but what did thou do?".

Morgan grinned and began to explain "I boosted your life force and its recovery time! Hope took care of the curse that was killing you, Mr. Deku".

The Great Deku was shocked, the thing the girl before him did, should have been impossible, his life force was as good as gone, but the girls before him pulled off a miracle it seems.

But that still left a question "But how did thou break the curse, it was so dark and powerful, I couldn't even break it with all my power".

Hope softly smiled at the Great Deku Tree "Ah, well, that sort of magic is not even close to the kind of stuff we've seen and dealt with, I just used a very strong healing magic spell, that's all".

The Great Deku Tree was stunned and very surprised, he had already accepted his demise, but then these two unknown and incredibly powerful girls just healed him out of nowhere, it was truly a miracle for the Great Deku Tree.

But, he still doesn't even know who the girls before him are, he's very grateful to them and so the Great Deku Tree asked for the girls' names so he can properly thank them "Young and kind girls, would thou tell me thy names?".

Hope and Morgan smiled, they both liked the Great Deku Tree and Link too, so they felt it was okay to finally introduce themselves properly to the both of them and so, Morgan spun around and then stroke a pose "I'm Morgan Stark! The Red Dragon Empress and Dragon God of Power!".

Hope quickly followed suit and spun around before striking a pose beside Morgan " I'm Hope Potter! The Phoenix Force and the Dragon God of Cosmic Flames!".

Navi just stared at the girls in silence "...".

The Great Deku Tree wasn't any better either "...".

Link, however, was happily clapping, he thought that the girls were so cool posing like that and he was very awed at the fact that they were both dragons!


It took a few minutes, but eventually, the Great Deku Tree and Navi snapped out of it, when that happened, the girls then began to explain to their new friends about the fact that they were from another world and what they were doing in this one.

Only Link understood the girl's need to look for adventure and if he was quite honest, he thought it was very interesting to have the ability to travel to other worlds, see all kinds of places, and meet all kinds of people.

It sounds like it's the kind of thing he would enjoy, Navi didn't know what to say, all of this just seemed, way above her pay grade and she wasn't even being paid!

The Great Deku Tree however, hummed and a few seconds later he began to speak "I see... the concept of other worlds is not new to me, the Lost Forest is said to be connected to different worlds, and I have heard of visitors from far off lands as well.

But, to think I would meet deities from another world... I admit, I'm very perplexed, tell me, do thou know the three goddesses?".

Morgan and Hope shook their head, but it was Hope who actually voiced their answers though "No, I can't say we have, we met all sorts of gods and goddesses before, in fact, some live close to us as well.

I take it, you're asking because of the story you just told us right? The wicked man looking for this triforce, was it?".

The Great Deku Tree grunted a bit and quickly began to speak "Yes if that man manages to reach the triforce, it will lead to disaster in this world, I was hoping thou knew the goddesses, so we could warn them".

Morgan suddenly piped in "Well, how about we just give you a hand with that?".

The Great Deku Tree hummed "Would that be okay? Thou are deities from another world, would thou really wish to involve thyself in matters of another world?".

Morgan just grinned "Sure! We don't mind helping, some gods and goddesses might not like intervening and whatnot, but Hope and I are always happy to help and go on an adventure while we're at it".

The Great Deku Tree chuckled and then began to speak again "Thank you, please help young Link, this quest will be difficult but both he and thou girls are Hyrule's last hope.

Link, thou and the girls should go to Hyrule Castle, there thou will surely meet the Princess of Destiny. Take this stone with thee, the stone that man wanted so much that he cursed me to die".

There was a sudden flash of green light, the girls were unaffected by it, but Link covered his eyes with his arm to protect them from the sudden flash, the light soon dissipated revealing a beautiful emerald green gem with golden decorative branches around it.

The green gem floated to Link and it soon ended up above his head, Link opened his eyes and looked up, he noticed the emerald green gem and raised his arms towards it.

The green stone slowly floated down towards Link and then rested on his hands, Navi suddenly began to explain "The Kokiri emerald! This is the spiritual stone of the forest!".

Link nodded to Navi and then put the Kokiri emerald inside his tunic, the Great Deku Tree then said one last thing to Link "The future depends upon thee, Link, Morgan, and Hope, be courageous young ones.

Shouldst thou ever lose thy way, seek a vision of the path from the Sheikah Stone that stands beside your home, Navi the Fairy, help these three young heroes on their adventures".

Navi suddenly made multiple bell-like sounds and then cheerfully said "Of course! Leave it to me! Now let's go guys, to Hyrule Castle!".

Link, Morgan, and Hope shared a look and a grin, despite the situation being dire, they were still rather excited about going on an adventure together, so the kids quickly waved goodbye to the Great Deku Tree and then ran back towards Kokiri village.


The Great Deku Tree watched the three kids take off running towards Kokiri Village, now he felt relieved and hopeful, a big contrast to what he was feeling a few seconds ago, still, to think he would meet two young deities.

Dragons at that, had surprised him a lot, but given the amount of power he felt from both girls, it explained a lot, he was just glad the girls seemed to be good people.

Now, Link has help and the Great Deku Tree couldn't be any happier about that, especially because that wicked man will soon regret his evil ways, in fact, the Great Deku Tree now wished he could walk.

Just so he could see the expression that evil man will have when he meets Morgan and Hope, it would be amusing to see his reaction to beings beyond his scope of power.


Link and the girls soon arrived at Kokiri Forest, however, they saw Mido walking a bit wobbly and conscious once again, Morgan narrowed her eyes and increased her speed, but before Mido could even react he was suddenly clotheslined by Morgan.

The poor Kokiri gasped, rolled on under Morgan's arm, and then fell to the ground unconscious again, Morgan quickly rolled him back to the tall grass and clapped her hands clean with a grin on his face.

Link could only sweatdrop at what he just saw, he didn't know what Mido did to make Morgan angry, but he inwardly vowed not to make the same mistakes he did, that attack Morgan just gave to Mido, looked very painful.

However, the young hero decided to ignore Mido's predicament and just ran past him along with Hope, Morgan soon followed them as well, and as soon as Morgan caught up with the group she asked a question "Where are we going?".

Link was about to respond, but Navi beat him to it "We should go to Link's home first, and pick some stuff for a long trip, the way to Hyrule Castle is long and we need some supplies".

Morgan and Hope nodded and smiled in agreement, so Link guided the girls to his little home, Morgan seemed to take a liking to his house though "You live in a tree house! That's awesome!".

Hope nodded and looked up at Link's home "Yes, this looks like a fun home".

Link nodded and smiled at his new friends, he then quickly began to climb the ladder to his home, while Morgan and Hope flew up, which surprised Link a bit, but ultimately, he thought it was the coolest thing he had ever seen.

Soon enough the small group of children made it inside of Link's small house, Link quickly began to run around collecting stuff that he thought they might need for their trip to Hyrule Castle, Morgan just jumped on Link's bed and sat there while watching her new friends run around.

Hope looked out of a window and stared into Kokiri Village, she smiled as she saw the whole village from the window and watched the Kokiri go about their day.

Link suddenly walked over to Morgan and laid down a few items on the floor in front of her, Hope heard him do this and turned around to see what he had brought.

Morgan looked down and smiled "Oh! That's quite a lot of things you have there Link".

Link nodded, while Navi began to call out the items to list them "Let's see, a few deku seeds, deku nuts, about 50 green rupees, and a bunch of fruit and edible nuts, not a bad haul really".

Hope walked over and nodded "Basic but very useful stuff, Morgan and I have a lot of food on us, so we don't have to worry about eating during the trip".

Morgan nodded "We also have some camping gear and other stuff that might be useful as well, with all of this we're pretty much well prepared, we just need to collect more rupees though, I don't think just fifty will be enough".

Link nodded and completely agreed with Morgan and Hope, money is always important to have during long trips, so they were going to have to keep their eyes open for more Rupees.

But, with this, they were pretty much set to start their journey to Hyrule Castle, so Morgan quickly put everything Link wanted to bring into her boosted gear and together they all left Link's home and headed to the entrance of Kokiri Village.


It didn't take long for the kids to reach the bridge leading to the field and out of the forest, however, there was someone waiting for the group, or rather for Link, a green-haired Kokiri girl sadly frowned when she saw Link heading out of the forest "Oh your leaving...".

Link turned towards the green girl and for the first time since they met him, the girls heard his voice "Saria...".

Seeing that this was personal, the girl decided to walk ahead a bit and give them some privacy, Saria saw that and smiled, but then moved her gaze back to Link "I knew... that you would leave the forest someday, Link... because you're different from me and my friends, but that's okay because we'll be friends forever... won't we?".

Link immediately nodded telling Saria that yes, they were going to be friends forever, Saria smiled and then took out something from her tunic, she then handed it to Link "I want you to have this ocarina... please take good care of it".

Link took the ocarina from Saria and nodded to her to let her know that he would care for it, both Hope and Morgan smiled at the two, it was obvious that they were good friends that really care about each other and were saying their goodbyes, both girls inwardly vowed to make sure Link returns.

Navi let out a few soft bell sounds before saying"What a pretty fairy ocarina, it's a great memento from your friend Saria, Link, make sure to cherish it".

Link gave Navi a nod, Saria softly smiled and then said "When you play my ocarina, I hope you will think of me and come back to the forest to visit".

Link smiled and gave Saria a nod, he then took a reluctant step back while staring at Saria, but then turned around and took off running, he even ran past Hope and Morgan and both girls saw the sadness in his eyes.

Both girls turned around towards Saria and saw the same kind of sadness in her eyes, Morgan didn't like the sad look on the Kokiri girl, so she waved at her catching Saria's attention, she then loudly said "Don't worry! We'll make sure Link comes back safe and sound!".

Saria smiled and gratefully nodded to Morgan, she didn't know the girl, but given the fact that she seems to be a friend of Link's and a good girl, she decided to thank her, so she waved at Morgan and Hope, who waved back at her.

Both girls soon took off running after Link, leaving Saria by herself and still looking a bit sad, but at least she was hopeful now as well.


Morgan and Hope soon came out of the tunnel leading to Hyrule Field and walked down the path right in front of the entrance to the forest, they soon found Link looking up towards an owl who was speaking to him "All right then, I'll see you around! hoot, hoot, hoot ho!".

The owl took off flying and while the girls walked over to Link, the young hero turned his head towards them, both girls saw that he was still sad about leaving Saria behind, so Hope just gave him a soft smile and said "Don't worry Link, you'll come back".

Link nodded, while Morgan turned her head towards Navi "What was that owl talking to you guys about?".

Navi quickly began to explain "He was just telling us the direction towards Hyrule Castle and even gave us a magic map, it was kinda weird though, it was like he was waiting for Link or something".

Morgan scratched her head and nodded "That is odd, but at least we have a map now, so that owl has to be a good guy right?".

Navi let out a small hum and then said "I suppose...".

Hope then spoke up "We should get going, and let's keep an eye out for monsters okay?".

Everyone nodded and together they took off running down the path towards Hyrule Castle, Hyrule Field was just that, a massive field, so big that by the time the kids made it halfway down the path to Hyrule Castle, it was already getting dark.

So everyone stopped running and decided to set out camp, it had been a calm and easy run, no monsters attacked the kids so everyone was feeling pretty good.

Morgan quickly began to set up the tents they brought, one for Hope and her and the other for Link, meanwhile, the young hero heard some running water nearby, so he want to go get some water for themselves.

Finding a river he quickly filed the vase Morgan had given him and made his way back to the camp, once he made it back, he saw Hope bent down and place a hand on the ground, a shimmering barrier came into existence right on top the camp while Link walked through it.

The barrier soon dissipated but Link could still feel its magic, Hope and Morgan smiled at him when they saw him walking back to the camp, though they giggled when they saw Link looking around in curiosity.

Hope, knowing that he was curious about what she did, began to explain "I set up a ward to protect us while we rest and sleep, that way we won't get caught by surprise".

Link nodded understanding what Hope did now, however, the ward proved to be a good idea right away, as soon as the sun disappeared over the horizon and night fell, some sort of skeleton-like monsters began to sprout from the ground right outside the ward.

Link immediately tensed up at the sight of the monsters, but soon relaxed when he saw them get defeated by wards as soon as they touched it, the monsters burst into blue flames and let out a cry as they died.

Morgan deadpanned watching the monster die "Undead huh? That's just annoying, good thing the tent has noise-canceling enchantments otherwise we wouldn't be able to sleep".

Navi sweatdropped "That's what worries you? What about the fact that the dead are rising up off the ground!? That's very creepy].

Link had to agree with his fairy partner, watching an undead suddenly rise from the ground was certainly disturbing, but Morgan just shrugged "Meh, I've seen far more disturbing and scary stuff".

Hope nodded "Yup, plus it's not the first time we've seen undead too, though these ones seem kind of silly looking now that I think about it".

Link didn't have anything to say about that, well, not like he would speak if he did, but still, just what had his new friends seen that seeing this didn't even make them bat an eye at it.

Hope just turned towards the middle of the camp and made a fire, she then smiled and said "Alright! Let's eat some dinner and then go to sleep, we'll leave for Hyrule Castle early in the morning, we should arrive there by noon if we do".

Everyone nodded, Morgan took out some food, things Link had never seen, Morgan called it pasta, but it was very delicious and after waiting some time for them to digest their food, they then went into their tent and went to sleep.

Link immediately fell asleep though, the event that had happened to him during his adventure inside the Great Deku Tree took its toll and helped him fall asleep quickly and deeply.


The next morning, Link was awake by Navi, he quickly got up and crawled out of the tent he was using, he stretched and yawned as soon as he was out and then scratched his head as he looked around.

He quickly found the girls cleaning up and putting away their tent, so he decided to do the same, with Navi's help, he quickly dismantled the tent and folded it, Morgan then put both tents back into her boosted gear inventory, while Hope cleaned the area around the fire they had on last night.

After that and being ready to keep going, the girls and Link took off running and headed down the path to Hyrule Castle.


It took them a couple of hours, but the kids made it to Hyrule Castle, both girls looked up at the massive gate, while Link walked over the massive bridge leading to the castle itself, they soon went inside to explore and see about finding a way to meet with Princess Zelda.

After crossing the bridge they found a door leading to a little room, curious about it, Link, Morgan, and Hope walked inside, only to find it filled with vases and wooden boxes.

Both girls didn't see anything special about the room and were ready to leave it behind, but Link ran inside and began smashing vases and the wooden boxes like a man possessed.

This confused the girls, but then they saw a lot of different kinds of rupees being dropped by the broke vases, shrugging and seeing that it was a good idea to have more money, the girls joined Link in smashing the vases until there were none left.


~A few minutes later~

The kids walked into Hyrule Town, Morgan grinned as she hummed in amusement "So you can get a lot of money by just smashing vases none stop for a few minutes, that's kinda neat".

Hope sighed and shook her head "But did we have to go out and back in multiple times? I feel bad for the castle guard in that room, he just stared at us scared whenever we began smashing vases... I mean, you guys have to admit, we did get kind of violent there".

Both Link and Morgan sweatdropped, because yes, they did get a bit violent and creative with their vase smashing, no doubt that the poor guard is probably traumatized by the horrific crimes they committed upon those vases.

Morgan just shrugged and then smiled "Meh, nothing we can do about it now, but I'm sure the guard will be fine!".


The poor guard inside the small room full of vases was hiding in a corner hoping the monsters that slaughtered the vases wouldn't return, the things he saw today were too gruesome and horrific to even think about, he was even planning on retiring and leaving Hyrule Castle.

He never wanted to see a massacre of that magnitude ever again, his heart wouldn't be able to take it again.


The kids finally arrived at the market inside the walls of Hyrule Castle, Morgan was awed at everything around her as she took a look around "Whoa! This place is really lively!".

Hope nodded and looked around herself, she saw a couple dancing right in the middle of the market, not even caring about everything going on around them, she then noticed people gathered around the many stands trying to buy something before it sold out.

Link, however, noticed a lone girl standing in the middle of the market looking a bit lonely, so he approached her, the girl heard Link walk closer so she turned her head towards him.

But she looked a bit perplexed as she looked at Link "Hey! Your clothes! They're... different... your not from around him, are you?".

Hope and Morgan heard the girls speak so they walked over to Link to see what was going on, meanwhile, Link shook his head towards the girl letting her know that, yes, he isn't around here.

The girl noticed then Morgan and Hope so she cheerfully waved at them, the girls, of course, waved back at her just as cheerfully as well, Morgan then introduced herself and the others to the girl "Hi! I'm Morgan! The girl beside me is Hope and the boy is Link! He's from the forest so that's why he's clothes are so different~".

The girls nodded and then noticed Navi flying around, she smiled and then said "Oh... you're a fairy boy from the forest then! My name is Malon! My dad owns Lon Lon Ranch!".

Malon then suddenly frowned "But Dad went to the castle to deliver some milk and he hasn't come back yet...".

It was obvious that Malon was worried about her dad, so Link nodded to her, which Morgan translated for Malon "We're going to the castle, if we see your dad we'll let him know that you're worried about him".

Malon cheerfully smiled at the kids "Really?" Link, Morgan, and Hope nodded to Malon and she cheerfully clapped "You guys are the best! Thank you!".

With that said the kids then decided to look around in the market for a bit, and see what they can find, they found a lot of shops but with nothing they needed nor wanted they quickly left, Hope and Link tried a shooting gallery, the poor game shop owner cried a bit with how good Hope and Link were at the game.

They left the game shop empty of prizes, then Morgan went inside a mask shop, but it was empty, so she left, the kids certainly had a good time running around the market, but eventually they had to keep going, so they headed to Hyrule Castle.


To their surprise, they found a big field just up north of the market and a castle further back in the field, Morgan frowned "Wow, that's a big field and castle...".

Suddenly someone called out to Link from above "Hey Link! This way!".

Link and the girls looked up and saw the big owl that gave Link the magic map, they found the fact that it seemed to have been waiting for Link a bit odd, but for the trio, a talking owl isn't the strangest thing they'd seen.

The owl, however, didn't notice the intrigue on the kids' faces and continued to speak "The princess is inside the castle just ahead, be careful not to get caught by the guards! Ho, ho, ho, hoot!".

The owl having said its piece, flapped his wing and took off flying, the kids just watched him leave in silence, until Morgan suddenly said "Well... that was fast..., anyways, looks like this is a stealth mission!".

Hope nodded and smiled "I guess it's time to put our ninja skills to the test huh?".

Link looked confused but decided not to ask, instead, he looked around and saw some dried vines by a wall nearby, if sneaking around the guards was necessary, then he was going to use his experience in the forest to help.

The girls noticed what Link was staring at and smiled, soon enough the kids quickly made it up the dried vines and quickly began to sneak around all the guards in the area.

Link had been surprised when the girls vanished from sight, he even thought they had left him behind, but Morgan's voices call out to him and told him to keep going and that they'll follow him out of sight.

Smiling at the fact that girls didn't leave him behind, Link made his way around the many guards walking around and eventually made it to the castle, though he had to jump into the water canal around the castle in order to sneak past the last set of guards.

Drenched and a bit tired from the running and sneaking around Link just pulled off, he climbed out of the water and then sighed as he saw that he was just outside the castle's walls.

Suddenly Morgan and Hope reappeared in a blur right beside him, which made him jump a bit, but Hope waved her hand over him, and his clothes were instantly dried, so Link forgave the girls from scaring him just now.

Morgan looked around and then frowned "Is anyone else hearing snoring nearby?".