Chapter 45

After Morgan pointed out the snoring, both Link and Hope looked around for the source, it didn't take them long for them to catch sight of the culprit of such loud snoring, right there, by a door to the side of the castle.

They found a man sleeping on the floor, curious as to why the man was sleeping there, the kids walked up to him, Morgan bent down and poked the guy on the belly, to her surprise the sleeping man just grunted and didn't even move a bit "Wow... he's completely out".

Link looked around and noticed a few wooden boxes nearby, he narrowed his eyes when he saw a cow logo on the wooden boxes, Hope noticed what Link was looking at something and decided to ask him "Link? Did you find anything?".

Link nodded and pointed at the wooden boxes, Hope turned her head to see what her friend was pointing at and then saw the boxes, thanks to her supernatural nature she could read the words nearby the cow log "Lon Lon Ranch?... I think this guy is Malon's dad".

Link, already having realized the same thing as Hope, nodded, Morgan frowned at the man sleeping on the floor "Malon is so worried for her dad and he's sleeping here like nothing is wrong in the world?...".

Hope widen her eyes and took a step back "Ah... Morgan is upset now".

Link immediately followed Hope's example and stepped back, he knew enough, that making Morgan upset was a bad idea for anyone and he didn't want to be dragged on whatever Morgan was going to do.

For her part, Morgan stood up and then punted the sleeping man into the canal nearby, Link winced and then sweatdropped at the rude awakening the man just got, while Hope just sheepishly scratched her head.

Even then, the sleeping man didn't wake from Morgan's kick, just grunted in pain, but as soon as he hit the water he immediately woke up and began to thrash around in the water of the canal in shock and surprise.

Morgan just grinned triumphantly as she crossed her arms and stared down at the sputtering and thrashing man in the water "That was for making your daughter worry so much! Hmph!".


~Some minutes later~

Link and Hope helped the man out of the water and then, watched him as he began to cough out the little bit of water he breathed in when he was sent swimming by Morgan "Cough... what in tarnation was that for!?".

Morgan frowned and glared at the man, which made him jump a bit, Morgan just said "You should go to your daughter mister lazy".

The man slumped and sighed "Can't a person get a little shut-eye around here?".

Morgan just narrowed her eyes even further and said "No".

The man slumped but then chuckled "Tough little lass huh? but I guess you're right, I'm Talon, the owner of Lon Lon Ranch, I went to the castle to deliver some milk, but I sat down here to rest and I guess I fell asleep.

But I guess I took to long and Malon is worried about me, I'm catching it from her now, that's for sure".

Talon received no sympathy from Morgan, just a wave of her hand telling him to get going, Link just shrugged and shook his head, while Hope smiled and nodded to Talon.

On his part, Talon just sighed and then said "Well, better go get my lumps..." with that said the owner of Lon Lon Ranch took off running to meet back with his daughter.

Hope giggled a bit and shook her head "Well, at least he's going back now".

Both Link and Morgan nodded, though Link turned his head to where the wooden boxes are and noticed a door nearby, he then looked around for a way into the castle.

Meanwhile, Hope went to check the door, but it was locked, knowing that it was probably being guarded, she decided against opening it with magic or by force.

Morgan then noticed a small hole in the wall, where a small stream of water fell to the canal, she hummed for a few seconds before jumping over to the wall and looking down the hole "Hey guys, I can see the inside of the castle through this".

Both Link and Hope turned around to see what Morgan found, Hope jumped and landed right beside Morgan, she then took a look down the whole herself "You're right, we can go in through here, good find Morgan".

Morgan smiled, Navi flew to their sides and then said "Guys, Link can't jump that high or far".

Both Morgan and Hope blinked at each other and then turned around to look at Link, who was deadpanning at them, both girls sheepishly laughed for leaving him behind like that.

Hope then picked Link up with telekinesis and then put him beside her, Link smiled and nodded to Hope in gratitude, the little Potter smiled and then said "Remind us to teach you how to augment your physical abilities with mana later, Link".

Link smiled excitedly and nodded, after that, the young hero looked down the hole as well and then hummed, choosing to give it a try, he bent down and began to crawl down the hole first.

Morgan and Hope quickly followed behind Link, the kids quickly made their way inside the castle ignoring the cool water below them.


Once they made it to the other side, the kids found themselves in the castle courtyard, however, this place was filled with castle guards, Morgan frowned and bit and looked around before beginning to whisper to Link and Hope "... Looks like we're sneaking... should we take down the guards?".

Morgan suddenly took out a very sharp kunai and spun it around in her hand, Link panicked and shook his head as fast as he could, it must have looked funny because Hope snorted and softly giggle.

Morgan just grinned and laughed a bit "I was just saying, sheesh".

Link sighed and then deadpanned at Morgan who just lightly laughed and put away her Kunai, with that done, the three kids then began to sneak around the castle courtyard while evading the castle guards.

For Hope and Morgan, it was pretty easy to sneak around, all Link and the castle guards for that matter could see was blurs, the girls were just that fast, for Link though, it was a thing of patience and a little bit of speed.

The fact that his clothes are green and blended with the grass and trees helped him a lot as well, until, eventually, the kids made it past the guards and further into the castle courtyard.


At the end of the castle courtyard, the kids found some sort of garden, a very beautiful and well-maintained one, both Hope and Morgan looked around and awed at the beautiful garden.

Link, however, noticed something else in the garden, or rather someone else, so Link approached the person, who was staring through a window.

The person, who turned out to be a young girl, gasped when she heard Link walk up to her, Morgan and Hope heard her gasp and noticing the girl they decided to join Link as the girl turned around in surprise "What? Who are you? How did you get past the guards?".

Morgan giggled, finding how confused and caught off guard the girl was funny, but the girl was to surprise to even care until she noticed Navi flying around Link "Oh? What's that? Is that... a fairy!?.

Then are you... are you from the forest?" Link was a bit confused at the many questions the girls just asked, but nodded to the last one.

The girl beamed a bright smile and then said "Then... then... you wouldn't happen to have the spiritual stone of the forest, would you? That green shining stone...".

Hope raised an eyebrow at that "How do you know about the Kokiri Emerald? We just received it from the Great Deku Tree yesterday".

The girl turned her head towards Hope and tilted her head in confusion "... Who... No what are you? I see a beautiful red flame and a feathered dragon in you..."

Hope tilted her head and was rather curious about the girl now, Morgan however, leaned her face forward towards the girl's face and stared at her eyes, however, this surprised the girl and made her lean back while blushing a bit "... You remind me of Aunty Luna".

The girl however stared at Morgan for a few seconds and then said "You... you're a crimson red dragon... and power, pure and untainted power".

Morgan smiled at the girl "Definitely like Aunty Luna"

Hope hummed and nodded "So a seer huh? I see, then this makes more sense, she might have seen Link come here in a vision or something".

The girl suddenly brightly smiled and clapped "So you do have it, just as I thought!" she then turned towards Hope and beamed her a smile "You're right, I got a vision through a dream, In that dream, dark storm clouds were billowing over the land of Hyrule...

But suddenly, a ray of light shot out of the forest parted the clouds, and lit up the ground... The light turned into a figure holding a green and shining stone, followed by a fairy... I knew this was a prophecy that someone would come from the forest".

The girl turned her head towards Link and then continued on "Yes, I thought you might be the one...".

Suddenly the girl gasped and shook her head, she then looked at the trio "Oh, I'm sorry! I got carried away with my story and didn't even properly introduce myself!".

The girl then softly smiled one more time and introduced herself "I am Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, what are your names?".

Morgan smiled and then decided to both, answer what Zelda wondered about Hope and her, plus not wanting to alert anyone else in the castle of their presence, she decided to also calmly introduce everyone "Well! I'm Morgan Stark, the Red Dragon Emperor and Dragon God of Power.

Besides me is Hope Potter, the Phoenix Force and the Dragon God of Cosmic Flames, the boy in green clothes is Link! and the Fairy is Navi~".

Zelda smiled and nodded, she was quite surprised and shocked about Morgan and Hope, but she pushed aside her questions and concerns, in favor of staring at Link "... Link...strange... it sounds somehow... familiar".

Zelda looked pensive, not only because Link's name seemed oddly familiar to her, but because of what Morgan had said about herself and Hope, the kids were more than happy to let her think in peace.

Eventually, Zelda turned her head towards Hope and Morgan, and stared at them with her blue eyes "You both aren't from this world, correct?".

Hope and Morgan seemed surprised, even Link looked a bit shocked as well, after all, guessing that the girls weren't from this world was not something that could be done at random.

Hope tilted her head at Zelda "How did you know? That's not something anyone could have guessed".

Zelda smiled "You don't belong, this world isn't rejecting you, rather it seems afraid to even try to do anything to get you to go away, but to me at least, it's very obvious that your both not from this world'.

Hope nodded understanding how Zelda figured out that they weren't from this world, Zelda just smiled, letting the girls know, that she didn't really care that they were from another world, Zelda then turned her attention to Link and clapped her hands "Okay then, Link... I'm going to tell you the secret of the sacred realm that has been passed down by the royal family of Hyrule, but please, keep this a secret guys".

Hope and Morgan were curious about this secret, while Link raised an eyebrow and seemed a bit confused about why Zelda would tell them a secret of the royal family just like that, but he and the girls nodded to Zelda's request of keeping it a secret.

Zelda smiled and then began to tell them the secret "The legend goes like this... the three goddesses hid the Triforce containing the power of the gods somewhere in Hyrule...

The power to grant the wish of the one who holds the Triforce in his hands, if someone with a righteous heart makes a wish, it will lead Hyrule to a golden age of prosperity...

If someone with an evil mind has his wish granted, the world will be consumed by evil... this is what had been foretold... so the ancient sages built the Temple of Time to protect the Triforce from the evil ones.

That's right... the Temple of Time is the entrance through which you can enter the sacred realm from our world.

But the entrance is sealed with a stone wall called the Door of Time and in order to open the door, it is said that you need to collect three spiritual stones, another thing you need... is the treasure that the royal family keeps along with this legend... the Ocarina of Time!".

Morgan scratched her head "I'm starting to see a theme here... everything has to do with time it seems, Uncle Harry has always said that messing with time is a bad idea though".

Hope nodded "Yeah, Daddy does tend to get upset when someone messes around with time, I've seen him get angry at the Ancient One for doing that".

Morgan doesn't remember that, but she heard about it from her mom and dad, Zelda smiled and nodded to the girls "Well, I'm not sure if time really has anything to do with the Triforce but it is a theme that's very prevalent in the legends of the Sacred Realm... oh! I forgot to tell you...".

Zelda moved away and revealed a small window behind her, she then pointed at it "I was spying through this window just now... the other element from my dream... the dark clouds... I believe they symbolize... the man in there!".

Link looked curious, so he walked forward towards the window to take a look, both Hope and Morgan also leaned in beside Link to take a look, and there, they saw a tall, red-haired, dark skin man walking towards the King, Zelda's father, and then take a knee in front of him.

Zelda whispered to the kids from behind then "Can you see the man with the evil eyes? That's Ganondorf, the leader of the Gerudo, they hail from the desert far to the west, though he swears allegiance to my father, I'm sure he's not sincere.

The dark clouds that covered Hyrule in my dream... they must symbolize that man!".

Morgan and Hope frowned as they stared at the man, both could sense evil in his magic and heart, and it had them feeling on edge, Link narrowed his eyes as he saw the man look up at the king, something about this man just made Link nervous and apprehensive.

Suddenly the man turned to look at the kids, Link jumped in surprise, but Morgan and Hope glared at the man, the red-haired man suddenly began to sweat and quickly turned away from the girls.

Zelda noticed Link jumped and got concerned for him "What happened? Did he see you? Don't worry, he doesn't have any idea what we're planning... yet!".

Link sighed and nodded as he stepped away from the window, Morgan and Hope did so as well, though Morgan began to whisper at Hope so only she could hear her "Should we kill that man... he's super evil for sure...".

Hope shook her head and whisper back "No... if we did that, we might get Hyrule in trouble with the Gerudo... I definitely don't want to be the cause of a war.

Plus if we do anything... Link would be the one to live with the consequences, we can just leave but he's from this world... so it's best not to do anything so openly aggressive yet... not unless he give us a clear reason to do so...".

Morgan snarled a bit, she didn't like not being able to deal with Ganondorf, but Hope made a good point, it was best to help Link and Zelda with their plans and hope, Ganondorf messes up.

Zelda just went on while being unaware of Hope and Morgan's thoughts "Yes... I told my father about my dream... however, he didn't believe it was a prophecy... but... I can sense that man's evil intentions!

What Ganondorf is after, must be nothing less than the Triforce of the Sacred Realm, he must have come to Hyrule to obtain it! and he wants to conquer Hyrule to do so".

Zelda looked down and frowned, a few moments later she turned around to face Link, Morgan, and Hope "I know I shouldn't ask other deities for help, but now we are the only ones who can protect Hyrule! Please help me guys...".

Morgan smiled and gave the Princess of Hyrule a thumbs up "You can count on my help, I'm not the type of dragon god who just stands there and does nothing".

Hope nodded in agreement "We're very proactive Dragon Gods, so yeah, we'll help you and Link".

Link nodded and smiled at Zelda, there was no way he wouldn't help, not when they were the only ones willing to do something about all of this, besides, Link knew that this was what he was meant to do and was more than willing to do it.

Zelda beamed a big bright smile at Hope, Morgan, and Link "Thank you! I am afraid... I have a feeling that man is going to destroy Hyrule, he has such terrifying power!

But it's fortunate that you three have come... we must not let Ganondorf get the Triforce! I will protect the Ocarina of Time with all my power! He shall not have it!

You guys go find the other two spiritual stones! Let's get the Triforce before Ganondorf does... and then defeat him!".

Hope, Morgan, and Link nodded, they quite liked that idea, Zelda smiled and then reached into her clothes "One more thing, take this letter... I'm sure it will be helpful to you".

Zelda handed a letter to Link, who took it and lifted it above his head in victory, Zelda found it amusing and giggled at the sight, while Hope and Morgan smiled and just watched Link do his thing.

Navi giggled and made some bell-like sounds before saying "So we got Zelda's letter... wow! It even has her autograph! That's pretty cool".

With that done, Link put the letter in his tunic for safekeeping, suddenly a tall white-haired woman dropped from the top of the castle wall and softly landed on the ground.

Zelda smiled and then said, "My attendant will take you outside, good luck everybody, and do be careful...".

Link, Hope, and Morgan nodded to Zelda and then walked up to her attendant, once the kids were in front of the attendant, she turned her red-colored eyes towards them and stared, she gazed a Hope and Morgan for a second.

She lightly began to sweat as she felt like an ant before the little girls, so she quickly turned her head towards Link "I am Impa of the Sheika, I am responsible for protecting Princess Zelda.

Everything is exactly as the Princess foretold, you are a courageous boy... you are heading out on a big, new adventure aren't you?".

Link nodded, which made Impa smile but, she then gazed at the girls and watched them smile at her, she was still a bit nervous about them, but at least the girls seemed to be good kids.

Impa quickly returned her gaze towards Link and continued on "My role in the Princess's dream was to teach a melody to the one from the forest, this is an ancient melody passed down by the royal family.

I have played this song for Princess Zelda as a lullaby ever since she was a baby... there is a mysterious power in these notes, now listen carefully...".

Impa suddenly put two fingers to her lips and began to whistle a very soft and warm melody, Link quickly took out Saria's ocarina and began to learn to play the song along with Impa.

All the time he spent watching and listening to Saria play the ocarina, had helped Link know how to play it himself, so he quickly learned the melody and soon enough, the castle's garden was filled by the very beautiful melody known as Zelda's Lullaby.

After playing the song for a bit, Link learned it and stopped playing, he smiled and nodded to himself, while Hope and Morgan clapped, Impa then spoke up "Well done but if the castle soldiers find you, there will be trouble, let me lead you out of the castle.

The kids nodded and Impa quickly showed them the way out, after some time, they ended up in Hyrule Field, as everyone looked around for a bit, Impa began to speak "You brave children... we must protect this beautiful land of Hyrule".

The kids nodded, this land was full of magic and very beautiful places, and it made them want to protect it, especially Morgan and Hope, Impa smiled and then pointed at a big mountain to the side of Hyrule Castle "Take a good look at that mountain.

That is Death Mountain, home of the gorons, they hold the Spiritual Stone of Fire, at the foot of Death Mountain, you will find my village, Kakariko below it, that is where I was born and raised.

You kids should talk to some of the villagers there before you go up Death Mountain... the song I taught you has some mysterious power, only royal family members are allowed to learn this song, remember, it will help to prove your connection with the royal family.

The Princess is waiting for you to return to the castle with the stones, all right, we're counting on you three!".

Hope, Morgan, and Link nodded, suddenly Impa took something out of her pocket and slammed it on the ground, there was a loud popping sound and then a flash of light.

Link was caught off guard and was confused as to what happened, Hope and Morgan though, saw how Impa used a sort of high-speed movement technique to disappear.

Morgan hummed as she saw that "A shunshin? Is Impa a ninja?".

Hope smiled and shrugged "Seems like it, a medieval one at least".

Navi suddenly called out to the three kids "What should we do now guys?".

Morgan smiled and then said, "I want to see if Malon's dad really went home! I'm worried the lazy bum decided to take a nap somewhere".

Link thought about that for about a second before nodding and agreeing with Morgan's request, Hope however raised a question "Do we know where Lon Lon Ranch is?".

Morgan just grinned at Hope "We can sense Malon's energy and find the ranch like that!".

Hope nodded "Good idea".

Link watched as Morgan closed her eyes and stood still for a few seconds until she opened her eyes and widely smiled "Found her! Now let go before it gets dark!".

Link and Hope nodded and then the trio took off running with Morgan taking the lead, it didn't take the kids long to reach the ranch, and eventually walked into its grounds.

Morgan smiled and ran towards a door nearby the entrance of the ranch, she was about to knock when she suddenly heard some snoring coming from inside, recognizing the snoring, Morgan frowned and then opened the door.

Only for her eye to twitch when she found Talon sleeping on the floor of the house "I want to hit him... Can I hit him?".

Hope giggled and shook her head "If you hit him, he will die, Morgan, that would make Malon sad and you don't want to do that right?".

Morgan looked very conflicted right now and that made Hope laugh at her sister in all but blood, Link grinned and then decided to wake Talon up before, Morgan decides to commit murder.

So Link walked up to Talon and flicked him on his big nose, Talon woke up in an instant "Huh!? I'm awake already!... What?".

Talon looked around confused until he recognized the two girls and boy he had in front of him "Well, I'll be, if it ain't the kids from earlier in the day! By the way, thanks a lot for waking me up!... Though I could do without the unexpected bath".

Morgan glared at Talon and coldly said "Okay, next time I'll use fire...".

Hope laughed hard when Morgan said that, she didn't know where all that hostility towards Talon was coming from, but it was really funny to see her like that, Link and Navi sweatdropped though.

Talon, began to nervously sweat as he awkwardly chuckled "Yeah... let's not do that okay?".

Morgan just stared at Talon with wide-slitted eyes, like a snake staring at a mouse, which just made Talon even more nervous, wanting to change the subject, the owner of Lon Lon Ranch decided to speak about Malon "It took some doing, but I finally got Malon back in a good mood... so what are you kids up to today? Got some free time on your hands, you say? well, how about a little game?

These three cuccos I have here are special super cuccos! I'm going to throw these cuccos into that there gaggle of normal cuccos.

If you can pick out these three special birds from among the normal cuccos within the time limit, I'll give you kids something good! If you can't you'll give me ten rupees, so how about it?".

Link seemed interested, Morgan looked ready to get something good, and Hope just thought that it sounded like fun, so all three agreed with Talon's little challenge.

Talon grinned and then loudly proclaim "You have 30 seconds! All rights then, get ready, here go the super cuccos! START LOOKIN!".

Talon suddenly threw the three super cuccos, Morgan then called out to Link "Link! You go for one! Hope and I will get the other two!".

Link nodded and kept his sight on one of the super cuccos, while Hope and Morgan kept an eye on all three, as soon as they landed on the floor, Link took off toward the one he chose.

When Hope and Morgan saw Link pick a Cucco, they immediately moved to catch the other two, both girls become blurs and quickly caught their chosen super cuccos.

Link launched himself at his and caught the super cuccos he chose to go after right away, he quickly got up and ran towards Hope and Morgan who were already standing beside Talon, who was gaping at them.

Talon suddenly snapped out of it when Link walked up to him "By golly! You three caught them in less than three seconds... so fast".


A few moments later, the kids sat around Talon, looking mighty proud, Morgan even had a super cucco on her lap and was petting it with a happy smile on her face, the sight made Talon smile.

Sure, Morgan seemed scary and didn't like him very much, but Talon knew that she was a good girl, otherwise the cucco on her lap wouldn't be as calm as it was.

Though he was still pretty shocked with how fast the girls moved, either way, they won, so Talon smiled and said "You kids sure have the talent to be the world's best cowboys and cowgirls! Hey kid, how would you like to marry Malon?".

Hope and Morgan immediately turned to stare at Link, who looked mighty embarrassed and caught off guard by Talon's question, Talon soon began to laugh though "Haw haw! I was just kidding! Just kidding! I think your a little young for that, aren't you? Haw haw haw".

Link sighed and shook his head, he was still a bit embarrassed but at least it was a joke, Talon grinned at Link "Oh! I'm proud to present to you a sample of our very own Lon Lon Milk! you'll be energized the moment you drink it!

After you drink it, you can bring back the bottle and buy a refill anytime you want!" Talon then handed Link a bottle of Lon Lon Milk, which he held above his head in victory.

Navi smiled and then said, "You got a bottle of Lon Lon Milk! I heard that it's very nutritious and very tasty! I kinda want some now...".

Talon smiled and then turned his head towards Morgan and Hope "As for you girls, 'cause you showed me something I've never seen before, you can keep that cucco on your lap".

Morgan smiled and then asked "Really! Can I keep it?".

Talon nodded "Sure, we have plenty and it seems already attached to you, just be careful, cuccos are immortal but if hit enough they summon other cuccos and mercilessly attack the aggressor".

Morgan just smiled and nodded, she then put the cucco on her head and let it sit up there as she stood up, with their little game over, the kids decided to check the ranch and see if they can find Malon.

So the trio stepped outside the house, while Talon went back to sleep, he's lucky that Morgan was in a good mood because of her new pet, otherwise, she might have set him on fire.


The kids went around the ranch and looked around, it seemed like a very peaceful ranch full of all sorts of farm animals, as they explore the surrounding area of the ranch they even found some cool stuff, like something called a piece of heart.

According to Navi, collecting four would get you a heart container, the girls seeing that these items were useful to Link, they decided to help him by looking for them, this one was found hidden in a cucco nest, so chances are that they can be found in the oddest of places.

With that done, they went back to looking around the ranch for Malon, suddenly, they heard someone singing, and recognizing the voice the kids quickly took off running towards the voice.

Right in the middle of the big ranch, surrounded by horses, they found Malon happily singing, the trio smiled having found her, and quickly walked towards her.

Malon heard someone running towards her so she stopped singing and turned around to see who was approaching her, only to smile when she saw Morgan, Hope, and Link running towards her.

Malon cheerfully began to speak with the trio "Guys, I'm so happy I got to see you again! I wanted to thank you guys for sending my father to me, I can't believe he fell asleep!

I was so worried about him... I gave him a piece of my mind for doing that to me!".

Morgan grinned and gave Malon a thumbs up "Good! He deserves it for being a lazy bum!".

Malon giggled and then noticed the cucco on Morgan's head, it looked so comfortable up there that it just stood still, it made Malon giggle at how funny it looked "I like your new hat Morgan~".

Morgan just grinned at Malon "I like it too! I hope you don't mind, but your dad gave it to me".

Malon shook her head and continued happily smiling "I don't mind, despite my dad being very lazy, he's got a good sense of judgment, if he gave you that cucco, it's because he knew you would take good care of it".

Morgan smiled and reached above her head and patted her cuccos belly, which made it cluck in surprise, Hope suddenly asked a question "But what gender is it?".

It was a good question, the cuccos looked like both a rooster and a chicken, so it was hard to recognize whether it was a girl or a boy, Malon though, seemed to be able to tell though "That's a girl, so you can expect plenty of eggs!".

Morgan smiled and slightly nodded, which made her cucco wobble a bit but that's it, Morgan then decided to ask a question herself "What were you singing Malon? It sounded very nice!".

Malon blushed a bit at being caught singing, but still answered the question "It's a song made for Epona, she's a little finicky, so to calm her down I sing to her, that song is her favorite".

Morgan seemed interested and very enthusiastic about the song, Hope smiled and said "It's a very beautiful song, very cheerful too".

Morgan suddenly got an idea "Link! Why don't you try learning how to play it with your ocarina!?".

Link jumped a bit at being called so loudly and so suddenly but recovered soon enough, he quickly nodded to Morgan's request though, he quite liked what Malon was singing and wanted to try learning it.

Malon smiled and nodded "Sure I can teach you how the song goes, so let's practice a bit okay?".

Link nodded and then the kids spent the rest of the day, like this, with Link learning how to play Epona's song and with both Morgan and Hope watching it happen.